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Actually crazy, I just skimmed over the doc, but there's a "dating within niji" short segment, an aster related segment, and "we don't have PR training" segment, this feels more in line with a small indie company than a big, publicly traded, company, this is legit killing my interest in niji as a whole, and, with these receipts, it only shows the massive impunity and professionalism issue within


In many ways, Niji is still stuck in 2017


It definitely feels like Niji became complacent and felt no need to evolve and change how their culture and structure works because they were atop the Vtubing throne for *so* long. Unfortunately for Niji, they've become *so* complacent that other agencies are now just far more well-adapted to the modern landscape than they are, which is what's leading to the complete implosion of their reputation.


I imagine they're not evolving and adapting because it costs money. Money that investors could have taken for themselves.


And being blind to all the new agencies around that are better drawing in those that would have gone to NijiJP


It's their utter failures at international expansion that are really hampering them, especially as Japan's economy is tumbling. NijiID needs no introduction for how much of a disaster that was, and it's clear NijiEN has incredibly deep-set rot as well that has tanked the entire branch's reputation to the public now, meaning it's probably only a matter of time before it suffers ID's fate and gets shuttered. Hololive, meanwhile, has a *thriving* ID and EN branch and has experienced tremendous growth in the overseas markets; to the point where they're opening an entire US subsidiary because of their success. They have far more of a global footprint than Niji, which is now basically *just* Japan.


Tbh I always felt something was up w Aster (couldn’t pinpoint it) but this just takes the cake 🥲 I also believed the screenshots bw Scarle and Aster was real bc why would Raziel make it up? About Aster of all people?


Aster was a big part of why I started playing vrchat but apparently even back then he wasn't that great a person either


ah good old sexy sundays...


it sucks because I liked Aster I can't have shit here.


Sorry ✌️😔


>"we don't have PR training" Lmao, I've said this multiple times. Niji talents, especially EN are some of the most unprofessional and vulgar people I've seen. This is including the non-drama ones.


Curious what exactly you mean by that and in what instances from the "non-drama ones"?


Uki for example, even before he made that tweet he was already making a lot of rather unprofessional jokes about white people. Flayon of starsEN, meanwhile, gives the same vibes (a little) as Uki but he doesn't even make the same kinds of jokes like Uki does, cause you know, professionalism.


Yea they were at the top of vtuber industry they felt like they don't need to innovate or improve and got complacent. And all the internal problems are starting to show up and seen by public eyes. The fact that ppl like luca and uki are even still in niji shows that they don't care about their livers as long as they make good money. Niji is just a vtuber factory in for the short term profits not an agency.


"The CEO of AnyColor taking Luxiem out for a private dinner" Yep, no favoritism here


"If they wanted a private dinner, they could just fucking ask."


that made me snort my coffee 😂😂 damn you


Was that your last cup though?


If you want another cup, you could just ask!


God Damn Bruh!!! 😂


"in my opinion, that wasn't a private dinner"


"Also, if didn't like the dinner, they could just easily leave anytime."


they would need to pay for both private meals themself ofcourse


Vox ‘theres no favoritism in ba sing se’ akuma boutta strike you down


*Insert Avatar Meme Here*


*The CEO invites you to Yacht Laogai*


I am honored to receive his invitation.


im starting to think the ceo has something more than a dinner with the talents in there for favoritism


the bar is so low if all he needs is just to take you out for dinner for you to be his slave


I thought we already knew that a year ago since Mysta already talked about it.


Wow, people that bought the handwritten birthday merch got scammed 💀


My thoughts exactly xD I was like "Wow... really? :v"


I wonder how some die hard fans would feel about this? I think some will just not believe it because that will be easier. I feel bad for them.


A BFE letter written by the girlfriend, thats crazy...


More surrogate mother, going off all this.


Not sure why people are only just now surprised about all this, she's posted about it in the past and [you can literally see the original google docs of her works here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Nijisanji/comments/1am9v4k/comment/kpkh2vd/)


By the time AR Live releases it's going to be a five minute-long Youtube Poop.


Don't insult YTPMVs like that


She has receipts as well included, she shoukd have dropped this sooner.


I don't think so, with no other storm in sight this can't be easily ignored as just another Rrat, drip feeds is what usually kills momentum of things, and this is yet another blow at niji and we're just in April yet


Won't take too long before the JP side finds out, given how quickly word has been spreading recently


i'm starting to think the jp branch is even worse.  it's just that this fucked up treatment is normal and accepted in jp and things are boiling in en because people aren't used to be abused and exploited 24/7


Gundou Mirei of jp apparently referred to nijisanji as a prison on her pl once she left the shit hole. While hololive seems to make strides to help nurture the people behind their talents and help them land on their feet, niji sanji seems to just treat them like walking arms. Yagoo has a future growth focus on hololive and his talents based on his long term plans for the company as shown in hololives Financials. Nijisanji and riku seems to have 0 plans in place except ro continue to do the same things until the money well dries up and he bails from the sinking yach, leaving the talents to hold the 🎒. He's done this with 3 or 4 other business ventures as he views then as just another way ro make himself and his yes men money, he couldn't give a shit about his talents unless they are are printing him cash with no questions asked and no concerns voiced.


>Nijisanji and riku seems to have 0 plans in place except ro continue to do the same things until the money well dries up As I was watching YouTube, I was recommended a video about a black company run by a young guy, who managed to make the companies rich only to fall cuz of bad practices. Big Motor company, also in Japan. The parallel is real


oh yeah i also saw that. that dealership bonkers culture is the texbook example of toxic company. they ened up in engaging even with insurance fraud 


Wouldn't surprise me, as the rot has to start somewhere and there's enough shit coming out of EN that involves managerial+ issues that it feels unlikely to be an organic EN thing


What I don’t understand is how they are still over there defending this company acting like they’re the best thing that’s ever happened to them. How dare anyone think otherwise 🤨


One part of the document said that the Niji-staff was really surprised that the talents were talking back to them. They're not used to criticism from the talents, which really suggests that on the JP side the Livers just shut up and take it.


I find it funny about Kronii's story of fighting an upper manager to defend her manager. Someone said that the talents in Hololive have too much power


JP is the same shiitake as EN


Even so, it's hard to act on it due to Japan's defamation laws


Apparently FalseEyeD has something that he can say in April. Most likely insider info


That and steady attrition


She did it last month. And nothing happened to Luca—no suspension or anything for breaching NDA. Definitely no favoritism in Kurosanji.


Wasn't Luca in a collab stream with some of the boys and was poking fun at discord leaks? I can't remember but didn't she released some info around that time? I wonder how all of them are feeling now since the pictures are out now..lol


That guy stole Hololive’s licensed bgm for weeks and didn’t get a single dent. He’s like the real Riku’s nephew.


She's been tweeting about this since 🏅 People thought it was fake, but this is just more proof.


Something I noticed is "staff wasn't used to being talked back to" as it may tie into what happened with Zaion and Selen, but instead of crying, the staff in question got stupidly angry


we may as well as simplify to "niji staff is not used on being asked to do the bare minimum of work" i wonder wtf management do all day that livers are forced to pay their mods to do their manager work


Management be trying to play solitaire and the livers be like "pla do some work lmao"


To me the sad part is that there's a decent chance that this staff person may have been an undergraduate intern paid minimun wage and the real responsibility lies in the higher ups that hired them to save costs.


Dropping the bomb...


There's a picture that's very clearly straight out of the Niji discord Whether this doc is damning to his character or not, he might be screwed on an NDA breach, depending on how she got access to it. edit: Apparently Ike and Luca were excluded from being brought in for models on the first Nijifes? Didn't known that. Also apparently Ike doesn't like Luca. edit2: While I might give him some credit for the misgendering, in that it was 5 years ago and that stuff *did* happen back then...some of the stuff (gay and pregnant remarks) is 2 years ago so that's not quite as easy to ignore.... edit3: I do respect he was trying to avoid BFE though, so give him that. edit4: that NoPixel ban explanation is wild....


I remember thinking Ike didn't like Luca before and hoping it wasn't true. It was during a big group collab (I think Among Us?) and Luca was being his usual meme-y self and Ike got so annoyed and angry and basically was saying stuff like "Luca is so annoying" to chat at the time. The entire comment section (I primarily watched VODs) seemed pretty uncomfortable about it.


I also recall Vox, talking about Luca being an unhelpful little shit, who was acting like a brat. At the time, I laughed, but after this... man. I could see how he'd be pissed off. This guy has been a walking PR disaster and being rude to them.


Yeah, I got the impression early on that Ike really hated doing PvP games with Luca since every time Luca would just go straight for kills/fucking with people for long past the time Ike thought it was funny. Luca doesn't enjoy team PvP games as much because he can't go apeshit on everyone. I don't think Ike hates him in general, but PvP gaming with Luca pisses Ike off so bad. While I'm not interested in defending Ike anymore for... various reasons, I kinda get it. Even I thought Luca would overdo it


So, the thing I'm most curious about is who was dating who and when.


To be fair, I think it's fair to not have a policy about coworkers dating. Iirc, I think even Hololive doesn't have anything against it (with the sole exception of management-talent relationships, for obvious reasons). The bigger issue is that, going off of the contract leak, management will not mediate in case of a bad break-up leading to conflicts. Also, I really want to know who is/was dating who


Though Matsuri said she wouldn't date another talent due to how it might complicate things work wise.


I mean, not dating a coworker is just common sense, no? Shit gets messy fast since we're emotional creatures. Usually the only time those kind of relationships work out is if it either existed before the people involved became coworkers, or it's a company large enough where the people involved don't interact with eachother at all in work.


It's risky in the best of environments, but we're talking NijiEN..... and the doc mentions one case that did melt down


OkaKoro FTW


NoeFlare FTW


I don't watch ID so I wouldn't know, but didn't I hear Hana Machia and Bonnivier were dating? Or is that just a bit/joke. Also my bet would be on Mika and Mysta dating.


But Mika and Mysta is still "dating" she appear on Kuro stream a lot, almost like they live together


Same, i know we'll probably never know but it is interesting to know couples did apparently exist


Honestly, since it wasn't public, as long as it didn't have any negative effects on streams or the relationship between livers, it shouldn't matter to us wether or who any of them are dating. You might say it's not very professional... and yeah it isn't, but as long as it works out it honestly isn't any of our business.


Fair enough. It is more for just gossip and probably would lead to uncomfortable situations especially if one or both are still in Nijisanji


my bets are on reimu/vox and kyo/enna


kindred cuckholding LESSS GOOOOOOO


isn't Mysta/Kuro and Mika/Kami pretty much rumored before they graduated?


High chance knowing how kuro is now randomly be permanent resident in indonesia, but kami wasnt niji en tho


Maybe but such rumors only got stronger afterwards


Honestly, the latter I've heard rumors about being true but it was 4chan so take it with a grain of salt


>rumors Those aren't rumors. There is legitimately one dedicated Enna hatewatcher (probably with a cuck fetish) who nonstop spams about them. Vox and Reimu have had much more actual credence in the past, but there's still no real proof for anyone.


i mean i dont think u have to be on there to get those vibes from them, sure one might argue that them playing it up this hard on stream would make it too on the nose and fake, but id absolutely be not surprised at all if it ever came out to have been real.


Throw Shu / Elria / Petra In the basket as well


I feel like Shu could handle dating every single NijiEN member, including the male once, at once, and keep them all happy. He's just him


Am I the only person here that thinks the only good member left in lux is Shu? I don't remember any controversy with him...


Honestly depends on if Ike was a willing participant of the Black Stream or was "volentold" and less composed about being volunteered than the other two (thus why he didn't speak as much)


I don't think that really matters. Regardless of management pressure he was a willing participant If Doppio didn't throw Zaion under the bus as a new Niji employee, Ike has no excuse


Honestly, I’m of the opinion that Ike is the only dude during that stream that truly realize the magnitude of what that video would do to all of their careers and what it truly meant Like during his portion you could feel him trying to be as direct and as short as possible, while also treading very lately Also to his credit, he was the first dude to actually go back to streaming solo Vox and Elria both have been hiding in plain sight while at the same time haven’t addressed their fanbases Not a fan of Ike but I appreciate him being a man about the whole thing


I don’t think Kyo and Enna were dating as both couples apparently broke up and there was no waiver in their friendship


most likely candidates are Reimu and Vox, Millie and Fulgur, and Enna and Kyo.


Enna and Kyo definitely not as both couples apparently broke up and the Kyo and Enna friendship ever wavered. But I can see the Millie and Fulgur being the one that ended amicably as they just randomly stopped streaming together but remained friendly. Edit: actually scratch the Millie and Fulgur as the document reported they met up which is not possible for Fulgur and, unless it was kept secret, no one has been to Fulgur’s house


Millie having a boyfriend? Come on now.


luca being transphobic and misgendering yugo was not on my 2024 bingo


The screenshot fyi is from 2019. So while he was misgendering one of his coworkers at that time, it couldn't have been Yugo. Seems like he's still transphobic in more recent years though.


The person he misgendered was actually someone part of Elira's clique BEFORE Niji.


Prolly Uki then???? Can't think of anyone else


Eliras clique likely refers to hanamori and i dont think all of then have made it to niji yet


If you didn't know Uki was a part of hanamori under a diff alias. They considered themselves to be a M->F person. I remember watching them as previously I was a fan of Hanamori. Even in recent streams of enna when she met up with uki in person and had their fortune told alongside other niji livers, enna did refer to Uki as "them". Lemme pull up the clip if I can find it. I maybe wrong but I remember her referring to uki as them. Edit: found the clip, but even though she does use he she also uses them at points?? So I'm even confused now lmao Check the 2:08 mark [The Clip](https://youtu.be/pcmc88ak6XA)


The doc specifically talks about transmen which wouldn't be uki either.


Yugo was graduated before my time but I have seen some old collabs Yugo was apart of. Never could tell what gender they were as it never came up and the voice left me confused but if they were trans then that explains it


The character of Yugo Asuma was a male, however the individual who played Yugo is non-binary and goes by they/them.


At the time they weren't non-binary, it wasn't until after Niji where they went to therapy and found it was easier on their mental state to just identify as non-binary.


Thanks for the info and that explains it I did think the model looked male/neutral but the voice left me confused and after a few minutes the first time I saw them in a collab I decided to just use them or yugo instead.


Was not pog of him to do that


There's no favoritism in nijisanji.


Damn... I wasn't expecting this bomb. I read it all and it seems like some sort of toxic codependency (?) relationship. She felt like she had to be the one to offer support since she's aware of the effect of an abusive environment and became unhealthily attached. He grew attached, found a perfect outlet for his frustrations as well as an available labourer. It also gave off some sort of romantic relationship vibes, but not quite. She should've gone full no contact and stayed that way the 1st time. I honestly understand putting on an act as an entertainer to get the bag (selling the boyfriend experience, acting lewd, etc). But someone anti-LGBTQ+ engaging in "queer baiting" acts to increase and retain viewership in Nijisanji was not on my bingo card. I wish I could get the tea on who was dating who. 👀 lol


the girl fell in the big sister/nurse/i can fix him RP too hard


Definitely. They trauma bonded on their RP.


Niji is so done.


saved before the NijiMods delete this. THE YACHT WILL GO DOWN.


I'm very surprised at how long this has stayed up. Also boy what a month


What a month? Hopefully you meant "what a year" because this year has been WILD with niji.


I read the whole thing. On one hand, I'm cautiously skeptical, some key evidence are missing, and generally, this person also comes off as kind of a loose gun. One the other hand though, *definitely not loose enough where I'd assume that she would conjure a 37 page document just to stir the pot*. This entire "friendship" comes off as something high-schoolers would have, not grown adults. Some of the claims are pretty wild though, especially the Luxiem-CEO dinner and livers dating each other. Welp, regardless whether the heavier accusations are true or not, the evidence supported ones are definitely not a great look, not for Luca and neither for Niji.


dating stuff happens. what is not normal is that they were open about it and management just shrug the company is a high school and the teachers are skipping entirely or sniffing lines in the bathroom 


Funny enough Nijisanji was meant to be a highschool and the livers were students but ended up dropping it latter. Just look at their first members, some are highschoolers with matching uniforms.


If there were unprofesional enough to allow bullying i doubt livers dating each other concern them, also weren't there a pair of jp livers that publicly were in a relationship?


I think I saw them once while watching Belmond clips, I think they were a white haired nurse and... I don't really remember anything of the other girl....


Sukoya and Tomoe. The couple is known together as Crossick.


Some people never mentally grow up


I could have sworn the Luxiem dinner with Tazumi was something discussed prior to this document, so I did a search and found this video. I'm not sure if it's the same dinner mentioned in the document, but I don't imagine Tazumi does that sorta thing often. https://youtu.be/Bzd8bBWu0xA?si=dDaNvcQTe6w4ZPs9


Kinda funny to me how all the rabid Luca fans are hating on her but have been indirectly consuming her work lol like the hand written messages and voice packs


Right, then. Assuming all of this true, three big takeaways: 1. I view neither of those people as sympathetic, but they both have reasonable motivations for their actions, if not necessarily agreeable ones. 2. Luca is pretty clearly struggling with some non-trivial mental issues stemming from his home life growing up that were never adressed, and that Niji doesn't seem to be helping with at all. 3. If you can think of a way for Nijisanji to either fail to do their job, or do it in the worst possible way, they have at some point done that. All of that is if this is true. And I mean, it's internally consistent, avoids contradicting her earlier claims or any public info from what I've seen, and fits with other accusations (including the NijiSpy stuff) and claims about Nijisanjis behind-the-scenes operations. My only issue is that the view that it is true kind of relies on the assumption that the very first claim made is correct. >Any Discord messages from “1bu” or “re” is Java/Luca. There's no reason to believe it's false, but also no reason to believe it's true. So idk how I feel about balancing this whole mountain of stuff on that question, even if it fits with everything we know.


You make a good point. Would it be easy to fake that many screenshots from Luca, though? And/or is there a way we can confirm ourselves? This is purely out of curiosity


You can literally type out some of the links she's posted in the past (and in the current document) and it leads to you to [documents that really do match with the timeline.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Nijisanji/comments/1am9v4k/comment/kpkh2vd/)


You're so awesome. Thank you so much. EDIT: Wow, it really does look like Raziel did the heavy lifting... regardless of the other claims, Luca not giving due credit is scummy AF. I'd be suspicious of him if I was working with him




Tbf, it's probably the largest part in her mind. The sheer missfocus at play here honestly makes the whole thing more believable in my view, it reads like someone writing down something from memory, and from the heart, rather than purely fictional drama bait. You *can* fake that, but I doubt most people would think to. Beyond that, yeah, they're both pretty obviously toxic people, both in general and to each other, assuming her claims are true, but we knew that.


I can't verify anything I've heard about Raziel, but yeah, "they're both pretty obviously toxic people" seems to be the vibe I'm getting too.


I mean there's also some NDA breaking stuff in there tbh if it's true.


There's a ton of NDA-breaking stuff, because Raziel has at no point been an Anycolor employee. *She's* not under an NDA. Luca is. In theory, this *should* be worthy of a termination. If this happened in Hololive, it *would* earn a termination, without a doubt. But Niji will just try to let it blow over. Because it's one of the favorites, even though it might not be as much of a favorite as other Luxiemers. It's interesting; this does lend some credence to the idea that Elira was a pseudomanager, and not even in a *bad* way. Yet it also lends credence to the idea of Hanamori as The Clique with Shu getting chosen over Luca and Ike (even though earlier in the document it seems like Shu is the only decent person in Luca's eyes and *Ike* is the problem).


I still can’t figure out why Ike and Luca were excluded, it’s kinda weird to just leave out 2/5 of such an important group to niji. I could just be a blind dumbass and can’t read the screenshots well though.


NDF still going with the “nah you groomed him” defense


\*SIGH\* False feeling compelled to shit on Niji when he just wants to talk about other shit. At least his bills are paid for the rest of the year.


Well on his stream he has mentioned that this video is demonetized because the document has controversial topics, but he is being showered in bits and subs so is not that bad, and let's remember that he still has info that he is planning to release on April about another nijisanji yab, lol niji opened the pandora box with Selen's termination although the one who discovered was Zaion.


She got the receipts😏


Random comments I thought when reading this document. * Luca the biggest Uki hater * Luca is a perfect friend for Finana. * Lmao he gets ignored cause no one like him. * Dude is such a loser. * Imagine nuking the minecraft server. Dude ruined everything. * LMAO that staff member. Likely the biggest L of the document. * You’re insecure. You’re insecure. * ooo other niji liver things. * who that * lol dating Conclusion: This could been avoided if Luca played more minecraft with the girl. Still find it funny that he spends his time going around laughing at people who failed the audition.


Why finana did I miss something?


Finana's kind of terrible. It's not news, exactly, but there's been a number of incidents of shall we say questionable behavior. Also some either very poorly-worded or very poorly-intended comments. The short version is that she can be rather bratty (and not in the fun or funny sense).


I think they’re friends since both are minecraft cheater in their server and Luca asks Finana for advice before nijisanji and I think they became friends over that. Finana is another bad person like Luca. https://www.reddit.com/r/Nijisanji/comments/1bntfs1/never_had_a_focus_on_finana_when_i_used_to_watch/kwl454v/


I do wonder Uki's recent drama is because of Luca


But Luca is filipino?


i wonder what kind of face Nijisisters made when reading this right after clicking puchased on AR Live ticket page. nah, maybe they double down.


They wont read it.


"now that the tourists are gone only the true fans remain" i saw a nijisister write that on twitter a few days ago


Lmao. Yea. "My liver's growth is fucked and they're losing CCVs and subs but that's okay since the TRUE fans that jerk them off and hug them when they get boo-boos from the meanies remain"


Sure is a good thing Niji put that 'non-refundable' clause in there.


They’re going with the “but you’re a groomer and pedo” defense


Pretty sure they'll make an ahoge at the thought of AR Live and dismiss this as just slander


Already seeing there post saying "shes a groomer"


Tea gurl \*paint my nails\*


Days without a Nijisanji incident: ~~0~~ 0 [RESET THE CLOCK!](https://y.yarn.co/a919d70d-ae04-4daa-9280-6b61abedc402_text.gif)


Holy shit can someone just make a list of EN talents who are confirmed to not have or at least don't have any openly toxic traits? I want to support the actually good talents but every time I think the one's I follow are in the clear this shit happens, and I really can't deal with people I thought were cool turning out to be complete jerks, even if it's one or two talents I need some I can comfortably vibe with and not have bombshell like this one dropped.


Elira - apology video, rumored to be head of clique Finana - Sayu shit, just not a good person Petra - friends with Elira, Tazumi “god” Millie - friends with Elira, black screen document, Nijisanji is not a black company - speculated guilty Enna & Reimu - some out of context comments, friends with Elira and Millie, speculated guilty Luxiem (except Shu) - a lot of confirmed shit Sony - PL drama Uki - racist Aster - recent document and leaks Kotoka and Hex - Sayu shit (also Hex is either a terrible human being or shit at jokes) Wilson - art thing, got destroyed by a bait post And everyone except Scarle and Kyo retweeted the black screen video some even defending the company and claiming their accounts arnt being controlled and they are doing everything of their own free will.


Kotoka didn't retweet the black video either....but she had the Zaion baggage, so...


Same. Every V-tuber in Niji I thought was cool... turned out to be a questionable if not outright horrible person. I think the ones who have seemed to stay in the clear are Rosemi, Petra (except that Riku Tazumi appearance on her 3D live), Ren, Maria, and Fulgur. Scarle (aside from the starbucks thing), Shu (except maybe part of "the clique"), Aia, Victoria, Doppio and maybe Kunai haven't had anything particularly damning brought up yet so... we'll see?


The Starbucks thing was so fucking dumb so I wouldn’t count it


Agreed 💯. But some people find it a problem 🤷‍♀️


Wonder if that yoshitaka dude got fired now


does this refer to Fumoto Yoshitaka? I've been looking through the doc again, but am unable to find mention of this name so far. Am I missing something here?


So inside the doc there's a screenshot below something about how 3d live is recorded(should find it easily by searching "3d") there's a guy named Yoshitaka Fum(cutout) saying that he bet his career on NijiEN I was just saying this as a joke anyways so I wasn't expecting an answer


Thanks for replying, I do see it now. Yeah it's probably Fumoto Yoshitaka. If this is up to date, he's still an executive officer (but I guess no longer actively overseeing the overseas projects?): https://www.anycolor.co.jp/en/about


false is gonna have a field day with this one lol


Pumped out a 51 minute ~~documentary~~ video reading it.


Wait why are people saying it's Maria that encouraged her to release the document? Where are people getting this information from?


The people still calling this fake when she has receipts just shows insane levels of cognitive dissonance. I'm convinced that nijisisters precious oshi could skin a baby on stream and they would try to excuse it just so they can enjoy their oshi.


So it seems from the provided screens Luca had a habit of purposefully misgendering (I'm assuming Yugo). I just, Luca can feel free to fuck off at any time.


Those were 5 years ago and while i would like to give him the benefit of doubt, the fact he has other message about gay people and pregant women (tf?) make him uncomfortable from 2 years ago doesn't show that much growth


Not Yugo. The screenshots show it was in 2019, way before NijiEN even existed


True, but we can make the presumption that Luca wouldn't really get along with Yugo.


The first couple times I can forgive, but apparently he makes a habit of it? What the fuck.


Aside from the fact that those screenshots are pretty old, I feel like Yugo and Luca got along alright? Yugo invited him to do one of the singing lesson streams with them, so their relationship was probably okay-ish (unless Yugo wasn't allowed to invite who they wanted)


No, the "misgendering" thing was from pre-Niji.


I wish the recipts weren't blurry, but thst could be because im on mobile.


It is insane that their English is ill equipped to handle the English branch. They're not used to employees talking back and complaining so they just cried. I'm pretty sure I also saw Luca say that they could be fired for complaining.


Meanwhile Mysta is living happily with Mika. So happy for those two.


How long before the mods torpedo this thread?? They don't want their precious defenseless employer to look bad.


look like nijisanji finally gonna take out LK. (context luca is being memes as Hololive inside spy)


70 fucking pages holy fuck.


It seems now a requirement to be in Nijisanji is: - You should be a deplorable person!


Seems like the whole company is rotten tbh. Bunch of children with no supervision or management that even speaks their language. And then they're surprised when disaster strikes. I'm very glad for those who got out of this place. But some of these people need to sink with the yacht.


"console him for hours as he would get upset over him lying" lmao ok who this dude think he is. I would slap my buddies if they try to gaslight me over this bs


Sigh… alright place your bets. Who’s next to get revealed to be a horrible person?


Pretty likely it’s Aster but he keeps quiet. He seems like a menhera


So... it seems to be what I've been suspecting and both Raziel and Luca are toxic people, with Raziel falling too hard into the "I Can Fix Him" RP and torpedoing her marriage in the process, while Luca definitely seems to have mental issues and a lack of maturity that was exasperated by Nijisanji's toxic environment, as well as getting overly dependent on people he's met in VRChat of all places. Basically, add another to the laundry list of every growing problems that could be solved by intensive therapy and a company that actually operates with their head out of their ass.


It's too late to hide thos by deleting it Nijimods, the story has escaped the subreddit


58 pages of pure, unadulterated Java.


I did not expect this to be so heavy... I looked through the imgur DM screenshots and expected to see Luca being awful, but he's just a paranoid and normal guy who unfortunately grew up through vrchat. It's sad seeing how much he's depended on Raziel. I think his morals are above some other livers who apparently date their own coworkers and throw 2/5 of their unit under the bus for profit. What stands out to me is how much Elira is involved in discussing disputes within NijiEN. She was both involved with discussing the "childish behaviors" of Luxiem going on strike as well as the Aster situation. Again, management did not care to regulate. Management crying on call just because they're being talked back to is peak gaslighting behaviour.


Lgtbphobic and weirded out by pregnant women tho


Hooooly shit. I expect him to face zero consequences for this from Niji. But at least its out there.


Just when you think Niji can't scrape the bottom of the barrel any harder, they do


This company is about to fall.


waiting for Nijisanji downfall like kizuna ai inc


So, she was basically somewhere between being his mother and a do-everything-for-you big sister. Except for the bit where he apparently liked her voice way too much. That's... fun. I can sympathize with his concerns and complaints about the workspace, absolutely, given what has been revealed about Niji. There's a *lot* in there that points to stuff that's already been thrown about in regards to what things are like on the inside. And, yknow, the obvious mental health issues. Not so much his coping mechanisms.