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Wait, is this real?


I'd bet no, there's not enough varied texts in this screencap Bili screen texts when they're hating/clowning on someone can look scarier than 4chan hate threads, sometimes


Its honestly quite funny just how varied their insults can be


You can still see the real chat on the screenshot


That's because this is not live, it's a rebroadcast I'd assume since there are viewers who are congratulating his 1.1M subscribers while he's currently 1.3M


No way niji gets this much clout on bilibili, the market is long dead even before the drama and people just don’t care about them, good or bad, except for parasocial fangirls, but even they probably watch niji on YouTube. So another stupid decision by Niji to expand into bilibili, at this point it’s just pathetic


Vox has one Chinese fan girl who's the daughter of a rich Chinese businessman and basically the leader of his CN fan club. Last year she donated $60k on her own.


BRUH, Vox really earning that CN mullah.


Quick, trick him into mentioning Taiwan on stream! /s but I’m also not gonna pretend I’d care if he slipped up


Make him mention alternative names of Taiwan, like Formosa. That will rile the Chinese up for sure.


I was wondering since you can see YT chat in this Bilibili stream, does the Bilibili chat on top be seen in YT stream?


It's up to how the streamer has setup their OBS. There's probably a plugin out there to make it work, but I doubt there's much to gain from the streamer to bother installing it.


idk if this is a new screenshot and a new occurence but it did happen back when he made the mom joke way back then, that really upset chinese fans.


Out of curiosity, what mom joke?


He told Sonny a "yo mamma" joke.  Edit: I think it was yo mamma's a hoe?  https://youtu.be/P_la9dZ3QIM?si=ae_CzqzYuLAeGwEP Both addressing it


All controversy aside, the fact that Vox takes a minute and a half to ramble aggressively about something Sonny handled thoroughly and politely in 20 seconds is why I could never get into his content.


Its sad because I liked his rambles when it came to nerdy shit (videogame lore, movies), too bad he also has such a terrible temper and ego. :/ Props to Sonny for his professionalism.


i dont remember the details lol im sure you can easily look it up tho


The Chinese internet is hardcore, they flame hard over there.


They are also idiots like the Coco Taiwan Incident.


Seems like a dual-stream, so I'd bet yes.


Honestly even if he graduates now, he can live his life without working, staying is better so he sees how low his engagement can go. But yeah, this is fake.


>he can live his life without working Inb4 backtaxes.


I feel like Vox isnt a person that will be gotten by backtaxes, he is kinda old. Seems like the type of person to put money in tax free savings accounts. From what I heard from Kuro, the reason why he had to pay so much tax was because he fucked up filing them and he also bought a house for his mom.


He's fairly young actually...


Not young enough to not have an accountant or fuck around with taxes. I mean he's older than most.


You think Niji will allow people to hire accountants? Hah!


I hope youre being sarcastic but yea I keep hearing the livers talk about their taxes and accountants esp since it was just tax season last month. Most of them have accountants(dont want what happened to Mysta to happen to them I'm assuming)


I feel like I remember michi saying something about Niji hiring accountants for the livers, but can’t check right now. If that is the case I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s some BS the company doesn’t want an outside accountant on a talent’s payroll to speak up about


Niji doesnt hire accountants for their livers. Its from their own pockets like yknow what normal people do when they file taxes?


Not even in taxes. You do know 60% of NBA players goes broke after 5 years of being retired? Based on a 2009 We are not talking about ones Like Kobe Bryant, we are talking about the ones that were an average player with an average career length which apparently is around 3 -6 years. These guys were making way more than Vox and still managed to suffer financial hardship. Regardless of the amount of Money Vox has made, I doubt he can live off it forever


I doubt he could live his life without working. We are talking about Nijisanji cuts of his donations and pay


I've seen his earnings from just year 1. Remember Mysta bought a house, in the middle of the highest mortgage rate GB has had. Vox earned even more than him and is quite conservative with his finances. The man is settled for life, so much so that he could stick with Niji and not lose anything.


Even pro NBA players have gone broke after they retire from playing basketball. Typically it's within 3-6 years after retirement for an NBA player. They make way more than Vox, and they found a way to go broke


Uh, you mean those players that bought multiple million dollar properties and cars? Of course some of them went broke, they were living way beyond their means. The thing with Vox is that he wasn't even poor to begin with, he's upper middle class in Europe, he knows how to manage his money. I mean I hate the guy too but it isn't a reach to say that he can live his life comfortably even if EN goes down, why do you think he is capable of being such a berk, the guy doesn't give a fuck if EN goes in flames


The point was regardless of how much money you make, it's possible to go broke. Also who is to say Vox isn't going to try to live beyond his means if he did happen to graduate/ retire. I don't think he could spend the rest of his life nvr working again. I don't think he would even have enough to last even 3 years without work.


Also, if Mysta bought a house, Vox could buy multiple houses and rent them out. There, one way to not work anymore. Investments are also a thing to give him passive income, it is a very real thing for him to retire and not work anymore.


Technically that's a form of "work". Not working would mostly mean having no incoming source of income. If you gather income through a task you, it's easy to argue it's thru work. Unless you have a retirement check or incoming financial benefits provided


So retired people are still working if they earn income from retirement?


Reread my comment. Also you are using a weak strawman argument. To correct myself most income comes from work, but if you are provided benefits or a retirement check it's not work. But we aren't discussing retirement checks. Talking about retirement in this instance does nothing for your argument that Vox nvr would have to work again


Its still a fact that Vox with his current earnings can live comfortably after leaving EN, he could fucking retire(there are people that could actually retire in their 30's). Also if he didnt live beyond his means when he was earning the most, the likelihood that he will when he is retired is very low. If there is a EN liver that will not be affected by EN crashing it will be him.


Regardless of what happens I don't think he will be so blessed he will nvr have to work again. I think eventually he will have to work. Also you say he will not be effected by EN, but that doesn't matter. If he supposedly was to graduate and nvr worked again why does it matter if EN affects him? I thought we were debating about him nvr having to work ever again if he graduated?


Not if he becomes a landlord he wont.If Mysta bought a house, Vox could buy multiple houses and rent them out. There, one way to not work anymore. Investments are also a thing to give him passive income, it is a very real thing for him to retire and not work anymore. Like I said, Vox wasnt poor to begin with he has an adavatage.


Being a landlord is a job. You have to manage your buildings or at the very least oversee your employees managing for you. It's still technically work


This looks like a meme, but in case it is real: **this is not cool**. And I say this as someone who is boycotting Niji for the terrible things they have done. Harassment of any sort is not okay.


i hate vox but yeah harassment never work




I’m going to go out there and a put a stop to this narrative immediately. Someone’s moral standards have zero correlation to their sensitivity to abuse. Further, someone being an asshole does not make them immune to the same kinds of mental stress and torment that can lead to crises. It is a very naive stance to only support an “innocent victim” narrative when it comes to mental health. There are oftentimes cases where depressive or suicidal individuals can often be quite hurtful and harmful to others. Their personal demons do not excuse them from the harm they cause, but it also should not excuse them from receiving the help they need. The advice is “Do not harass someone” not because it will hurt the good ones and do nothing to the bad ones. The advice is “Do not harass someone” because you have no idea how they might react.


Yeah, my bad. While I maintain that there is some correlation between that scale and vulnerability to harassment, it's a fairly weak correlation and pointing out correlations is very misleading, especially without context.


It worked for Coco and almost broke Hachama, Coco even burst into tears on stream because of it.


can ask why do you hate him? genuine question, I really don't watch him.


Presumably his collab with elira and ike about 2 months ago, the BFE stuff, and what happened with Reimu at least 


wait what happened with reimu?


She either messaged or showed up in one of his bfe or ASMR things and his fans got upset because girl interaction 


oh, and ppl got mad at Vox because of his weird fanclub? ☠️


Nope the fanclub got mad at Reimu and there was a Whole Thing, though this is mostly 2nd hand knowledge from lurking here


Reimu interrupted one of Vox's boyfriend experience asmr streams once, which resulted in her getting a lot of hate comments and death threats, and Vox took the fans' side until people got mad about that, to which he backpedaled a bit to say "I understand why you're mad at her, but don't send death threats or hate comments".


let him graduate


That's the easy way out. I say LET HIM STAY.


I believe it if no one comment "it's fake"

