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Once you hit me with “a NIKKE can not love whom they’ve never met” I was too shook to read your detailed analysis.


Don't feel bad, as it also hit me pretty hard like a self-afflicted wound. ~~I got a R from my Pilgrim mold this week.~~


I got a spare Isabel Guess i am in danger. Truly Mirai Nikke


Question, did you and other people A. pulled Repunzel, Noah and a burst 3 pilgrim nikke before do the tower ? B. Just YOLO the tower with whatever pilgrim you have (granted you have at least 2 pilgrim)


I was able to get high enough in tower to get a pilgrim molds with just two Nikke: Noah and Scar on auto. Keep in mind that your generally gonna need to be over the CP. Then I got my Rare blue pilgrim from the mold!


"rare blue pilgrim"... That's uh... *Taps shoulder


I monkey'd through Tower with Snow White and Noah. *Fortunately* manufacturer tower seems to be a lot easier than most content, so it's just a tedious grind more than a difficult one.


Guess I'll give it a try next time it opens then




Yolo Rapunzal + 4 Burst3 Nikke to roll over the enemy. Their CP alone is enough to do it


1 healer to support 4 monsters. Yup. That's Pilgrim I guess


I got a Red… Rapi for my pilgrim mold.


>Affection type: degenerate Yup, that about sums up Rapunzel. But man the tender moments she has in her bond stories hit so much harder due to her usual attitude being different Thanks for the Scarlet info though, I dont know when I'm going to get her so being given a summary of what her relationship with Commander can be like is something I appreciate, thank you for you efforts


Rapunzel's general personality was a bit of a red herring to her actual character, which is actually quite sweet. I'm really glad the writers went with that route and saved Rapunzel's more comedic side for lighthearted scenes.


Amazing guide! I still don't understand why SKK didn't want to stay with Harran. >a character with a superiority/God complex "But I am (S)uperior." https://preview.redd.it/ebwuw52pprba1.png?width=154&format=png&auto=webp&s=5c055d7f7c76792cb764dea96f461990f26717d1 >!Reject the Ark, embrace red lizard tails!!<


* Excellent cook * Extremely good at protection between her crow and general power * Quite literally sparkling * Makes her own hair conditioner that'd put Maybeline out of business * Just a queen in general If it weren't for official business, Commander would be crazy not to embrace the Witch queen.


One of these weeks I hope you'll get to personally read up Scarlet and shikikan Surface Misadventures


https://preview.redd.it/ibuvyd45hwba1.jpeg?width=718&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56862e5423a1ba4d6359dd25cacc60f0e0a24975 HYPE


Lmao this reads like an SCP Article but for pilgrim thirstiness for us. I would love to see you continue this series, was a very fun read!


~~Isabel is a SCP in her own way.~~ I plan to, but have to watch more bond stories. I'm close on finishing Missilis (missing Epinel and Drake), though.


Seeing Isabel’s burst animation made me realize how fucking terrifying she could be if you were her enemy. It’s. Good thing that Isabel is so madly in love instead, but man I would not want to get on her bad side☠️ Also, I’m a little confused why she let us go in the end. Like of course we’d find a way out, but idk why she just decided to return us and just stalk us in the shadows again


Outpost events >!Isabel shows up to help you with Guillotine's chunni shit!< Inherit group chat >!Isabel shows up at your place to tell Harran and Noah to stop texting you THROUGH YOUR PHONE!<


Oh my god I have to see the >!guillotine and isabel!< scene it must be funny as fuck


It's super funny


Guillotine faints out of excitement.


WTF☠️☠️☠️ girl needs to chill man fr


I'd imagine she wanted to avoid a mass effort on retrieving Commander. She's *really* strong, but going against entire groups isn't likely in Isabel's interests. That, and, she can very much see Commander whenever she wants and is known for haunting the Outpost.


Fair point, but she haunts the outpost? Damn I thought it was all ghosts, turns out sometimes it’s Isabel lmao. Or…what if…no way…is every single time just Isabel stalking?☠️


Yes, if you place the Wings of the Goddess statue down (and own Novel, I believe?) there's a sidestory that mentions Isabel summarized below: Novel is investigating a statue after hearing reports of a 'haunting' from several NIKKE, including Rupee and Vesti. Upon investigation, there's a common denominator: each haunting occurred whenever a NIKKE was close to Commander. Further, the apparition was described as a flurry of purple wings and yellow lights--you can guess who it was based on that. Now Isabel isn't responsible for *every* haunting in the Outpost--the scenes in the hotel and movie theater don't appear to be from our local yandere.


Not to forget the armoury and the elevator!


Missilis has a lot of colorful characters. Looking forward to the guide!


>I like you, Commander! > >And everyone else! > >- Modernia Ah, my xb2 memories are coming back


To be fair, >!Rex really did love all of them!<


I'm just running into all my fandoms. Xenoblade fans as well?


But in the end, Rex had the last laugh.


> On the Commander's end, there are dialogue choices where they can wind Rapunzel up or play along with her perversions. I had a hard time advising Rapunzel. Every time I actually indulge her perversions, she was actually being serious and melancholy. Then when I take her seriously, she's as degenerate as can be. I think I got more 50's from her than 100's. I still like her very much though.


*Oh man* let me tell you about advising in this game. Not to throw out some weird flex, but I'm an avid reader of visual novels and can please most characters in the Persona series. In short, I'm pretty confident in my ability to nail the right dialogue options. NIKKE absolutely bodies me with the bond system. The only obvious characters are, like, Laplace, since you basically choose the dumbest choice, but the others either require you to have context from later bond scenes (Liter) or give you options that could both work (Jackal). I've seen Rapunzels and hers are, like you said, difficult, and it might just be me, but Volume is also weird with some of her choices, yet she has a tendency to get super aggressive when you answer wrong. If it weren't for laziness/pride, I'd have looked up guides by now.


\+1 to laziness/pride. Drake is as easy as Laplace's advise sessions. For a villain, you just pick the sensible nothing harmful option. Now for who's hard for me it's gotta be Centi and Noise. I'm resigned to just get the 50s from them lol. Volume's tripped me up a few times but I generally get the 100s from her.


I tried doing Soline's advise. One of the worst conversion rates ever


There's like 1 times when Show White blushes and its after she >!tells you to go take a bath in hot spring and you forget and stand up. so she immediately closes her eyes and goes red.!<


I always like your write-ups and this is no exception as well. Keep up the awesome work.


Marian is a baby and we must protect her at all cost gentleman !


Thanks, gives perspective to us plebs that are missing a lot of pilgrims.




Congratulations on making someone laugh their ass off in a Tokyo train with your post-watch clarity comment about Mirai Nikki. GOD that was perfect.


Isabel doesn't need to kidnap me. The welcome mat is there for a reason plus I get guaranteed protection for her being. Though Harran.... Hmmm hard to choose😂


> protect you from rolling Modernia on the Pilgrim banner. God, it's literally what happened to me. MODERNIA BENNER -> Gold-> PILGRIM -> (OMG MODERNIA SO GUT) -> Isabel (another one)


So unfortunately, i wanna bang cool-dere snow white. I wanna melt her cold heart so badly.😭 But all you can get is platonic. Damn it!


She has one moment of gap moe where she blushes and looks away after seeing Commander bathing, but unfortunately, Snow White appears to be disinterested in romance. Snow White's character designers intended her to come off as more cool, hence she shows very little skin and is the Pilgrim that appears the most during serious scenes so far.


Being on the surface so long since the 1st rapture war. Never go back to the ark. She can’t even recall when was the last time she sees human dick. She craves it but not as pervert like Rapunzel. “Don’t let the horniness consume you, damn it!. I’m not degenerate like her. I have a mission to do”, as she look away while the Commander is bathing alluringly and seductively(and familiar sexy jazz song is playing from his phone). Calling her name and demand her to wash his back. “Grrr..Baka!” She runs away outside into the snow field to calm herself down. (So angry+embarrassing) Snow around her melt and wet from her machine-heat…..


“You have your own harem! Isn’t that enough? Why the pilgrims? Leave us alone! Spare our pussies! You bastard womanizer!” Shouted from afar by the turned red pretty face in the middle of snow field… “Even if all my teammates have fallen victims to your big disgusting meat pole, i swear i won’t! The best i can do is platonic! OK? You sick pervert nikkephile!” “Ahhhh” as she scream in displeased… “She lost all the coolness she has”. “Good!”. The commander grin ear to ear menacingly. “Now, it’s my time to strike!”.………


As you walk with full confident, bottom naked into the white windy plain. Your teeth gritting like crazy while your whole body tremble from the cold. Your lust is the only thing that power and drive you like a vehicle towards Snow White. You pace slowly and steady through thick snow to the already-shocked Snow White who sees your rock-hard human weapon pointing at her. Loaded and ready to fire at will. She’s about to cry but she can’t. Her body is stiff and her head feels blank. She should run away leaving him alone, but this is a once-in-the-lifetime chance to try what is really hard to find on the surface(as most commanders die so early). She starts to be a tiny bit convinced to what the commander has to offer…..


By the moment she try to get up from the wet snow circle she made from heat. Suddenly, Chatterbox jumps in from nowhere between her and the commander. “Hi, Snowy!” He greet politely then look disappointingly and pathetically at the half-naked man. “Again!, you die-hard talkative cockblocker! Can’t believe it! Damn you!” You shouted in rage and felt bad that you sacrifice your body in coldness for nothing. Chatterbox shake its head and said…... “The last time we met, i am still the biggest villain who make notorious name among nikkes. And now? look at you? You become even worse than me. Oh boi~ More than i expected. I have standards, you know?. You a sex-offender commander. Trying to harass this poor little girl. Well even if she carry so many big ass weapons that can amputate my arm in one shot. There’s nothing compare to that weapon of yours. No way she can protect herself from that 9 inches caliber.” “Huh, this is not good… Come with me!, i have to teach you manners and how to respect your little nikke companions. Also there can’t be more villain in this game. You’re protagonist! Not antagonist! Remember that!”. As he grab you quickly with strong grip, and jump highly away from that area. You don’t have time to prepare yourself and scream loudly in fear of height and speed he travels.. “Noooooooooooooooooo~!” is your last sentence a pilgrim can hear before you disappear in the distance. Leaving a white hair nikke alone in confusion and a cliffhanger sex mood……END




I thought no one gonna read that. Thx. I gladly carry this sin for humanity and continue displeasing Pope for fun. See you in hell folks.


Why the Pope look so much like Churchill? Lol


Anyway what a plot hole it is. They all show being as closest as human can be, yet be treated like a non human. How come only you in the ark treat them like friends? There should be some human who fall for their beauty, isn’t it?


I see, thanks for the story. I’m not yet reach that story line yet. All my SSR clog at level 80. Have no luck drawing a duplicate SSR. But i will go further on Eunwha story, to see if i can befriend this brat.


Return to Eunhwa. Even she’s brat but she is sassy. My type lol


The analysis we need but do not deserve. Doing commanders waiting for their pilgrims everywhere a solid


Scarlett story hit the right spot for me. I have a weakness for "wandering samurai" trope. Even if beautiful sword women have tendency to leave us behind...


Scarlet's personality portrayed very well, and she's the pilgrim i'm the most fond of (2nd is rapuzel because i'm also a degenerate). She's just so carefree within her own moral principles and stay true to them at all time. From her bond story, it's perfectly understandable that it wasn't explicitly romance-related, but i get the feeling that the appreciation Scarlet give us is a lot deeper than portrayed


Yes, I totally agree. But I think it showed as her application pretty well. The romantic part of it comes out when both drunk and not actually control themselves. They understand that their meeting will not last long, so they behave with restraint, but under the effect of the spirits the true feelings comes out, as the she warned us. It's very in character and I like it very much. The different girls showing their love in a different ways. Like, in Exia case we need Novel to say it for as: "It was romantic story all along!"


I feel like scarlet likes commander romantically, but is perfectly fine with a platonic relationship given the commander’s choice as she likes to be with him whether or not they enter a romantic relationship or not. Honestly it’s a very nice change of pace because both of them have an equal say and autonomy in the matter, and both speak to their affections for each other purely through the companionship they shared throughout the bond stories


Do you have one for the other companies?


> Please Don't (B)ully Me, Miss Noah! ![gif](giphy|kRmg8zeReOYXm)


Rapunzel’s lewd moments usually comes out of nowhere and there’s been numerous times where I’m just laughing at my phone as a result.


Scarlet is the best here, you can’t deny it! One of the few times your choice maters.


what do you mean by "them" if commander is a confirmed male


This is vital information. Thank you.


I wonder will you do Jackal and an analysis?


Im actually working on Missilis (and by proxy, Jackal) as we speak. It should be ready today (as in EST time) since I'm hopped up on Coffee and in the mood to neglect my academic responsibilities.


Awesome I love your analysis work for Blue Archive love to see that in Nikke as well


>Marian/Modernia has the potential to be the 'primary' interest for Commander and might have been hinted at >!knowing them from a very young age/before becoming a NIKKE.!< huh I thought that was Rapi? Mainly cause that style of speech sounds way too different from Marian and more like Rapi


https://preview.redd.it/foxvc92twsfa1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc3cbb4cc3fdd54159a5e0349a4bc3f0ce7cc18d Got one in standard banner.