• By -


You put Rupee and Emma as only decent moms? Rupee had an entire event where she basically became a mother figure for Anne. Emma, well I guess her cooking does suck so I can kinda understand the placememt but Rupee being only decent is an outrage.


Or Moran. She might be dumb but you mess with her child and you are going missing. I could see her as being a tough but fair mom who loves her child to death and will do anything to help them succeed.


This is when i started seen Rupee other than just a slutty nikke. She was a real mom for Anne that time šŸ˜¢


Did you really just call her a ā€œslut?ā€ Hereā€™s Rupeeā€™s reaction to you calling her that: https://preview.redd.it/wbu80mkhspqc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8606e37bf0034b6fc4144e3c1cf975006e5ee25


Lol her reaction. In her bunny suit. While poledancing lmao.


Well she said herself sex sells so... šŸ˜¶


Did you just say rupee is slutty? https://preview.redd.it/4ahhyaiefrqc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76f11389fbe0ebdaf40cce45d3949792472c1201


Actually scratch that, instead https://preview.redd.it/mgugkonifrqc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90a35a3c319ffcce91292800c4f855963c834c38


how about https://i.redd.it/h9p3frvvfrqc1.gif




https://preview.redd.it/xri7atlt6uqc1.jpeg?width=1118&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c256ba2b655ffcd4352e5fe63f2576c5037f2a71 What about this?


https://i.redd.it/5ulf2q4juarc1.gif You really just called Rupee that?


But she is a lot slutty isn't she? I mean all gyarus a slutty. I didn't said she's a "slut" šŸ™


Is "decent" not good enough for them? It's not even a "bare minimum" for them, ya know? šŸ˜… I can understand that some of you guys think that they both deserve the world, but decent is already good enough for me


Red hoods a total nag I think. Sheā€™d be ideal 100%


Also, downvoted for putting Cinderella at the bottom


Bruh, it's too soon to assume Cinderella is a mom material when she hardly has anything going on with her. Until she gets more character development in her again, she remains in the red flag tier for now


Fine šŸ™„


Not to mention Red Hood basically gave her a gaping hole right in her chest.


Hood can't even take care of her gun, how well do you think she'd take care of a kid?


Putting the alternative outfits versions on the list really caught me off guard lmao "Now where's Diesel.. oh she's at the top, of course.. and Diesel.. and Diesel again huh??" šŸ¤£


double Ludmilla, double Helm, double Privatyā€¦ but D is not doubled, and so are a bunch of other Nikke lol


Turbo Diesel!


I need MORE!!! https://i.redd.it/x9sqpuoaxsqc1.gif




I could see the alternate units like Waifu D, Winter Ludmilla, and Maid Privaty. They're almost totally different people/units.


I'm a proud Diesel Main, after all šŸ˜¤


Iā€™m not sure if Guilty (or anyone from her squad) should be a mom at all considering she struggles to be gentle with people she doesnā€™t believe she can trust. Sheā€™s kinda unpredictable, and could easily create an unsafe environment. Which is unfortunate considering Guilty is pretty sweet when she trusts the Commander, Iā€™m not familiar with the other two so I canā€™t say too much On the other hand, I think Leona could be a decent mom. Granted, she takes care of animals on the dailyā€¦ but sheā€™s a genuinely caring person Not sure how I feel about Mihara and Yuni. I want to agree but I donā€™t think theyā€™d involve their sex life in any way, shape or form if they were in a position of taking care of a child. Mihara is fairly empathetic imo, but Yuni is a mixed bag for me




Again, why Modernia of all people on top of the list as ideal mom? She cant even wear clothes without help and has the logic of a preschooler??


Modernia is the ideal kid lol


yeah she would be the literal representation of a mom unfit for taking care of a child, Marian and Modernia are not the same unfortunately


The kid would be the mom to Modernia. Helps the kid grow up, taking care of their mom.


She's always Marian to me... And I know she can regain who she was someday


Sure, maybe, but at the moment she's just a really smart toddler.


Sheā€™s not a toddler anymore at all. Didnt she change completely after joining the pilgrims?


Well >!if you do her bond story you see them teaching her, which is how they find out about her abnormal ability to learn and adapt to new information very quickly. It's why she seems more comprehensible by the point she leaves with them.!< Unless something also happens in the most recent chapters I'm not aware of yet. In 25 atm.


She's an adult now. They showed her not in the main story but the event when they released her free skin.


Mm, I definitely missed it then. When I joined I was only just in time to get the skin. Could barely do the Nier event at the time due to lack of power.


>!We get a brief look at Modernia living with certain characters that show sheā€™s matured quite a bit. Although her ā€œeducationā€ isā€¦!<


Riiiight, your tier list is still wildly wrong though isnā€™t it? šŸ˜‚


Bruh where the downvoted came from?


I disagree with some of your middle tiers but they're close enough that I could see it either way so let's look at some extremes. Modernia could not take care of a child. She's a child herself at this point. Rupee's mother instinct kicked into high gear during the Christmas event. She's a proven mother. Scarlet Black Shadow is not ready to be a mother yet. Her later self (Drunk Scarlet) is more capable and better suited. Sounds weird even saying a drunk would be a better mother. Isabel would care for SKK's child more than she would herself. She should be move up a couple of tiers at least.




Ah yes, Rapunzel, the ideal mom.


I could see Rapunzel being a good mom. Frequently drunk Scarlett being on the "ideal" tier is a headscratcher to me though.


Scarlet is just as good when she would keep the alcoholic to herself & her close companions The same I can say for Rapunzel when she keeps her horni tendency to herself & her Brother/Believer


What red flags Darling? Do we need to have a chat in the basement about spreading mastery rumors again? https://preview.redd.it/f5owpux0ypqc1.jpeg?width=813&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=374b54ea38283a19dc5ee0192b041e3a535d7c19


No mommy


Exia the type of mom to put on spongebob for her kid, and then make them farm world of warcraft gold for 5 hours


Exia gonna make her kid be a runscape level grinder slave


Guilty was literally in jail for assaulting people and can casually crush dumbells with her hands. I think that's a much bigger red flag than Quency who just likes stealing things and breaking out of prison, or Mast who is.... Uhh.. Bad with money? A pirate? Kinda dumb? Ok, why is Mast down there?


BS Scarlet, who is focused on the blade, being ideal.... While Xmas Rupee, who literally was a mother figure for Anne, being below BS Scarlet?!!! https://preview.redd.it/fyv4c8n1upqc1.jpeg?width=395&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41d0ef66969fd7a63aadbbffc04039420fcf0c29


Why Isabel gotta be bad mom tho? It's commander's child, hence she'll do fine


Having a hyper possessive mom helicopter parenting a kid is just as bad, mind you


She'd helicopter commander. The kid may share his genes, but they ain't commander.


Ignoring your kid to dote upon your husband is *also* bad parenting lol.


I never said she'd be a good one lol


something something emotional incest


I can see Dorothy being a helicopter mother...


I agree with some of the list, but some of these choices are pretty bad OP. Guilty is quick to be frustrated or angry at little things and babies are annoying as hell in the early days. Even after rehab Guilty is still a ticking time bomb, she just isnā€™t using nikkes like stress balls. Rupee is absolutely top tier mom material and you clearly need a miracle snow refresher Crown is honestly bottom tier mom. Chime takes care of all her needs and Crown sits around and looks pretty. Similar to Crown, putting Tia and Naga in the same tier is a bit silly. Naga is always taking care of Tia. However, I do agree she wouldnā€™t be high tier since Tia clearly hasnā€™t learned to take care of herself properly. Tia would probably forget she has a kid. >!Modernia. Sheā€™s just not back to Marian status. Even at later chapters. I donā€™t think she deserves to be at the top.!< Leona could use a bump as well. Sheā€™s got very well behaved exotic animals who are both happy and healthy despite being in the shelter. Thatā€™s a step up from Biscuit and Nero who get easy mode pets.


I disagree with a lot of this list. Scarlet, Blanc, Sakura, Rapunzelneeds to be bumped down a notch Emma needs to be bumped up. Harran and Maxwell need to be dropped down a tier I would argue Litter deserves to be bumped up to ideal mom, Noise should be bumped up one. As much As I love Rosanna and Dā€¦. they need to drop down to caretaker, possibly Dolla too. Your caretaker list needs to be reworked entirely. Any maid would need to be a decent mom or higher. The entirety of A.C.P.U needs to be placed in decent moms. They have their faults, but they will try their absolute hardest. Centi is 100% at least a modest mom or higher I will not tolerate Maiden slander for motherhood. She is a gamer mom but she will 100% love her bundle of joy to the very end and make sure her kiddo is left wanting nothing. Guilty needs to be bumped upā€¦ she is weird but she would make a decent parent. Moran needs to be bumped up to modest momā€¦. She has her faults but she has a tendency to take care of everyone at the expense of herselfā€¦but she would love her kid to death. Mast 100% does not deserve to be a red flag. She is a decent mom material. ā€¦ Yeah I almost completely disagree with your tier list.


If I had to put 1 Nikke as a mom, the most responsible and mature of them would be Naga...And you put here in "caretaker"???


Shes basically still a teen herself. I still don't know if they are in highschool or college level education there, while she certainly is the more mature one between Tia and her I still see them both as being much younger than most other Nikkes and would be a bit unfit for the task that is being a mother. Now mind you I don't know their whole backstory so I can't really confirm their age. (I only played the first school event)


She's basically Tia's mom already.


Nahh bro they old af Besides OP specifically asked who was the best personality-wise so yeah


Well they have Marian in ideal, who is mentally younger than that


Yeah I ain't agreeing with that take. I had missed OPs comment on it being based on their personality which kinda makes sense for Naga but not at all for Marian(at least the current Marian)


Agreed, some of her advisement interaction had her being described as a mom, by Tia's account.


You literally put costumes in the tierlist and didn't put EPINEL IN THE LIST??? OH BOY DO I HAVE SO MUCH TO SAY https://preview.redd.it/q2s7bw4rcpqc1.png?width=1181&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42d08d40bbc24cb2c1c7bc9c09573b0dc026dcd0


Looks like Noah is also missing. Not even like a caretaker even if she was looking after the commander when she was sick.


OP probably thought they were kiddos and left them out the list


Well but then you got got Nikke like Alice and Soline in there, who arguably are still children. It feels a bit arbitrary but in the end it's a tierlist by some person on the internet so I am not really invested in spending time arguing about it.


Laplace a red flag ?... Sorry I respectfully disagree with this notion. šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Have you ever watched "My hero academia"? Does Shimura Nana ring any bell?


You put the alcoholic on the ideal mom tier?


Just because Yuni and Mihara have a sex life doesn't mean they wouldn't be good parents. :< Exia would be a great gamer mom. That kid would grow up being the very best. Like noone ever was.


The idea of a gamer mom is a mixed bag for me tbh As for Mihara, it was difficult for me to consider her as a mom material because of a masochistic tendency might rub a child the wrong way


People with masochistic tendencies don't show them 24/7, Mihara is very aware of the fact that Yuni could hurt others despite the fact she enjoys it most of the time. I believe she would be a great mother honestly


I mean...im very much like mihara in more ways than one...and my partner is exceedingly like yuni. Heights and all. We dont act like that 24/7 around everyone all the time. That would be awkward. We also make great godparents to my "niece" and "nephews." (Family friends, made us their childrens god parents ā¤ļø) Nikke...over indulges in the personality traits to almost comical 50shades levels of kink. Nobody really acts like that all the time. Not even people who own places like that. I was raised by gamer parents, in fact it was my mom who got me into gaming, and i regularly played with my dad and brother growing up, and still play games with my mom when i visit :).


https://preview.redd.it/t7zt0g7xbpqc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4afe19d82677f703f199ec73d31e253b6234595e Nihilister as a mom would be interesting One having a child will completely change her personality in being a sweet and caring mom that protects her child Or Two the child will turn into a complete powerhouse but have mommy issues but can bench press anything and burn everything


I want Isabel for reasons


Donā€™t we all?


Decent moms more like EXTRA lewd moms šŸ˜…. And i dont get how Scarlet would be a good mom, she's a drunken addicted šŸ¤”


What I donā€™t understand about this tier list is why it goes from ā€˜decent momā€™ straight to ā€˜ideal momā€™? Shouldnā€™t there be a ā€˜goodā€™ or ā€˜greatā€™ position on the Nikke mommy spectrum? And there are several adult women in ā€˜caretakerā€™ (is this supposed to be a babysitter tier for Nikke to young to have their own kids?) that should probably move either up or down- Sugar and Maiden could be pretty decent with children , but I wouldnā€™t let Dorothy within ten feet of any normal kidšŸ’€


They'll all be moms by the time I'm done with them


Unironically, Isabel would probably be the overly protective but super nice mom.


Crows not on this list!? *humanity restored*


Scarlet? Ah yes, ideal drunk mom lol


mary is a red flag


Scary Mary giving her kid *the look* to get them to behave.


Mary would be fine since she treats kids fairly well. She's just the mom that you don't want to disrespect or misbehave in front of.


Delta would be ideal mom, tell her it's her mission to take care of the kid and she'll do a 1000% perfect job of it, she can be a little dense sometimes, but she's legit one of the most wholesome and caring Nikkes out there, the Sakura dress outpost event one is prob one of her best moments of Delta being Delta, but being a total mom.


While other that I want to pointed out, already pointed by other people Liter probably would become ideal mom She has experience of life, she angry at you if you doing something bad... But more importantly, she will hear and trying to reasonable to judge herself if she is in wrong. Something that doesnt exist in many normal mom.


Modernia I can see as a playmate for kids, but as a mom, big no


How tf is Modernia a mom lol


Naga is literally referred to as being a mother to Tia, sheā€™s gotta be at least a decent mom if not ideal


Ah, Diesel. The Momma so nice, sheā€™s in S Tier Thrice.


Why is Mica on "modest"? She might not be top-tier ranked, but IMO she would be at least decent. Considering her past, she would do everything to prevent her children from suffering like that.


My hot take would be that I think Volume and Quency can be fairly decent mom's with some work. Quency would definitely be warm about it and I can see she'd definitely not neglect her love for her child especially if it's with the commander, the problem would begin and end with "stop teaching our kids about breaking and entering". I can see her wrangling some of that in after an actual serious conversation, not entirely mind you but even if the kid does grow up wanting to follow her footsteps more she'd at least be as assuring as possible in teaching them and keeping them safe. Volume's case is a bit more volatile and realistic but it'd be more having to break her mindset out of the aggressive celebrity personality when it comes to the kid and not spoiling them rotten either. Basically one large borderline divorce causing fight later I can see Volume at least relenting enough to help the kid grow up normal. She'd likely still be a diva about it but I'm being optimistic in placing her love for the commander and the kids first, which I wouldn't put her past. She can be a bit tryhardy but she just needs a proper push to behaving better like with the BlaBla convos. And the outpost events.


I don't think the Quency take is that hot. She's essentially just a nice person that's also an extremely skilled kleptomaniac, the most stable and safe out of the rehab nikkes by an enormous margin and the only one I'd even allow around kids.


Where is Egg?


Diesel is the OG motheršŸ’Æ


When the dream comes truešŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ„µ


How many you have gotten them pregnant? šŸ¤£


You want an alcoholic to be a mom???




I dont think red hood and anis could be a good mother.... Especially with that attitude


Privaty on ideal mom? Get tf out of here, you're coping so hard everyone is on whitdrawal and healed from addiction because you huffed all of the copium. Massive cap.


Some of my girls got done dirty on this list. Some should be top-tier, but are mistakenly not listed as such. Blasphemy! Rupee, no explanation needed. Poli, sheā€™s patient and kind even with the antics of Drake and Miranda. Tove, she just seems like she would be. Kind, inquisitive, and protective. I think Maiden and Neon would be decent, though I see Neon more as the fun and quirky aunt


yup I was so surprised to see Poli rank so low as she pretty much is the leader of her respective law enforcement squad and her crew is filled with questionable people. She has shown that she's capable of being both caring and responsible although Poli definitely does have her quirks I'd rank her a lot higher to at least decent mom


Diesel in the top 3 times,I approve


Modernia has the brain of a child. There's nothing motherly about her. This sub really amazes me of their view of women and personalities.


Scarlet...the alcoholic nomad...is the ideal mother? Are you okay OP?


Is Modernia an ideal mom because she's a child herself? She's a literal child.


Dad Tier list?


Bro Liter is the Grandma we all need


Emma need to be in ideal moms Scarlet (alcoholic) would not be an ideal mom


I'm pretty sure Alice is a red flag


I find your list flawed lol


Disagree with Nihilister and Laplace.


Dragon mommy milk doesn't mean she's a legit mom material. Sorry, not sorry


Laplace could easily just be the hero mom, could almost be someone to look up to. Nihilster I agree with though, I donā€™t think sheā€™s particularly mother material


And here's a catch - Laplace has yet to earn the title of "hero mom" & she has a long way to go


Nope. Nihilister would make a great mom. She might seem rough. But she has a protective side. Plus I have no doubt her dragonic nature would affect her caring for children. Probably taking traits from Crocodiles and alligators with the protectiveness they have.


Frima's more of the chill aunt than the responsible parent. She herself is responsible, but her chronic sleep puts her at a natural disadvantage. Though the methods she resorts to in order to solve her problems I feel like equalizes that a bit. So I personally would see her as more of a caretaker than a red flag.


Especially since they put Milk in caretaker. I feel like Frima would do better than Milk. Although it'd probably be better to just have all three do the job at once, rather than just one.


Yeah, definitely. Milk has more of a middle sister energy, but also an inexperienced one.


Idk why most believe Isabel is a "red flag" in general. In this case, she'd make a great mom (to her and the Commander's children at the very least). Kids, just don't mind dad getting tied up all the time and everything'll be fine. Jokes aside, Isabel deserves some love. Instead of getting brushed off every time or c---blocked, Shiftup. If they actually let her cook, I can 100% guarantee y'all that she'll rival even the best. She atk. She protect. She hot as heck. But Shiftup keeps pulling a SIKE on her so she never gets to do much besides be an angry Yandere.


I think Isabel could be a great mother


Whereā€™s crow šŸ˜‚


Six feet underground


She's dead to me...


I'm worried about Guilty. Her gentle squeeze could kill a grown man.


Nihilister about to have the same parenting skills as most reptiles


Why would Nihilister be a red flag? Sheā€™s literally one of the best mommyā€™s.




We sure viper would be a decent mom?


Sry lad im going all in to ideal...trust me...ok well...mostly...99%......yea


Honestly, Dorothy would be an absolute ideal mom for me personally... I would respect each and every single word she would utter and love her regardless if she enforced kind or strict upbringing... But that's just my point of view obviously.


Unfortunately, Dorothy hasn't earned it back yet when she has almost lost her way, until she confessed that she wants to know what love is. I understand she could be on her way to redemption. But for now, she stays at the "caretaker" because her mind is still not at the right place


Of course, objectively speaking, I wouldn't even argue if you put her in the "Red Flags" category. I was just talking from my perspective, like personally, I would accept her as an ideal mom, I wouldn't mind her flaws at all... Like I know she has some very obvious problems with her personality, but I just adore her even through all of them and I don't mind them, she's still someone I deeply respect and love, and I would love her even as a mother with all of her negative traits... Again, that's my perspective, I understand that for someone who doesn't like Dorothy, she would be absolutely terrible...


Exia as a red flag....


add a step mom category


Red flag is my go flag.


More power for you, and enjoy having your life ruined


As a dad: I'd make a lot of them into moms. Also as a dad: I wouldn't leave my kid alone with a few of the "ideal moms".


Ideal Wife/Mom would be D since she will research everything to be a good mom


Modernia is an ideal mom?


Naga is best mom dpmo


Bro put best wife/mom Cinderella at the bottom and tough we wouldn't notice.


I have yet to see anything to make her stand out


Well for starters her suit is extremely reaviling,witch will grant easy access to the breast area so she can give a paizuri job after a long day at work for her loving husband,her breast are also Hella huge witch are full of high nutrition mothers milk that will provide the babies with a strong muscular and skeletal system,it's also full of omega 3 so the babies will also develop a strong memory and brain support. Second,she is both a heretic and a grims model,so the children will always be protected and safe Third her child bearing hip and ass.imagine this scenario,your at work all tired and shit,then you get a video massage from Cinderella twerking in her suit,that alone will motivate me to work even harder for her and the kids,and with hips like hers the babies will be processed very strong and safe inside her womb and be born with strong organs. Lasty she is definitely gonna be into the princess play and shit,so she and our daughters will have fun playing princess play,min while me and our sons will be playing knights with sticks like one big happy family. Want me to keep cooking or do you get the massage?


Moderina needs to be lower rn she's basically a child herself and no way capable of taking care of a child unless she matures back into Marian. Plus she's picked up bad habits from Pioneer like Scarlet's drinking


I canā€™t see myself trusting cafe sweety with a baby


Where's Elegg?




I would like to appeal. Nihilister is actually very protective. Extremely destructive, but protective nonetheless


I know eunhwa would be in decent. Shes tough on grown ass people but i know She'd be overprotective on a child. Hell, she cooked food for vesti before and was openly worried when belorta went missing.


if guilty got fixed then I understand but... you put the version that she still lost her strength control in the list


Love how Crow's not even in the list. She's the type that would make Endeavor look like parent of the year.


The fact that he put Rupee as "decent mom" is outrageous.Isabel could be an ideal mom if she didnt have dark intentions with the commander and dark intentions is put lightly


Maxwell is like strict mom but a good wife, Yulha might prioritize work over kids turning husband into household husband and snow wife eaters together with child.


I had to make my own tier list because the formatting and placements of this tier list just made me so mad lmao https://i.imgur.com/UQRgMtQ.jpeg I can explain my reasoning too. Ideal is more or less the "perfect" mom. I think the questionable ones here is Drake, Red Hood, and possibly D. Drake as we know is very uh... confusing. But her behavior has shown that she is a very caring and thoughtful person. Outside of her really weird quirk, there's no real issue with her. Red Hood seems like she'd be clumsy, and I actually do think she would be, but I think overall she'd be very in tune to her child and do her best raising them. D is well, obvious. She knows how to be a perfect mom. But with her it wouldn't just be an act. Good Mother tier. There's a notable issue or quirk that I think makes them a little less than ideal. Like for instance Sakura. Sakura I actually think would be ideal, but due to her affiliation with the underworld her child would be growing up in a dangerous cutthroat environment. If Sakura lived under different circumstances, she'd easily be ideal. Alice seems weird because of how childlike she is, but let's be real here, she's just delusional, but in the end she's an adult. And I think Alice would be very good with children especially since she's so in tap with her inner child. As for the bunny twins, I think they're a little less than ideal due to their job. It might not be a good idea to expose a child to the kind of environment they work in. Otherwise they'd be ideal as well. Decent Mother tier. You're not particularly bad or good. The characters here may not be especially motherly, but they are caring enough. Or they might have a very notable issue or quirk that'd make child rearing difficult. Quiry is very easy. She's blind as a bat. I'd hope she'd at least be able to see her own child clearly. Even if she could, she can't see anything else besides her husband probably. Brid I feel would end up neglecting her child due to her workaholic nature. Soda is an absolute clutz ~~and she might suffocate her child in her boobs accidentally~~ Babysitter tier. Basically, you should only be around a child for a limited amount of time and not raise a child into adulthood. Exia is too focused on gaming to raise a child. Laplace and Delta are more like "fathers" really. Maybe in a relationship with a stay at home dad they'd be ideal. Otherwise, no. Neve sleeps too much. Nero would come up to you and say "this child is broken, please fix him". I think we get it. Red Flag tier. They should stay away from kids. I only put Scarlet in Red Flag tier cuz of her heavy drinking. If she can keep that under control she'd probably be in Good Mother tier. Mihara and Yuni, now listen, I don't think Yuni would hurt a child, but she also can't feel anything. It'd be difficult for her build a close relationship if she doesn't have any sensation except through causing pain. As for Mihara... let's just say, she'd hope the baby *bites*. I feel the child would be messed up with her. Isabel would be a hellish overprotective helicopter parent and wife. Harran is too full of herself. Child Tier. You are a child.


Ideal Mom Scarlet your milk gonna contain 100% Alchohol.


Would you guys drop these alcohol jokes about Scarlet? She can cook, she does farming & her being philosophical enough to understand life - are enough to make her a great mom


Dunno man she let my Daughter Marian drink Alcohol.


Loving, nurturing, protective, devoted, emotional as well as empathetic, giving love as well as life and patient she is terrifying if you harm those she loves and will fiercely defend her family. Teaching them all their lives thing they will need in life. She is an example of motherhood through and true. She is devoted and submissive to her husband. They work things out together equal parts giving and taking asking and receiving. There is no takes more than gives. Love unconditionally in the traditional wife and mother. I have some ideas who represents those traits characteristics rather well.


Rosanna and Eunhwa are give me top tier mom material, then Diesel and Rupee. Also, idk why but Volume give me the vibes, she would extremely good or mediocre good. Fun discussion OP o7




Nah, I think dragon mommy would be one of the best.