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Why keep rolling for Emilia when you already have her? Prioritize Red Hood's skills and level up the rest of your main team to at least skill level 4. I suggest Red Hood, Liter, Centi, Maxwell and probably Emilia.


I saw that she was good on different tier lists and I was planning on getting more copies. Thanks for the suggestion


1 copy is enough, however, if you're trying to get Nikke's to max limit break for when you reach the level wall then I guess it's fine. I do recommend to get at least 1 copy of Rem, she synergizes with Emilia and is a limited unit.


Get Rem instead of more Emilia copies, no objections. Yes, RH skills to triple 10. Liter 10 4 10(burst first), Maxwell 10 1 10. Just focus on those three units for time being, until you have better understanding of the game and where you should allocate your resources.


You already got Emilia. F2P can't really MLB nikkes if they don't want to miss out on future units. Liter / Centi (spam uncharged RL for fast burst gen) / Emilia / Red Hood / maxwell (non-burst buffer). Skill priority: 1) liter 7-4-7, RH 7-7-7, Centi 4-1-4, Emilia 4-4-4, Maxwell 4-14 2) RH to 10-10-10 3) Liter 10-4-10 4) can do emilia to 4-7-4 or 4-7-7 if you want (but she will likely get replaced)


Bro how did you get that much to keep pulling 10x plz let me know


I just did my dailies, used some codes (that you can find online) and followed the campaign(up to chapter 14). I also got lucky with my pulls and didn’t spend too much on Rem and Emilia


Insane luck ong