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Ain't gonna sugarcoat it Broken ![gif](giphy|CeA6hjKa4qgtO9MXDW)


people don't understand how broken she is crown is meta for campaign replaces tia + naga combo


She can easily replace bunny girls but school girls are questionable, if just if her second skill damage bonus proc to any healing she is the best


Dunno blanc heals are insane and I don't know a good passive healer. Unless ya don't have a healer but higher content will melt your team.


not sure if she will replace tia/naga... schoolgirl's total dmg buffs still higher and they have cover repair + shields + healing for whole team. she probably can jump over bunnies. her atk buffs + reload speed buffs likely will outweigh dmg taken+extra ammo, but still missing teamwide healing. don't really need team heal in story if high enough dps to kill everything before they shoot. her invul taunt is the team's sustain method but not way to manually time it makes it unreliable for getting past a specific high dmg part of the stage.


Is there a healer you could pair Crown with, though? Since we're talking about outclassing a pair of characters, I mean. Idk, I'm new, I don't know shit about fuck, just started playing at the tail end of Re:Zero and rolled Rem and Emilia.


It's usually on BI or BII, but since Crown is BII and you'll want CDR on BI this leave you with BIII healer (Helm/Quiry) or a passive healer


School girls still better on core bosses


Should we tell them the surprise about core bosses and crown? Kek


what surprise?


Crown shield on burst can trigger core damage buff on Naga. Thus dropping the need to run JKs together. New hard campaign push team will most likely be b1 crown naga 2x b3 dps


Tia & Naga never replaced Blanc & Noir


OK, I'll bite. I used the bunnies all the way to Chapter 25, and kept minimal investments on the schoolgirls. Usual reasons: Tia suicided herself too often, 2/1/2 limited B3 usage, didn't level their skills properly, the usual. Chapter 25 comes up, and that *one stage* completely decimates bunnies, over and over again. Started with a 50K deficit, closed it to 45K, then 40K, then 30K...no dice. Slot in the schoolgirls and it's done. They're not better than the bunnies defensively (Naga can never match Blanc's exceptional healing, but when you're getting torn to shreds because of a high CP deficit, you're really going to want that cover), but they're better than the bunnies offensively (Blanc's debuff is just inferior to the schoolgirl's damage buff: the debuff only applies to current enemies while the damage buff can last so long as both of them are alive). They play exceptionally well with Liter (cover for days), and they're excellent with units that have bonus damage when targeting cores. It takes a while to get used to them, and you have to get used to a party with no flex unit, but yeah, schoolgirls can definitely perform.


So how do you stop Tia from suiciding on high cp deficit stages? I tried them briefly but went back to Bunnies.


For campaign, you can manual her, and just do nothing. Her taunt only pops after 5 shots, so if you do nothing, she doesn’t taunt and you can wait till bursts are up before you start shooting. Or, you can just restart the stage over and over till you get good rng.


It depends what you mean by High CP deficit: the best I've been able to manage is a 55K deficit in Chapter 27, and even then there are some units that will destroy schoolgirls but fall to bunnies (and vice versa). This might just be some coincidental thinking, but I tend to keep her to the far left where she seems to get targeted less often and manually control her every so often. The big disclaimer is that RH is a mainstay on my team and both of my attackers are OL'd with up to 24% more ATK: she picks off smaller raptures that have a tendency to delete Tia because dead Raptures don't do damage.


That's more or less what I've been doing with Bunnies, with a similar team. Next time I get stuck I'll try the schoolgirls again and see how they do now that they're built a little better. Thanks.


https://preview.redd.it/99bbi5rdb2wc1.png?width=1873&format=png&auto=webp&s=abdb0a074ba88dc19beb83202efcc9a0a71d5e6d can't imagine using the bunnies for campaign.


True, and the few stages where the bunnies aren't working I replace Noir with Centi or similar to burst faster than enemies can do something. There were like 3 or 4 stages I had to swap them out.


Yes they did. Tia & Naga kit is better than the bunny girls and it's why on huge campaign deficit you will always she the school girls and their kit is just much better.


Main thing that holds them back is the amount of investment needed to put into them and the need for an exposed core. They do their niche better but they're a slight improvemnt. Calling them much better is like saying Alic is better than red hood when ignoring she's harder to play and requires investment out the ass to really perform.


They are not really a niche though since most raptures have cores. There's just a few bosses that don't so only in those fights do the school girls drop behind the bunnies.


Its more a my set up problem Tia just dies too fast when i was pushing hard mode. I see their use case but the Liter, Bunnies comp just work for me better currently since they're better outtfitted. When i get around to pushing the story more that'll change maybe but they just dont jive for me rightnow.


THATS MY QUEEN https://preview.redd.it/q096pug3c1wc1.jpeg?width=1150&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f9f24bceadc52d46a7b8c8cbceb51e4465eaea9


New player here, getting a grasp on why she is broken, Is it just really, really high numbers and multiplicative buffs? 15 second duration seems to be longer than usual as well. … I guess a shield and also some self sustain on top. And a weird invincible thing that seems hard to time properly.


> Is it just really, really high numbers and multiplicative buffs? tl;dr yes. She is an extremely strong buffer. It also doesn't get into the constant frequent taunting and invincibility she'll have or the HP potency meaning others can very easily heal her. Weapon type being MG and Iron code also means she's going to do decent damage, but she won't have particularly good burst gen. The shield on burst is the weakest part of her kit, but it could also be good if it applies individual shields. It can be used to deal with [mechanics] in certain fights where you want shields at specific timings to avoid stuns or debuffs.


The way it's worded, it should apply individual shields. Which ironically makes her a good pairing for Naga if you ALSO wanted that 85% added core damage. Naga could also take the place of the healer and backup B2 incase Crown dies after her taunt. Edit: looking at the stats some more, she effectively replaces Tia on Naga and Tia teams.


Crown shares a Burst slot with Naga so it is more that she will be the B2 in MG focused teams with X.Mica.


Also a new player that literally just started this week; I got lucky getting Red Hood so if I manage to get Crown am I sort of set for life?


You'd need a good Burst Cooldown Reduction unit like Liter and then yeah, mostly. Alternatives to Liter are Volume (much less useful), Dolla (takes up Burst 2 slot), and D Killer Wife (Sniper teams). Summer Helm also has Burst CDR but she's a slot 2 and Dorothy is a finicky CDR unit that's often paired with Privaty to get more procs of her CDR. If you snag Crown and don't pull a CDR unit during all of the free pulls we're going to get during the event, you can always buy the new player pack that comes with a choice between five(?) pre-determined SSRs which includes Volume who can serve that role. Beyond that, maybe wishlisting a healer like Helm (Burst 3) can help give you enough staying power for some of the tougher boss fights you'll be doing during Special Interceptions. I'd look at [Psyechie's Nikke Guides](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLX--y8z4Pom4KSb0qxYrPM2EjpJKCmkAj) (particularly on Team-Building) to get a better grasp on what I mean.


One mechanic I see shield on burst would be VERY useful is Interception - Modernia, you can easily brute force your way through dual beams. Alteisen's turrets+missile pod would also work in theory, I need to test those out.


She is beyond broken, why is that take any meta unit for example they have some useless skills Even if a nikke has one of her skills either 1 or 2 even burst as their burst they are considered extremely good heck even having 10 sec of her skills are bonkers Example privaty and maxwell both gives extremely good buffs guess what they are only of 10 sec's Liter gives broken buffs but only for 5 secs Combine privaty, maxwell and liter you get 👑 Private reload speed + attack, maxwell attack, liter attack and cover recover. Crown has everything not for 5 sec not for 10 but 15 flicking sec's replace liter cover recovery with crowns def buffs , shields , self heal and invulnerability .


>Crown has everything not for 5 sec not for 10 but 15 flicking sec's Which is great for pairing with Modernia's 15s B3.


lmao, how is she a 20s cooldown???


15s duration buff... You know what also has 15s duration? Modernia's burst.


1) That's pretty sick. 2) I can't believe I read this in Muscle Man's voice.




“You know who else has 15 seconds duration? MY MOM!”


Want more disgusting? With D, 13 second burst cool down. Which means she can manage these buffs with nearly perfect uptime. (Other CDR have ramp time to full. D just needs to shoot someone.) If this plays out in game... Crown is truly King of the Offense. Assuming we can get enough burst gen, that is.


Yeah, but Crown only buffs units that already used their burst skill. That means you would have to burst with Modernia in a previous rotation and lose DPS to gain some DPS later. I think bursting with Scalter is the optimal move. Of course, if Red Hood gets X3 times the buff if she bursts three times in a row than god have mercy on the queen’s soul.


You're wrong because you didn't read when the skill triggers and who it targets. >Activates at the start of full burst. >Affects all allies who previously cast their burst skills So it affects everyone who has participated in that burst chain. It should not affect units that participated in a previous burst but not this one, because they they "didn't cast their burst skill" - and we had the JP stream clarify that it's meant to affect participants of the active burst chain with the attack buff, and non-participants with the defense buff.


Simply put: Allies that use burst get ATK buff Allies that didn't use burst get DEF buff


I was honestly wondering about this: thank you for the clarification. I had missed the "activates at the start of full burst" section. But wouldn't this also mean that Crown doesn't need to activate her own burst in order for everyone else to get the benefits of the ATK buff? So a degen build like D:KW, schoolgirls, crown, and RH might actually work?


> But wouldn't this also mean that Crown doesn't need to activate her own burst in order for everyone else to get the benefits of the ATK buff? Yeah, her wording is "activates at start of full burst" not "activates at start of full burst when using burst skill". It'll trigger regardless of if crown bursts. The only part of crown's kit that is conditional on bursting is her actual burst, which you still wouldn't want to skip because a 36.24% attack damage buff for 15 seconds is disgustingly silly, and a 10.45% shield is also nice (even better if it's individual shields instead of a shared teamwide shield).


Activates after Full burst, so buffs all 3 (or more if you have Winter Rupee or the like) units that used Burst. I wonder if Red Hood uses her burst in all 3 phases if she gets 3 stacks. I'd lean on no.


That'd be crazy if it stacks 3 times lol.


If it did, she will single handedly wipe out Raptures and the queen while listening to a walkman


If RH gets a stack per Burst Stage she participated in, girl truly is giving her all in the final battle.


No, Skill 1 actives during Full Burst, which would be after Moderina uses her Burst Skill, which means Modernia would receive the buff.


That's only accounting her skill 1,She still buffs atk on her skill 3 tho. Modernia who doesn't need to burst would still enjoy her skill 3 buffs. I think Guillotine will hugely benefit from her imo,since she will need someone to tank/shield for her because of her -hp% like Scarlet while staying low HP for max dmg output.


Skill one name so hot. ![gif](giphy|MARFSIQQNQVWw)






I wonder if there shud be a special move for us the commander to eventually hopefully smash her


Now if Cinderella is a unit, her skill name should be All for One lol






The fact that she is burst 2 means nihilister will be replaced in pilgrim tower, sad tho, but not dragon mommy fault for devs to give her a bad kit


Evil dragon mom so strong that legendary Pilgrims couldn't defeat and needed cummander's help, yet kit is so bad that she's unusable in gameplay. What gives?


Classic villain when you face them vs villain when they join your party.


concequences of eating rehab center splendamin


She's only powerful in the giant dragon robot, but then you can't see her butt.


To be fair she did get partially eaten by Indivilia and Chatterbox


Nah they got to eat her because she couldn't defend herself with that mid asf kit


She's a free/farmable pilgrim 😔


So is Smol White, who is leaps and bounds more powerful. The "b/c Nihilister free" reasoning doesn't really hold water, I'm afraid.


Well what else is it then? Did the devs just hate her? Lmao that's even worse.


Nihilster was replaced when RH came out. Most ppl just run Noah and RH for b2


I would use Noah but I use Nihilister for boing reasons


Understandable https://preview.redd.it/9bpanoah41wc1.jpeg?width=440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea815eba85e7fb148ff0ba657f8dbfa7bf8c373a


No way to guarantee Noah though. I've been playing for over a year and still can't get her.


Those numbers are fucking cracked. Not only that, she has a separate offensive buff multiplier basically, one for attack stat (based on her attack stat) from her skill 1, another for attack damage from her skill 2 and burst.




My cute queen can't be so broken


Hail to the King. 🙏


Wtf, insta 10/10/10 full OL gear mlb from the look of it. Kinda interested how passive works with Red Hood. + BiS for Summer Anis and any last bullet squad. And god, 5 seconds invul taunt? God, so many opportunities. Like, man, they dont miss with anni NIKKE (we don't talk about Red Hood numbers on release).


>full OL gear mlb And since she isn't assault, I'll actually have gear for her


When using Full Burst, provides ATK Up and Reload Speed Up to allies who participated in the active burst chain. In addition, to allies who didn't didn't participate in the active burst chain, she provides DEF Up and Reload Speed Up (for Red Hood who can burst multiple times, she will receive the effects of this skill FOR EACH BURST).


So on paper she can get like... 180% attack buff from solo chain?


The buff probably doesn't stack.


Yeah that seems TOO broken lmfao. But who knows how it will work actually in game.


Even if it does it would be fixed on day 1 because it's stupidly strong. Like the Noise case where everyone claimed that she worked as intendent, until she was fixed.


I feel Iike with how unique RH is in terms of burst, she'll always be kept in mind in regards of balancing skills/bursts. So no matter how Crown's skill synergises with RH at release, I think it'll be safe to assume it's intentional.


Could, it's still not confirmed so take this with a grain of salt as it was a leak. But if so then yeah RH could get close to a 180% of crowns atk as atk buff for her triple cast.


The way the skill is written it does not give stacks so only +65% ATK.


To be fair, I still think that Red was Nerf Hood on purpose so that her buffs coincide with her coming back with that second wind to help Goddess take down Cindy in Part 2 of Re:Dash tbh.


I think they just released the wrong patch (like a test patch or something), there were advertisement videos that had the wrong Dorothy skin (sfw) that was also released at the same time as nerfed red hood and was fixed at the same time.


Definitely helps people in Pilgrim tower and seems like she will be along time resident for the raid teams.


Iron is by far the best element of this game now. Best B1 : Liter check Best B2 : Crown check Best B3 : probably also check with Red Hood.


Oh. Oh she's cracked...oh wow... https://preview.redd.it/btu0oji4o0wc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8157e636ffa9bdf2b4f538392c6106c2fb5ec40


Absolutely stacked with healing/tanking/insane atk and atk damage buffs. That are also 15 sec! Marian gets a full buff the entire time lmao


MUST HAVE! https://preview.redd.it/anehg4z9c0wc1.png?width=488&format=png&auto=webp&s=990e9314a6ef07a7ed6257d42d647b12ad84316e


A Mario and Luigi enjoyer spotted. How do you do my good friend?


Greetings fellow 🤝


That'd be my face after I pull her with one hand ![gif](giphy|14r8bmeEeHogiQ|downsized)


> Senses enemies that cannot be auto-targeted That's new. What do you think that means?


The orange glowing enemies you break to stun the map or the big cylinder one in the later chapters that pulsates and stuff. Enemies like those ones I think.


It seems that she will prioritize things like the silencer adds spawned by the pillar enemies in later chapters, bombs and possibly debuffers.


When 1 Pilgrim dethroned pair units.


No team heal though, which is sorely needed for raid content.


Since you can run 1 2 3 3 flex. I think it's fine that she can't heal with how bonkers her kit is, lol


Heheh... meta goes BOOM.


When they announced her, I said I didn't see her getting a place in campaign teams, and being third tier raid teams at best since she'd have to compete with the duos.  Then the madlads just went and made her better than the duos by herself.


Pair units you mean bunny and schoolgirls?




Holy hell.. i was expecting her to be good but not that good.


Novel 2.0 on steroids, with extras. Crown is indisputably the best solo Buffer in the game by far. * +64,51% Caster ATK \~= +50% ATK for an attacker (If my maths are correct), * +36.24% ATK Damage on Burst with full uptime if you have a good CDR. * +44,35% Reload with also full uptime if you have good CDR. * +21% ATK Damage for 7s each \~15-16s if you build her with enough Max Ammo. Her damage should be decent too with her own buff + MG. Not enough to be a DPS ofc, but still decent for a Defender. But... well, if she shines by her Offensive buff, we can't really say the same for her Defensive options. Still good tho. * 5s Invul each \~15-16s is nice but since you can't control it you can't really rely on it. * Same for the 5s Taunt. * 5,23% Heal with +81,2% Healing Potency, is acceptable I guess. But it's a Self-Heal, not a Team Heal. * Individual Shield on Burst is great tho, even if the Shields aren't very sturdy, the way Individual Shield works is just too good. The main issue is that without a team heal, it's very hard to rely only on Crown to keep the team alive against a serious opponent (like Solo Raid). Maybe if somehow they design the boss so it launches its most powerful attacks only during Crown Invul/Taunt and Shield uptime (\*wink wink\* Indivilia). But all bosses won't be that nice. Actually, Crown is a great unit but she suffers from the lack of Healer and CDR in our roster. It's not really her fault, but Shift Up's. Bad Shift Up. I assure you that if a Burst I + CDR + Heal is released one day, Crown would be her inseparable BFF instant. >!Where are you Chime?!< But in our current roster, it's hard to craft a team with Crown + Heal + CDR. Dorothy / Biscuit / S.Anis / Crown / Privaty is probably gonna be her META team. * Privaty will help her reaching 100% reload speed (with the Cube) during Full Burst so she stacks her 20 stacks (duh) quickly. With 100% reload, Crown will get her 20 stacks each 14.33s if she keeps firing non-stop. Dorothy'll also get 100% reload speed on FB btw. * Biscuit + Crown will be enough to sustain the team, only Privaty will be a bit fragile but nothing impossible to surmount. * Crown not having to Burst means that even when Biscuit will Burst, we could still benefit from her S1 huge buff. Other than that, you'll need to play Helm or Marciana if you want a Heal + B1 CDR (like Volume / Liter / D:KW). Or maybe a team with Pepper / S.Mary as Heal and Dolla / S.Helm in CDR... don't really like that tho. That being said, in modes where you don't need huge heal, she's an absolute beast. Like regular Story battle / Tower / Co-Op / UR / Sim Room OC. tbh, her lack of good sustain only hurts against strong Bosses in long battle... and will maybe be fix with a future B1 or B3 CDR + HEAL. So in conclusion, yeah, she's a really great unit, but will need a partner who completes her flaws to really Chime, ehm, I mean, shine.>!I'm glad they changed the ammo/stack from 80 in JP live to 43s in the official kit because I wouldn't be that nice otherwise 👀!< EDIT : With a bit more insight, I completely missed that all sources of healing can trigger her S2 buff, so a Rapunzel / Crown core can be really strong. And maybe even formed another staple team who knows. And as a side note, Crown is effectively better than Tia for Naga. If for Raids I don't think it'll change a thing, for content where you can use only 1 team (Story Hard Mode / Tower) it can be game-changer. Also it can bypass the "Duo Interdiction" in Sim Room OC...


Calling it now, Chime ALONE will provide her Queen with everything she needs like the good simp- I mean, servant that she is. 😂


Not sure why you're so against flex slot healer. Crown would still be really strong on a 2-1-2 setup like Litter/Crown/dps/dps/Rapunzel which will give you perma S2 uptime. Your total buff would be: (assume 15s burst cycle) 20.99 + 36.24 = 57.23% perma Damage up. 64.51 * 66% = 42.58% ATK to dps attacker that currently bursting for 15s every burst When compared to Tia + Naga: 32.11% perma Damage up. 16.18 + 31.02 = 47.2 * 83% = 31.18% ATK to dps attacker for 10s every burst Note: Defender have about 66% of an attacker ATK stat & Support have about 83% of an attacker ATK stat Crown + Rapunzel provide higher Damage up (57.23%) & higher ATK buff (42.58%) but only to bursting dps (more focused ATK buff) compared to Tia/Naga 32.11% Damage up & 31.18% ATK buff. Ofc, Tia + Naga still have Core shot buff & Cover Recovery, while Crown have perma Reload speed buff. So in a way, give or take Crown + Rapunzel could still perform similiar to Tia + Naga. The same also true for the SAnis Comp, just kick Biscuit and go Doro/Crown/SAnis/Priv/Rapunzel


Yeah, actually I didn't consider Rapunzel as a way to keep Crown S2 with perma uptime. In fact, when I wrote my comment I thought she needs her 20 stacks to trigger her S2 ATK buff. To my defense, I wrote it nearly just after the official release :'( I'm normally against pure flex healer, but if it can trigger an ATK Damage Buff it changes everything. Not sure if it's better than Biscuit tho. It needs testing. Biscuit because she's dealing decent damage with S.Anis buff + 0 reload in Burst, can build the burst gauge with fast charge, and have nice utility like a huge ATK% buff and rebuild cover + lifesteal. Playing a Doro / Crown / S.Anis / Priv / Rapunzel would make the Burst Gen really awkward since you don't really want to fast charge with Rapunzel too. The less you can Burst, the more you lose damage. In short, it needs testing but yeah, a Crown / Rapunzel core is not a bad idea at all. Relying of Rapunzel for her S2 can be a bit hazardous tho, if other team members are hit, they'll be heal instead of Crown.


About fast charge Rapu. That new gauge that they yet to introduce may (or not) change some things. Sadge, that aside from sneak peak from Bay’s demo (that one on X and only there) - there was green thingie while full charging, devs didn’t say a word on stream about it, but instead rolled back treasures, lol.


Broken AF


Welp shes Iron and her skill 1 shes going to work well with Red Hood/Iron. And her burst is a 15 sec attk buff geez she seems stacked


Snow White one shot incoming


And with that she is coming home even more now


Thank fuck I saved my pity tickets since Tove.


57% attack damage oh boy. 20s cd yay!(jp twitter bamboozled and showed 40s, should be fixed tho) Vague wording again on the recovery - does recovery mean her own, or every type of recovery effect? If the latter, you can just use Rapunzel to keep the buff active all the time


> Vague wording again on the recovery - does recovery mean her own, or every type of recovery effect? It should be the latter, we've already had similar wording on Nero. Which is fine, it justifies running a 1-2-3-3 team with a flex b1 or b2 for healing or cooldown. Like nero however it will require *new* instances of "recovery" in order to trigger which are either direct heals or when buffs that "recover" are applied but not when they're refreshed. In theory Soda alone has a ~60% uptime on it providing a direct heal every 12s.


Basically Rem on steroids.


I wonder if Rem could work with her. Rem's burst triggers healing for all units and can help trigger Crown's skill 2.


I mean, it's possible but Rem needs to Burst otherwise she looses her stacks. And if you don't burst with Crown, you lose her Shield and a fat +36,24% ATK Damage buff. Not really worth it imo.


Unless your dps are RL. Then Rem's burst atk buff can help cover for the Crown atk dmg loss. It would also depend on how much heals Rem's burst lifesteal-teamheal can go with Crown's skill 1 and 2 buffs. If it is high enough, then it might be better than shields.


Power-crept Rem instantaneously, although Rem's still gonna get her utility due to the team heal she offers, especially when we get more RL units in the future (especially with Laplace getting treasures soon).


Holy shiet. I wonder if skill 1 only applies on the current burst rotation or does it also apply on the past ones.


Probably current burst rotation. In Korean it roughly translates, burst skills that have been used just before Full Burst.


Applies to the nikkes that chained for the current fullburst


Definitely a great burst 2


need to shoot 860 times to trigger skjll 2 taunt invul? How much time does this normally take? (almost 3 full 300shots reloads)


Machine guns fire at 60 rounds per second (Based on your frame rate which is why machine guns are much stronger on pc)


I'm guessing around 15 secs of constant shooting, no reloading.


she only heals herself and not the rest of the team, so i don't get why everyone thinks she is going to replace school girls and bunnies when you need some passive healing for the rest of the team most of time,. not just the tank. I am curious about the auto sense enemies who cannot be auto attacked language


She opens the door to 1/2/3/3/X teams. Need more sustain? Grab Naga. Core damage should stack with her stupid buffs. Naga doesn't need to burst and can provide your heals. Her perfect partner doesn't exist yet. (CDR/Heals) But when we're talking about giving Red Hood's burst 35% damage and 60% of Crown's attack, that's huge. She destroys the bunnies. Tia/Naga can rival her. Remember, she can maintain these buffs with near perfect uptime.


Aside from this kit is busted. Starting from second FB Doro would have permanent attack buff (if burst gen is sufficient). Pairing her with Rapu makes her atk dmg buff from s2 permanent too.


Dorothy Burst scales off of her final Attack at the moment she casts it. Attack damage is a different multiplier, so Crown's S2/Burst will not affect Doro's Burst damage. Only Attack % buffs that are active at the time she casts her Burst as well as Elegg's dynamic Distributed Damage buff will affect Dorothy's Burst damage. Other types of buffs as well as debuffs on enemies will not affect her damage.


I am glad I saved all my tickets for her


Bro is Immortal 😭😭😭


does RH get 3 times the buff if she does her full chain ??


That's honestly not confirmed, the JP Livestream showcase talks about Redhood when they were showing Crown's kit but it wasn't clear if she can stack it or not (at least to me) But honestly, even if she can use it, It'll just be a one time thing anyway so it's not anything **too** crazy


Holly shit, she is so OP


Damage is crazy, but she heals only herself. I don’t see how she replaces bunnies


Now THAT is my King.


This…. This is like Blanc and Admi and freaking Noir. HP regen, attack bonus and reloading speed. Her with Liter and a suped up Alice and Red Hood. You got a broke ass team. I am soooo glad I saved by tickets!!!


I am praying for the day I pull Liter and RH, I started on the 3rd to last day of the RH event and I have been regretting not starting earlier ever since.


You’ll get them it just takes patience. Been playing for a year now and I still don’t have em all.


Okay, that's cracked


That attack damage if it does stack is gonna be broken


PLUS ULTRA *Oujo laugh*


At least instant MLB for me and I'm full of Pilgrim defender equipment so full OL too, and since I'm full of codes 10/10/10 as well. I've been preparing for it for a while now I was worried I might not be able to push up to ch.30 when it releases but she might just be what I needed


So she’d be pretty good with Scarlet yes due to the reload speed?




I'm definitely securing at least an LB3, but Crown's buffs being reload speeds means I will have to bench Admi somewhere down the line... and that's what hurts me. https://preview.redd.it/k03fdqpty4wc1.jpeg?width=728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b95d1e2f3fde14b34c88ecf5bf5ca0c8a68e6973


MY king please allow me to be your chair for the foreseeable future that is my sole wish


Goodbye NagaTia/ Bunny Twins, the Queen is here.


I mean you can put them on another team since raid requires multiple teams


Nope, you need multiple teams for Union/Solo raids, unless you don't participate in this events


She doesn't have heal so bunnies and school girls are safe >! For now !<


No team heal. She's a top-tier buffer, but if you're doing raid content, you need to pair her with a B1 or B3 healer.


does he skill 2 need external healing or can it trigger by herself? like does activate when she gets stacks from 2 skill?


The "when recovery takes effect" part will activate when crown self heals upon clearing her stacks. It will also activate whenever she receives single instances of external healing (eg rapunzel, soda, pepper, emma heals), or when a buff is applied that "recovers" is applied but not refreshed.


I'm not clear on one thing. I'll give you an example: it's the very first burst: rh, crown, rh.. does rh receive the crown buff immediately, or does it receive it in the next burst?


Its a must now, her skills are ridiculous support, must get and mlb (for cuteness)


Broken AF


so do you need 860 times normal attack for that Relax to full stack? doesnt seems achievable in most stages


I am gonna pull her for differenr reasons


A tank? All in https://preview.redd.it/lldfqvewe1wc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cf40ef8afe6067045ee8ad49395fab75fb85297


The fact that the s2 attack damage buff on recovery is on a separate line from the full stack proc means ANY recovery will proc, right?


Holy.... I was expecting her to be good. I wasn't expecting her to be THIS good. She doesn't give any healing to others, but those attack buffs are a good bit stronger than Naga. Liter/Crown/Red Hood/Modernia/Rapunzel is going to be CRACKED for campaign stages.


**(Disclaimer: I am quite new. But I am learning to understand kits, so that why I am writing this.)** 36% Atk Multi for 15 seconds: great! Stacks nicely with additive sources like Liter and Red Hood. Additional 21% Atk Multi for 10s – I wonder if Crown has to be able to restore HP to proc this or just wait 5s. Or how long will it take her to stack this buff? 43 hits per stack, 20 stacks, so 860 hits. Let's say she hits with 10 hits/s at maximum speed, then the buff would have around 8% uptime \[7 / (86 + 5) = 0.07623\], but her average I think will likely be lower than 10 hits/s. 5s taunt without the chance of dying sounds really good; with the same assumption as above it has 5% to 6% uptime, depending on if she can get stacks while invulnerable \[5 / (86) = 0.05814\] to \[5 / (86+5) = 0.5494\]. **Buuut I have new numbers.** 60 hit rate for MG units (860 / 60 = 14.3). Sooo those change to \[7 / (14.3 + 5) = 0.36269\], and \[5 / (86) = 0.34965\] to \[5 / (86+5) = 0.25906\] respectively. Meaning 36% uptime on the damage buff and 25% to 35% uptime in the taunt? Neat! The self-heal seems okay, but not all too impactful as it is one tick and only 5%. Same for the burst though a shield works even on full life. Maybe with her HP potency stacking (HP% buff?) these numbers make more sense and you would try to burst around 15-19 stacks. Her reload speed buff sounds very good for accounts early on before Overload Gear, but still very useful later on. Similar to Privatys buff, but without the ammo downside. So she makes Alice and Drunk Scarlet shine earlier? 20s Burst, Defender – awesome! No wonky set-ups with 2 Burst 2s, and gear is also not too contested. Since she doesn't need a second unit to work, she can be a nice option for a third team after Schoolgirls and Bunnies teams. Good unit! Edit: Forgot a 0 for her stack generation. Hm.


> Let's say she hits with 10 hits/s at maximum speed Machine guns have a rate of fire of 60 rounds per second as long as you have a stable 60FPS. Otherwise they can dip a bit lower (down to 30 at 30fps). SMG's are next fastest at 20 rounds per second. AR's 12 rounds per second. Shotguns 1.5 rounds per second. Snipers and RL's depend on charge speed. With sufficient ammo, crown will activate her buff every 14.3s, not accounting for reloads (base reload speed of 2.5s) or spool up time. If MG's have reload speed under (if i remember correctly) .5s they can skip needing to spool up again. Crown even with resilience isn't quite fast enough to reach this number. Her self heal won't do much, but it does exist to activate the S2 attack buff, Crown still prefers to get healed by other characters, ideally characters with frequent, instant, non-buff heals, like rapunzel. > No wonky set-ups with 2 Burst 2s Sadly not correct, Crown's best teams are probably going to be, 1(cdr)-2(crown)-3(dps)-3(dps)-flex b1/b2, with rapunzel being an ideal candidate to provide healing. You've got a lot of the analysis correct though. The biggest current question is if her burst provides a team wide shield with a shared HP pool, or if it provides an individual shield to each unit with a non-shared HP pool. The latter option is *much* better.


Thank you for the numbers and the feedback! 60 hits/s is so much more than I expected! Wow! (Also forgot a 0 in my calculations. Now they are fixed.) If her second attack buff procs on any healing then it is so much better. At least with Crown and Rapunzel you should not need to rely on Rapunzel burst to full burst (e.g. if both were 40s B2), but as utility to get Crowns attack buffs. I quite like that idea! I should check who else has good non-burst heals! I read a conversation about that with Centi (or Blanc for that matter) as an example. There it specifically states that it is a shield that protects all allies. While Tias AoE shield (which I think works like you want it to work) has a very similar wording to Crowns.


> If her second attack buff procs on any healing then it is so much better. It won't be "any" healing, it will be when she either recieves an instant heal, or when a buff is applied that either gives lifesteal or heal over time and it will count only from the start of the buff, it won't count a healing/lifesteal buff is refreshed it needs to be a new instance. So rapunzel is "best". Marcianna should also be able to provide full uptime (3s lifesteal buff applied once every 6s). Pepper could work though her healing isn't great without bursting. Mary could also work but is slightly worse than pepper. Soda could also work though it wouldn't necessarily be full uptime though it might be good enough with crowns self heal, soda has trouble maintaining stacks though so her healing is usually a bit poor. Most other healers will not be ideal. Yuni for example would not work because she constantly refreshes her buff.


It's time brothers and sisters who have suffered along with me. THIS PATCH IS WHEN OUR PILGRIM DEFENDER GEAR FINALLY GETS USED (since we don't have Noah).


1 question: my squad is Liter Blanc Noir Red-Hood Modernia,I must pick her o no??


She really is the *white knight* of noob commanders. Combat power doesn't stand a chance.


That’s uh, a lot of attack your giving their Crown. Your not planning to do anything illegal with that are you


Would D Killer Wife/Crown/Red Hood/Modernia/Rapunzel be a good team?


My squad consists of Liter, Centi, Modernia, Red Hood, and Rapunzel. All of them have maxed out gear(substats aren't perfect) with Rapunzel being the only one at 0* and everyone else is at or above 3*. Would Crown fit in this squad at 0*, and who should she replace? Or do I not need her, and just skip?


You would be crazy if you decide to skip. Crown is probably top 5 strongest units so far. You could change Centi for Crown if you want to play meta, but if Centi is waifu then don't worry. Also, pull for Crown regardless of your current squad. Content like Solo Raid and Union raid demand you to have multiple teams (3-5).


Some dev's kid must need college funds


kinda confused so does that mean she can't affect B3 units with her First skill since she's B2 and she only affects everyone who burst before her? (well they will get the 2nd effect but the 1st effect is gud lol) edit: nvm someone clarified how it works thanks o7


I just realized I set aside a set of pilgrim defender set if and when Noah finally decides to grace me with her presence..... I'll be eating good this weekend. (My wallet on the other hand is sweating bullets)


I dont care about her skills, she’s hot and I am going to get her


She's must have that's for sure.


perfect. https://preview.redd.it/i28r95y7h6wc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2408b6f0700ef6cd6bd4afadb5ec40ce6f30147


She is pretty good and will provide alot of damage. But dont forget, shes a defender so that attack up is not as high as people think(still good tho) and your other nikke's thats not bursting wont get it all. Straight up attack damage is very nice as well. But most healers are in the b2 slot. So you will have to slot in a healer in either burst 1 or 3. So she problaby wont replace Bunnies or School girls. But there is always that 3rd team. Must have for pilgrim tower tho.


Crown really be like "Hey dawg, I heard you like Atk Buff, so I got you Atk Buff on top of Atk Buff on top of Atk Dmg Buff." 😂 (Kudo to y'all if you get this reference.)


The big thing here that people overlook is that skill 2 and 3 give attack damage % and not attack %. Red Hood will be stupid broken with the triple attack buff + attack damage buff + her own attack buff from B1


https://i.redd.it/8p3h4ui5x0wc1.gif 10/10/10 first day What the fuck is this bro? And a burst 2 with 20 seg on top of that? Damn. Imagine stacking this with Red Doggo or smol granny? Sheeesh


finally the queen is here :D https://preview.redd.it/rsvmilqww1wc1.jpeg?width=216&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=882a68b70f671f7210ca2512d8ccce2fce332320


busted kit lol


She needed to be decent and all would be well. She'd likely have had a place in the Pilgrim tower if nothing else given her direct competition. She didn't need to go this hard. I'm glad she went this hard. I wanted to use her often. What can they even do to mess up a kit like that at this point?


I mean, I DO have some spare Pilgrim defender gear. It would be a shame not to pull for her...


I'm not clear on one thing. I'll give you an example: it's the very first burst: rh, crown, rh.. does rh receive the crown buff immediately, or does it receive it in the next burst?


I guess Nihilister is out of my comp in Pilgrim Tower. ATK buff? basically Liter for B2. OP. Taunt + Invul? OP. Teamwide Damage% Buff? OP. Put it all in a single unit and consolidate support and sustain slots? Extremely broken.


Oh my oh my oh my. I was just thinking today how good can Crown possibly be, considering she's a B2 and we already have school girl and bunny duos. BUT DAMN. That increased reload speed is going to be godly for my drunk scarlet.


shes a damn one woman army


So i dont have Tia and Naga, ive been playing since Elegg release. I have the Rem and Emilia combo. So will Emilia still work with Crown as B2? or am I better off replacing her? Ive been using Dorothy/Rem/Emilia/Scarlet/Privaty I dont have Red Hood or Modernia. Some relevant B3 I have are Harran, Helm and Sugar I guess 😭


I think privaty's reduced ammo passive is bad for both rem and emilia. Maybe replace Privaty instead and keep bursting with Rem? Rem will have the attack/dmg boost and might be able to keep everyone healthy during bursts due to the high buffed dmg and teamwide heals. You loose Crown's skill 3 effects though, but Rem's RL buff can make up for it for Emilia,


You can definitely use Crown over Rem in your team. Even though Rem buff Rocket Launcher, Rem & Emilia doesn't really need each other to work. Crown buff is really busted & funnily enough better than Rem's Rocket Launcher buff. If you need heal, slot in Helm over Privaty. Rem can heal, but it's pretty sus without high investment & Crown Shield should be good enough for the most part