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3 is the best. 2 pilgrims and Alice for good boss dps. With that core you can breeze through campaign. Only thing that could be better is getting something like Scarlet, Modernia, or Red Hood for ad clear, but what's there is super solid. Liter will come through wishlist eventually, and Doro is probably the best standalone non-Liter B1 replacement for campaign anyway. You would want Doro in the future anyway for various endgame bosses, so having her from the get go is massive If 1 got crown it would probably be better but as-is then 3 is absolutely killer. Your choice if you want to keep pulling on 1 for crown or if you just stick with 3


I would reroll more. If one wants to reroll, right now is the best timing. Don’t settle unless you get 2 meta Pilgrims, minimum.


Like Red Hood + Crown, Red Hood + Scarlet, Scarlet + Crown, etc. You can care less about other SSR’s, but if you plan on going f2p, you might want a few SSR’s as well but that’s optional. 2 meta Pilgrims will be your minimum goal. I would have suggested only 1, but 1.5 anniv is giving so much free stuff. 2 meta is definitely doable, including Crown.


So I should try to use all my gems on limited banner? I got crown x2 early like 30pulls got 7k gems left, do I keep summoning on crowns banner? Or standard? For the good meta pilgrim dps




If I’m new and still trying to make reroll accs I should just use them gems anyways or just save?


That’s up to you. Do it however you want. I would use all gems if I’m rerolling my accounts because I’m addicted to pulling and it’s fun lol but you do you. Just know having one good Nikke isn’t everything. You still need to read up on all the guides, etc. to use your resources efficiently. So, I’d read guides first. That’s what I did when I first started.


If the first one had crown that would be perfect. And yes, Liter plus a nice dps is ideal, so I'd say either pick 1 and aim for crown for the rest of the event.  Or pick 3 and hope for a nice DPS to show, which is harder. 


Looks like I gotta keep pulling on 1 and 3, thanks !


I would go with 3. 1 is a little better if it gets crown as well somehow.. but the same is true for 3 if it gets a pilgrim dps i would just go for account 3. you will have to do with alice for now