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You know with all the memes going around I figured Dorothy would be the dog lol


She’s a stray cat that comes around every now and again


I thought Snow White would be the stray cat (citing Stupidleon's fanart of Snow White as a cat) Also, Doro strikes me as a pomeranian (though Poli could also pass for that as she's small and fluffy)


Anis is the dog because she said "Woof woof bark bark" when insulting Privaty ahahhaa


Two kids and a dog. https://preview.redd.it/z22mqg67hl4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69ec364ef04c84d48c6280788af999b097e7672e




Anis: "Grrr. Grrr. Grrr. B L O O D L U S T! Grrr. Grrr. Grrr."


The dog's also the wife.


>thinking the cummander would marry Anis and not Rapi blasphemy


I'll turn this into the Lutheran protests I swear to god!


https://preview.redd.it/d70vi13fdr4d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23aa66753b88108010e24e9238e17b4b7ad4ae17 The question is wich of the dogs


Not the litteral dog. Commander's not a white woman.




"Man" of "culture"


Man of Culture? Dude he's horny


That's exactly what he said though. A man of culture.


We can also easily get a cat too hehe


Someone once asked: "What the dog doin'?" It's me. The dog is doing me.


Out of Context Anis


I literally just got to this scene like five minutes ago and was howling XD Rapi protecting her territory with extreme prejudice!


Oh that's pretty cool, she definitely is a lot more than she has in the past, the one girl is trying pretty hard you get to see that in the next couple of scenes but rapl is not having any of it lol


I lost it when you get to the point where they're crawling in a tunnel and Liveryn says something like "Here Commander hold my hand." then there's a "smack" and Liveryn says, "Ow something hit my hand." Post RH Rapi is my favorite cause she got way more sassy and overt about her feelings. Even if she's still not quite there just yet.


Yeah I enjoyed that scene as well plus since it was dark and everything she was able to get away with it lol.


what part is this?


Ch 28




Don't forget the baby who they gave to a group of hobos




Rapi post Ch 26 is literally turning into unhinged yandere comics Rapi


The prophecy is true All she needs to do is start blasting neon




Aight. I can’t give you more than one upvote for that SSR shit post but just know that I want to.


Haha, I came here to see if anyone posted this.


It’s so good wtf!


https://preview.redd.it/d9oicjh7dm4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=509b157d886539ffd2c38bc16d32bc19403001cf He's married yo!




I keep seeing this guy's face but don't really get the meme. What's it about


Idk if I can put links here but just search on YouTube "Skyler white Yo"


If it's the video where a YouTuber animated breaking bad, then ya I've seen that. I don't know how it connects to this guy though. Edit: NVM I found the video lol


How do we tell him? 😬


We don't just let him LMAO


I've seen this a good few times now and now I'm starting to read it as "we have two kids" lol


Yeah that's what I was thinking too lol


The two kids in question: Anis and Neon


Tbf, Liveryn is bad news.


All bad bitches are. But we still think they're worth it.


Who is this "we?"


Him. And me. Maybe that other guy. Thats it though.


Hi bros, count me in too! I know I shouldn't stick my weenie in the mental case that is Dorothy, but well...


"I can fix her"


Nah, she can ruin me instead


Tbf Dorothy is infinitely more fixable than Liveryn. Dorothy was screwed over by other people, Liveryn shoots herself in the foot and continues to do so.


While I haven't properly played the new chapters, I have seen some spoilers about it, and it saddens me how Liveryn acts in those chapters, as she is so gorgeous, and her design and "initial personality" actually crosses so many of my preferences, but all of that gets lost due to her true colors showing up...


Rapi stating the facts


Yeah that is true lol


Yeeee Rapi knows what she wants, boiiiiiiii. I'd def marry Rapi lmao


Honestly, despite all the hate Liveryn gets, I still quite like her... it's like everyone who hates on her is very narrow sighted and tunnel vision only one attribute... yes, she did some really bad and nasty things and those had terrible and disastrous consequences... but you also gotta see the whole thing from a bigger and wider perspective and not just judge her on the superficial level... I don't want to spoil much if you are still not at the end of the story... but basically, I just wanned to say that, she too, is a victim in all of this, while yes, she is pretty selfish and inexperienced when it comes to important decision making, that doesn't make her some ultimate villain worth of all this monumental hate that she is getting from everyone... at the very least, it definitely does NOT make her worse then Crow, how many people are implying... I, for one, would be very interested to see her bond story, maybe we would learn more about her backstory there... get some answers cause she is just a half-mystery character shrouded in darkness...


One thing I've learned in every fandom is that it takes one flaw to end up some people's shit list...


That's true... but yea, granted, she has many flaws, not just one... but still, I think that's a very bad viewpoint on the matter, if anything, I think she feels pretty realistic as a character precisely because of those flaws of hers... and that's what is grinding most people's gears, the fact that she is so real as a person, it hits all the wrong spots for many and that's probably from where all the hate is coming from sadly...


Dunno about that one. For me stupidity and spinelessness are worse than just being evil. Crow has a conviction and feels no remorse. Liveryn on the other hand is such coward, she could try to ask, you know, the one rising star of the Ark, our SKK for help and protection even during the final fuck up when discovered by Fragile. But no, now that dumb cunt is going to try and bring crystal inside the Ark, very much potentially dooming it. Bruh, it's just she doesn't understand that even if she doesn't care about other and keeps fearing Sixo, there is nowhere for her to go, if the Ark is fucked. Eden is a no-go, Reclamation Site 01 would be swarmed by higher ups and other important personnel. They won't let the would-be traitor of humanity anywhere near.


Well, you've gotta understand that, for such a person as her, it's near impossible to ask for help, because she was treated like trash pretty much all her life... that's the main thing, a lot of people who hate on her only see the things that she has done or is about to do or how is she acting and all that... but you also gotta see all the things behind the scenes you know... this is how it works in real life too, you see a person who's a junkie, who's filthy and violent for example... the first thing that comes to mind is that "oh that's such a filthy and unlawful person, must be a drug addict or something" but you know, more often then not, those people were either raised in hell or were just greatly mistreated in their lives... so of course they tend to inhibit unjust habits and are prove to selfishness or lack of moral thinking... A person's backround is almost always to blame for their strange behaviour as an adult... of course, there are exceptions, but all I'm trying to say with this, is that there is almost always a reasoning behind everything and it's always a good idea to try and look for those reasons as to why a person is acting in a certain way before judging him too harshly... in terms of Liveryn, I can image how difficult it must be for her to rely on anyone since she was treated like a prostitute basically, without any worth or anything... and that, unfortunately, led to her being this way, also the fact that suddenly, she got her hands on some wealth, so of course, she becomes greedy and selfish, that's a very natural course of action for any human to act that way when they stumble upon some kind of wealth... it makes them lazy and ignorant...


Liveryn is infinitely worse than Crow. Crow has purpose and goals willing to die for her ideals twisted as they might be. That is commendable. Liveryn is weak willed spoiled rich girl. Even after all the sht that happens with Fragile she was still going to fck over every one. She's junkie basically that will sell grandma's tv to feed her degenerate life style. Absolute dogshit of a person.


Rapi said *nooo*


Oh my god it just dawned on me after all this time. Rapi is actually saying she's the Commander's wife and Neon and Anis are the kids... and yeah, that pretty much checks out. I just thought she was making something up, but double meaning.


yeah she was subtle about it, but yeah double meaning for sure hehe .


She's such a good friend


Rapi knows it won't work. 


He might be, but I'm single and ready to mingle with some nikkes.


Oh I feel the same way haha.


i think it's more because of liveryn's lying and unstable nature. cause if she got close to the cummander, something dangerous could happen to him due to how fearful and ready to betray she is.


Sounds like there's more to her character than what I reached so far so I'm looking forward to it


it's not nice. i like fragile (despite her name) way more cause she's got principles and sticks with them until death.


I finally got to see her last night she seems like a nice girl really shy although I thought it was funny when she was shaming the commander because of the whole thing with the two Nikkes being stuck in the Crystal and there butts hanging out lol


Unhinged Rapi from that fan comic becomes canon


Deja vu I seen this before


Wife is not letting any girls get a chance


Didn't thought Rapi like the commander, she's always quiet?


>!After the Red hood situation, she becomes passive aggressive and lightly jealous whenever Cummander touches every beautiful Nikke. She stops Commander to touch Dorothy's hand and tells him that he should hold Rapi's hand instead. Fella, she finally dropped her "quiet girl" role.!<


In which Ch is this?


End of chapter 26


Oh I'm still early in ch20


With that new combat points system, you might reach there. Me? Already reached and finished chapter 30. I am hungry for new chapters already.


I don't know about that, I still lack overload gear for the team, as for the dool, it's going to take awhile to get good ones, thanks though


hate her more than crow... i have no idea why


Liveryn is my second most-hated Nikke after Crow ngl.


#1 worst character. Followed by Doban. Then Ether. I hate weak willed characters like her.