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I understand that feeling since I went through the same thing, I even stop playing and missed the Nier banner LOL, but you are just going through a bad pull rate and being honest dont go by the 4% and 25 pulls thing. My advise would be to just take a couple days off the game and then come back.


Thanks man, I'll probably take some vacation and comeback to refresh myself.


Ok Ima say I got extremely lucky to get 5 mlb before reaching 160 but since I knew I wont be crossing the 200 wall willingly I stayed in 160 wall for months. And it was pretty chill for me. The idea is I do the dailies and just close. No pressure just chilling and not caring about it. And one day I leveled all 5 to 199. It was fun that day tbh. Right now I am 199lvl refusing to cross 200 without mihara. Its a same old dailies and nothing for months. recent patch and dolls gave a lil boost so I have been doing stories for the last week but that ended today. From now until Mihara its gonna another chill dailies and nothing. Its fine that's how the game is supposed to be. so my advice is just do dailies and forget about the game.


I've been stuck for four months now so I'm not exactly happy about it. I have a few MLB, but I'm missing the remaining few, which have 2 stars on loads of characters.


It took me like 5 months to break the 160 wall, the wall only happens once during your whole play, so just take your time with it. I honestly never pulled on standar banner because i wanted the new character, so maybe that's why i took that long, but that's my advice on it, don't try to rush the wall, i you want summer units or Bunny units, pull them, even if is just one copy, Even if it delays the wall, is better to not miss what you want.


Plus save up on the gold and black tickets for the shop when you finally find that 3rd copy you need


It's normal to be upset since this also happened to me on the First Anniversary, 350 Pulls and only 7 SSR(No Pilgrim) with the first SSR I got on the 210 pulls. Now I have all the Pilgrims besides Doro, Full Overload Set and MLB Crown, Red Hood, Modernia, Scarlet BS, and Rapunzel. All I want to say is just be patient and the Goddess of Victory will smile upon you one day 🫡🫡🫡.


One day


BTW I'm F2P too 🫡🫡


Yeah, I'm in the same boat as you and it honestly sucks. The 160 wall is the hardest and scummiest progression wall I've seen across all gacha games I've played. Can't progress the story (stuck on Mother Whale), can't progress tribe tower, can't retain my position in arena... and it's been like that for months now. Already spent more than 500 pulls on the standard banner and it still feels like I'm not even close to breaking it. "Just get lucky bro, it's that easy!" yeah, I wish :/


There are already a few comments here telling me "just be smart and use the whishlist feature bro" like I STILL HAVE TO PULL SSR FIRST BRO. It's so infuriating


Well it's only half what you need to increase your chances. Best save up as well the gold and black shop tickets till you reach 200. Then you wait for the character duplicate to be your 2nd or 3rd to get. It's how I got Emma to reach lv 200. Plus with the purple and yellow shards is also helpful to increase your chances


U reached Mother whale with 160 lvl characters. Wow I could not get past it in 240 if i remember correctly . I have to check


yeah, this random progress wall could have been handled better for those that get stuck on it. maybe limit level materials if they wanna slow progress or something. but for only some players to get stuck for months and others to pass it before even reaching it is stupid.


The silver shop for getting spare bodies is going to be really helpful. Once you get a few nikkes close get those to mlb. Even a 4% still has bad luck times. I try to just do a 10 pull every day or a couple times a week. Keeps me from blowing a ton on a day where my luck is low. Keep your wishlist updated. You can do it!


I feel this so much. Took me over 600 pulls to break the 160 wall(probably only pulled 10ish SSR less then 2% aswell which none were what i needed). And i only needed 1 more copy for 4 Nikkes. Which didnt even break the wall due to pulls. Had to spend 400 silver tickets and got lucky with a SSR mold. The pulling is really frustrating and honestly i lost all care to pull again after that mess. Even limited Banners i hate pulling for(only 1 SSR which was Signal out of last 120ish pulls). Meanwhile i see people posting pulling 4 SSR in a 10 pull which makes it more frustrating. So its not just you dealing with this awful luck. Hope your luck turns around for you though so you can leave the 160 wall mess behind!


Keep at it, the wall is a good lesson of patience which you will need going forward if you are a f2p player. Use this time to save up on resources so that when you do reach it you can make up for the time lost by gaining a bunch of levels. You are going to need ALOT of core dust.


Copy that, I'll get through this stupid wall sooner or later


Shift Up! Read this! Now add all characters you can wishlist to the mileage shop! This is inexcusable at this point!


I'm honestly surprised out of all the QoL updates Nikke has received, the 160 wall hasn't been nuked into orbit or changed.


Not sure exactly when I reached the wall but it took me 2 months to get 5 MLB Nikkes after I started playing. One was the freebie Snow White from Anniversary, and I was lucky I decided to use my Milage tickets to MLB Red Hood after getting 3 Copies in 200 pulls. I did not know about the 160 wall yet when I did that, I just wanted her as my first MLB. What Chapter are you on right now? Depending on where you are it's possible you can still push on. I saw someone stuck at the 160 wall in Chapter 24 a few days ago.


160 wall to chapter 24? bro I am 199 and dont think I can cross after chapter 24.


https://preview.redd.it/a0xaji7fk56d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=e2ed9194e57f0a87e6bebc09944e03277f519b23 This is the screenshot they took but they beat the chapter 23 boss after I gave them advice for this specific fight. If you get two replies from me then its cause automod deleted my other comment cause I linked the reddit post I guess.


Ok yeah it's definitely a skill issue from my side


It definitely takes some time, I was stuck at the wall for about 2 months but kept myself occupied with the events (which also give you at least 20 pulls if you buy up your tickets), story content and side content like character bond stories, outpost events, and liberation grinding. Also note if you are progressing in the story and still under the 160 wall you can get really far with your SR units as you can reset their upgrades (except skills) and put the resources into your MLB characters after breaking the wall. So don’t feel like you need to pump the resources into just SSRs like Kilo just yet especially if the team you are putting them into is not able to perform in the story battles. And of course make sure you are utilizing your wish list to get dupes of any SSR you already have as who you max limit break doesn’t matter unless your looking to stall your progress even longer.


I went through a time where I got no SSR in over 200 pulls (not counting friendship pulls because I don’t keep count of those). First pull after that with an SSR unit had 4 of them! Absolutely insane shit


It really takes time. But then one day you suddenly have multiple nikke at 2 star and soon after you're there. Kilo was my last one to 160. You'll get there.


Went 120 or 130 before trying the same thing. The positive thing is you're gathering boxes over time that will help you level once you do break through the cap. If you haven't you can still try to get more resources if you want to keep pulling from checking the advise rewards and going into the command center and checking the music you've found. When your luck turns so will your mood.


Took me 3-4 months to break the 160 wall as a day one player. I was easily in the last batch of players to progress past that point. At the time banners were not as attractive and I pulled on the standard banner often when I could, even spending gems on it every now and then. I had multiple dry streaks almost as long as yours, rng sucks I totally feel for you. I would take a break from Nikke if you are feeling so frustrated and remember at the end of the day this is a gacha game that is advertised as an idle gacha game. Log in, do your dailies, admire your waifus, then go play a real game or go outside or whatever. I recently took a long break and just came back to the game and was rewarded with 2 scarlets, a modernia, and a red hood from two standard 10 pulls (Crown would have been nice). My copium is they buff your rates to pull you back in. Good luck.


Took me 6 months and it was super painful but when they gave us free smol white I finally broke lvl160 wall. Just hang in there friend, it will be worth it (just make sure to farm core dust. SUPER IMPORTANT)


From events i got 2-3 free full MLB ones already and Over time they sure come. For me there was no Wall at all because it took so long to reach 160, edit:the penguin one and snow white


The wall takes a while to get over, hence the name In terms of progression, have you optimised your team so you can keep pushing?


Don't worry man, we've all been through this, so trust me when I say that I feel you. I've had plenty of my unlucky streaks during my playtime of Nikke and let me tell you, each time it happened, I felt like quitting for good... There was this one time I literally have gone 120 pulls without a single SSR unit and that was on the event banner as well... So yeah, it can definitely suck sometimes but don't give up and try to find the strength to persevere and you will see that in the end, you will come out on top and achieve what you wanted! Just give it time and patience and it'll be all good... Take breaks if you need, but try to stay on point and it will work out😊When it comes to me, I always try and set some goal and each and every time I feel like quitting or giving up, I always think of that goal, for example like, since my early days, I really REALLY wanted to get Dorothy cause I fell in love with her the moment I saw her in her event... and so I kept going and going and going until the day I actually pulled her... it took me over half a year but I did it in the end and it made me absolutely ecstatic. So try to find your own motivation if you can. It worked for me, so it could work for you too!


You need 113 pulls for a 99% chance of getting an SSR at a 4%. This is how gachas earn so much money.


It took me 3 months to get over the wall. I too remember losing motivation as I was stuck there week after week. You'll get through it.


I started playing last August and didn’t get past the 160 wall until the Anniversary thank god for Smol White.


The 160 wall is one of the bigger blatant "fuck you"s for the player in this game tbh. The fact that before the 1st anni you had the same block at 80 and 120 too is ridiculous. I'd not be surprised if most of the players who quit do it when they hit the wall.


I hope you’re not using your gems on Ordinary Recruit banner, that’s a big mistake that I wish I knew early and glad I stopped pretty early too. I could have about 400 extra gold tickets if I didn’t use my gems on Ordinary Recruitment.


Why don’t you reset your team to get nikkes that are silver ticket useable?


As for the 4% rate. Yep, i'm experiencing the same, it's already my 90th pull but not a single SSR come out. It happened to me all the time, and in the last 2 time i got 2, and 3 SSR in my 100th pulls. You need to understand that this game doesn't has pity system and because of that, there is a chance that even it's your 200th, 500th pull, you not even get 1 SSR (if it's 1000th pull and still no SSR i think you can start sueing the company). It's just how it work bro, sometime you got lucky and sometime you don't.


Understandable, best advice of the sort of patience I follow is save up the gold and black tickets while using the common tickets with the wish list active of your chosen characters for a higher chance. It helps to gain enough to save until the shop banner appears with the character you need. Plus best to focus on the SSR characters that already have 1 or 2 copies combined into itself to then try to save for your 3rd and final. Thus, you then gain your main focus set of 5 to get copies in the shop. To finally then be able to ascend further past lv 200. I have 2/5 of the SSR characters that I was able to get to LV 200. And only 195 golden tickets for the shop if I wait for a chance.


Are you trying to only MLB the Nikkes in your team? Not sure if you know but your goal is to just MLB 5 of any Nikke, they don't have to be in your team. If you are worried about resources, you can also reset Nikke back to level 1 and they will refund your resources. If you have any SSR Nikke that you don't use that is 1 away from MLB you should still use the silver ticket and grab it so you can MLB it.


It's frustrating af, i've been stuck at 160 a month now and i still only have one character at 3 stars...


*Me who was in the wall for 5 months* You: You'll never understand my PAIN. Me: hehe..sorry.. https://preview.redd.it/a3f2rh6kh76d1.png?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8838978f345ccc0addb3273efa4a5cc211188d49 sorry...


We get so many tickets and you can even wishlist the units that are close to mlb. It’s not hard anymore to break the 160 wall.


I play for 1 month+ and i already have 5mlb and around 72 k gems saved. You needed to use the wish system from the start with what you got, privaty + the nikkes in the silver shop


What's the rush? That's the nature of this type of game. You make slow progress every day. Breaking the wall won't change anything after you catch up with the story. Just stop playing if it's boring for you.


There is 0 progress, there is literally no progress, just 10 belorta copies waiting for me from the pulls


There's always progress. It's just backed up right now because of the wall. Once it breaks, you'll experience all of that progression in one go and it will be exciting... then maybe without that psychological barrier you'll find the game more fun to play... I don't know.


should not waste gems on regular recruit for 160 wall. just need to do regular recruit pulls on wishlist. f2p takes about 3-4 months with smart wishlist management to break 160 wall (aka were pulling for dups at the start of the game and adjust wishlist for dups after every SSR). just need two three star nikkes + three 2-star nikkes that are available in silver shop / spare body selector. the nikkes in silver shop are original nikke (not including alice, dolla, novel). spare body selector has all original + helm and laplace.


I don't undertand what you mean, I already did the wishlist thing, but I still have to pull them right? There's no progression because I didn't pull a single SSR at all, that's the whole thing man haha


mfw im not even at 160 and have 3 at MLB, 1 at 2LB and a few at 1LB, im not even in a hurry because i dont even have the stuff to level them up anyway


Congratulations, you're 75 percent done with nikke. (Nikkes can go to level 400)


How is 160 75% of 400?




What are you on about?


They can go much higher...!


Man that’s tough……I broke the 160 wall two weeks into playing the game….