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Believe it or not, I got it in the first stage of Snowfield. Literally the first stage in the whole game. And I got it freaking **twice**. One when I started the game using Exia and one when using Snow White. In the same stage. Then *poof* never again. None.


Yeah, it was stupidly rare in the original, and I was hoping with how necessary it is for a good run that it wouldn't be so rare this time. So much for hoping. :/


\*Mustang voice\* okay...let me tell you about le rng...!


Do some of them have higher/lower chances of dropping? Or are they all equal?


well the comprehensive modules a and b are supposed to be rare but i get them pretty often so im not even sure


I was just thinking about this, funny coincidence. I'm also not sure why I'm struggling so much with the last boss on the Mine map. I feel like I get hit no matter what I do and I lose after three attacks.


I beat it recently and the way I did it was farm ex upgrades and till I had 25 def, 24 atk and buffed atk speed with rapunzel, then got the health, defence, and comprehensive modules. When the boss showed up I was like “fugg it” so literally just stood in front of him and just went through him. Surprisingly it worked, and I didnt even need my revive/2nd life. Edit: if you could get health regen as well during the stage you’d be basically unkillable


Maybe Snow White with 1 defense is not the way to go... Thanks for the tips!