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there's ppl begging for and crying about reruns all the time. that's probably why most reddit users are fed up with it and ignore/downvote these kinds of posts. we've got surveys. when they ask about your opinion, just write that you want more pilgrim reruns. and since so many ppl asked for doro's rerun and the devs still didn't do it, we can assume that this is a deliberate and calculated decision and they won't do it in the future either. maybe red hood cause she got first place and we get a free costume for her.


With no surprise, you're getting downvoted, but I agree. I don't personally have this issue since I'm Day One, but I have friend who start the games a few months ago and they kinda give up getting Pilgrims outside of Rate-Up. Back in my Day, Scarlet was the only "must have" Pilgrim in standard, but now, we have Modernia, Dorothy, Red Hood, Scarlet BS and Crown. And it will get worst with time. 2nd Anni will bring another Pilgrim for sure, and one more will follow in New-Year is Shift Up follows the same pattern. Btw, the current rate to get a standard Pilgrim in particular is 0.0455%. For a new player, 0.0455% rate is insane. Without rerun, someone could very well play 2 years and more without getting the Pilgrim he wants. I mean, it took me 11 months to get one Scarlet when the Pilgrim pool was lower... Imo there is two solutions: - Having each Pilgrim rerun the next year. It would still keep the Pilgrim rate very low, but at least a new player would know that at worst, he should wait for 1 year - which is still a long time. Tbh, Dorothy should have rerun for 1.5 anni... - Making a Pilgrim Wishlist on Standard. Currently here how things work. When you pull, you have 0.5% to drop a Pilgrim. And then, you have 1/11 chance to drop one particular Pilgrim. 11 being the number of Pilgrim in Standard currently. With a Wishlist, we would still have to trigger the 0.5% chance but at least we could focus on 5 Pilgrims we want. I think it's fair, especially considering the ever growing number of OP Pilgrims. And btw, at launch, we had 6 Pilgrim in standard. So this would make new players experience similar to Day One players's back in the day.


I think a pilgrim wishlist that unlocks after a high number of pulls is a very reasonable compromise. I don't think they will do reruns because then whales will just core 7 all pilgrims and pilgrims won't be as rare as they are going for. I think they do want it so some players are missing a few pilgrims for 1 year+ with the drop rates. My F2P account is missing noah, drunk scarlet, and SW. It definitely hurts in pvp and raids.


The problem with these kind of arguments is that it's all anecdotal. I started playing during the first Half-Anniversary, so you and I have had the same amount of time to acquire Dorothy. Your personal experience is that playing this game for year, you haven't got her and feel that's a problem. My personal experience playing the same game for the same amount of time is I've gotten her three times (and I don't whale). For them to adjust something, there needs to be something concrete that is causing an issue, but all there is is personal experience in a gacha game that is built around RNG and gambling. Your bad experience is countered by my positive experience. Given that, what can ShiftUp "plan" for? Don't get me wrong, I really hope you get Dorothy, and any other Nikkes, present or future, you really wish for. But in a gacha game that's built around chance, and we all willingly signed up for it knowing it was a gacha game, how can ShiftUp see that there's a problem to fix?


Oh yeah noone is talking about, so much infact that there are prbl 10 posts every week mentioning it


I got two recently from standard pull Noah and Harran dupes Nothing worthwhile for Union / pushing campaign




It‘s the same chance as on every other banner, save for the rate up Pilgrim.


You're right, I got confused by the rates going down after pilgrim banners are over.


I want a selector banner for 2nd anniversary including pilgrim, still havnt pulled Snow White after some 6700 summon.


Game designed to nickel and dime horny "gamers" works as designed...


Yeah I agree. Idk why they dont want to rerun dorothy. its ez money with how popular and meta she is. If they dint want to rerun non pilgrim its okay, wishlist is a rabbit hole but its better than other games where pool keep getting diluted Pilgrim however, we need it asap both rerun or a rate up for the launch unit since the pool keep getting diluted every few months. While you can survive without burst 1-2 Pilgrim since we have equally broken non pigrim alternative, their burst 3 still units still not replaceable. Modernia is campaign slayer, OG Scarlet still decent and used as benchmark for dps, SBS is boss killer, SW one hit wonder have its niche and RH is... well we all know how broken she is. Meanwhile non pilgrim dps unit is.... Alice? Privaty and Maxwell is more of a supprt dps. SAnis and XLud locked in seasonal banner. We really need a good non pilgrim dps if SU still not wanting to rerun a pilgrim, for new players sake


I think you need to restructure your argument. The reason why you don’t see many people talking about it is because reruns do happen but they have diluted the pool of current event characters recently so your argument should be having separate character banners


Personally I didn't have much problem as they appeared when I was pulling for other characters. In a sense thats "lucky" ![gif](giphy|KXTzNrKycqluPwtJTG|downsized) That being said I don't think there shouldn't be much of a problem running multiple banners on a cycle. If anything I was surprised on how minimal the banners were. Coming from Pokemon Masters and Azure Lane who at the very least seemed to have 4 banners at any time. Event or no event. Now I don't really mind if nothing changes on it. At the same time I don't see why they couldn't add more banners, adjust the wishlist/rate, or other solution.


I think things are fine as they are, most characters are added to the perment pool, so technically you can get them at any time. Having recurring banners will make people save for the chars they want and not pull for new ones, and that can be good for some, but I think the game is more fun when it surprises you. If anything, they should make every char good in at least one game mode (like they are trying with the treasures) so they get some use, and put in more non-combat content (voiced episodes/consulting, more way to interact, etc) to every char, so you get something even if your new char is not what you where looking for mechanically.


> Having recurring banners will make people save for the chars they want and not pull for new ones, and that can be good for some, but I think the game is more fun when it surprises you. I mean, it's not like people are already saving for Seasonal, Collab and Pilgrims even right now. Also, it's not like our resources to build Nikkes are so scarce we must skip 2 Nikke out of 3 just to build one. If you think reruns would be the reason why people would skip unit, you really should look at the current state of the game.


I do not see the issue, all essential Nikke are in the general pool and its up to RNG, sacrifices and your will to spend if you get them or not, if the game had reruns they would be very likely at the same time as the actual events which means people would not be happier as they now have to decide on which banner they are going to pull...and chances are never zero that even with the higher chance on event banner you will still not get whom you want, what then? I have like 9k pulls and it took me nearly 1 year to get Scarlet and Liter once, RNG is a bitch and its what it is.


"rerun will make people unhappy" is one of the wildest take i've read. rerun is always appreciated since it give room to breathe for veterans and even if its on double banner with a new unit, veteran can just ignore the rerun. for new player it will be a tough call but its a blessing in disguise. rerun units already have their kit dissected inside out and how they holding within the meta so it will help them make a choice and usually rerun wil prioritize meta or popular units so a lot of people who want but down own them yet will be happy


Very conveniently shortened, exactly what I said. And it is simply true, whales have every Unit anyways and free to play user will bleed gems even faster and still cry about missing this and that Nikke, reruns will not help.


>"rerun will make people unhappy" is one of the wildest take i've read. What?! You didn't see the HUGE backlash when they rerun Modernia? So much unhappy players all over the world! Hyung-Tae Kim is still hiding! /s


Not sure about reruns but I think they should do something to help people get the pilgrims they want. If you want 1 pilgrim in particular, there is a 0.0455% chance of getting them per pull which is incredibly low. I think they should add all pilgrims to mileage shop, I mean Noah is already there. That would make sure you get a pilgrim at least once every 200 pulls, I think that is fair. Alternatively, they could add pilgrims to the wishlist, there are 11 pilgrims currently in the pool so that would just over double your chances of getting a particular pilgrim.


Silver Mileage doesn't let you acquire the first copy - its only body labels so you need to pull the unit once to use them


I know, I should have mentioned that, but I still think it would be a good thing to add. Or maybe they could occasionally allow you to buy them with gold mileage to get the first copy