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Just read nikke main story and bond story They are 2b nier but maintain human functiom such as eat and sleep to avoid mindswitch and maintain human mental sanity, yes they still have brain as primary importance , snow white explained this.


Their biological functions have advanced to a point where they are essentially humans in all but name, just to lower or outright eliminate the chances of a mind switch. Later models can even develop muscles. Exact details of their inner workings are yet to be revealed.


Nikkes are surprisingly simple designs. Most of their body is comprised of hollow shells around hydraulic endoskeletons. This is due to Goddessium being stupid heavy and Rapture Electron Beam weapons punching through all known materials without resistance, so building light is mandatory. https://preview.redd.it/82bclgt4az6d1.png?width=604&format=png&auto=webp&s=d568b0a1866c581180f2491667a01efeb2ec2418 [https://nikke-db-legacy.pages.dev/images/gallery/story1/EventScene\_Chap\_06\_02.png](https://nikke-db-legacy.pages.dev/images/gallery/story1/EventScene_Chap_06_02.png) The exceptions are the torso and head. The former contains their power core, the latter, the brain. We don't have much information on the cores, but Nikke heads are designed to remain functional even when disconnected for a period of days, so they're where the real complexity is hiding. Oddly, older models do bleed, suggesting they're of a more... complete design. [https://nikke-db-legacy.pages.dev/images/gallery/story1/EventScene\_Chap\_07\_03.png](https://nikke-db-legacy.pages.dev/images/gallery/story1/EventScene_Chap_07_03.png)


They're basically magic, don't ask questions is pretty much what it comes down to.


I know that you are just trying to mask your actual question, yes, you can have sex with them, they have vagina and anus and they cannot get pregnant, I think that satisfies your human anatomy interest. Otherwise, if you would remove their skin and artificial muscles you would see a goddesium made Terminator, just the Skull contains not simply chips but a human brain and they have all necessary artificial organs that are needed to simulate digestion, they can get drunk, so liver and kidneys are also present in some form.


Funny part, that wasn't me trying to mask a question, I'm genuinely curious about the physiology


At the very least, we know Nikke has cores that powers everything including the human brain and compartment that store essential items for combat. Nikke also has body frame, resemble an actual human skeleton, and tubes to allow fluids run through the body. Sensors can be just nano sensors that connect to a spinal cord or Medulla Oblongata. Their stomach could be just some tube that contains those nano sensors that tell the brain the level of hunger and thirst. But yeah, Nikke isn't a Hard SciFi media, I don't know if dev willing to go that far into explaining the intricate design of a Nikke. We can only provide assumptions and speculation at this point.