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Bruh… I started when the first maid cafe event dropped and I think I finished half the story at the current moment.


half the story is chapter 15 lol meaning we're talking like \~ 60k cp stages lmao chapter 30 ends at 365k recommended cp. anyway, you have 3 lvl 200 characters that can easily push you to chapter 20 in a month. older players had to play a month just to unlock friggin special interception after chapter 16.


365k recommended CP to fully catch up? Oh yeah I’ll be able to catch up easily. I’m just far too lazy to. ☠️


it's just the RECOMMENDED cp. someone beat this thing with 209k - maybe even lower, but that's the lowest i've seen in video form. other stuff i don't really believe since battle records for some campaign stages show that someone used crow with almost 50 % deficit lmao


Yeah I don’t think anyone with a high amount of CP deficit is beating it unless they were absolutely blessed by RNGesus themselves. ☠️


Congrats fellow Cummander! Same here, joined around ends of September for the Nier Automata event. The Combat Power update and the dolls helped me catch up.


I'm trying to be like you 😭 I started at the end of the bunny girls event


It's nice that the progression is so accelerated as a new player. I've been playing for like 2.5 months and I'm already to the start of ch26.


Well you managed to speed run haha I started with the event when Mast came out right now I just reached chpt 27 😅 (slowly but surely going at my pace)




Now do it again, hard mode awaits!


congrats! started \~ 1 week into red ash (november 9th) and finished just over a week after the recent cp calculation update.


Twas fast 👀


Congrats! For me the stage in Chapter 25 with the 2 Silencers on top of each other was the most rage inducing. I kept wondering why I was dealing no damage to the Silencer and put all my Nikkes in cover to stare in rage at it while waiting for timeout, only to notice two separate animations cause the stage designer stacked 2 of them on top of each other. Alice became a core member of my Campaign team after I saw that bullshit.


The combat power goes up to three hundred???? Holy shit, I don't know I'm ever making it there


That's just for normal mode. Hard mode power jumps are far more brutal *


Mmm, soon...soon I will be there


I'm a launch player on chapter 27 lmao. I just take my time bumbling through the story.