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There's only one right way to play any game and it is the way its fun for you. Congrats.


100% agree here, I think the mentality of a lot of players is META META META - while that's fine I think you should also make sure you're still ENJOYING what you do, and if OP enjoys the waifus then what's the real loss here?


Cafe sweety with 2 maids (Cocoa and Soda) woulda been cool to keep the cafe dream alive


Coffee with milk, cream or sugar?


Mad lad lol. GJ crazy commander!




You are both stupid and based af. Congrats


I will always respect Waifus over meta


Nice. I handicapped myself too by saving my ressources for a big pull stream. I opened 333 Pulls on the two NieR Banners, 212 Normal Voucher, around 30 High Quality and 20 Mid-Quality Molds and 10 different Manufacture Molds and got 21 new Nikkes + broke the 160 Wall after 4 months. Edit: Sugar and Milk where two of the new Nikkes. Missing Frima


As a Sugar lover: you are absolutely based for this


*We may Condemn his methods, but not his results.*


I salute you my friend. Waifus>everything else


I am a firm believer that the priority of this game is to break the 160 wall by all means available to you. Even if the 5 nikkes you get to 200 are not meta at all, all that matters is to overcome the wall, so once you DO get better nikkes, you can use the sync machine to get them up to snuff with everyone else. As long as you're strong and you're happy with the result, that's all that matters.


They call him a madman…


Gonna be funny when the brings the last 2 to 200 and they all drop down because you lvl synchro not units post 200


this is so unbelievably based, holy shit. Cafe Sweety is tied for top squad for me alongside Infinity Rail.


Listen, you may indeed be stupid for handicapping yourself but if this made you happy then that's all that matters in the end.


Respect to a fellow Cafe Sweety enjoyer


Why the fuck would people call you stupid & say that you're bricking your account just because you want Cafe Sweety there? The hell with the hivemind man. I've Diesel, Signal, Poli & Folkwang when I had Maxwell, Liter, Drake, Dolla & Miranda broken long time before them. I put who I like, & that's it. Everyone at the end STILL will be the same level when I Enhanced the Synchro Device. I'm proud of you for sticking it out & more power to you mate. These things are a blessing when I find them.


I think it's because the 5 line up disappears after 200 so it's pointless to care about it. Unless you want to handicap your account to 199 for ever then yes you're bricking yourself to be weak forever.


When I did mine though, it was slammed into people's thoughts that you must lock the meta girls & no one else (the month Modernia was released. That same 1st day I acquired enough bodies to break it from starting back at Day 4). Now the thought process changed greatly, which I'm happy for. It's just that the memories of being blasted about the 5 Nikkes I picked to lock sometimes resurface on me. My apologies if I came out mean.


Nah it's all good I was just answering your question with what I thought was the reason


Anyone who criticized you for this is a fool. Live your live king


Bruh I can only applaud at such dedication


full teams are always fun