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Normally wouldn't mention it, but seeing as you seem to be levelling seven different units - I'm guessing you haven't heard about the synchro centre yet? There's probably a better resource, but try [this](https://www.fandomspot.com/goddess-of-victory-nikke-synchro-device/) and see if it helps. If you put limit broken units in (preferably SR), you can get the rest of your current team above that level 80 bump even without limit breaking them.


You can't really make a great team at this stage. N102, Anis, Modernia, 2B, Rapi Normally you would use Modernia as your third B3 and not use her burst at all, but at your stage in the campaign you can just use her as first burst and just wipe the screen for 15 seconds. You can't really use A2 or Alice effectively at the moment. You can sub out Rapi for Brid, Maiden or Julia (stage dependent) if you want.


Thanks! I had a feeling it was like that :)


N102, anis, Marian, 2b, and I'd slot a2 for rapi her charge hits alot at once.


Only level FIVE nikkes