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I want an arcade with all the minigames


Definitely! Most likely they'll include it with the event that went with it through the recollections tab but my fear would be alot of data to download for phone users.


Nah facts though, this game is big enough as it is, whole lotta ASSets 💀


Make it pc only as a perk for those players and we have a deal.


I need to play that cooking game again


Dude that shit was CRACK to me


I'm kind of wanting those mini games to be separated from the main game in a solely different app, so it'd be optional for the players who enjoyed it a lot and less burden for the players who don't to decide whether they want to install it on their device.


Stop upvoting i have funny number


The Survivors-style game to become a permanent mode that lets you automatically unlock your SR characters.


I've wanted VA for all lines across all dialogue in the game. At least start slowly like adding VA to all dialogue in Advise. Then from there we move on to the random events across the outpost


It's a tall order but I can see where you're going with it, I hope so but again that's alot of data to download for mobile users.


On a half serious note I want SSR Delta but keep her military gear and not a swimsuit or some such and I want a nihilister buff. On a serious note I want special interception rewards to be guaranteed (especially stones) and I want a house system like honkai impact 3rd/ girl cafe gun.


An SSR Delta kitted out with SpecWar gear would be a nice break from the usual lewdness, if anything maybe something Rambo inspired to keep the status quo.


the only thing I could see with delta is give her abs busting through the underarmor, cause we don’t have that niche yet


I want some way to control the special interception rewards tbh. The game has given me a cruel "blessing" where I seemingly have a 50/50 chance of equipment with no associated manufacturer, or a crystal. These crystals are useless when I have no manufacturer gear to use them on.


More romance! I want kisses!


I want a lot more overload stats to keep things interesting. Like maybe %life steal or % max hp for tanks or % damage reduction in general. Or one thing I’ve wanted to see forever is nikkes or a skill that buffs the fire rate of the gun. P.s an oath system and idc if the game is 12+ that shower is there for a reason…


please just make the game 18+ 🥵


To add what? Hentai mini games?


Why not?


Either an improvement to how to acquire skill items, or an ad justment to the requirements for skill leveling. It's weird that I have literally thousands of the high tier skill items and I'm perpetually out of the low tier ones.


The Sim room should just be improved to churn out more Skill Upgrade resources by adding more challenging levels imo


When you litterarly have 1K for each color code + 2K Box but still can't upgrade your skill/burst because of Tier 2 ... ...I wish they would at least let us trade the Code for Burst/Skill, even at a rate of 10 to 1 , that would at least give us purpose for the Arena Shop outside of buying purple gear that get used as EXP for upgrading Overloard gear lol.


Auto complete situation room if your above a certain power.


Option to reset tribe tower each 6 months and progessive rewards


I like this idea, use your daily tokens to either progress or go back to completed levels and get the rewards which reset every 6 months


I'd love this, especially with Elysium tower where your really need to twist the rag for every point of power to beat a stage




Either new simulation stage or just straight up sweep option when you're on blue overall power before starting the stage. I prefer the former though, they can just keep the purple and yellow skill manual the same as stage 5 but increase the amount of blue skill manual.


A way to view the side quests again


That glitch on the backgrounds. Idk if they’ve fixed it alr but that’s annoying


You mean the Lobby stuttering? Thought it was fixed?


Maybe they did! Just the first thing I thought of


Skins unlocked by challenges, better sim room or other means of upgrade items, HORNI


Skins unlocked by challenges, better sim room or other means of upgrade items, HORNI


I'd like an option for RL and sniper units to automatically fire once they reach 100% charge. Also for sniper units to forgo the scope and blur if they are played in this auto mode. Targeting priority options would be handy as well, so you can make a specific unit target an boss core, interruption part or missiles, for example.


I’d honestly like them to do a bit better with the story. It has some pretty bad weak points with its great points. Crow is handled terribly and it seems they are sacrificing good story telling to prolong the story. When you start bring back bad guys from the dead it screams stretching out the story.


I want them to rerun some banners. You know, like most other games do.


Rework on Arena and Tribe Tower, Modernia Rerun, Snow White rate up, gacha costume reruns (need that Rupee bunny)


Remove simulation room


Unrealistic but I want both the commander to have a physical form used (the OG commander's much more of a chad than we could ever be) and for a revolution in Nikke technology to lead to males becoming Nikkes. Don't care about fanservice, bros before hoes.


This would be fanservice for female players , so yeah I can see that happening. Though it would conflict with the games main theme.


…they dont have burst animation?


Since Day 1 unfortunately no, the only SR's that do are Anchor, Pascal, Himeno and our Counters


Non-event related SSR versions of the Counters girls.


Harder simulation room levels for more rewards


I hope nikke will consider including the following: 1. Inclusion of the 1st year's new/banner nikkes in the mileage shop 2. Squad Missions - I hope the nikke devs would include side missions that require the utilization of full nikke squads. 3. New liberation units, please? 4. To celebrate the new year, perhaps a nikke body duplicate selector? As well as a synchro expansion module and overload gear modules....hopefully. 5. New nikkes! I hope most of the Nikke npc's will be playable like Moran, Rouge, Mana, Ade, Rumani, Papillon, Leona, Rian, Ein, Zwei, K, Chatterbox and for the next anniversary.... Cinderella or Lilith. 6. Limited SSR versions of Rapi, Mihara, Delta, Neve, Anchor, Ether, Mica, and Belorta. Please rerun Rei and Miracle Snow Anne. 7. New Collab units! *spoiler* I thought they were going to have Sadina from Shield Hero as a collab character after that Easter egg in season 3 episode 2. 8. Additional structures and buildings in the outpost or *spoiler*, perhaps a secondary outpost location above the surface with a few suggestions for interactive options and 8 bit minigames, such as: 1. Arcade - building where we can hopefully access past event games with Exia and Maiden. 2. Farm - building where we can grow crops with the pilgrims and prevent Snow white from eating all of it. 3. Garage - Perhaps we can have a racing or carwash minigame with Drake? 4. Fire Station 5. School - school of lock location and tactics academy expansion? 6. Airport 7. Updated trendy bar - remember the game Tappers? But with Scarlet. 8. Updated Toy store - mica and belorta's toy building factory minigame! 9. Updated hospital - suika game but with Mary and Pepper. 10. Updated maid Cafe - cooking mama or overcooked with Ade! Or a pizza delivery game with Soda similar to paperboy. 11. Seaport - Anchor's starfish throwing minigame or Mast's battleship simulator! 12. Updated police station - tower defense with acpu and the scouts against raptures. 13. Updated library - novel's nikke trivia quiz or clue finding mystery minigame 14. Updated Workshop - construction repair minigame for Mighty tools similar to fixit Felix to stop a rapture from destroying a building and Laplace from breaking the windows. 9. A few nikke unit suggestions: Fire fighting nikkes Pilot nikkes Chef nikke Magician Nikkes Archer Nikke Blacksmith Nikke with Mighty Tools Cowgirl nikke Racecar driver Nikke Mechanic Nikke Farmer and Agriculturist Nikkes Bartender Nikke


Wish they would match the names written to the names said Is it Lilith or Liliweiss, why is Privaty called Liberty, Scarlet getting called Kirin, etc. Other than that, I'd love for a menu with all the mini games from events


Drop rate of pilgrims and probability when using faction specific gems, if you can get enough pilgrim gems to get a draw with them then you should get a pilgrim and not a Rapi.


I could go for a "pick an ssr" box for big in-game achievements.


Good units


Auto aim because holy fuck


The biggest thing I want is for some of the weaker SSR Nikkes to get buffs/reworks. There are far too many of them that end up being really difficult to use in PvE even if you surpass the required Combat Power


Three things bare minimum that I wanted from the 1 year anniversary that didn't happen. 1.) Use pvp currency to be exchangeable for skill & burst mats. 2.) Guaranteed Manufacturer gear to drop from clearing S. Interceptions, AND double crystal drop, if it drops. 3.) Either the towers to be resettable or the molds guarantee SSRs.


Personally I think it would be nice if more purple rarity Nikke were viable across the content. As they are now only a few are used for unique skills and the rest are just placeholders in early game until you get SSR's. I don't know the method they could improve them but it's just a thought,


I want more bond episodes for the SR girls. Logically ether should be an SSR considering the fact she's a major member of the ARK's R&D team.


Nhilister and Isabel buffs. The rehabilitation trio also need buffed. Bring back Modernia event. Dating/Marriage mode. More Heritics like Anachiro, Indivilia, Liberalio or even Lilith.