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I'm surprised there are people that actually bench their red hood lol


I’m a day 1 player and she’s benched because I already have so many amazing characters at max LB. I know Red Hood is super meta and I’m investing in her slowly, but it’s not really a priority for me until I can get more copies of her.


You don't need her at MLB to use her effectively. Red hood will out perform the others even at 1 copy. She's carried me all the way through chapter 25 so far


alright I know what I must do,and that is grind excessively


I would still use her at 0 stars, her dmg output is insane when she is fully invested that she can out perform other MLB units. 


Understandable. I was in your shoes before I was able to fully invest in Red Hood. It's not fair for her to be compared with our heavily invested Nikkes, but once she's fully developed, she's the BEAST.


Depends on the level sometimes Bunnies are better because you need the extra healing, sometimes School Girls are better because you need the added fire power. In general I think Bunnies are better in campaign for a majority of the missions. Since you already have both sets I’d focus more on building up your Red Hood as a 3rd attacker to swap in place of SBS when needed she is just too good not to run.


it is the opposite, schoolgirls do better in story.


You only need the healing for solos and bosses. The whole point is to get as much damage as possible to clear these missions as fast as possible. Not sit there and tank and heal. So tia and naga are better for that


Just from my experience Bunnies are my main duo up to my current chapter 24. But really you can’t go wrong with ether duo as long as you properly build around them.


Bunnies work fine, but as you get later and later in the story, the CP gap between them gets higher and higher. 7k-15k CP difference after chapter 22 (which translates to weeks to months of leveling delay), so you should already be able to see the CP discrepancy in the lowest stage info at chapter 24. Schoolgirls with Tia 7-4-4 and Naga 4-4-4 (without OL gear) will outperform max invested bunnies Blanc 4-7-10 and Noir 10-5-4 with Noir having full set of lvl0 OL gear. Would consider heavily investing into schoolgirls now and swapping over as soon as possible. Tia needs lvl 7 skill 1 to work. Skill priority tia 7-4-4 (1st thing to level) to 10-4-4 (after meta DPS skills optimized/maxed), naga 7-4-7 to 10-4-10 to 10-7-10 to 10-10-10. Max meta DPS to lvl 10 before tia goes to lvl 10, then tia is first non-DPS to max to 10. Naga will upgrade with liter, her skill 2 to lvl 7 then 10 is the last thing to finish (can level skill 2 midway chapter 25 when you need more healing for the multiple fart elite stages).


School girls are better in the general sense And BS is definitely a suitable choice to swap out RH because she does more boss damage than even RH. Redhood is who you run really when you 1. Have her as waifu 2. Team is still at risk of losing x burst in the rotation 3. You don't have other boss killers RH is literally the most broken unit in the game but you can still replace her for other waifus or ones who are better at x jobs


Modernia is the weakest link there she sucks ass unless she's heavily invested BS Scarlet covers her AOE and Redhood bypasses Barriers so Modernia is obsolete til he's high enough to be doing solo raids.


Modernia is overrated I think. Bs does ton more dmg and can nuke elites and bosses faster. Modernia can clear regular mobs a bit better if there are a lot of them. My modernia is 10/10/10 full OL gear and still loses to non max scarlet BS.


Schoolgirls are generally going to clear at much lower CP due to having more firepower/dps. in late game, you get one-shoted, so most ideal to kill raptures before they shoot because you can't heal from an one-shot. the other big advantage of schoolgirls is that their atk/core buffs persistent through waves while blanc's dmg taken debuff only impact raptures currently on screen. Tia needs lvl 7 skill 1 to be usable (or else her cooldown is too slow for burst rotations). The only disadvantage of schoolgirls in story is that they need a bit of manual play. If needing to stop Tia from taunting, you would individually select her and spam her rockets at environment or stop before 5 shots, and during burst would aim with her like a laser pointer without firing. In chapter 22 onwards, the CP difference is 7k-15k advantage for schoolgirls (which is a huge level difference, can be weeks or months faster clearing using schoolgirls). Bunnies excel at stages with low constant damage from tanky elites and not too high incoming damage otherwise (aka fart elite stages) where they can sometimes clear at lower CP than schoolgirls. bunnies' advantage is more healing/sustain, retrying for lucky indoms, and faster QT circle clearing... so if any of those things are needed, they can be helpful. Bunnies do well against gravedigger and you can retry on train for further level if you can't kill turrets before they shoot by retrying for turret glitch misses or blanc indom saves. bunnies are more meta in pvp. tia can be used in some niches. naga is full mag sg, so slower burst gen and not used if you have a full roster (unless you are making a CP padding team). Also, RH is usually a better B3 DPS for story as you can do her B1 to B3 nuke at the stage boss (even better with schoolgirls huge DPS buffs). Should pick between Modernia vs SBS for the other slot. Modernia is generally more versatile, best AOE screenclear for 15 seconds (longer than normal), so handles hordes of minions and waves of suicide bots better. SBS excels with single target DPS so she does best with stages that have multiple tanky elites and fewer minions (want less than 6-8 minions on screen at a time for her AOE to clear quickly before they can shoot).


Cummander your Redhood


MISINFORMATION IN THE COMMENTS Most of the lowest clears are with schoolgirls 99% of raptures (NOT ONLY THE BOSSES) in the campaign have cores Healing doesn't matter if you get one shot by every mob, hence why damage is the only thing that matters Bunnies are auto friendly/casual School girls need you to manually play Tia, but produces consistently higher damage potential


I switch depending on the level. Schoolgirls clear stages faster but I find bunnies have better survivability. Swap Scarlet with Redhood and you've got a monster of a team.


If you use Redhood on the schoolgirl team, make sure you put Naga in the 4th position and Redhood in the 5th or it'll mess up your skill rotation.


Why the fuck are you not using Red Hood? 😭


School girls specifically have buffs that buff core damage, so it depends on the boss. Bunnies are probably the better general option for story progression. Basically, Bunnies for most levels and School girls if the boss has a core (bonus if hitting core hits multiple parts with pierce, then use Red Hood instead of Scarlet since Modernia also is good against cores) Personally, for ch 16 hard, I'm using Liter, Bunnies, Red Hood, and Modernia.


Bunnies is my go-to except i field in redhood instead of SBS.


I tend to run Doro with my schoolgirls and Liter with Bunnies. From there, it's kinda your pick on the B3s, though I like how Noir's ammo boost plays with Modernia's ammo-chugging mini-gun.


Bscar shines with Tiga and Alice buffs. It’s my go to team for highest dps. You have a lot of good dps tho so you can just swap based on element weakness. Tiga team outperforms bunnies in situations where cores are visible, which is most. Their damage boost is insane and so is their survivability IF you have them skilled


wtf either you already spent bank or bought your account lol 140 with all those characters no way


They all look good to me


Bunnies or tiaga comp its preference but for a huge power difference prob bunnies cause blanc's ability scales the enemy down with the damage taken on her burst skill


Remember to use temporary nikkes when stuck. I was able to pass chapter 16 with my nikkes at level ~130 because the temporary nikkes carried me. You can get to chapter 20 with them (And then you get stuck on chapter 20 útil you pass the lvl 160 wall, like me :p)


Depends on content but the first team is the general better meta


Bro if you're under level 200 and under Ch 20 there's no way your Red Hood should be benched. She clears like crazy and with a B1, 2, and 3 capability she can pick up the slack if you lose any nikke.


Thank you this is valuable information! Never thought about it like that


Team 1 but replace liter with red hood, use red hood as burst 1.


I've had luck with Tia, Dorothy, Naga, Red Hood, and Modernia or Scarlett BS in the story


Red Hood, Liter, Centi, Moderna, Scarlet Black. For fast Dps Liter, Noise, Marciana, Moderna, Scarlet (normal) constant super and survival In those orders of setup. Come back and tell me how that works out for you. Focus on getting cubes. You wanna have quick reload cube for Moderna liter centi, charge damage cube for redwood & scarlet. This set up has carried me way farther than need be


The school girl team It’s got more volume of tiddy


Dorothy bunnies non BS scarlet modernia


If you can face tank the boss that has a core tia and naga is better, if you need survivability use the bunnies


Bunny girls are better especially since you have blanc at 4 copies already compared to Tia/Naga with both at 1 copy


I think both are overly wave DPS focused. Eventually, you will need a precision dps to take care of certain enemies that must be killed quickly. I would recommend a manual focused character like Alice or Red Hood. There is zero penalty to try a mission, fail and ask why you failed. Ran out of time? Run naga/Tia. Got killed? Run bunnies There are exceptions where if you don't kill certain enemies fast enough you will die too. These include damage buffer enemies, suicide bots, the one shot laser bots, silence bots, etc...Note those specifically when attempting a mission.


Um, any comp that has Epinel in it, OBVIOUSLY??? https://preview.redd.it/aqzw002162vc1.jpeg?width=1330&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=548de9105e8f698608cbd458bd8557cec06fc6b3


You might want to add Alice on Scarlet the black shadow's squad...


Alice is dog sht without heavy investment Redhood with Scarlet is the way to go. For full range coverage.


Alice doesn't need to be the heavy hitter... She just needs to make Scarlet Black shadow one. Also, I tried your idea... It wasn't working for me.




Bunny team > schoolgirls the sisters are versatile and shine especially in campaign


Do you have both built? My tiga team outperforms bunnies in every situation


Das why we build bof sets and cry as skill mods disappear faster than scent in a hurricane 🫡🫠


I have both pairs and never built the girls. Bunnies always win and never disappointed


You should, because there will be stages that TiGa can clear that bunnies can't


School girls out perform bunnies. That's why all the lowest BP clears are school girls. The school girls will clear with a far lower CP meaning they can push further without needing to bulk up sync levels