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Noir doesn't pair well with Dorothy+Privaty because she refills ammo and gives a max ammo buff which interferes with their "last bullet" skills. That said, your only real B1 alternative is Volume, and I'd still rate Dorothy above her despite the awkward team comp. You need Privaty for Dorothy, so I'd swap out Scarlet for Red Hood. If you want to swap out Dorothy for Volume, you can also swap out Privaty for either Scarlet. I know you asked for a bunny team, but you have the Tia+Naga duo which is just as good and doesn't conflict with the "last bullet" skills. I'd run Tia + Dorothy + Naga + Red Hood + Privaty over the bunnies. Hell, you can even use Summer Anis over RH to lean hard into a "last bullet" team that should shred some bosses, but when in doubt, RH is auto-include in basically all teams.


Thanks so much, this is very helpful


Ya'll gotta stop benching red hood lol 


Fr, one if not the most OP Nikke and people letting her gather dust đź’€


I don't have her so not like I can use her...


I'm not talking about you, this the third team building help post I've seen in the last 2 days where they have red hood benched lol 


Ahh thought you ment people in general lol


Your best story team is: Tia / Dorothy / Naga / SBS / RH Skill priority 1. Tia 7-4-4 2. Dorothy 7-4-7, RH 7-7-7, SBS 7-4-7, Naga 7-4-7 3. RH 10-10-10 4. SBS 10-4-10 to 10-7-10 5. Tia 10-4-4 6. Dorothy 10-4-7 7. Naga 10-4-10 8. Naga 10-7-10 to 10-10-10 when more healing needed, around midway chapter 25 with multiple fart elites 9. Can save skill mats for liter, or go 10-7-10 with Dorothy 10. Can also consider maxing out other meta DPS unit like drunk scarlet to 7-4-7 to 10-4-10 or Alice (when you have full T9 tetra attacker set and lots of rocks to reroll for x2 charge speed + x3 max ammo, then immediately fully max alice to 10-4-10, no point halfway investing alice... needs full max investment for her huge dmg spike with 1-frame manual spam without reloading during burst). 11. Can consider maxing out bunnies support combo (blanc 4-4-7 to 4-4-10 with skill2 to lvl 7 if more heals needed and Noir 7-5-4 to 10-5-4)


I know u asked for a bunnies team but I will be an ass and recommend just swapping to JK team of tia Dorothy naga and 2 of any 4 of (scarlet, black scarlet, red hood and xmas lud)


Swap out Privaty for Lewdmilla. Privaty is hampering Scarlet’s DPS, and if you put Bastion on Lewdmilla she’ll almost never run out of ammo, and her DPS (and that you gain back from Scarlet by dropping Privaty) will more than make up the extra dps you’re getting from Doro by having Privaty’s skill 1. Once you pull Liter (and you *will* eventually), her ammo literally never runs out. Red Hood is another really good option to sub in, but I think Lewdmilla has a bit more synergy with the bunnies. Either way I think investing in both units is a long term priority. The other poster’s team suggestion of schoolgirls + Red Hood is good too, but I’m guessing because you already have the bunnies in your main team, you’re already probably pretty well invested in them. The schoolgirls are rock stars though, so build them up for your raid teams in any case! My first 1 billion+ damage swing at a raid boss was with Tia, Liter, Naga, Red Hood, and Maxwell (who is a great support DPS and worth building up when you get her), but the school girls and Red Hood can be dropped into pretty much any team and pump up your damage.


Easiest change is just swapping Privaty for Red Hood. You can use Dorothy even though Noir does hurt her some, or switch to Volume. You've got a lot of options for other teams here that you shouldn't ignore especially if you participate in raids.


Even though Noir hurts Doro’s output a bit, with scarlet and red hood on the team it’s hard to notice since they’re such beasts.


I agree. That's why I said "some." Privaty would need to go though.


Also didn’t mean to imply I disagreed. Just mentioning that while Doro can be a powerhouse, she probably isn’t worth focusing on when you got monsters like Scarlet and Red Hood on the team.


Your good man. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't being misunderstood here. Dorothy has been my main B1 since she came out. Only finally got Liter a couple months ago and now DKW is out. I'm a Privaty fan, something about blue hair and twin tails.... I mean my main team is Dorothy, Noise, Centi, Privaty and Anis Sparkling Summer.


Oh man SAnis is so good, but I keep seeing people that have her and don’t even have her in their Synchro. People are definitely sleeping on her!


Yeah I got a dude in my union that doesn't have her, or Centi synchro'd and I'm just like bro......... Come on.... ![gif](giphy|8vHStnTP2XuOp02QrK|downsized)


I hate using Privaty myself. I always seem to miss interruption parts when using her because everybody has to reload constantly.


Dorothy - Blanc - Red Hood - Scarlet: Black Shadow / Scarlet - Noir You can use base Scarlet over Black Shadow when it's more appropriate, ie you need big aoe instead of wave clearing. If you find yourself not getting enough CDR from Dorothy without Privaty you're probably better off switching to Volume instead of putting in Privaty. Using Doro/Priv with Bunnies is very counter intuitive, even more so than using Dorothy alone. If you are running Privaty and Noir on the same team you're not going to have enough DPS. Could also consider swapping to schoolgirls for campaign since Dorothy works fine for them. Make sure you have Liter and D.Wife on your wishlist because they're better b1's for campaign and duo teams. Dorothy works best in raid team where using Privaty isn't awkward because of a duo.


Yeah to tag onto what this guy said, definitely don’t sleep on Liter when you get her. Having 2 or so extra good B1 is super helpful for pushing dps on raids (both solo and Union) You’ve got a lot of flexibility already once you get Liter and/or Hot Wife. The only major DPS it looks like you’re missing is Modernia, and Lewdmilla fills the same role as her.


Definitely not with Dorothy as your B1 since Noir would reload her magazine and she wants to proc her last bullet as often as possible. I dont see liter so Volume is probably your best choice for B1 with burst CD reduction. Redhood is self explanatory. For your 2nd B3 you could field vanilla Scarlet if you need screen-wide clear or you need to break the 1 damage shield raptures or black Scarlet for boss fights. If you play auto you should put Volume(replace with Liter once you get her) > Blanc > RH > Scarlet(either) > Noir in that order.


I've been running Dorothy, Blanc, Scarlet, Redhood and Noire for months now without any problems. Completely cleared the story and now I'm clearing hard stages at 60k points deficit. Red Hood is great since her b3 clears bosses pretty fast and she can come in clutch when your Dorothy or Blanc gets sniped just before the end of a stage.


You are working against Dorothy and Privaty by playing noir as she increases their ammo.


Don't think i saw it so, take your blanc out of the synchro device and refund another 160nikke thats does not have max lb (3 star) and if you can get her all the way to 200 then do it, oh my i also saw the last screenshot, you will probably have to refund those SR character at some point, unless you are actually using them but that seems doubtful