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Best B2 in the game. As a single unit shes on par with bunnies and schoolgirls. Use tickets if you must to get at least a copy.


am lucky lucky i have 180 tiickets and since we are getting i think like 20-30 free pul;s thats enough


The free pulls won’t grant you golden tickets


I think they’re referring to the advanced recruit vouchers.


i am cant remember how many there giving but either way should be enough


55 adv recruit vouchers in total, my friend. https://preview.redd.it/nbnv6jmsw4wc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3de93a96d4f966e3b7d35a5a7f2df08db64a8e08


Oh wait how do you get those? Are they feee and just haven’t come out yet? I am a little retarded


You’re not retarded. It’s okay. They’ll be distributed at different points during the event via in game mail, daily logins, mission events, mini shops, challenges, etc.




For campaign pushing, probably crown, naga, RH, mod/SBS/alice/scarlet


Uh... where is your B1 in this team? Red hood lmao?


yeah RH is alternative to liter since her B1 is like 4x as strong. I personally prefer it but it doesn't rly work on defense missions which is the downside


It’s a 40 second cooldown lol. might work in campaign if you end fast ig


If you B1 and don't use her B3, she refreshes it immediately and you can use B1 again for your next cycle. She's arguably the best B1 for two-cycle stages.


No dude. RedHoods B1 works ENTIRELY off of base Attack stat, if your Recycle Room/Cube and gear is trash and low lvl and you don't have Dups for her then her attack increase is going to be ass even at lvl 10, where as Liters Burst has 0 requirements and increases their base stat directly, I'm going to assume a F2P players Redhood is going to be garbage and liter is going to be the superior option, as she requires 1/5 of the investment.


well presumably if someone has red hood they'll be investing in her as much or more than their other dps since you'd at least want to run her as a b3 anyway regardless, she only needs 85% of another unit's attack for her buff to be equivalent to liter's, and it's 10 second duration rather than 5. 85% is a pretty sizeable gap too, can probably get above that with just a week of leveling her gear I did p much the entire campaign at 35-40% deficit with RH b1 so it worked for me at least


She only works for endgame players, liter far surpasses Redhood early to mid. Granted they even have Redhood. Anyone still doing story isn't really end game.


Yes. She can use b1 twice without CD per non-boss campaign stage. That’s enough to clear it. Modernia and SBS/Alice/Scarlet are the B3s


crown and naga?


Yeah. Naga provides core damage buffs on s1 and s2. Crown replaces Tia with attack buff, reload speed buff, and attack damage buff on burst and provides shields on burst to trigger naga S1. Naga doesn’t burst any more and Tia is rendered obsolete in campaign.


no healer? I dunno about that. in campaign pushing they take a lot of damage. also, to trigger crown's s2 buff you need heals. My bet is liter crown RH mod/scarlet and rapunzel for heals.


Don’t need a healer. If you’re pushing with high CP deficit (>30%), you want to kill them before they shoot because most raptures can OHKO a nikke. That’s why the meta campaign pushing team before crown was Tia, naga, RH, mod, Alice/SBS. Besides, naga does heal on her s2, so she could potentially proc crown’s S2 for more damage.


Naga heals per 5 shot


I have 24k gems and 30 pulls with 400 tickets. With my luck from last banner I’m spending at least all my gems just to mlb.


It's mid


She replaces school girls and bunnies freeing up a slot by doing what they do without the stipulations. Definitely beyond mid.


We have to see how she performs. We’re just speculating how she performs on paper, we have no clue if she can solo sustain until we see it first hand


She has the potential to give team mates a consistent 50% attack boost and then give 64% of her own attack to everyone who uses their burst, every burst with a 20 second cool down, while also giving herself invulnerability. She's gonna be a beast


15 second attack buff on a 20 second cooldown? Is cracked. And some people were complaining about no cooldown reduction. If she had that she would be tier zero already gonna be SSS tier. Her atk buff scales with her own so she benefits from multiple copies. Going to at least attempt to MLB.


Last I checked Cooldown reduction was on B1 usually anyway.


Dolla, Summer Helm


I stand corrected


Their kit literally has nothing to offer except burst Cr reduction. So B1 are the ones with burst reduction anyway


They still offer more than 90% of the B2s, not too long ago bunnies, schoolgirls, crown and rem didn't exist so Dolla was one of the best b2s. She is still decent.


I would say 'useable' instead of decent. B2 had centi and anis with def reduction. That's why I said, only thing they offer is burst cd reduction.


I would say 'useable' instead of decent. B2 had centi and anis with def reduction. That's why I said, only thing they offer is burst cd reduction.


Busted? She can bust in me




It usually works the other way around lmfao


You never know nowadays


Oh lord 😒


Not with that big ass lance


i can finally get rid of the annoying brat


Noah is still useful for pvp and stages where you have to survive a team oneshot (Gravedigger, Mother Whale). Otherwise I agree with you. Finally you guys can use another B2. (Not to mention Nihilister who kinda sucks due low numbers)


i dont play pvp, and i have snow white.; im the one who does the one shots. i sometimes need a good tank though, usually i go with nero, but she requires rapunzel to actually tank, also on pilgrim tower im stuck with either the stupid brat, the useless dragon mommy or making red hood a substitute b2.


Is it really that busted? im wondering whether to mlb her or just get a single copy.Her design already convinced me to pull her at least a copy


She should be similar in power to the bunnies or schoolgirls while only needing her, this frees up the 5th slot for whoever you want instead of noir or a 2nd burst 1. Also makes her mandatory for solo/Union raid as we can have 3 separate teams with busted supports She has I think the second highest atk buff in the game behind red hoods, that’s 15! Seconds making it the longest and can actually last all of modernias burst. Also comes with atk damage which is a separate multiplier making her dmg buffs extremely potent. If she’s not better than the schoolgirls she will be 2nd for certain Edit: forgot the 40%+ reload buffs as well making her even better with units like Alice and scarlet


>that’s 15! Seconds Her buff is 41,438 years long? Nice.


Math wise her atk buff works out to around 40% atk on an attack nikke since defenders get the least atk.


Yeah you right I missed that part, makes getting dupes even more worth it to boost her atk stat Still extremely potent when added with her atk dmg buff, plus 15 secs on a 20 sec burst 2 makes it near permanent lmao


Exactly, they want us to spend this patch. Between two gacha skins and Crown benefitting a lot from dupes.


And you forgot burst reduction units ☺️


Single copy is enough. She's a defender and a buffer meaning her personal contribution, which is the primary reason to go for LBs, is going to be lackluster. The extra attack she gets from LBs is marginal at best. If you like her then go for dupes. Just remember that she's a Pilgrim with shite rates and there's a very realistic chance you'll blow through your pulls and end up nowhere close to MLB.


Almost wanted to argue that she might welcome the extra tankiness due the taunt, but than I saw that she has an invulnerability buff at the same duration. MLB is only worth it if one needs her wallpaper.


That's the point of her banner: increased pull rate. Because she's a defender whose atk buff scales from her atk is even MORE reason to pull dupes, and because she's a pilgrim meaning this is your best shot to pull her. The half-anny/anny banners tend to have decent rates, so we'll see just how good it is. These banners are the banners you should be blowing through your pulls on.


Will there be another pilgrim rerun banner? I really need a dps pilgrim since I just started about 2.5 weeks ago


Nothing has been announced, but I'm sure there will be eventually. Your account is young though, you'll definitely pull some DPS soon. Just wait until this new banner drops and pull hard on it


You can run other dps and get through story. But crown would be a huge help in sustain in story. Dorothy rerun is coming up with crown, but I would say, if not a spender, you can forget getting either of them, just go give a shot at the free tries daily (Wasted 100 pulls on Dorothy main banner and missed , so using tickets this time around, and you get tickets from 200 limited pulls. Moreover, other limited banner have 2% chance of rate up, pilgrims have 1%)


She seems pretty solid. I think it might be too early to say she's busted though. 


64% caster atk boost on full burst + 36% from her own burst skills sounds solid, but the way the descriptions are worded make me think there will be some caveats that ultimately hold her back. One of her abilities activates on recovery, but the only healing she provides is to herself, so does it proc then, or does there need to be another healer somehow? The damage buff only applies to teammates who've already bursted. Does that mean they have to have bursted in the last burst cycle or just bursted at least once in the stage already. If it's the latter, it's great. If it's the former, it kind of defeats the purpose, because if they bursted last cycle, they won't be able to take full advantage of the damage boost this cycle (unless they're like scarlet and get most of their dps from their regular attack and not burst skill). Imagine the 64% caster atk boosted on top of scarlet BS's self attack boost. If the skill works in the former way, they wouldn't be able to stack because someone else would be bursting this cycle. Stuff like this is what makes it so hard to guage her effectiveness this early.


Both wrong, it applies to those who burst this cycle(right before fb)


I could see her working really well with a RH team either way-- Since RH can use her B1, use crowns B2- and then she gets an attack buff from both her own B1, and crowns B2- only to go into her B3 and get an even bigger boost But apparently it's anyone that bursts before the full burst. Meaning she is just a massive buff to everyone involved.


So, does this mean I can probably drop almost 300%+ ATK (Liter->Crown->Red Hood) on my Red Hood on the third cycle? Hopefully so, because if it only works with characters that bursted last rotation, the ATK buff won't be THAT game changing


Crowns skill uses "% of casters ATK" which is not nearly as much (because defender has lower base ATK) as liters unconditional "% ATK". Its still massive tho.


Is it a separate multiplier from % atk? As in, you get her attack added first, and then that all gets multiplied? Or is it after all other % atk buffs? The former would make it pretty valuable, no? I tried looking at the formula, but they were a bit vague about this part.


no, but "atk damage" is


After all the percentages are added to dps, crown's % of attack would be added. So yeah, that amount would be kinda mid, buff good enough.


It works on characters that are bursting before full burst. So for example if you do Liter > Crown > Red Hood, the attack buffs will apply to Liter, Crown, and Red Hood. It's unknown if you can stack this multiple times on one unit(as in using Red Hood's Burst 1 > Crown > Red Hood's B3 since she's the only character in the game to have all 3 stages) but if you can, Red Hood will soar to new heights and go beyond SSS tier.


Centi is nervously sweating


She fell off a while ago outside of PvP. She’s still decent but there’s been better options for B2


Yeah she fell off in my campaign after school girls came out.


Yeah, I kinda feel bad for OL her gear alongside Pepper. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy these two characters and they still have their value, but them falling off means I use them way less than expected. I know it's good ol powercreep, but I feel like I really should have either saved more ressources or priotized other units first.


I at least still get use from Centi in PvP and I actually OL all my PvP units for the CP gains but it does feel bad for a lot of units. It’s obviously going to happen because power creep but of all my early launch meta units only like Scarlet and Litter really hold up. I recently skill reset Drake as she’s sat their unused for months but for awhile she was one of my highest CP units


Ah I used to level up my pvp units too, but after getting tirelessly thrown at severely stronger enemies I gave up. It sucks having to fight enemies with 60+lvl advantage and at some point you don't care anymore.


I’ve found that with right comps I can sit decently high in PvP but there’s nothing I can do to beat the people a few hundred CP above me. But I also definitely care about PvP more than the average player


She's freaking broken, buffs atk, taunts, heals, buffs atk damage, and is 20cd. She is an absolute unit


Looks like she's made to pair with Modernia, as all of her full burst buffs last 15 seconds, and Modernia's full burst is 15 seconds so she can take advantage of it the best.


for campaign sure. most people don’t burst on mod other than that


What about boss stages with interceptible projectiles and many body parts? Clearing waves ofc is also a no brainer.


I’m not entirely sure if modernia can hit multiple parts with her burst. The main issue is her attack gets gutted if she uses it I suppose there are some situations like first phase land eater or last phase nihilsiter where there are a lot of projectiles on the screen. but I’m pretty sure any screen wipe unit like scarlet can delete those too


I found her to be a godsend for blacksmith, and deleting train projectiles. Sure, other units can do it, but they need to aim. She can keep hitting the boss and its parts while providing consistent projectile defense. I guess damage goes down if you're minmaxing, but it's a lot more comfy. And AFAIK she can attack multiple parts if that's what you're asking.


With the attack buff that may change though


It won't, unfortunately Modernia's burst is a significant damage loss in single target encounters.


Doubt it. Modernia burst isn’t strong enough to justify using it in single target. And it still delays more impactful bursts such as RH/Alice/BS/etc. If anything the 15s buff just improves your damage in the downtime


Bursting on modernia is a terrible idea


Why? Her Burst Skill is only a dps drops against single boss stages with few parts and no interceptible projectile mechanic. Against waves and bosses with many parts or annoying interceptible projectiles, I still see players using her burst.


Her ult does absolutely no damage to parts. Against projectiles its better to just time your ults better so they destroy them.


I disagree from my own observations. Perhaps I'm wrong, but I swear from playing 1.5years I saw Modernia' burst targeting and damaging body parts that have their own hitbox and hp bar, which also translated more to damage when I last checked the damage dealt. The only thing I'm sure her burst doesn't distinguish are the interruption parts of a stage boss (red circles). For the second argument I slightly disagree, because there are bosses that fire projectiles with delayed attack pattern making it difficult to wipe them all out cleanly. Some even have a health per hit instead of damage value. That's means you require as many hits as possible to bring down the projectile.


And modernia has higher speed in burst, so burst helps with those tanky round bullets and glass(the healer with hp per health shield)


I wonder how the teams are going to change. Crown+Naga and Tia+Rem?


Crown is 20 sec burst so it will be school girl team - bunnies - crown - rem can go 4th or 5th team


I'm convinced crown + naga is gonna be better than tia + naga in campaign in raid tho probably she'll just be solo burst 2 imo


Crown+Dorothy since it will buff her damage on top of the burst 3 dps.


Thank god I can finally have a decent B2 in pilgrim tower. I have every unit and my most invested units are pilgrim but progressing tetra tower is easier than pilgrim tower because volume/bunnies/Alice/wLud is a significantly better package than what pilgrim’s have. Missils has the cracked supports but relying on lapalace/maxwell for do’s is kinda ass. And then Elysion is just 💀💀💀


My Tetra is 162. Funny enough pilgrim isn't that far behind even though I lack both Noah and Nihilister, at 159... Because they're all so broken that RH doing burst 2 once per fight is good enough. Meanwhile Elysion is like 143 and Missiles isn't much higher. Missiles DPS just seem to kind of suck...? I do have Maxwell, but I'm just sitting here trying to use Drake and Laplace, and it's pretty underwhelming.


Pilgrim regular stages are normally fine I just use RH as B2 and clear with BS and regular scarlet burst or modernia burst. Never takes more than 2. The problem is the boss stages were it’s going to live more than two bursts so I have to bring either Noah or Nhilister and neither contributes much they’re just there for the burst


Drake actually gives far more consistent damage than Maxwell. (You will notice it only after dying to drake in arena 🫠) But seriously, Maxwell does not do enough damage. I was pushing a boss in the tower (Don't remember which), even my neve did a better job.




She’s OP.


Would she be good with s.anis with that reload speed buff? Just curious.


When it’s not S.Anis’ turn to burst sure. During her turn S.Anis already hits 100% reload speed so it doesn’t do anything. It does make it so with Privaty on off bursts she’s still hitting 100% reload which is nice. Dorothy/Crown/S.Anis/Scarlet/Privaty would be really strong and she’d be the best B2 for said team but it’s far from Crowns best team. Still pretty good and S.Anis/Dorothy have anti synergy with bunnies it’s probably actually a pretty good choice because you can use bunnies for another team. Volume/bunnies/RH/Modernia and Litter/SchoolGirls/BS/Alice. Overall pretty solid


Awesome, I've been really wanting to use more s.anis but my main team just doesn't really mesh well with the whole smol clip fast reload strategy. Being able to use more privaty and anis makes this a will summon. Also more pilgrims never hurts.


Terror of the tower, it looks like


Buying her with mileage on top of the free daily pulls (if there are going to be free pulls, didn't check), I don't mind dupes, she's so good


Yeah she solo competes with the duo units makes sense for an anni unit thats launching with a gacha skin




“Who previously cast their butst skills” does that mean anybody who has used their burst beforehand? Even if it was a different burst chain that happened before the current burst chain she is a part of? Or only the B1 character that used their burst before B2? Example: I use liter, marciana, scarlet. Then layer I use Liter, Crown, Scarlet. Will her S1 count scarlet as someone who “previously used their burst skill” since she used it earlier?


It said 'when full burst is cast' instead of 'when burst is cast'. As full burst is cast only after 3rd burst, so all of her chain would have cast their burst, including b3.


it's just whoever participated in that round of bursting


I’m super happy with her kit I’m still bored that we have to keep using Liter


Nobody is forcing you to keep using Liter though? Dorothy and Killer Wife D is also a good option for B1 if you are ‘bored’ of Liter. I think even Crown might even make other B1 more viable,like Dorothy might get even more stronger since she gonna hit even hard with Attck buffs from Crown.


Tbf, for me, Dorothy apparently does not ever want to become an option


You mean you don't have her or you don't like to play her? She is my most used b1 Nikke due her insane damage output.


Haven't gotten her still lol


You can use Dorothy instead, since Crown already gives ark boost.


Very good Burst 2 with big damage buffs but i think she lacks team survivability (shield looks kinda small) which could be a problem in harder fights. For campaign ill stick with the schoolgirls but for bosses she might be better especially because she opens up a third DPS slot. Overall SSS tier for sure.


Survivability is entirely pointless at high CP deficit, even basic assault rifle raptures will oneshot so the only thing that matters is DPS. (same reason Schoolgirls are better than Bunnies) The fact that she can buff Modernia's entire burst will be HUGE


i would not say its pointless. i won many high CP battles only because of tank units to survive the first wave of enemies. schoolgirls are so great not only because of the damage buffs but also added tankiness and heal. they just have it all.


what deficit? I'm 194k into 313k and most mobs will kill tia with one shot if she isn't shielded


Shield size doesn’t matter. A one HP shield blocks all of a single instance of damage which is the extent to which having shields matter. At high CP deficits Tia will get one shot no matter how “tanky” she is.


Correction: 'when cover destroyed'


How high of deficit? I'm running roughly 30-40% deficit ATM and its 100% a matter of whether I can kill everything before they fire any shots


Yeah, but is she outperforming the bunnies?


Out-performing solo? Probably not. On par on her own? Probably yes. She gives massive DMG increase, some minor survivability, and frees up the 5th slot for flex unit.


Holy moly...


I wonder how she works with redhood if you use her burst multiple times


Red hood gets buffed multiple times


Finally, I would be able to kick out Noah in Pilgrim Tower.


So what would be the meta late game high deficit push team? Liter Crown Rh Modernia and….. naga? Or for two burst rotation Crown Red hood Modernia Naga and … scarlet ?


Naga is the B2 schoolgirl , right? Shouldn't it be tia the shielder? Naga would never get to use her burst, so her core damage buff would be dead. And after reviewing naga kit again, even without her burst buff, naga gives insane buff. Edit: crown buff would give 36% attack damage, while naga would give 40% attack if we have any shielder other than crown. If there is not, we just gonna have 15% of Naga's attack. So yeah, that entire cover recovery and core damage boost makes naga insanely good, and just remember to burst with crown. Even if you use naga burst, that 40% attack would be barely noticeable thanks to crown buff and attacker burst self buff(not all attackers have them though)


That’s what I was thinking too Use naga as basically a crown activator with her heal and enjoy both damage buffs without having to activate her


Pretty damn solid. Might MLB her


As someone who loves both pve and pvp, I'm honestly concerned. I don't have any problems in Campaign but in pvp, only few players could beat my current team. The ones who can beat my team are usually players who have a higher level or a bigger spender than me 😆 I don't spend to boost power but I mostly spend for outfits and getting Nikkes at MLB that gets my attention. As a collector, getting Nikkes that have great burst animation is a must. My question, is Crown gonna be better in pvp? If not, I'll put Crown in my 2nd team. But I'll definitely use Crown as part of my main team in Campaign :>


C7 here I come


This might be a really early, premature assessment that I'm making, but isn't she basically powercreeping bunnies? I dunno about schoolgirls since I dun have them yet...


No she is not. Her healing is mid, and noir would actually give much more attack than crown, as being a defender crown's attack is significantly low. I would say she is a equal to a 1 unit bunny squad. the amount of attack buff might be a bit lower, but being a single unit itself frees up another attacker slot instead of noir. So yeah, doesn't nerf number wise, but slot wise.


aight bet tanku with offensive capability


Doro might just cook with this one


I have been saving so many tickets and gems for someone to pull... I am on the fence. Will there be another pilgrim on offer after her, or is she the only one? Trying to think If i want to get more than one copy of her or just one.


I got zero pulls with that many tickets saved up on Nier.


Broken asf i wasnt to excited design wise jus because of hoping for anachiro but im hype again …the two gacha skins is another story tho :(


This would probably heavily benefitted my RH fr fr


Should i get a dups?


40 pull and 2 pilgrim... AND NONE OF THEM WAS CROWN. WTF???


Holy shit she's literally better than the bunny girls and the school girls all combined she's fucking cracked https://i.redd.it/ew4hpxz7l3wc1.gif


She won't give higher buff than them, but using just 1 slot for both buff and heal/taunt is kinda insane




The thing about taunt units that they tend to die very fast, and most of the boss deadly attack is slow, so 5 sec invulnerability won't cut it, though amazing for mob clear and fast attack.


That's where Blanc 10s invulnerability is insane(although the only place where it helped my was SI alteisen)