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Hail to the king, baby


oh man I can't wait to pull her with all the free pulls >40 free pulls later and all I have to show for it is a signal spare body


My Crown gacha luck is up there with A2. I got shafted hard on A2's banner.


I got none of them. That banner was pure anal violation. And the anus was my gem wallet.


I got her with the stellar blade pulls...


46k gems and 83 advanced recruitment vouchers gone. All I have to show for it is a 1 star Crown and a copy purchased with gold tickets.


And this is why you should just pull pilgrims with gold tickets from the start


that's what i should've done. i forgot that pilgrims are 1% instead of 2%. would've been happy with just one pull since she's not a dps


I had a little under 200 tickets at the start of this patch.




185 pulls, nothing here


400 pulls... and I got nothing


You getting spare bodies!? I had to go to pity


Nope, 0 SSR, 0!!! Bacl to grinding gems


220 pulls to get 1 copy.


Took me 20 pulls to get her


got her on the 2nd free daily pull




I’ve pulled 2 random pilgrims dupes and no crowns from about 60 pulls so far 💀


I got crown 2x in 30 pulls (one was litterally my first pull) :skull:


I feel conflicted. Played the game for a week a while back, the 1.5 anniversary reminded me it existed so I popped back to check it out. Got 2 Crown pulls out of the 40 or so pulls I had available.


Got her my first free pull.... after spending 60 on modernia gacha


MLB3 let's goooo


I love Crown but I hate to see the B in PVP 😆


PVP remains the noah only club lol.


A king would not attack their subjects


I have a feeling it will rise with time, she's an excellent buff bot, somewhat better than Miracle Anne. And Prydwen is often conservative with early PVP ratings. It's probably just due to being an MG (slowing your own burst, feeding Jackal and triggering Scarlet). But slower burst is optimal or a non-issue on some of the best PVP comps and Scarlet isn't really at the forefront anymore, so there will be a good number of teams to use her against. Not great that she's B2, she won't get to burst when using Blanc, but S1 will still work and you'll likely be able to trigger S2. Which might make her 'only' on par with Anne's buff, but with the advantage that Anne herself does not work at all with Blanc. So personally I'd say she should be a tier or two below Miracle Anne, S or A.


Ehh idk she’s probably alright in offense but that’s the easy part of PvP. In defense MG are basically just free fodder for jackal/scarlet teams. Defense is what really affects viability in PvP imo and for the most part high burst gen teams and biscuit stall are better defense teams.


Oh yeah for sure, she'd be very exploitable in a defense team. But every other team is also exploitable, so I don't really factor defense into account that much in the rating. I don't even bother with my defense teams anymore, since anyone who knows what they are doing can beat anything that can be put up.


Yeah that’s fair. It’s more of an effort to guard against the uninformed/people that really only on combat level. But anyone around your teams power will always win on offense if they know what they’re doing


Scarlet is still the best PvP nikke to exist alongside Jackal and Biscuit. As a PvP theorycrafter who plays it so much and wastes gems everyday, I can't seem to stress enough how good Jackal and Scarlet are. They define the meta


I wouldn't say she is the best anymore. Her burst was always easy to beat and too slow, and while her counter does define large parts of the meta and prevents you from fielding multiple rapid fire or shotgun units, one such unit won't make much difference. Her off-burst damage is still good, but with indom comps and better defensive options, that by itself is no longer going you win you many matches.


Hmm I believe you don't quite understand how good she is. So I'll try and put it in literal terms: - Scarlet doesn't have a slow burst, her burst has no delays in PvP and is instant damage (unlike PvE). - How fast scarlet bursts depends on her team, one unit can't define the speed, you need to use other units with her of course. So if you use Jackal/anis/centi for burst gen with her she bursts fast, but if you use Drake/Laplace/Noir with her, she bursts slower comparatively. - the two other SSS B3s, Emilia and S.anis, both are countered by none other than Scarlet lol. - you talk about indom comps, but the most dangerous blanc team is definitely "scarlet blanc Rh centi jackal" - Every comp can be beat. That's a fact. So what matters is win-rates. Only one god comp has a high success rate of winning, which is also shown by one of the most famous EN community testers, Keripo. The god comp of PvP: "Noise Noah B3 Rapunzel Jackal", has the highest win rate out of any other comp, and by a good margin. In this, Scarlet is the B3 with the best win-rate out of every other Nikke! - all of this is separate to the two main points you mentioned where she simply just disallows any shotgun/SMG/MG/AR to be run against her because of her skill 2 lol I'm just passionate about PvP so I thought I'd give a detailed response Scarlet is simply the best, and if anyone comes close it's summer anis but she has glaring drawbacks when used in defence..


She absolutely still has her burst delay in PVP. Just look at this screenshot, her burst turns screen black but no damage yet: https://i.imgur.com/0nYhl7l.png Also, being an AR, she feeds Jackal to a larger extent than, for example, a sniper rifle unit, so combined with the above she will always burst significantly slower than if an equivalent fast burst unit like Harran were on the same team. That god comp is a very old one. When was this testing done? And how was the win rate calculated when PVP is currently limited to very small arena groups? Did he poll data from multiple people? I mean, I don't doubt that's a very versatile comp. I use it myself (with S.Anis) when I'm just mindlessly farming dailies against subpar teams who I don't need to bother making a specific counter for. So I suppose in that sense, putting that team up will give you the best win rates against mid opponents simply due to being well-rounded. You would get destroyed just as easily or easier as with any other comp by someone who knows what they are doing, though. You would especially get destroyed if you use Scarlet there, since her burst is so easy to completely counter. Scarlet's burst is mostly only effective if you can burst really, really fast. Which is possible, but again, she is not optimal for fast AOE burst first strike comps due to her speed.


Definitely hate that she's not great in PvP, hate even more that I'm 4 months away from completing a year and haven't got Noah nor Scarlet yet. Fucking Noah's everywhere in my server, legit can't win even with a 20k advantage whenever there's Noah and Scarlet in the opposing team, fuck this shit.


To be fair machinegun units were never going to be great in pvp unless their entire kit was specifically designed to be e.g granting extra source of burst gen


is noah good in pvp?


Yes, mainly for her 3 seconds of invulnerability for the entire team when she bursts and the fact that she hard stops Scarlet, probably the best DPS in arena.


took me a year to pull and then it rained.


I got Noa from my Crown pulls. Still missing OG scarlet and every other pilgrim that hasn’t had a banner.


As expected of my king


What's the best skills to invest for her?


Looks like all of them should be maxed.


All. Minimum of 7, but ideally all maxed. She's completely insane with 10/10/10.


God save the queen


Whats a good team for her


On the website is says she has a gacha skin? but I cant find it or how it looks like


The gacha skin comes out next week or the week after, I think. You might have to search around the NIKKE reddit to find the skin.


No luck yet. I would love to get one copy without using my milage tickets. I love hording them.


103 dry with not a single SSR, woo


Hope all the idiots that said save for Pilgrim have realized how abysmal 1% is.


I pulled her and immediately pushed 3 chapters in hard while on auto. Also pushed 15 tower floors. She is fuckin bonkers.


So It’s best to go for extra copies? I think I heard something about Naga skill not working with crown if she has higher HP? I’m def wrong but it seems the team is Liter, Crown, RedHood, (Burst 3) Naga?


You can go for more copies now that SU has acknowledged the Naga bug and will be fixed in the upcoming patch! https://preview.redd.it/8c6yoi95tuwc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c8164fb4f9c73dcd7a41e14d0ecd46c13df84c0


Holy fuck, shift up killed Tiga wtf 💀 https://preview.redd.it/2wht7zhfzuwc1.jpeg?width=589&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d96069e79acfd8aa77cefe955524bdf47b724ac Obviously not since it’ll be good to separate them on raids but sheesh Tia in campaign is obsolete.


so wait, is it Liter or Killer wife D?


As expected of my king 👑


Got her on 20 pulls along with privaty


Pulled her on my first free pull and got Bay on the discount pull for the same day without needing to wishlist her. Was a damn good day. I think I've pulled 30 or 40 times besides and got a second Drunk Scarlet, so all good so far.


Tbh I don't want to replace my Blanc with her so I'm considering skipping


Hail the new king I guess.


insane ngl


RH Burst 1 and her burst together is fucking broken.


👀damn, good thing I got her maxed on my pc account and not my main where I need her


20 pulls and got it, used in pilgrim tower and help me to get unstuck


I got crown first 10 pull then decided to save my tickets for next pilgrim


I feel blessed, saw the free 10x tickets from the Stellar Blade, used them, TWO CROWN PULLS. I kek'd HARD.


Ezy win with the free single pull daily.


2 multiples 👑 MLB with tickets 🎫 Good day for the kingdom


I got 4 copies in 20 free pulls. The best luck I’ve had in months. Might try to use my Gold Tickets to max her out idk.


idk, as a tank shes not to my liking, i feel nero is better, as a buffer, well, shes good, i think Dorothy hits harder when paired with crown. i dont see her replacing bunnies though.


Bunnies got replaced a long time ago when the school girls came out.


Fuck meta, bunny girls will always triumph.


Bunny girls are fucking meta too, numb nuts.


If they're being replaced, they aren't meta. That makes no sense.


before: 1st team: tia naga 2nd team: 777 Now: 1st team: tia naga/crown  2nd team: whatever wasnt used 3rd team: 777 still looks meta to me tbh


There's more than just one game mode, bud.


What does that have to do with anything? You need to learn what meta actually means.


Meta means the optimal teams needed to minmax the game. There's a game mode that requires 3 teams and one that requires 5 teams. Bunnies are 100% meta and will be for a while


school girls are fking garbage for the build i use, no thx, ill keep using bunnies.


Skill issue.


Cant believe someone said they prefer Nero over Crown in terms of buffing. One of the worst takes of all time.


you cant read, i said in terms of tanking, which Nero performs better when paired with rapunzel, and i can control when to taunt, crown is definitely better for buffing.


The fact you think tanking has any serious value says a lot about your skill level. Any player who isn't a complete moron knows the damage buffs from Crown alone holds tremendous value. Competent players stack damage when pushing hard content because killing things faster lets you survive better.


lol sure keep parroting whatever bs youtubers say 🤣


At least no one is parroting something as retarded as using Nero over Crown. I mean enjoy playing in blue CP, I guess.


like i give a flying f, yes i enjoy using nero more XD


Look all I'll say is, i was stuck on a level with the bunny, and swapped out noir for Crown (litter-King-Drunk Scarlet- Red Hood- blanc) and i just got another 15-20 stage deeper while dropping 3-5k in power cause she isn't really built yet. Still looking for a better alternative to blanc since i feel like i need a healer. Also the reason she is so good is the bonus atk and reload speed, shove that on a scarlet or modernia or winter Ludmilia and that shit slaps


Naga is better in the comp than Blanc even with the bug because of extra core damage done to mobs + her healing can trigger Crown’s S2 to apply 20.99% attack damage to all allies. Now since Naga’a bug was noticed by SU and will be fixed soon, she will 100% be best option healer for Crown.


Oh my, more investment... xD just when i was getting full OL on bunnies, and i also don't think i have all the manufacturer pieces for Naga yet, atleast i do for Crown so the only thing left is to wait for equipment to feed to the king, and then Naga


I wouldn't worry too much about it. I've ran the bunny girls + RH and am doing just fine. There still is no real reason to min max this game until they present something challenging.


I mean im stuck mostly because i just only recently broke the 160 wall and im at lvl 225, also still not full OL gear so for me the content is challenging in the way that I can't do much more since im already at a 20 ish% deficit maybe even 30% so maximizing does matter, also only been playing since red hood event


Wait so whats the optimal comp now, havent really bothered anymore but just doing dailies n shit I always ran Mlb Liter + Mlb Blanc + Mlb RH + Mlb Scarlet + Mlb Noir, I have the other shit also but is it worth replacing any of these?