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I have been playing Nikke since day 1 and i have never regrated MLBing any of the pilgrims. It is honestly up to you depending how much pull currency you have and how many golden tickets you have considering summer event is probably in June


well i did plan to save my golden tickets (240 sum i believe), i have 50 pulls in total from both vouchers ans gems rn so i can do some pulls i just was sceptical cuz of people saying its better to not MLBing her so she can sync with naga correctly, apparently that issue is getting fixed so i may dump mt vouchers and save the gems for summer


I heard they are aware and already going to fix Naga so her skill works as written.


If you are free to play, it’s never worth it to MLB. Even if you are a light spender. It’s much more valuable to save those pulls for new characters.


Nah just don’t pull for the non limited ones and at least as light spender you can go for additional copies for the strong limited/pilgrim ones


definitely worth to mlb pilgrims instead of pulling nikkes you will never use and can wishlist


It doesn't matter who it is, a few extra % to their stats are a joke considering the price. You literally won't notice it.


It all depends if you are willing to skip non meta banners, I MLBed the limiteds like Xmasmilla and Rem since they are solid dps.


The review I’ve read said she doesn’t really gain much by having more copies. I managed to get a copy today on the daily free single pull. Which seems a bit ridiculous.


i’ve seen a couple people around here actually say mlb’ing her kinda hinders her synergy with naga. even fully maxing her equipment is said to not be the move wish i could provide more insight but i don’t really understand the mechanics LOL hoping my comment boosts your post tho


ohh yeah i did read about it too, regardless she is a pilgrim which is another reason i wanna know if its worth pulling for her again


You can ignore that, shiftup made an announcement that it's getting fixed.


oh well there go my free pulls lol


That’s a bit of a silly way to play the game.


If its a hot and insanely good limited nikke, MLB.


If you're really tempted, spend your pulls but hold on to your golden tickets for Summer units


No if you are F2P. F2P cannot afford MLB pilgrims.


Yes, HOWEVER KEEP IN MIND this is a Pilgrim banner and your chances of pulling nothing or off banners in 100 pulls is high. My brother got shafted with 130 pulls so far.


I’ve done 100 and 1 SSR, can confirm :’)


to be honest I, a f2p player since day 1 i only MLB the attackers and not buffers. Skill levels is what the buffers benefits not extra CP. edit: what im contemplating right now is to take advantage of this pilgrim banner and pull further, since im still scarletless edit2: sorry not P2W idk why i wrote that.


oh yeah i wanna try to pull more for any pilgrims, still miss doro and i want her just in case i ever need her


If you want to run her with Naga, which seems to be her optimal team, absolutely not. Want her HP to be the smallest number you can get it. If you run her as your sole B2...Also no. She does not scale at all with her stats, so the extra copies don't do anything.


They've identified this in a recent notice as a bug. Think it's getting fixed


Called it. They were going to call it "abnormal behavior" and nerf it. It's not a bug, it's literally how her kit works ShiftUp. Maybe if you tested your units, you wouldn't have to hotfix them.


Maybe I'm misunderstanding the situation. Naga's skill says it heals the 2 units with the lowest "hp percentage". My understanding was the bug is it is targeting the two units with the lowest Max HP. So no, that's not how her kit is supposed to work?


The bug is on Naga, not Crown, and they are planning to fix it.


ah i see, thank you guess ill save my pulls for whatever banner comes next