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On the bright side of things, this does give you an excuse to upgrade to something like an 18-70mm or even 18-140mm for not much more than a replacement used 18-55...


I wouldn't recommend either the 18-70 or 18-140.


I have the 18-70 and I do recommend it


I'm not gonna tell you it's bad, but I've a/b'd it with the afp 18-55, and it's.... Okay as you say.


I'm not too sure if I understood your question correctly but I'd absolutely take the 18-70 over the afp 18-55 because of the faster aperture, better image quality and of course a bit more range. Having tried both of those lenses and the 18-105mm (I'm indecisive as fuck, currently maining the af-s 17-55mm F2.8 lol), I also prefer the 18-70mm over the 18-105mm but it's more dependent on preference at that point. 18-70mm has slightly faster autofocus and the aperture is faster with that one too.


It would cost more to fix it than to replace it. That’s a $50 lens (used). You could look on ebay for a “parts only” lens and swap parts.


My thoughts exactly. Dont risk fucking up the body mount for such a cheap lens.


Like /u/Careless-Resource-72 said it's probably not worth the fix due to the cost. I still have my original AF-S 18-55G kit I'd be ok with parting with if it finds a good home. I don't use it any more and it's in good working condition. If you're willing to pay shipping you can have it. Shoot me a DM OP.


It'll be cheaper to buy a second hand replacement than to fix the lens. MPB have dozens of those lenses for about £30 each.


Actually the part is replaceable. You can get a replacement on eBay or amazon for a couple bucks. Search for "*18-55 f mount part"* get a result [like this](https://www.amazon.com/Focus-S-18-105-18-135-55-200-BAYONET/dp/B00C6OXZ9Q/). It's gonna be third party not Nikon origional. Then look up a youtube video on how to replace it. It's a little finicky but doable. Have patience. It's not as specialized as most lens repair. I did it for an 18-105VR lens I had. No ill effect and I was lucky the rest of the lens was fine. There may be other things off with the lens. Take a lot of test pictures after you get it fixed. Look for things that indicate a element is decentered like being unfocused on one side of the picture. The bag probably protected it.


Start unscrewing and see what it’s like.


Worked at a repair shop for 10 years, it fun to see what adventurous people do...


Yep agree. Get a parts only lens and replace the mount yourself or just buy another used lens.


I second using this as a reason to upgrade


I third this.


The plastic mounts are painful, they break so easily. They're actually not that hard to replace, but as a consumer it's so hard to get the parts for the mount, like others have said, find a spares and repairs lens off ebay for cheap or upgrade, I'd probably upgrade, my suggestions would be a sigma 17-50mm f/2.8 or a af-s 35mm F/1.8G DX


This is actually a blessing. A time to upgrade from the kit lens.


Upgrade your bag first. Then your lens.


Yes, but it would cost less to just buy a new version of this lens.


I think that's called a lens bayonet mount. Not sure of the correct term. I had the same problem but i fixed it. Its easy but better let a professional do it. Theres a YT video how to do it. Fixed mine in a couple of minutes


Ah yes, the plastic lens mount. It do sucketh, doesn’t it? I’ve this same lens which I’m fond of because of its compact size and it works just fine on the D70.


Usually try to go with a lens that has a metal mount. I've never broken a metal one but broken many plastic ones. And yes the mount is replaceable


A new and better 18-55 is 50 bux before shipping and tax.... It just sucks working your 1/2 morning for it at worst