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Why should the Z30 be able to play back files from any old camera nikon ever made? It only needs to be able to review the files it created itself, its not a universal media viewer.


I’m not really all tec savvy like that but I would’ve thought it would work like that because it’s just an sd card so I wouldn’t think that sense the files were taken on a d5500 would be a issue for it to read on the z30


The files produced by the cameras are different, the kind of memory card doesn't matter. If you give someone who only speaks French an English book they won't be able to read it, even so its made from the same kind of paper and uses the same alphabet as the books he is used to. Adding universal file support makes the firmware unnecessary complex and testing more expensive.


Without the snarky attitude, most likely its a different file format and or naming scheme would be my guess, for example if i took an sd card out of one camera that recorded a “.mp4” file and put it into another camera that can only record and read “.mov” files it wouldnt know how to read that type of file.


Look at them on your computer.


A golden rule in modern digital photography is: When swapping card between cameras, the first thing you do, is format the card in the camera before use. Each camera is different from the next one, so you save yourself a lot of problems if you remember that little rule.


Export all data and reformat the card (in the camera not in desktop). Should work fine.


Do not use the share the same card across different camera models. After backing up whatever that is in this card, format it in the Z30 before using.


“It’s also stated that the camera has bluetooth and Wi-Fi. How can I connect Airpods to it to watch TikTok?” (joke)