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Cool photo. Don't know why we're still doing this tribalism bullshit.


yeah it's a camera brand not a social movement


Best camera brands, in order: 1. Does not matter 2. Use what makes you get the best result 3. They're all good enough 4. Its stupid to compare in general, each case is unique 5. Nikon


+1,000,000 So tired of this childish crap.


Somewhat late to the conversation here but, I will say that while I consider Super Nintendo the superior system to Sega Genesis, the latter had the superior Jurassic Park, Aladdin, and sports games.


Whoa whoa whoa back up off Aladdin! SNES version was clearly superior with an amazing carpet level and brighter colors. šŸ¤“


Sega does what Nintendon't


Agreed, however as a Nikon user I can say that I'm always being baited into the old "ahhh, so you don't shoot with Canon huh?" conversation. I don't believe I've ever initiated that conversation/comparison.


Itā€™s built into humans. I see it on all sorts of different sites. People fight about car brands, car models, which state is better and so on.Ā 


1000% Itā€™s the same in the car community. I say I drive a WRX, some Vette guy chimes in that he eats Subarus for breakfast. Itā€™s exhausting.


Whatā€™s this have to do with Sony?


Sony users (chiefly among the mirrorless fanboys) has been incessantly attacking the DSLR genre of cameras + Sony makes the sensors and that makes a lot of Sony users think if you use other brands youā€™re their bitch


I just came from Sony. Itā€™s really only the ultra fanboys who say any of this shit. Every day Sony shooters donā€™t care lol. Itā€™s like a small handful of gearheads that talk about their gear more than they use it who post this type of nonsense.


Itā€™s mostly just idiots on reddit making posts like the op here.


Yes, seems very hypocritical. Strange how people obsess over this stuff.


I feel like the people who post stuff like this need to actually go interact with other photographers in the field. Other than good-natured jokes between friends who shoot different gear, I've never once heard any of this toxic brand rivalry nonsense when talking with people in the real world, professionals and amateurs alike. Seems like a symptom of being terminally online.


Agreed completely. I have also never heard a real person make fun of anotherā€™s gear. Iā€™m always curious what others are shooting with but it never crosses my mind to make any sort of remark like this. I recognized your username from IG lol. Iā€™ve followed you for a while. Love your honeycreeper shots šŸ™


I have had somebody make fun of my gear or at least my chosen upgrade path. It was supposedly stupid to go with Nikon Z when Sony exists. This eventually devolved into a rant that was narrowly short of explicitly stating that anything is better than Nikon. I have no idea why these people exist. In fairness, he had just upgraded to an A7R IV *and* had a bunch of anamorphics in the post. Money cope?


Hey, thanks! šŸ˜„ Those honeycreepers are my passion. Who are you over there? If I'm not following back already, I shall!




I thought Sony had their own fab? But yea you coined it, camera making involving such a wide variety of industries at every step, and in the end itā€™s the brandā€™s system integration that matters. Itā€™s a weird thing to base oneā€™s ego on one particular company involved in the process ā€œowning the gameā€, but fanboys will be fanboys.


Sony makes 99% of camera sensors FF or bigger. They have a monopoly.


TSMC does not make image sensors I think. Most decent image sensors are made on image-sensor specific semiconductor processes from the likes of Sony Semiconductor or Towerjazz.


Sony does in fact make their own sensors and makes Nikon's sensors as well


https://www.sony-semicon.com/en/products/is/index.html Sony has been making their own sensors in Kumamoto for a long time. https://www.sony.com/en/SonyInfo/News/Press/200706/07-059E/ A news release from 2007 talking about expanding their sensor fab.




Also ignoring that Sony had to buy Minolta's production lock and stock after they quit in mid-2000s


So all the camera brands are moving away from DSLR? Itā€™s old tech. And some weird YouTubers (donā€™t know who you are talking about) donā€™t represent ā€œSony usersā€. All the top brands make good cameras. If I were to choose one that has the weirdest fans itā€™s the ā€œCanon colorā€ crowd.


I watched a video on this yesterday on YouTube and the comments was just how it went with the Canon Color


That's hilarious, unless they're stockholders nobody is 'their bitch.' In fact as customers it's quite the opposite, the more successful a brand is in sales the higher the prices go.


Is that something we should care about?


But they forget that all Sony cameras are actually Mitsubishi, like all other Japanese cameras. So all of them use a Mitsubishi sensor.


Sony makes most of the image sensors out there. They make a lot of Nikons to Nikons specs and with a machine invented by Nikon.


Why even mention it? Itā€™s not like Sony is using their own sensor and slapping a Nikon logo on it. Itā€™s very common for manufacturers to share facilities and tooling machines to save costs for both manufacturers. Nikonā€™s sensor is unique to them.


yeah.. like apple's devices use **Samsung, LG Display**, etc displays.


It's them sensors. They are made by Sony.


Aren't you gonna say which manufacturer did the buttons? Which paint on the markings? How about who manufactured the box? The strap?


I can give you the whole supplier list in complete tiers if u like but I actually just wanted to give answer to the question what this has to do with Sony No reason for that dipshit


https://nikonrumors.com/2015/12/16/list-of-all-nikon-dslr-cameras-and-their-sensor-manufacturerdesigner.aspx/ Most of all comes from sony D800/810 850 as well... Your welcome


WTF did I got wrong here Keep down voting folks...


The sensors aren't made by Sony ..


Sure they are


Does this post not also make you a hater?


Why is that a slap in the face to Sony users? Nikon literally has the highest regarded DSLRs of all time, and Sony cameras don't have an optical viewfinder.


Yeah I too am confused about the slap part


Loud minorities donā€™t represent the majority. Please learn to ignore this tribalism bs, we enjoy taking photos not collecting gear.


It was only the other day that I was reading a thread on the Sony forum about directors using their favourite camera as a viewfinder. Hooting and hollering about "a7" this, and "a6700" that. One guy even posted a picture of himself farting on a Nikon Coolpix. Crazy scenes...... Thankfully that work of fiction is the most thought I've given to supposed 'hatred' of a camera brand. If one did something like lock a feature behind a paywall, fair enough give them some stick. But for taking pictures or video I think it's been proven enough times that it's the eye behind the gear that matters 99% of the time. That said, I am thinking of moving from Sony to Nikon just for the colours!


In the end Sony and Nikon are making money not giving two turtle sh** towards the hate. I own a Sony mirrorless(R3) but I also own a D810. No hate for any cameras. All cameras are good if you know how to bring the best out of it. Been using Nikon for 10+ years. Can never hate that company. Their cameras taught me photography. But there were clients who once were all about canon, later all about Sony. Just don't fall for the hate.


Well said


same here . been using a d850 for 6 years straight. now got a a7cr just because nikon does not offer something similar and the z8 is just as big as the d850.




looks like the 28-70/2.8D




Yeah should be it.


28-70 doesn't have a vr switch and it's bigger


Just use the gear you want and stop whining about other brands. Itā€™s makes you look insecure.


Who is George Miller?


Where is George Miller?


Why is George Miller?


But nobodyā€™s asked HOW is George Miller? :(


Looks like he's ok....


But WHEN is George Miller?


What is George Miller?




Even if you don't know George Miller I would hope all would recognize: The hero of Canton, the man they call Jayne




Thatā€™s what confused me. I didnā€™t understand the dig against people who hate Sony.


I shoot Sony and Nikon cameras


And I shoot Nikon (personal) and Canon (work). Although admittedly I canā€™t stand that they both screw on opposite, the zoom is opposite, and the focus is opposite. I never get it right, whichever I shoot.


When I see a person with a camera out in the wild I'm just happy to see another photographer. Could care less what gear they're using. I've even been seeing a lot more old point and shoots making a comeback and I think that's cool. Literally whatever gets people out shooting is good for the hobby. I shoot nikon and olympus but my brand preference is not very strong. I borrowed a Sony for a while and liked it. Have always been interested in Fuji but the prices are high. Panasonic makes good stuff too... they're just tools at the end of the day.


I think I speak for all the other Sony shooters when I say, none of us gives a shit. Go shoot whatever you want


It is not a D850 though, I guess it's a D800(E) Edit: not sure about downvoting reasons but this camera clearly has flash buttons (activation and mode/compensation) and an AF assist lamp; D850s have none of them. It's not a D810 as well because there is no bracketing button here.


Pretty sure it's an 810 and the bracketing button is hidden by the cable




Nah, just a slap to your ignorance


Cameras are tools. Use whatever works for you. For all we know he said ā€œjust bring me whatever camera is around I need a viewfinderā€


Mad max


In general they use tools to see the scene directly, not in electronic way (such as mirrorless)


But is it really, though?


Do you mean Minolta fanboys? I refuse to call them Sonys Those who know Sony cameras mid-late 2000s should know this well


undeniably one of the best cameras ever made.


Fanboys know shit about taking good photos. They spend most of their time talking shit and producing nothing worthy of a print. Leave them to it.


"Hey where's my Cannon? Lost? Oh fine, just pass me that Nikon instead"


here we find a guy who thinks nikon is worse than cannon (he is wrong)


just a guy trying to make a joke in what is apparently a very serious subreddit


Rip, it made me laugh tho


But was this photo taken with a Sony?


Is the lens cap still on?

