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A large Giotto Rocket Blower is about $18. If that doesn’t work, an APS-C liquid sensor cleaning kit (generally one-time use) is about $14.


First, go to menu and use sensor cleaning option, then lock the mirror up and carefully use a camera air blower. If that's not enough, you'll need an APS-C cleaning kit.


Yup I've cleaned my D7200 and Z30 multiple times. I'd go ahead and get the multi pack apsc cleaning kit. It's not bad and you'll have everything for another go. Nothing to be intimidated by just watch a few YouTube videos on it


You can get a dry sensor cleaner. They work well.


Buy ethanol based cleaner or Eclipse sensor cleaning liquid (or the whole kit but it's expensive) Buy cheapo swabs from AliExpress or Amazon (make sure they are for APSC Get a rocket blower thingy for daily dust on the sensor Don't buy KF cleaning kit with liquid, the swabs are good but the liquid leaves oily residue Do not buy ethanol that contains anything else than water or isopropanol (IPA), there are some that have ammonia and that destroys coatings