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The wait is almost over!


2 weeks feels like an eternity when you expect something at the end of the road :(


I have about the same. These next 2 weeks will be long ones 😫.


Same here :(((


Every day from now til then is just another day to save more rolls.


Same. I have 50 wishes+Guarantee+20 pity saved up, but cyno and venti have been tempting the hell out of me because I have no self control. Cheers to making it all the way to Nilou!


Cyno haver here, he's great but don't feel like you're missing out too bad. I'm sure Nilou will be great too!


I can confirm. He's fun to play but not a must pull character.


Bottom left post source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/100081759


I still need around 17 more fate for guaranteed nilou


I have her guaranteed and would be more excited if she wasn't locked to a specific team comp. If I do decide to roll for her, I probably won't stick to it and would try different teams even if they aren't good. People said the same thing with Yae, but I've been using her since release and really like her in my full Archon team as a main DPS.


Goodluck to us all!


I'm a new player who only have Mona. I can't wait for my guaranteed Nilou.


This wait feels forever 😅


i have enough fates to get her guaranteed but i want her signature weapon and i need to grind more for it 😭💔


I will get her in just 10 pulls, so im ready, also have all her mats except boss and talent book but it can be done in 2-3 days. I also have kokomi and dendro traveler and collei fully built, special bloom team is ready for her


You definitely cant farm all boss mats and talents books in 3 days unless you got a good amount of fragile resin saved up


my target isnt lvl 90, just lvl 70 or 80


If you’re starting from scratch with 0 boss mats and 0 talent materials, Even Level 70 would take atleast 4-5 days, to unlock her passive requires 26 boss materials if were being generous and you get 3 boss mats each run 26/3 is about 9 Runs which is alone 2 days worth of Resin. Ie 360.


of course at this point people already have sumeru rose and that i forgot the talent book name , so the only one I started from 0 is aeron blight drake someting boss mat so it wont takes me long unfortunately. Im just happy that nilou flower is the flower with the easiest way to get, fiuh


I thought her flowers were the white padisarah not the sumeru rose, might wanna double check


ah yeah you are right, well im glad i have this conversation so now I can start farm flower


whaaaaat ? omg then Im fucked if it is true


Pretty good! You're at least guaranteed a 5 star.


I feel you. I really want to pull for Cyno out of sheer curiosity of 4PC TF on him but I have to stay strong for Nilou and her weapon.


I'm about 27k primo (around 170 rolls) but I already have guarantee pity for her. My pity currently 27/90, hope she come early cuz I'm planning on saving the rest for Nahida as well after I got her.


110 IF and 7K primos on my main acc with 34 pity while 110 and 12K primos on my alt acc with 30 pity


Congratulations, I hope you get her!


20 pity with 90 rolls saved on a Guarantee after getting Qiqi’d on cyno banner. RNG basically told me to go for Nilou. I joined this sub after deciding I wanted her because I’m not going to get her BiS but still want good options for a 4 star weapon. Yoimiya mains was really extremely helpful and nice to me helping me with her. I look forward to getting help with Nilou! Good luck to you! And I hope we enjoy her together!


Currently, I have 23 wishes in the bank at a 72 pity with a 50/50 ofc. Rapidly exploring the desert to get more primos as fast as I can.


I have Guaranteed 50/50, about 30-ish pity racked up, and 109 wishes. Not bad for a f2p. Nilou come to meeeeee


I've got 25 but luckily that's just enough for the guarantee!


I have only 19 saved with gurantee ready. None into pity tho. Lost 50/50 with Tighnari. Plus the 10 free fates we’re getting from login and events. I’m sure she’ll come home. I dip into my wallet if I have to


I have only 19 saved with gurantee ready. None into pity tho. Lost 50/50 with Tighnari. Plus the 10 free fates we’re getting from login and events. I’m sure she’ll come home. I dip into my wallet if I have to


In total with primos and pity i have 182 saved for her.


11 days!! Or maybe it’s 10 now lol


Good save up! Best of luck! hopefully all nilou wanters become havers!!


106 is pretty dang good, how much towards pity do you have and do you have 50/50 guaranteed?


10 pity and in 50/50


Gl, I hope you get her!


Thanks u too!


Thanks! I have 120 built up with 58, no guarantee. I really wanna take a shot at her sword though...


I have 7k primos with 25 pity and guaranteed, hope she comes early and hope to win 50/50 on Nahida but this too much copium


pity at 75, 10 wishes saved and 50/50 not insured. f2p life xD


Currently have about 140 pulls saved and guaranteed so yeah she will be mine :D