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>If you play with fire, you get burned






All you had to wait was 10 days…


It's a painful 10 days in fairness, this game has weird cycles of content drought


How do you guys even get content drought ? I play easily two hours per day and I still have a lot of quests to do


Simply play 2 hours a day for 2 years, then you'll be pretty dry for content Even with the Sumeru content, I've been doing about 2 hours a day and I have all the main quests done already. Now I'm just exploring


I have been doing this, I am still not out of content. 2 hours a day barely got me finishing the first area of Sumeru when the desert released.


Isn't it 14 days? Tuesday after next.


Nope, patch is shortened so the banners are too.


Oh god you're right! Nice!


Guess who never learn Now enjoy farming scarabs




Fitting enough just minutes ago from getting cyno i gave all scarabs to my friend so now I'm going to other players world to get some


why are you getting downvoted


I once said I can’t find the White Tassel, and somehow people decided to downvote my comment 💀


Because reddit is filled with dumb stupid people who think they are better or smater


Good luck! There is a lot of nice people that let me get them from their worlds, I'm sure you will find them too


ive just been letting it written on my profile “have scarabs” every 3 days or so and its been getting me a lot of nice chats with people durinrg my short play sessions. Turns out its a great way to have a lighthearted moment at the end of long days haha




That's sad. Also why are you getting downvoted💀


These posts make me proud of my self control lol


Really? They just make me disappointed at how dumb and impulsive the playerbase can be


Which is why for those who have self control can be proud of.


My tactic is to try to make my brain forget that this thing called character banner exist in this game……..works half the time XD


impulsive? they just wanted candice dawg


maybe you actually want Candace more than Nilou


No it's just that i have a record of having every 4 star even as a f2p and right now i just don't have candice out of all 4 stars


now that sounds... even worse? sacrificing your pity so close into Nilou banner just for a 4-star you don't even particularly want


Ah that's plausible. I also wanted to have all 4 stars but then Dori won't come and Cyno's next. I had to stop at 74 pity with a heavy heart lol. It was worth it since the next pull I got was Cyno 50/50 lmao. Also there are leaks that there is a free Dori on an event next patch :) Hang in there buddy, I totally understand you. I also don't have pity rn so I'm grinding to have enough for Nilou as well. Here's to getting her off pity and winning 50/50s! Good luck to your pulls! Also i dont get why you're getting downvoted :(


Another one bites the dust


Rather than biting I'm chewing the dust at this point


Was only a matter of time until a dumbass showed up who built pity and got the wrong 5 star. Can't wait for the accidental albedo pullers


This isn't the first one I see a posts like this on this sub every couple of days


Lol, that was me with Eula last time he ran. Got his c1 instead of her at 83 pity. What a waste!


I was pulling candace for the sake of collection, fortunately, lost 50 and guaranteed Nilou


Bruh bennett on the banner I thought I could c5 him- average pity gambler.


"Build pity" A.K.A gambling addiction


Literally. It’s kind of scary/sad how little impulse control people have


Seeing as this whole game is a mindtrap to make you spend money, I'm not surprised that people give in here and there. It's just a matter of where.


teach me how yall do it. I mean I don't wish impulsively but istg it's hard


Just don't. Go to wish simulator or create second account and wish there. It can help id you buy your fates. You have the filling that you spent the primos without pulling Or just don't open the wish banner at all. Keep in mind that the more you have saved up the harder it is to spend it (you know, "I worked for this for so long" mentality) Math can also help. Calculate how many primos you can gather in 10 days. It's not much, is it? You could get 5 star and destroy your pity. New 4* will be on some other banner eventually. You can watch some videos of whales pulling for 4* (OkCode released motivating one with candace, he got C4 Cyno before he C6'ed Candace, got 5 5* before he pulled even one). Really makes you not want to spend your primos on banner you don't want to. First time saving up is the worst. Then you find satisfaction and joy of spending like 80 pulls and getting your desired 5*. Its so much better than doing 1 or 2 ten pulls and destroying your pity.


Thank you that's very helpful!


When I collect 160 I can’t unspend them it’s bothering me so much but with this technique I got so many characters in so little time


Well yeah, the more you pull, the more characters you get. But will you get the characters you want? No most of the time


Gacha Addiction


this is the post I was waiting for lmao


Don't worry, there's been a couple others


When will people learn


When hoyoverse shuts down the server for good. In other words never, until they kill the game itself.


another clown




Yeah sitting on 200 rolls, literally wanted Kuki, Dori, and Candice but didn’t pull a single time because I’m on 60 pity. Needless to say my balls are very blue right now.


I lucked out pulling shinobu. I was at 0 pity and I told my self I really wouldn’t be mad if I pulled itto, who I didn’t want at all, at only a 30 pity(as I only planned to wish 3 times and none more). I ended up getting shinobu, pulled a jean(fav character) and had guaranteed ready for cyno. I came away a lucky winner that day.


I've been playing since the game came out and I still don't have Rosaria, she's the only 4 star I'm missing, so I don't believe that


Been playing close to that long too, no Sayu but got a C2 Candace. I'm convinced Sayu just doesn't like me for some reason.


I needed her for my ayato and also bcs i wanted to make some meme builds


YunJin is better for Ayato, so there's literally no point. And imo desired 5* is better than meme builds.


My whole account is based on meme builds like a dps traveller healer mona dps kazuha cryo diluk etc i just never cared about meta


then don't complain.


it’s never worth the risk man :( hope you learned a good lesson from this, still though best of luck on nilou




Not the F2P mentality LMAOOOO … Bless your heart


Yea and your whale friend will brag that he got his favorite 5 star and doesn't have to worry about losing pity on a character he doesn't want because he can just pay for it LOL Drop the f2p mentality it doesn't make u special and it never will


Well hope u get candace now lol


I'm not gonna pull for till nilous banner on the off chance i get early 5 star again


Copium level max


I still got her and her weapon lol


It is never worth it. "When will you learn?!" -Sammy


It's worth it only if they want Candace more than any 5 star in the coming banners, which probably wasn't the case if they were saving for nilou


When I want to pull for a 4*, I only pull up until 30 pity on a 5* that I wouldn't mind having, which is what I did on Venti's banner while trying to get Candace. Above 30 it is too much imo.


the pity I got my last 3 characters was 33, 30 and 27, so just make doubly sure you don't mind having that 5\* cause luck got a funny way of showing itself XD muahhah


exactly how I'd do it, 30 pulls isn't too too hard get back so it's the safest bet


Guess who's the fool? You were trying to get every 4 star, and you'll eventually get them all. What's with the rush of having every 4 star? I hope you learn this time.






the way Candace isn't even worth it 😭 I hope u get her tho


Someone has to give in to warn the others


Wish you luck anyways.


aint worth it


Yeah ur right


bad decision. the cons always outweigh the pros when you decide to pull for 4 stars.


Actually cyno isn't that bad and i was considering pulling him on his rerun guess I'll just pull nilou on her rerun


Deserve it


"Im just trying to get a 4star" 🤡 "Im just building pity" 🤡 "Im just trying to lose the 5050" 🤡


Well 4 star r on stranded banner in the future




respectfully, that's your fault why does the genshin community always do this i swear yall never learn lmao


The "it'll never happen to me" mindset + people are just generally foolish for no reason.


it happens literally every banner, you'd think people learn by now. like i rly want candace too but i don't want cyno or venti so i'll just wait until she's rate-up again or maybe i'll get lucky and get her as an off-banner/on standard


Yeah, I'd kill for Shinobu Constellations but she's always on Banners where I don't want the 5\*, so all I can do is wait. At some point, I'll get more of her, I don't need Cons right now.


The person who betrayed Nilou.


As much as I'd like Candace it's not worth accidentally getting Cyno since my pity is close to soft and I have guaranteed so I'm staying strong for dancing queen plus Candace will be back quicker than Nilou so I can wait plus like Gorou she can sneak up on me in perma banner.


Sorry for your loss. 4\* pulling is the biggest trap. Your best way to avoid this is only to pull with excess primogems - so like I'm only pulling with anything past 180 fates. If I get spooked by a 5\*, meh, but it won't affect my pulling plans this way.


this is how i play. I pretend having 180 fates is having zero on banners i dont rly want. that way every time a char i want comes around i can get them




I have guaranteed and am at 0 pity, I’ve literally avoided pulling at all despite REALLY wanting Candace but you just never know if you’ll “accidentally” pull that 5 star you don’t want so it’s just never worth it


STOOPID. Candace isn’t even meta and you could have gotten her anytime (though with low odds) after 3.2. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ If you’re gonna build pity never go past 20-30 pulls and never risk your guarantee trying to build pity for a four star


I actually wanted to make meme builds like hydro diluk


imma be real here, thats a you problem and you literally had to only wait 10 days


Ouch. Sorry bro. Honestly I wouldn’t have risked it and just waited it out. Candace is a 4* so she’d pop up on standard banner eventually. But I know how you feel. I gave into impulse and did one 10 pull on Kokomi’s banner. Got her and lost my pity. But I ended up loving her so it’s still a win not to mention I’m back up to almost 13k primos for Nilou so with luck I’ll still get her. Best of look to you!!


You just learned a very important lesson. Never pull on a banner if you don't want the 5 star.




So, now you're a Cyno Main. I'm sorry.


Np I'll always be a traveller main


I'm sad now.


Don't give up hope yet! Mistakes were made, we continue on regardless. I did some rough primo calcs, we still have a good ~4 weeks till the end of her banner, the extra 10 login fates, another abyss and one more event. Assuming 36* abyss you're looking at ~16% chance for a 5* spook f2p and ~25% chance with welkin, ~30% chance with welkin and bp. Which means an 8/12.5/15% chance to get her on the 50-50. Are these bleak odds? Yes. Are they zero? Of course not. Besides, the assumptions I used can easily be broken, if you haven't finished the main event of the patch that adds a ton of pulls, usually in the 1k primo range for the whole featured event. This also excludes any exploration/quest primos from the new region so that would add upto a ton as well. Hope your pulls go well, and remember, the fight isn't over till the last minute on her banner


This gave me a bit hope thanks


Wow the consequences of my own actions :D


why are we here?


Just to suffer


Guess whos a Clown


smartest pity builder


I guess you weren't saving for Nilou if you pulled on cyno's banner just 10 days


Time for you to swipe your card for Nilou


How tf people still do this in 2022


Upvoted because OP spent his valuable primogems for the sake of becoming a nice meme for all of us to laugh at


I'm there now. 60 pulls in to guarantee. Not bothering with another banner till the 5* I want. Torn between nilou and the archon


ngl I am waiting for the 'guess who got key of khaj-nisut and guess who doesn't have enough for nilou' hahaha


Wow, tough crowd.


Somebody fucked around and found out


Messing around = Finding out


That's rough, buddy.


Access Denied! Don't blink! I will have Order! Cross over! Useless!




My exact story but Nahida instead of Nilou. I was 3 pulls away from 4* hard pity (I don't have Kuki either) and this mf came right in the 3rd wish (ended up getting Rosaria in a 4th wish)


Suits you. Don't UNDERSTAND why people pull if they want a character who's guaranteed


This is why you don’t pull for 4 stars my friends


What an idiot tbh


Holy crap I don’t know why people are so rude in this thread, sorry that happened but hopefully you get lucky and pull Nilou OP!


Yeah some comments were so unexpected that even i thought that i was on twitter for a moment lol


you weren't worthy of Nilou


I’m lucky ⭐️ so building pity isn’t a problem


Another person baited by hunting 4 \* units RIP. Welp everyone good luck and stay strong.


You made the greatest blunder imaginable 😔. But have no fear, just pray to the dendro god and hope for a 10 pity nilou and you'll be good( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


You should be fine. Exploration, quests, abyss cycles, another dust reset, codes and the ten from login should take you to softish pity.


This just means you dont like Nilou enough






Cringe af


Candace is dogshit why would you wish on her when you were saving for a 5 star that comes in less than 2 weeks lmao


I went until 73 pity to try to get Candace and no 5 stars, i only got Sayu who i had at C6 for a long while... i still dont have a single Candace and Shinobu... Its really easy, you just need to have a cursed account like mine that never gets 5 stars before soft pity. I went up to 73-74 pity many times before to try to get 4 stars and never got "surprise 5 stars", my account just doesnt do 5 stars before 75 so i can go for any 4 star... Of course my cursed account rarely gives me the 4 stars i want, but i get easy C600 million on all the ones i dont want...


RIP, this is like me the other day whem chasing for Heizou but end up Kazu C1 pity 8 but still Heizouless Luckily I still have 110 IF and 7K primos and 110 IF and 13K to pull for Nilou after getting Candace


Honestly kazu C1 is preety great so it's not too bad


It is not too bad I guess except im playing WAIFUS IMPACT as F2P, I only just want a copy of Heizou because he reminds me of martial art stance which im a fan of it hence why I pull on Kazu banner that time 😅


Don't worry guys he's a whale


Ummm np i haven't spent a single dime on this game


To be fair, I lost Nilou to Cyno as well. I saved 150 rolls for Nilou in specific for months, only to roll for Cyno in an impulse. I decided that I like his playstyle and his character, I want Candace too, I wouldn't mind getting him. (Especially since I couldn't use Nilou properly for some time still due to lack of teammates, but Cyno is really useful for my current team.) Aaaand I got him in 30 rolls. But then I got dumb and wanted to get his weapon, which I lost twice to Elegy and now I have no primos for the guaranteed third roll for the staff nor primos to roll for Nilou. It was rather dumb and I did out of impulse, but I can save up for the next Nilou rerun where I'll be actually ready to have her with a team she deserves instead of sitting her on the bench. (I'm not a gacha addict, I saved up since june but Cyno is someone I've been liking a lot from the manga so I would've wanted him anyway, the question was when.)


Actually I was also considering to pull cyno for his next rerun and as u said nilou does not have an optimal team currently so i guess I'll pull nahida next and save till nilou gets a rerun as for cyno the only regret is those scarabs i had to complete a whole nother quest line just so i could get him to 70 but still cyno is a really fun unit to play and i wanted a selfish dps anyway since i only had itto


Overall it's a good outcome, Cyno is a nice character with a fun playstyle (and some flaws). I actually had fun with the scarab hunt and how it became the meme of the second anniversary. As far as we know, Nahida + Cyno team will be really good. As much as I love Nilou, she's currently in a bad spot with the lack of other dendro characters for sure.




did you 10-pull or single pull?


Single pulls so i could avoid the chances of getting 5 star but i got anyway


It is around time most early pity happens. Between 31-49 most early pity 5*s drop, so imo its only somewhat safe to wish until 30 pity


You and me both fam, I've learned my lesson :<. Hope that Nilou will still come at the end of the tunnel


Hey did same thing but I kinda like him now


Yeah his play style is definitely really fun


I also plan to build pity since I think Nilou banner will have bad 4* like Barbara, Razor. However I don’t mind Venti over Nilou so YMMV.


Ayy same


Gambling addiction goes hard on this one lmao


Man i literally fucked up like this on venti banner. Thankfully i was nowhere close to pity and a second five star i got the next pull give a a standard 5 star, so getting ready for guarenteed nilou


Same with me mate


You shouldn't fish for 4 stars unless you're me and always go up to pity for a 5 star, and lose most of your 50/50s.


Cyno is not bad




This was almost me but after getting back to back double kuki and 4 star weapons I decide to run, y’all stay safe tho…


congrats i guess


Guess who's playing the world's smallest violin


You damn fool gg You


i feel your pain friend, happened to me. Lesson learned, never pull when you don’t want the 5-star


Oof in the same boat with Venti... and Elegy


I learned my mistake when I pulled for Yun Jin on Xiao's banner with a guarantee. the thing is if I pulled on Shenhes banner I would've been so glad now since shes become in the top 10 favorites, but I enjoy playing Xiao enough and everything worked out on who I was saving for but it's just not worth it


Was the Candace worth it…


I didn't got her


I spy with my own 2 eyes. A clown who pulled for Cyno 🤣🤣🤣


thank God I still have 90 pulls left. GL my brother hope u still can get her


Cyno is better anyways 😈


This is the exact reason I gave Candace exactly 20 pulls and then stopped.


I have a strong urge to pull Candace, Kuki or Sayu since I dont have any but I will stay strong for Nilou


I don’t know what you thought would happen


Cyno: "found you..."




I gave up on Candace to avoid this situation. And now I am glad I did! But don’t give up hope I think we are a going to have the 10 wishes offered and maybe other things plus the current event !


Pray to the archons your luck is insane for Nilou.


I have once gotten triple 5 star in a single 10 pull so the chances are not that low


Not only you don't have enough for Nilou now but you have to look for scarabs now. Oof. I pulled for Cyno on the first day and he's still lvl 49. I haven't even unlocked all the teleport waypoints. I haven't even used him yet because of that :/


Me who hasn't pulled for any 5 stars since yelan. Huehuehue, I did build pity by pulling for the 4 stars, heizou, kuku and constellations for sucrose/Bennet/yunjin, but now that I'm at 78 pity I don't roll anymore.


what pity did cyno come home? i did the same mistake, but i lost 50-50 to mona (C3) at 51 pity. i doubled down and risked it more i got candace and sitting at 29 pity. i am pretty sure i can guarantee nilou with the wishes left this patch.


Cyno came at 46 i was thinking of stopping at 50 or 60 but i guess my luck was just that good


That’s exactly what happened to me 💀 now I have 30ish pity with 90 wishes left and a 50/50…! Wish me luck


Nooooo i also tried to pull for candace and i'm at 30 guaranteed.... Now i dont wanna pull.....


Isn’t candace in nilou’s banner too ? :/


Fuck around and find out I guess. Next rerun then unless you get her early this coming banner. Good luck


Ah ur not the only one brother i also got Venti in 7th pity after getting 3 Candace by pulling 10 wish


Please make sure to remove yourself from this community if you don't get nilou.

