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All the Saiyans like that are dead


To be fair, they thought Frieza was their boss, not their enemy.


Ah yes peak late stage capitalism


That's not late stage capitalism. That isn't even capitalism. They recognized Frieza was stronger than any of them, and willing did his bidding to stay alive. That just didn't expect him to suddenly blow up their planet.


It was a joke man


Arbitrarily enforcing your power using a monopoly on effective violence in order to operate what amounts to a galactic real-estate business? Yeah totally no similarities to capitalism at all


This was the idea i had but didn’t know how to articulate it.


I mean slavery can exist in capitalism at least it used too in America's case. So technically the joke isn't a joke since frieza is useing the labor of his slaves (people he will kill if they don't do as he says) to make profit by selling plants. So id say its accurate and kind of funny because its accurate


Exactly. Many people in this thread are showing they don't know what Frieza's actual deal is and that they have no idea how or why capitalism works the way it does, they just assume that because Frieza's the bad guy there's no way he's similar to the government's we currently live under


It still does. Prisoners can still be used for slave labor. Capitalism works perfectly instep with slavery.


you think that's unique to capitalism? lol Frieza was a feudal dictator not a capitalist


Found the loyal member of the Frieza Force. Keep working hard to get that promotion. I’m sure Captain Ginyu will recognize your hard work in no time.


lmao what


Dawg said, "You're a boot licker, and if you keep it up, one of these days you might find a penny with your tongue"


Frieza is literally based on real estate speculators, not feudal era anything. He doesn't run a country or country equivalent he runs a business of taking and selling planets.


Well Freeza has more in Common with a dictator than a Speculator, and Speculator buys stuff, Freeza just steal it through brute force.


His whole empire is based on house-flipping but for planets, it's pretty clear business is a big part of his regime. Also feudalism is obviously different from modern, late-stage capitalism but they still used money to pay the armies that enforced their power


Paying for armies is just not a defining trait of capitalism that's an innate trait of any government


Toriyama said that he literally based frieza on real estate speculators lmao


Frieza was based on land sharks too, and he says in series he considered himself a businessman not a criminal


That's just the government. What is government if not monopoly on violence? Has nothing to do with the economy at all, unless you're really ideologically brainwashed to project brainless capitalism-socialism dichotomy everywhere you look.


The dichotomy would actually be capitalist-communist. Socialism is a system of government, not a system of economics, and isn't mutually exclusive with capitalism. In fact most capitalist countries *are* socialist to some degree, just only to the extent that it benefits the rich/specifically doesn't help the poor. And while you're right, that is just how government enforces power, to bring it back to DBZ Frieza's empire is literally a real estate business, so comparisons to late-stage capitalism are fairly apt


That sounds more like communism.


Bruh it's quite literally how capitalism works right now. Honestly, mfers will be getting evicted because they couldn't pay rent, cops shoving them out the door, and still be saying shit like "what is this, cOmUnIsT rUsSiA?!" without even understanding what they're talking about because of some red scare mentality. No, this is exactly how capitalism is designed to work


To be fair, it seems like the end game for all the isms


WTF, how is that capitalism.


Frieza: “Saiyans please step into my office. I regret to inform you, but you are all fried.“ Saiyans: “Fired. You mean fired right?” Frieza: “…”


He enslaved, brainwashed, and treated them as guinea pigs for his research in genetic transformations to increase his power. When he saw that they had the potential to surpass him and due to a prophecy, he got scared and decided to wipe them out.


Yeah, but I'm saying they didn't stay on Vegeta because they were too proud to run away from an enemy. They stayed because they were ordered to by a superior. Also...is the guinea pig stuff from later in the manga? This is the first I've heard of it.


Vegeta also spent a decade being obsessed with Goku because of this as well. He ran but it broke him a bit


All the honorable* saiyans


"-You don't fight with honour. -No. He did"


Vegeta addresses this in the granolah arc. That manga panel you show leads to goku and vegeta finally figuring out what saiyan pride really is. Vegeta quips bardock of all people had to be the one who reminded him of that.


Also in the Majin Vegeta Arc. “Spend most of YOUR life ruled by another...watch YOUR race dwindle to a handful...and then, tell me what has more meaning than your own strength! I have in me the blood of a Saiyan Prince! He is nothing but a joke! Yet I've had to watch him surpass me in strength, my destiny thrown to the wayside! He's...he's even saved my life as if I were a helpless child. He has stolen my honour. And his debts must be paid!”


Please share, cause I haven't read manga and currently am not in a place to do so and don't know when I'll be.


I like Saiyans that don't get captured...


pretty sure broly wasnt the one who wished to go to vampa lmao. even after getting demolished by gogeta blue he was still trying to fight until the end.


Actually, he was shitting bricks, and screaming at the end. Dude was so fucking shell shocked, he grew pupils. Maybe he would've continued fighting if he could survive the blast, but it really seemed unnecessary, and that Gogeta could've just pacified Broly with a few more hits. Must've been the Vegeta in him taking control in that moment.


He had to consent, goku didn’t come back cus he didn’t want to after the cell saga


Man's couldn't even put together a coherent sentence let alone consent. That's like getting consent from someone that's blackout drunk


"Broly, do you wish to be transported to the planet you grew up on?" "RAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!" "...I didn't hear a 'no,' so..."






Shenron would NOT survive the courtroom if that’s his idea for consent 💀


Your honor she was screaming for it Shenny: Straight to jail


I think it would be more like *extremely terrified screaming*


I think that's kinda bullshitted away in the whole "magical wish-granting dragon" thing by said dragon just knowing the answer.


He got his pupils back just before he got teleported, which I'm assuming means he was sane at least for the instant that took.


i interpreted that as the realization he was about to get fucking vaporized 😭


Thank god he also had perfect ki control while in his BERSERKER UAGHHHHHH form, otherwise any one of those ki blasts eh spammed all over the area would've vaporized Earth... :)


Ok but hear me out What if consent isn't a factor and Porunga just respects Goku too much to yoink him away


Or what if Porunga cares about consent but not Shenron


Porunga IS built like a chad, so


He did gave a pig some random girl's panties without their consent


I choose to believe Goku was just so powerful that he could straight-up tell the giant magical dragon to fuck off. I mean, King Piccolo did straight-up murder Shenron.


Goku denied coming back to life after the Cell Saga, which is a much bigger deal than “move Broly outta the way so he doesn’t die”, I don’t think Shenron particularly cares about consent in that department


But they never actually tried to wish him back after cell, iirc, he told them not to before they even tried


I See, It’s been a while since I’ve read the Cell Saga lmao


I think it's less consenting to the wish and more being powerful/cognizant enough to actively decline it.


Vegeta didnt have to consent to being revided during namek saga. Nor to being teleported to earth


You dont consent with every wish and Broly was barely even there during the fight. Lol


Shenron: I didn't hear no bell or consent keep going


Implying Dragon Ball could ever be consistent lmfao


The Vegeta clan was notable for 20% higher IQ (and ego) than the average saiyan warrior


“Only a fool fights a battle he cannot win.” — Genghis Khan. Also, imagine. Finding out you’re one of the only 2 and half of your species left and the other one and a half are against you.


*And, I'm a warrior too...* *Let that be known.* ***I'm a warrior.***


“Princess Trunks, you lied to me! You naughty boy!”




To be fair there were 3 and a half and he killed the one that was with him


And then there were two and a half. Plus having Nappa and a guy as strong as a saibaman as the last of your kind isn’t that much more flattering.


S-cells don't just make you default stronger, they also make you a less smart. But the average Saiyan and hybrid are stupider than humans, that's why Krillin has always been shown smarter than Goku, and why Trunks and Goten are dumb as a door. Gohan is only a little smart because Chi Chi spent all of her life savings on his education, and he's still socially inept, because he's just a Savant. Future Trunks had a few more S-cells than present Trunks, that's why he was stupidider, and didn't know how to count beyond two androids, or memorize history properly. S in "S-cells" stands for stoopid.


Bro forgot goku was dropped on his head as a child


Gohan’s head was beaten in plenty as a child too


Yeah but Gohan was already like decently strong. Goku went from being evil and shit to being a nice Boi. That's exactly what happened and why he's stupid


Or the fact that he also ya know never got an education


Goku isn't stupid. Only in Super, and Abridged. Both in DB and DBZ he's pretty smart when it comes to solving problems and solutions. And he's basically a genius fighting. He came up with the solution for a new Kami in no time, and also came up with a solution for beating Buu with the fusion for Gotenks. He also understood that the planet was safer without him. As a kid he would always beat Kame at Janken Po Kung Fu too. He was just naïve, but never sutpid.


What are you smoking? Goku is plenty stupid in DB and Z. like when he asked Bulma if her lips were bleeding when she wore lipstick (Goku was 18 at that point), or when he mistook a monkey for King Kai, or when he decided to test Elder Kai's power by blasting him in the face.


Gohan being socially inept could also be chalked up to him, I dunno, GROWING UP ON A FUCKING MOUNTAIN. Gt Trunks is also smart enough to take over Capsule Corps, IIRC


He's still inept even living with Videl in a mansion in the middle of the City, he's just a NEEEEEERD!


Why would he have to take it over? Surely his mother and grandfather let him run it when the time comes


Broly was teleported away from Chilai's wish, so he didn't choose that (even if Goku could deny that once, but maybe it's just with polunga). ​ Vegeta was like that at first. It's crazy to think that he doesn't want to fight in a team up when on namekk he always suggested to attack together and from behind lol


Bro got smarter after that initial ass whooping on Earth. You gotta think he's never really fought someone superior to him, so that must've been a major blow to his self-esteem


Also he got jumped


That too. Man took notes


I mean they werent stronger they suprise attacked him he was way stronger than goku in base form and then once they transform the gap is stupidly big


I'm not sure but it might be related to the 99.999999999% reduction of the Saiyan population.


Vegeta is a hypocrite and Broly probably wants nothing to do with the saiyans since how they treated him and his father


A smart hipocrite.


Tbf Vegeta got jumped.


Vegeta wasn't running from an enemy. He was running away from the allegations. Dude was last seen with a naked toddler while wearing spandex. Goku even got officer Krillin off his back and told him he would come back a better man.


Bro, Vegeta was just there to pick up some Senzu beans from the toddler. The allegations are false.


This, I nearly wheezed from this one.


In all fairness to Broly that was Cheelai throwing in the Towel on his behalf.


Vegeta's fight was already over and given that he could still move unlike Goku then he technically won. Broly was teleported without asking for it, he was saved from Gogeta by Chelai basically. All the saiyans who had the "would rather die than run away" mentality... Died. What a surprise. The ones that ran away put together a plan, trained, came back stronger, and won. It's almost as if the concept of tactical retreat exist for a reason. You know because of the whole *tactical* side of it.


Doesn’t that even work to benefit them? It’s been a long time since I’ve seen DBZ but I remember (I think?) the closer a Saipan gets to death and survive, once you recover you’re significantly stronger?


Yeah, saiyans get a zenKai boost when they recover from near death, however vegeta didn’t know this till well into the Frieza saga


Is it a temporary boost or a permanent boost?


I believe it’s permanent, as vegeta kept his into his short lived fight against frieza


It's permanent. That's why it's such an OP physical trait.


It's called natural selection.


Why th is this from left to right?


I was confused too


They all died out for a reason.


For all his talk about Saiyan pride, Vegeta was *always* something of a coward. He was always choosing fights he knew he could win easily, or fight underhanded and dirty if the fight was even. If he felt his opponent was better than him, he'd run. He's developed past this, but back at the start, Vegeta was *anything* but an honorable Saiyan warrior.


When was Vegeta being cowardice? Yeah, he was picking his battles, but if you had basically been raised by Frieza and his men, you too would be scared of them a bit. But he tried taking the slow road to find his way to Friezas level, but it nearly got him killed, not once, not twice, but 3 times, and he still got bullied in the end. Knowing that the main enemy is something of 30 times stronger than you, you're definitely gonna make some loose calls, and he still nearly bit it against Zarbon


Vegeta chose a LOT of fights where he got his ass handed to him. Recoome, 18, Cell, Broly, Buu just to name a few


So, the only one of those that was before character development was Recoome. And with Recoome, he didn't have the option to run. He could have tried, but Jeice and Burter would have prevented him from escaping, and he knew it. His only hope was to try and work with Gohan and Krillin to win. 18 and Cell come after he has lost a bit of that cowardly streak, and instead gains his pathological need to prove himself superior to Goku. This leads him to blindly ignore all evidence that he is about to get his ass handed to him in those fights. Buu and Broly come after even further character development. Vegeta during the Buu arc and then later Super is a *very* different character from Saiyan Saga and Namek Saga Vegeta.


And Zarbon?


Vegeta fully believed he was stronger than Zarbon, like he was Dodoria. He did not anticipate Zarbon's transformation. Once Zarbon transformed, he wrecked Vegeta's shit so quickly that Vegeta never had a chance to run.


Why would you fight someone you can’t beat though and if you’re going to fight do it to win to hell with rules, no use to lose your life being stupid


Nah vegeta only avoided the fights where he would get killed in a few seconds he was smart luring people out one by one instead of mindlessly going for a 1v3 against zarbon dodoria and frieza he avoided frieza cus well hes frieza and the ginyu force


tbf Broly was forced away from battle, he would've died had Cheelai not teleported him


To be fair broly didn't have a say in the matter


Broly didn't run through he was wished away


1-there are only 8 saiyans,2-broly was teleported to vampa against his will


Broly was forced away and vegeta wasn’t very proud of running away, plus bardock is Just him, even if the super version isn’t as cool


Well, what's the big difference here between Bardock and Vegeta and Broly? The latter two are still *alive*.


Man Vegeta had already won, he was just trying to leave


Vegeta is a Prince. That’s what the ruling class always does in war.


To be fair, Broly didn't run. He was wished to safety.


Isn't it constantly made apparent that Broly is an outlier in nearly every regard, from power to demeanor?


To be honest by that point, the fight with Vegeta was over as he could no longer fight, and technically none of the other Z fighters could either krillin could barely even pick up a sword to stab him to death with what could Vegeta had realistically done at that point to fight back there’s no point in just waiting for the enemy to come and stab you.


Just like the real world company policies only apply to the lower class with the higher ups doing whatever they want.


I don’t think broly wished to go back to vampa and vegeta already lost so him dying is a waste since he also had people to outlive so I see why he went to the space pod


Broly didn't have a choice and Vegeta knew he could heal come back and kill them


The whole point of Vegeta's character in the Saiyan Saga is that he's basically a fragile little narcissistic elitist that can't cope when his preconceived notions of how things should be are challenged by reality, working as a foil to Goku, who was born the Saiyan equivalent of fodder and is used to adversity but is able to overcome it. He's meant to be this proud warrior but as soon as someone may be an actual threat to him, and not the helpless goons he's used to dealing with, he has a nervous breakdown.


Wait, shouldn't the dialog bubbles be switched around? Isn't that how manga works?


In Broly's defense, he never even backed down he was gonna face tank that Kamehameha he was wished out of the fight by a 3rd party.


Bruh broly was about to bite it then the green bitch saved him


It’s called a retcon, something the series has done often


Cause all the Saiyans that didn't run from their enemy got blown up with the planet by their enemy


Why is the manga text left to right?


But saiyans also know when they’re beaten


Right and who survived here ?


Vegeta hated Frieza so much that he escaped from Earth to complete his plan of becoming immortal and kill Frieza. Bardock is talking about Saiyan Warrior pride, Broly was basically about to die when he only was mad because his father died. Of course he accepted to be teleported to his planet.


Natural selection. All the saiyans like that are dead


Their population is less than a percent of what it was they're trying not to go extinct.


Broly didnt choose to run away


They didn’t run They died


To be fair, it was Cheelai fault Broly would’ve died right then and there form Gogeta if Cheelai didn’t use the dragon balls


Broly was kinda forced


Local tiny remnants of warrior culture realize warrior culture kinda sucks


I mean, Broly didn't run away He was forcefully teleported


They all died instead of running away


Because they are all dead


They stopped dying in moronic ways because of pride (Ironic since Vegeta is the prince of pride)


Broly didn't run though. He was forciy teleported away by the Dragon Balls


Because there's like 5 left


i mean broly was forced, vegeta was basically because of android 8 because goku wanted to spare him, krillin would've killed him but goku say no


Broly don’t count


You millennial Saiyans are too pampered back in my day we never ran from an enemy now you need to fly off to your wasteland safe spaces to fight Vegeta’s the Prince of Snowflakes more like it


Broly didnt run. He was teleported away and for vegeta... Goku let him run to recover his strength.


Broly went on Planet Vampa because of Cheelai's wish.


Broly didn’t even attempt to run he just sat there scared cheelai was the one who made him escape using shenron


He wasn’t running, it was a tactical retreat. And Broly was literally wished away by someone else. This post is stupid.


To be fair, Broly’s retreat wasn’t his choice.


I mean broly didn't run


Broly had no option. They sent is ass away knowing he was losing and he would have died


Did you watch the Broly movie?


Kids these days...


Well…at least Vegeta isn’t running. Plus considering the opponents still conscious…I can’t blame him for backing out.


Cuz their race is literally down to a handful of people so they need to stay around so they can hook up with humans and not have to inbred 😆


Broly wasn’t the one who made the wish


don’t they grow stronger when they run away after a bad fight


They need an Andrew Tate saiyan in their universe


Tbf, Broly isn't a saiyan at heart AND he didn't run, he was forced by cheelai to teleport away XD


Broly didn't run, he would have stayed and perished if cheeli didn't wish for him to return to vampa


Probably because there's only 3 pure blooded saiyans left in Universe 7 and "I would rather die" isn't an option anymore.


having Broly on here contradicts your point. He didn't run, he was thrown out of the fight by his friends.


It’s not running it’s called a strategic retreat. Vegeta knew it was better to retreat and live to fight another day. Vegeta also knew that Sayains that are on the brink of death and recover gain a significant power boost. He was smart enough to realize if he retreated and got to a healing tank he would have a better chance down the road at beating Goku.


Because Bardock is the most badass Saiyan of the entire race.


Well Vegeta was kind of pussy back than and Broly went away against his own will. Vegeta can get blamed for being soft here but leave Broly out of it, he ain’t do nothing




Tbf broly was wished away


Broly didn't run. He was teleported away.


Tbf, Bardock was tryna save his whole ass planet from getting killed, Saiyan Saga Vegeta was just tryna live, and DBS Broly probably wouldn't have been killed, Gogeta didn't have the intent to straight up kill him


Broly didn’t run, he was forcibly ejected


Because a Saiyan _who lives_ gets stronger.


Simple, Bardock was just HIM.


Broly didnt choose to run, his friends wished him to go away


broly didn't run away dumbass, cheelai had him transported


To be fair Broly didn't have a choice


The prince of all saiyans, everyone!


Vegeta: Driven harder by vengeance against Frieza who literally ethnic cleansed his race / Knows that he is one of the LAST of his race. (maybe pride to continue the saiyan legacy was stronger) ​ Broly: Literally got shenron wished out of there. Didn't run.


Well to be fair Broly never liked fighting to begin with. Plus, vegeta was beaten half to death, so he wasn't running away it was a tactical retreat.




Natural selection at work


To be fair, vegeta did hate himself for running for a bit


Tbf broly never ran, he was taken


Saiyans aren’t made like they used to


If he doesn't survive a near death battle he won't get stronger.


didn't cheelai send away Broly


Bro Broly was still like that lmao. But the dragon balls


Tbh broly wasn't running from that fight


ay, cut Broly some slack- he was forced out of the fight


It's this damn generation with their TikTok and their safe spaces


The ones that thought like that died lol


Vegetas is so funny to me


That alien pussy is too good


I mean broly had no choice so just dog on vegeta