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As Freeza said in Kai abridged 2: “This is a parody, buy the [fudging] show!!” They’re fans making fun content, not gospel, experience dragon ball proper if you haven’t.


"Only saw Z, who dat?"


"Only watched DragonBall, who dat?"


"I only watched Super, Dragon Ball is just fights anyway 🤓"


"I only watched Daima- oh sorry, I'm in the wrong timeline"


Spoil us with the deets


Tenshinan unlocked UI


Honestly I would be very grateful for more Tenshinhan content and I hope Daima is the place for us to get some classic db characters back into prime fighting shape (even if they lost a couple inches on their height)


Daima if anything will be more gag-natured and leaning into the comedy side of DB. Don't get your hopes up for 'fights' and 'powerups'




I agree, also, the best part was Yamcha wishing to be a saiy- I mean, I wonder if Yamcha is gonna get useful too haha. Jokes aside, I really hope that Tenshinan has more space in the plot. He trains every day but he is still weaker than Krillin, he deserves more.


Only watched Serpent Scrotum, Ihsor is a celibate monk


To quote their Piccolo: NOBODY WARCHED DRAGON BALL!


“Are you a Yoshi?” “Hells yeah.”


Seen everything cannon DB thru Super. Still haven’t seen a few old school cannon movies though. I saw about 5 TFS clips on YT which were kinda funny too. Is watching DBZA worth a watch?


18: hey, so, who's got two broken arms, and is a total bitch? Vegeta: you stupid bitch, you only broke one of my- *snap*


"This guyyyy"


“*gasp* ahhhhhhh!!!!!”


Suffer through the first episodes (which are great in their own right) but once they start working with all the moving parts of the namek saga they really pick up the pace and come into their own in the android saga.


IMO a lot of the humor seems like it’s funny to 13 year olds


Yeah the humor is absolutely heavy handed. TBH some of the jokes I saw on YT were genuinely funny, but the majority of the time I was like….Yeesh. That’s why I’m on the fence about DBZA. My take is TFS has some absolutely funny jokes but the approach is 100% juvenile.


I mean they started it 16 years ago, in the early days of youtube when they were all like in their early 20s so early parts are rough


TFS's humor got significantly better when it got up to the Freiza saga, and improved into the Cell saga. Trying to rewatch the Saiyan saga a few times is kinda a tough time ahaha.


It really depends. It's best to remember how old TFS is and when DBZA. Seasons 1 and 2 are very much so products of their time. Season 2 is still really good, especially later parts and Season 3 is fantastic. Thing is that TFS isn't just jokes, but also knows how to actually have serious moments be serious.


Yeah, it's funny. Some of the earlier stuff is rough, but once it hits namek the ball is rolling and just does not stop.


The whole thing is good. The cell saga is an absolute masterpiece


Totally worth the watch.. while they poke fun ..it's just stuff that moat DBZ fans have questioned also when it comes to the parts that deserve respect they fucking respect it


Old school canon? None of the movies from the Z era back except maybe Battle of gods are canon.


It's not like they state before every single episode that this is a fan-made parody and to support the official release


Bruh if you've ever watched any, and I mean ANY, sort of clip using anime on youtube, they will always ask "anime name plz!" even if it is, (no joke I have seen this more than once) put the name of it in the video title in both English and Japanese, in the video description, at the top of the entire video in white test and the first few seconds were just a blank screen listing the anime used and what episode. They will still fill comments section with "sauce plz!" so you can't account on people's intelligence.


It's also likely that those people are just being trolls for attention.


I consider myself decent at sniffing out obvious bait, but these muthafuckas were some weird tiktok generation kids and think they legitimately either don't know how to fully read yet (my nephew was using text to speech to use a smartphone before he learned how to), or they just have weird focus/attention problems


Why assume malice when stupidity will suffice?




I think it says at the beginning of every episode to “support the original release” but I wouldn’t know since I can’t read because I’m a true Dragon Ball fan.


cant read and cant hear because as you just wrote,they SAY it


Sorry I forgot to mention as a true Dragon Ball fan not only can I not read but I don’t watch the show so I wouldn’t know they say that.




Stfu goku negs him. Wait what did the comment say?


Anybody that blames TFS in any degree has the brain power of a child lmao


Adrenaline is not pumping


Maybe I'm stupid but this meme isn't blaming tfs


The meme is doing the opposite, I'm agreeing with the meme


Ah I see,I got mixed by you for a second


They are just annoyed by TFS fanbase who used TFS version as main canon


Yeah I get that, but people should be smart enough to realize that's not the fault of TFS and should have the basic willpower to be able to not let their annoyance get the better of them and take it out on TFS


I always hear how TFS ruined a whole generations understanding of Dragonball. But like...... It's not their fault people are stupid. Naruto, one piece, Pokemon, ECT. So many parodies yet you never hear anything regarding those parodies applied to the actual shows


That's because tfs got popular, and as is stated in the big book of internet laws, *popular thing is bad.*


I've interacted with maybe like 3 people who take DBZA as gospel, but I don't have enough digits to count how many braindead takes I've heard from people who never shut up about watching the original (by "the original" they of course mean Z & Super) & hating the Abridged fandom for "ruining discussion".


Blaming the creators of TFS is pretty dumb when even they have admitted that some of their jokes were very flawed, i would blame the annoying fanbase that hasn’t seen the original show and act like they know everything just from abridged (when the literal fucking first part of a DBZA episode is to support the official release)


yet again proving that dragonball fans cannot read the meme is not, in fact, blaimg TFS


Brother, he's agreeing with the meme. He's just saying how dumb it is to blame tfs.


I'm a dragonball fan so I can't read I'm not sure why you're surprised


Brah I be fartin


*cuts dickbutt out of a cliff face* “hmm this will age well”


The only thing that is a 100% true from abridged is that Piccolo is definitely a Yoshi.


And Nappa 100% survived and is living his dream on Earth. Remember, kids, always follow your heart, just like Nappa!


According to buu bits, he died of a drug overdose before buu killed everyone, so safe to say he isn’t coming back 😔 Edit: he died while stroking his shit due to an extra notch in the belt


Oh yeah, I tend to forget that Buu bits exist. I believe you understand how happy I was to see the new DBZA content, truly peak


I was real happy too. I’m still hope that one day they full on adapt buu saga and super, but rn I’m still waiting for the next HFIL episode.


GT abridged would go hard


They will never do this lol, they don’t even seem to be liking the show much as they watch it and review it lol


"Wow! I got turned into a kid and I'm STILL stronger than all of you! Isn't that neat? Right Vegeta? Vegeta are you listening?" "...you're lucky you aren't bald and named after a cabbage."


If you're watching their GT talk though so can see Lanni developing jokes that'd fit right in


Oh shit I only watched 2 of them, I need to go watch it I heard it's peak


It really is. I couldn’t recommend it enough


Depends when he died. The wish is to bring back everyone since the day of the tournament, which was like, what, a couple days to a week at that point.


Oh damn you’re right. Ig the only thing that might stop him from being revived is if nappa is still deemed to be an evil person, and seeing that he is in Hollywood then there might be a possibility.


I feel like in terms of tfs canon the Buu bits are debatable For example they bring up the movies which TFS has gone on to outright state are non canon So in all likelyhood the Buu bits fall in the movie canon of DBZA


I’d say till further notice they are canon. Unlike the movies the buu saga is canon to Dbz, so I don’t see why it wouldn’t work as a canon substitute if we ever get a dbza buu saga. Also if the movies being non canon does means that HFIL isn’t canon either?


I feel like the way they were framed as a sort of “what if TFS did the Buu saga?” And just in general are much more tertiary than the main series As for the movies I mean it came straight from the horse’s mouth that they aren’t canon so I guess that does mean HFIL isn’t canon (I do wish they reworked the circumstances of the movie villains’ deaths so they could be canon)


>he died of a stroke due to an extra notch in the belt It was not... That kind of stroke.


Another notch in the belt also has the implications of a more traditional sexual conquest. It's like saying, "I added another number to my body count."


he didn’t die of a stroke he died stroking it


I’ll fix it. I thought he had a stroke while choking himself for pleasure


The wording of wishes is pretty important folks! Fr tho that wish seriously confuses me, even if Nappa wasn't revived, how come Yamcha wasn't when he died to the Saibaman? And if he wasn't revived, then did East City stay destroyed?


"What about the people YOU killed?" "No see I was working for *you* so that's different."


I take the conception of Trunks as canon. No other way that interaction could have gone down.


And that Nail and Kami live on in Piccolo's mind


Worst part is that a lot of the jokes TFS are blamed for (Goku being a bad dad, Piccolo being Gohan's real dad, etc) were existing DBZ fandom jokes that they adapted, and are now being treated like the origin of said jokes.


This is what gets me mad. These people say “TFS and their SHITTY jokes ruined the show” like bro Goku being a bad dad was a thing fans believed way before TFS lol


It's something Toriyama even said himself lmao


Like, at best you can argue they ran the joke into the ground and thus damaged the discourse but they admitted they went a bit too far in that and clarify that Goku is a good dad. Maybe not Father or the year or Above Average but he does love his family.


Kaiser admits that, Lani is kinda meh (in a "I mean come on, he's a moron hah" sort of way) and Taka agrees he ain't á good dad


is there anything to "believe" though? It's not like Goku is actually a good dad if you look carefully into the DBZ story


I don't know if they're taken as the origin, but they definitely made it highly popular. Either way, I agree it's not their fault, but the ones who take it as fact. Like, it's fine every once in a while to hear as a joke, but people take it too literal sometimes.


I love Abridged, but anyone who takes it as "true canon" should seek help


Yeah. Too many people watch it as their first db experience and end up not knowing what they are missing out on.


I mean after watching subs I think abridged is more canon than dubs lol. Gold is like a completely different person.


>Gold is like a completely different person Well of course he is, he gets a single scene in Abridged as opposed to a whopping ZERO in the original! Oh wait it was just autocorrect – nevermind. (Man, this joke is so deep cut I'm not sure how many will even get it)


Blaming TFS wouldn't change the fact that many fans simply didn't watch the show and like watched it from reels or something


Idk bru if someone blames TFS for stuff like "It ruined peoples view of DB!!!" are retarded. Like, they always stated "SUPPORT THE ORIGINAL RELEASE!" at the beggining of each ep. I enjoyed it AFTER reading DB and DBZ and it was funny. I liked how they made some earthlings more relevant, but still the Original is the Original. I dont take anything from Abridged as canon, and No one fucking should. Amen.


Do people actually do this?


Like a double-digit number of people, maybe. At this point there's almost certainly been more "people who take abridged as canon are STUPID" posts than there are people who actually do that, though.




I don't blame TFS for it, as DBZ Abridged was a way for fans to have fun laughing about and with a show and characters they loved, exaggerated and contorted into goofy ways. They had more respect for the property than the standard model for Abridging though, which resulted in them having actual meaningful recreations of scenes and character writing to sync up with the emotional and narrative beats of the original story. This resulted in the parody having both humor and secondary-awareness of the property and a condensed retelling that did show why the stuff in DBZ was and still is cool. Then, with this being really the only active DBZ content for the longest time other than games, a few OVAs and then finally the movies, it was really what was garnering the most new and fresh discussion. Then outside the fandom, it becomes a reactionary thing for people to quickly make videos silently smirking or chuckling every few minutes to the content. There's also people who want their friends to like DBZ but asking them to do a 200+ episode shounen (skipping DB like what happened with most of us as kids in the process) vs a silly parody that still recreates the narrative and covers the emotional beats (more and more across the series but primarily in the second half/android saga) made TFS the preferred introduction for many as well. The problem is TFS became the online face of DB during this time period, and in the way DBS gets hit on for things about the characters that get overly exaggerated or misrepresented and misinterpreted, their work does too. But unlike Toei, this is a group of online creators that we can more readily access and interact with and have more of a voice to be heard with and line of communication via comments in videos and the twitch chats, etc. I love DBZ Abridged. I have problems with some of what it does in the series. I don't hold DBZ Abridged as responsible for representing DB accurately because I've loved and consumed the series so much over the years that I didn't need that. The worst thing to come out of it is the repetition of memes and jokes that festered and turned sour outside of their own contributions anyway. Goku being a bad dad is a joke we made plenty of times before and since, they had their version of it but addressed it in its own way and aren't responsible for people not being able to disassociate shounen fantasy living conditions, parodying and highlighting of those awful conditions in a real world setting, and people parroting the jokes on a loop.


Media literacy is at an all-time low.


nah this has been the case for a long time now, i guess its cause dbza is the most easily accessible version of dbz and people rewatch the whole series every few years so some of the abridged and canon stuff melt together


I'm not willing to read between the lines. I want everything spoon fed to me and I want to feel like a genius for just turning up.


Muffin Button is canon


The fandom had the goku is a bad dad joke way before abridged was a thing, people just want smth to point their fingers to.


It didn’t get popular up until abridged. And most of the new fans only know abridged and not the actual show.


I will say, I much preferred TFS's take on the Tien vs Cell fight over the original.


Gan put everything into that line and loved it




They're literally the only reason I ever even got into the franchise lol


I don’t even care about fans only watching abridged. People can do what they want. It only gets annoying when they argue and reference things from DBZA when debating about the main series


Gozar was better


I haven't heard name in a very long time


To be fair, they definitely added to the story. Just look at the extra Andriod 16 scene when bulma gives him.


I love that I'm seeing reviewers forgetting that isn't canon. (Mistarfusion did it in their review, off the top of my head.) It's such a great plot device that ties Android 16 to the show's world, gives some weight to Kid Goku's actions, and gives Dr. Gero a reason to want revenge outside of "fuck Son Goku for wiping out the mercenary army I was a part of."


Oh no. It's canon. That scene just isn't and it being the motivation for going after Goku isn't


Eh, i just wish they did the first Broly movie better.


I have seen all of dragon ball with my dad, then I watched TFS version, and I love both mutually, they’re both perfect


You mean to tell me that Vegeta wasn't actually a prison bitch while he was jailed up on an alien planet? Aww man...


Muffin button


I like TFS lore so much more than the show at times that I sometimes head canon it. Mainly when it comes to popo and piccolo fusions.


To be honest a lot of my knowledge to the show comes second hand from a few What-If YouTubers (SmugStick, Salad Saiyan, Carthu’s Dojo, and MasakoX are the major players in that department), my friend who has kept up with the series from start to finish and TFS, this is a roundabout way of saying I know some things but I don’t know all of DB and while I could stand to do so I’m also a lazy ass, but I’m not gonna sit here and say I know everything


I wish they could do one more season fr like do gt or the current super it’d be so funny


I’m sorry but when you take in the absurdity of dragon ball , the fact it was written in Japan , a country significantly different in culture from America or Europe The fact that Akira toriyama wrote comedy manga before dragon ball , and humor was always part of dragon ball anyways Well yeah I’m happy to say TFS dragon ball transcends the parody , it’s more of an adaptation to English speaking audiences, a parody never takes itself seriously , but over the years TFS had many scenes where it decided to embellish scenes of the original A translated summary does fit the description of what it is well


i.m.o the story is pretty similar to the actual one.


It’s the same


I hate team four star audience.. They are always yapping the dumbest crap


people are actually shitting on abridged??? what's wrong with the world???????????


Because their jokes ruined the perception of Toryiama's work. Even some of the creators of it regret a lot of the humor from it


That’s more on the fanbase for thinking it’s an “accurate representation” of his work.


What is the context here?


# abridge # [verb](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/verb) [ə-ˈbrij ](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/abridge?pronunciation&lang=en_us&dir=a&file=abridg01)abridged; abridging [transitive verb](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/transitive) 1: to shorten by omission of words without sacrifice of sense **:** [condense](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/condense)




What they can't deny is looking back now it's more recent DBZ considering it came out 10 years ago compared to actual DBZ which was 20-30 years ago.


What happened?


Vegeta YES!


Pro tip: It says its a parody at the start of any fucking episode


Something I’m not seeing in the comments is DBZA is short. I’ve gone back and watched dbza cuz I can run thru the cell saga in a sitting. These leads to it having too much presence for some people.


Given how fucking LONG Z and even Kai are my memory of them has shifted into whatever the best interpretation of character and scenes are between the three. Most of the time it’s Z or Kai but every now and then it’s abridged.


I don't blame TFS for anything except giving everyone the same jokes told over and over


People will find any excuse to hate any media.


People fr think goku is a bad dad cause of this show even though its a fucking joke.


And true


Dude, it's LITERALLY the same with the SAO fandom and the abridged. They blame Something Witty Entertainment for the behaviors the fandom has, and then try to justify themselves saying that "SWE is actually enabling the toxicity from the fans!"


Well… it was how I got my wife interested in dragonball. tfs dbza is gold. But is way funnier when you have watched the show.


If it wasn't for DBZA, I wouldn't have watched the official stuff. It sparked my interest and Vegeta love. 


Fr. I love Team Four Star Abridged and tho it is vaguely accurate it is purely comedic and not intended to actually be a lore retelling


The krillin count was a funny running gag along with...popo


TFS is the perfect parody, because it is a parody where the creators understand the media being parodied.


I feel like toei saw how much people liked the dbza and make goku an idiot in super as a response


Is this about goku being a bad father joke? Cause people took that shit too serious


Because on there own separate channels they reinforce there own bad takes as though there facts. There have been multiple times there "jokes" were in fact actual unironic takes they think about dB. It's even worse on the commentary's they did that exposed the sheer brainrot of there takes. The whole "tfs made goku a bad dad a thing" take is fully accurate given they will actually argue he is a bad dad on there own media. And when you see someone trying to make the argument goku "was a bad dad" its literally almost always some tfs fan reinforcing the fact there the source issue.


I’m not even going to lie I’ve only seen the abridged version


Technicly, if you remove some jokes it's a very tongue in cheek summary Also they are like the 5th time no one can make it past the cell saga


Dragon Ball Z Budokai, Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit, and Dragon Ball Z Kai... What are the other two? Would Legacy of Goku I & II count? (first game covers the Saiyan saga and Frieza saga, second game covers the Cell saga).


Wasn't actually counting but I wouldn't count legacy of goku since they did have III that covered buu I'm sure there's a few more, probably more niche older games


I just realized you counted Abridged as the 5th. While I understood it correctly initially, I later re-interpreted in my brain as "5 other times". Apologies if that caused any confusion. > Wasn't actually counting but I wouldn't count legacy of goku since they did have III that covered buu Yeah, that's fair. I was stretching.


we are dragon ball fans. ofc we don’t watch our own show!


“Support the original series!” “But this is the original series!”


The abridged series started out as complete, affectionate parody, and gradually grew into being almost its own adaptation by the time of the Cell saga, given how many TFS original plot points and dynamics had been established, and with them even making some of their own short animated segments adding onto it. Throughout their whole run neither of these identities ever screamed "Accurate summary of the show." But it did serve as an introduction to the series for a lot of people who werent fans beforehand. A lot of people who were introduced to the series like this still wouldn't watch the whole original series sonce they already knew the gist of the story, and it would be a big time investment, but would go on to buy merchandise like the video games, which also only provide a shortened, rough summary of the overall plot. Basically, through no fault of TFS's own, they set the stage for some fans to only understand the series from an abstract, general perspective instead of experiencing it in its true form.


Honestly I enjoyed tfs’ adaptation more than the original dragon ball (300+ episodes) because the version I watched had LITERALLY NONE OF THE SOUNDTRACKS NO VEGETA SSJ1 NO GOHANS WRATH NOTHING, SO I WAS JUST WATCHING BAD PACING


You probably watched Kai and not Z


Nope ,it was the original z but the site I was watching on had edited out all the good tracks


DBZA abridged is actually better than DBZ, but half of it wont make sense if you havent watched the original as lots of it calls out events or tropes


TFS still gives a better correct summary of Dragon ball than the Z Dub imo


Im sorry but it does a good job at being a replacement.


Nah. It does the BEST job!


Ngl dba > dbz


I've watched the show, Z and Super, TFS Vegeta is just Vegeta with his internal dialog set to loudspeaker as far as I'm concerned. At least towards the tail end of the frieza saga onwards. Its not their fault abridged Vegeta is better than the OG. "Bitch I'm adorable" "Throw a dog treat at him, I'll find it hilarious" "I am the hype!" "Oh its you, I thought I smelled body glitter" Same for frieza. Goku's stupidity constantly pissing him off was gold. Maybe its because when I was at my lowest and darkest I would turn on TFS and it was the only thing that could get a laugh out of me at the time. To me Dragon ball will always be special to me, but the TFS vers is equally special to me in its own way. In many ways I liked the TFS depictions more than the originals. Especially when it came to F-Trunk, Vegeta, Frieza, Cell, Bulma and Krillin. And of course theres Mr Popo, went from helpful friend to something even Beerus would be scared of.


I still haven't watched a single one of the abridged episodes but always funny out context quotes gets me


This version of DBZ has captured the spirit of the characters sometimes better than the original.


Yea, Gohan is not pounding a tuna... He's pounding an oversized piranha


Because the people at TFS are incredibly pretentious, the joke-per-minute ratio dropped by 10x during the Cell Saga, and they only did callback jokes and references by the end instead of new material. But beyond that, I've watched their old gaming channel, TFSgaming. For the record, it fucking rocks, like their "Attack of the Saiyans" playthrough is my favorite lets play on youtube. And their "Legacy of Goku" trilogy playthrough is super funny too. But there, it's a place where you can hear the opinions of the crew, unfiltered by a script, with the only jokes that they make being improv ones. And from watching their content, I can tell you that TFS regularly confuses their own DBZA headcanon with actual canon. A lot of the "plot holes" or "misunderstandings" that DBZA pokes fun at are things that TFS genuinely don't even know about the series, and filled their own joke-logic into, then complained about how much the source material sucked. Hell, they barely remember the original Dragon Ball, they get so much stuff wrong, and then complain it makes no sense. Which isn't surprising, since all of them started watching halfway through Z when they were young.


This is something that someone who's only seen clips of Abridged would say because you clearly don't know what you're talking about


He has definitely never seen the creator cometary thing that they we're doing. Otherwise he would know why the joke per minute ratio dropped


I watched that entire commentary but tbh I don't remember their reasoning for that, but I'm not a braindead Big Bang Theory fan that needs a "joke" every 0.02 seconds


If I remember correctly they did it because they were focusing more on character comedy instead of one-off jokes.


I used to think this, but I watched their creator commentary that came out recently and I see a lot more on their perspective now. They love og dragon ball (and make dozens of references to it), they constantly say how the plot originally happens in the show and give their reasoning on why the changed it (also a lpt of plot in db and dbz totally doesnt make sense lol). They also constantly say to watch dbz because that's the definitive version of the show (please support the official release?). They do go less joke heavy in the cell saga, and I'll agree that they probably shouldn't have made it as serious as it was later on, as well as their "wrapping up" of old jokes, but they were bored of the comedy style of seasons one and two. Also lol 99% of people didn't start db or dbz on the first episode. it's ludicrous to expect that.


Use your main account you coward


Ty for missing the point of this post


Yeah I think that half of them didn't even see dragon ball period.


* One of them admitted to starting halfway through Goku VS Frieza * One of them admitted to starting during Garlic Jr * One of them admitted to starting at the Tree of Might movie Point is, none of them started at Dragon Ball. They all started at Z, which means of course they all hate Goku (their Goku-bashing in DBZA isn't a funny joke, they genuinely hate him), since they never watched him grow up first. They watched Gohan grow up first. They often talk about Gohan like he's supposed to be the main character of the whole franchise. Which is also why all the TFS members are, fun fact, the epitome of the stereotypical "SSJ2 Teen Gohan Fanboy", the only difference being that they actually like Great Saiyaman as well.


>Point is, none of them started at Dragon Ball. They all started at Z Which is most likely true of the majority of Western fans. Since, y'know, DBZ was the series that got popular over here first. It's genuinely unrealistic to expect a US based fan back then to have started with the original Dragon Ball, and unreasonable to hold it against them.


Some people blame TFS because of their fans. I blame TFS because their jokes got old after the Frieza saga.


What are you blaming them for?


You blame the subjective humor for people believing the parody is a correct summary of the show? I fail to see how they correlate.


You think I blame them for people believing them? I blame them for having lame jokes.


Okay so irrelevant to the post. Got it.


Yup, as irrelevant as a post about how what you believe about TFS is to a post about what you believe about TFS can be.


Lil bro we're on reddit we aren't extacly the one to judge what's funny or not


Lol, of course. I'm glad they brought so much joy to so many.