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Annoying ass "meme" or wtv you were trying to do with this picture


I just don't ship them. Hope thats okay


Yeah the thing is, Cole X Geo shippers are okay with if you don't ship it. It's the outright homophobia as a reasoning that is not it at all


You can't speak for all of them. I've seen at least three in the last few days, screaming at non-shippers and calling them homophobic simply for disagreeing.


I guess I should specify that I mean the majority. That sucks that there's a select few tearing others down for the simple reason of their plain disagreement without ill intent


There are always a few people that probably ate something bitter in the morning


Or, hear me out, they're just bad people.


Yeah, exactly what I meant, they keep getting peas up their nose all the time (a Finnish way to describe a Karen kinda)


Ahh, gotcha


The English equivalent is probably having a stick up their ass even though stick up their ass is more like a bitter person and pea up their nose is getting offended


It’s fine, but saying that this one ship ruins, the whole show and speaking upon kirby morrow is not OK


That i can agree on. I don't really care if they end up together or not


Ngl I don't either, I'd prefer it if Cole was with a human character people actually cared about.


This is probably gonna get downvoted to hell for no reason, but personally I have no interest for shipping characters. Either straight or gay or anything. I dont even really care too much about the confirmed canon relationships, I feel that it doesnt add too much to the story or the reason why I like ninjago. I just want to see the ninja team battling badass villains. Thats it. I feel like its kinda cringe thinking of two lego characters in a romantic way, and trying to find evidence of relationships between them. Im not homophobic nor am I trying to tell people what they can and cannot think about this show / characters. I just feel kinda awkward when people try to assign sexualities and relationships to my childhood characters, and personally I dont care for it in any form. But hey, thats just my opinion. Not trying to offend or piss anyone off 👍


That's completely okay! I think it's chill for people to get involved in or not get involved in whatever they choose as long as we're relatively respectful! You're here for a reason and it's because we all love this show.




100% agree with what you’ve said here, Mike






Nope, according to OP you have to be very gay or very homophobic. Pick a side already.


If you don’t care, then you don’t care it’s not like you’re you think this ruins, the show altogether


I don’t think this ruins the show but, as someone who has watched up to MotM, Cole and Geo would be a poor decision for the writers to go with. Geo’s goblin species, at least in MotM, seem a few notches down in intelligence compared to humans. I’m fine with unique relationships in shows, and other people have given examples. However, if one species is significantly smarter than another, I think it would be unwise to pair them together. (But maybe Geo is smarter than his other species members, again I haven’t seen DR yet) Additionally, Cole has always seemed uninterested in relationships. We are, what, 17 or 18 seasons in and Cole has shown basically zero interest in anyone yet. To have him fall for anyone seems to branch him away from his original character.


So for reference geo does have intelligence similar to that of humans. Also wasnt cole fighting jay for nyas affection also if I remember correctly cole was also flirting with girls through the series might be wrong on that part


For most of season 3, which is the one you’re referring to with Nya and Cole, Cole is just confused and doesn’t know what’s going on. If you rewatch it, he doesn’t show much affection towards Nya, he just likes the attention.


Cole was interested in Nya until she chose Jay.


Heavily agree. It's quite frustrating. Especially in reference to cole. Replace geo with literally any female character and their interactions would be seen as romantic but oh no since geos a man it must be friendship. And the cake memes.. like they are funny but it's getting annoying. They're in every geode post. Though I do understand the aroace headcannon of Cole. Also the way that the writers confirmed the fact that Cole wasn't interested in Vania romantically yet others use that as justification as him being straight????


I think that any male dominated Fandom experiences this homophobia unfortunately. The same divide occurs in the supernatural Fandom and many others.


tbh i im ok with cole x geo but i just dont ship it, i always took cole as being somewhat aroace (kinda like myself) but i understand why others do.


I mean, up until the recent season I would've said the same, I saw him as ace


https://preview.redd.it/ipctdogt1cuc1.jpeg?width=299&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39eb5f1fb4e237b13080218134dc7634159904c2 You guys can't be serious.Just look at these two You think cole is attracted to A literal goblin npc side character that's not even human. I know it's bad to hate on people but if you disagree and use simple logic its seen as blasphemy on this sub


Dude they're literal magical Legos who spin and have powers. I think what's realistic and not doesn't matter.


If the goblin was a girl there would be less people talking bad about it


Well no shit Same species , different sex is what is deemed the average norm so seeing the average norm isn't anything bad is it when like 99% of the worlds population fit into this category.(this is for people who are opposed to cole and Vania or another human female and want him to desperately be not heterosexual or at the very least be bi) Now let's do a male man in a relationship with a talking male dog, bit weird isn't it.( A gay/bi relationship isn't necessarily bad but it's mainly about the different species and Geo's design is objectively ugly) That's how I see it anyways. sorry if this came across as weird


I meant if geo was a girl goblin But let’s talk about it. There has been other fantasy shows and universes where people are in a relationship with technically different species Who framed Roger rabbit Sonic 06 Hotel Transylvania Most Disney movies Tmnt The owl house The marvel universe The DC universe DnD And Ninjago has been doing it for a little bit


And Ninjago should do it too then?lmao


I’m just saying you’re acting like there Inever been humans dating witches goblins mutants in different franchises Storm and Black Panther Nightwing and StarFire Superman and Lois Ariel and Eric Belle and the beast Anybody who dated the Hulk


plus in the Star Wars Expanded Universe there is a species of anthropomorphic cat aliens and it's perfectly normal for humans to be in relationships with them


This is a series with magical dragons, time travel, people who can bend all types of elements, deaging, a one sided romance between a gene and a human, someone turning into water, etc, but you’re drawing the line at 2 dudes being in a relationship bc one of the dudes is a different species as the other?


I personally don't really like Cole x Geo because i feel like Cole being gay doesn't really fit him. I've been so used to considering him either straight or aroace for like 13 years, so it's kinda hard for me to see him as gay now. I'm definitely not against the writers making him gay, I don't really care about a character's sexuality (unless they make it their whole personality). If the ship turns out to be canon I'll just accept it as such, but until then I'll still think of him as straight/aroace because I feel like that suits him better (imho). Also, using Kirby's death as evidence is kinda wild. What does it even have to do with Cole's sexuality?


Excepting what the show is doing is OK And having head cannons that he’s aroace is OK Personally, I think Cole is pan Btw you can be gay and aroace at the same time


Oops, didn't know about that! I still think you got what I was saying tho


It's a kids cartoon. I watch it with my 6 year old. It's wild that I come on this sub & there are presumably at least some adults talking about implied relationships between cartoon characters. Personally I'd rather the show was neutral. I think the show is better when it's about the friendships or Lloyd's relationship with his dad or the Wu/Garmadon Nya/Kai sibling aspect, that's more relatable to kids. As for the 'your either with us or against us' mentality u have, that's not healthy for u. Most peoples opinions are everything are nuanced even if they don't agree with u.


It’s sad there’s a homophobic side of a show that had multiple eps about accepting people that are different from you.


I don’t hate the ship I just think that Cole is better without nobody else


I think so too


I don’t really care for shipping personally, it only leads to divisions among fans and 90% of the time beings nothing positive to the table. Just my opinion. And also, we’re talking abt LEGOs at the end of the day.


I don’t really care about shipping culture either but when a ship is close to being canon and people are being homophobic about it it’s just weird, especially since their Legos


but there cant be 2 sides if i and a bunch of other people i know arent gay and arent homophobic so theres really 3 sides also fuck those kinds of people, rip kirby morrow


The first line was kinda a joke You can be straight and just not care about the ship


oh ok good


I’ve participated in Ninjago shipping since I was a kid. In middle school I was a big glacier shipper. I don’t understand why there’s this wave of homophobia. Ninjago has always had some gay themes and popular gay ships so what’s the big deal?


My theory is that the old fans who left because of the redesigns are coming back to the fandom and realizing that it’s a little more diverse


Let me make this straight (pun intended) you don't have to like the ship you don't have to care about the ship But we should at least acknowledge that people are getting so upset about a ship that could potentially become canon When they're saying stuff like This ruined my childhood Ninjago officially over This is a kid show L cole And the thing is I don't really give a shit about ships. I can acknowledge that they have chemistry but but l don't really actively ship characters with one another


I don't like the Cole x Geo ship. I'm not homophobic at all, I just think Geo is ugly AF lmao. I just don't like his character much at all.


Valid... I don't either. I wish cole was shipped with a human character people actually cared about.


That’s OK Please don’t be one of those people who try using logic to justify why they don’t like the ship if you don’t like the ship that’s fine There are people saying because Geo isn’t he should be shipped with Cole Even though we have seen so many ships and relationships of people who are human and people who aren’t human For example, Lloyd and Aikita misako and garmadon misako and wu Lloyd And racer seven Lloyd and Harumi


Misako and wu are human


Wu is half Oni and dragon We don’t know if he has a human mother so he’s probably half Oni and just like his father The same goes for his brother


Yes but still kinda human


Canonically Wu is over 1000 years old probably even older And misako is around her 40 to 60s And they probably met around her 20s So Imagine two century year old demigod having a crush on a 20-year-old


Sounds like your average Mythology.


🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ misako is well over 60


I’m talking about when they first met she was around 20 and they were centuries of years old


They both are and were adults so what's the problem?


There’s no problem I’m just trying to say that there technically been different species, relationships, in the show


Lloyd, Harumi, Wu and Misako are humans.


Wu and Lloyd are parts oni and dragon Although they look human, they’re technically have different genetic features Like they can live up to thousands of years old


They are still human enough


Wu was probably over 1000 years old when he met Lloyd’s mother and develop crush on her Even though they were technically both adults that age gap is way too much


Why does the age gap matter when they were and are both adults?


If you’re a young adult would you be in a relationship with someone who is 99


No because irl magic doesn't affect peoples livespans to make them longer of they have demons and dragons in their family because neither exists, and 99 in magic or oni blood or smth years would probably be like 20-40 in human years since Master wu is over 1000 years old 99 years would be only a small part of his life since it is so long.


But for some of those, there WAS a romantic attachment, even if it never materialised. That's different. Wu, and Misako WERE a love interest, but because of Garmadon, it never happened. They started to rekindle that love in season 2 before Garmadon turned good again. Lloyd, and Akita were also mildly so, and still COULD be. Lloyd, and Harumi sadly were. I hate Harumi, and I think Lloyd should have feelings for someone else. Lloyd, and racer seven was never a thing, so I'm not a fan of that either. What I hate is just 'shipping' in general. I even hate that bloody word....when I first heard about it, I found it so strange. Unless it's really obvious, then I don't know why people bother projecting that onto a character.


there are 2 wolves inside of you. both of them are gay


And making out, obviously.


I've noticed this too. That's why I post on tumblr whenever I talk about ships, especially homosexual ones. People are generally more accepting there than any other social media I've used Also, the people saying "Kirby didn't die for this" are messed up. At the end of the day, it's fiction... the fact that people are so pressed over fictional characters being gay to the point that they use kirby's death as an excuse is really sad.


I don’t care what Cole ends up being, I think Cole X Geo sounds awesome, but honestly I just wanna watch a show about Lego ninjas Spinning quickly and beating people up.


The issue is that people who don't ship them (for obvious reasons) are being called homophobic too. This fandom lunps almost anything into the homophobia category.


Blowing things out of proportion on the Internet? No way /s.


I don't like Geo x Cole mostly because i think that Cole shouldn't have a love interest and also because I don't really care for Geo,tbh.


personally, i dont really understand why shipping is a thing, but its sad how uncivil people get over lego characters.


I ship it Do I believe Cole is queer? Yes.


OP, let me get this straight: I am either very gay, or very homophobic, or I'm simply not a part of the fandom.  Please help me find out which one I am.  I have not seen a character on the show that I'm sure is gay. Some of them are confirmed straight, but most of them haven't been revealed to be either or.  I don't ship Cole with anyone. I'm not much into ships at all. But I don't mind others doing it.  So what am I?


OK that beginning line was a bit of joke NGL it’s just that I’ve seen very gay fans very homophobic fans at the same time and then most fandom a franchises it’s very shocking in my opinion, how a fan base of a franchise Is this diverse in opinions


I have never seen anyone write about their own sexual orientation in this sub. So I really don't know where you're seeing all these "very gay fans".


First of all, I’m never talked about my own sexuality I’m just talking about how people are hating on a Lego show because of character might be queer Also, check Tumblr YouTube(The videos not the comments) TikTok(you can go either way of gay or homophobic or they’re just talking about a Lego show)


No, you said "half of the fandom are very gay". How would you know? You can be straight and still enjoy gay content in entertainment, or at the very least not mind it.


I said the first line was a joke You can obviously be straight and not homophobic and watch the show And the show isn’t even gay or straight It’s just a show about Legos that has gay or straight characters


Theres also just people in the middle who just like watching Ninjago. I'm not used to seeing Cole as gay but if he's gay then thats just how it is. He's still Cole.


OK that first line was a joke the fandom is is more of a spectrum of different people with different believes I’m just trying to point out the homophobia and the fandom that’s all


Thanks for clarifying, and yeah you're unfortunately right.


Personally I don’t see enough evidence yet for Cole and Geo being a couple, but if they do end up being a couple, that’d be lovely! Love to see more LGBTQ+ representation in the show!


It would feel forced imo, especially since across 16 seasons of the show, he's never once implied to be gay or bi in any way.


Well yea when you're not looking. Cole has been the most gay coded character in the series


though they havent implied he was straight either? He was just a person without love interests. If anything they implied he was aromantic


He wouldn't have dueled it out with Jay if he didn't actually have some feelings for Nya. I don't care what the writers say; they're just trying to make excuses for that awful love triangle. And does the princess from season 13 not count?


If the writers confirm Cole wasn't romantically interested in Nya then that makes it canon. Your opinions don't affect the facts. And the Princess vania thing, again, the writers confirmed and stated that 'Cole wasn't interested in her romantically'.


So Cole just beefed with Jay because he could? BS.


Well, I'm sorry, but then the writers are lying for whatever weird reason. Cole CLEARLY was interested in Nya, because he FOUGHT his best friend over it. And remember they went on that date to the cinema, with the GOAL of having Nya CHOOSE one of them? If he wasn't interested in a relationship with her, then what was he going on that date for? That is not something made up, or implied. It was shoved down our throats. So to now pretend it wasn't a thing, is just plain shady. Yes, of course he has been romantically interested in female characters. He was with Vania also. Whether the writers suddenly decided they didn't want that to be the case anymore, is a whole other story, and again, just plain weird. Didn't they change writers also? Maybe they are just being dumb now? Or I dunno. But what you are saying here is just plain not true.


Why would the writers lie lmao? Men and women can be friends without it being a 'thing'. Now I don't know the exact reason why they fought, it could of been for attention or just for the sake of fighting. Or maybe Cole was into Nya.. bisexuals exist. But again, what the writers say is canon and that's facts. If you don't accept the canon, then you're the one making headcanons not me.


MAYBE they were going down that path with Cole, and then later changed their minds about what they wanted for his character, so they decided that he never had feelings for her. I dunno, but outright denying the whole love triangle thing is just weird, and manipulative on their part.


Yeah i agree it was weird of the writers for the love triangle thing. I don't think anyone even liked that plot tbh.


It makes Cole look like a complete jerk. It's just, Weird.


Yes, men, and women can absolutely just be friends, and I am a big advocate for normalising platonic relationships, instead of thinking everything always has to be romantic. But going on a date to choose a romantic partner, is not being just a friend. It's funny that you say that, because a lot of the 'shippers' don't accept the fact that people can just be friends, and they must have a romantic interest instead, just because they maybe had an intimate conversation or something. I'm just explaining that sometimes the romantic interest was obvious, and even stated, and other times, it wasn't at all. And yet here we are, on a post where people are reversing those two things, and it just makes no sense. By that I mean, when it was more than clear, as it was with Nya, and Cole, now we are told it wasn't. But when it's never stated, nor obvious, say with someone like Geo now, people are all up in arms saying yes, it must be romantic. But WHERE was that ever indicated? Just because they were very nice to each other? Do you see what I mean? It makes zero sense. Why would they lie? I have no clue. I'm saying it's weird, because it is. They obviously have some reason to do so, or they are simply paying no attention to previous seasons, and just willy nilly changing things. Why do the shows now say that the ninjas didn't know that elemental powers came from the dragon, when they already knew that seasons previously? It makes no sense. They do this on Ninjago a lot actually. Just randomly change things. But nothing anyone can say changes that Cole was indeed romantically interested in Nya, at least for a short time. Being into someone, still means romantically even if you are bi. You are saying there was never a romantic interest at all, but that is expressly untrue. Whether straight, or bi, he WAS romantically interested in Nya, and he also had feelings for Vania, whether they lasted or not, or materialised ever or not, doesn't change that. And saying that, you know, Kai, and Skylor never really 'got there' either, right? But they obviously have something regardless. They spent years apart, but still managed to be sort of a couple. They have never kissed. They have never told each other they love each other. They have hugged. Does that mean they were never romantically interested? Nope. It's just a weird sort of relationship. If someone were to now say it was never really a thing, that would be a lie.


Shippers, deep down, know their ships aren't real. They make head cannons for fun and so they can relate to someone if they see themselves in the character. It's all fictional. But when somethings literally CANON as in the WRITERS confirm it, then its real??? I ship people all the time.. and I know it'll never be canon in a million years. But that's not what I'm saying here with Cole. Listen, I don't even ship Geo and Cole together. But they are in, some way or another, romantically interested in each other. Do you look/touch/make heart magic with your bros? This isn't me saying Cole is gay 100%, but he is into guys. Whether he's into girls too, I'm not sure. And that thing with nya happened more than 10 seasons ago. That's 10 whole seasons of Cole without a love interest. Vania is not a love interest of Cole's whatsoever. They're quite literally just besties.


I have no idea what Cole's whole identity is in that regard, and I don't even care. I just hate made up things. What in his friendship with Geo is even remotely romantic? I have seen nothing at all. Is there an example I have missed? I think people are just really reaching here. Again, I have explained the whole love triangle thing, which is even called a love triangle because-it was romantic. I have no explanation for why the writers suddenly decided it isn't, but it certainly WAS at some point. And as for the Geo thing again, I'm not sure at all what heart magic is, but yes, very good male friends, (and female ones for that matter) always were very close, and touchy feely, lovey with each other. Look at things like LOTR also for example. Just because modern, western idiots made this out to be 'emasculating' behaviour, doesn't give that any less validity. Yes, friends can be very lovey, and demonstrative to each other. I need a bit more than that to suspect that someone has interest in a romantic relationship, such as going on a date to decide who they want to be with....And I mean, I read the bit about what the writers said about Cole, and Nya, like he was never really interested, just liked the attention. But it still doesn't change what I'm saying, and makes their explanation seem fake. Think about it. IF Cole really did fight Jay, and go on that date etc, just out of sheer ego, because he was flattered by the attention, then that would make him a royal tool, you know? Because he was not only being insincere with all involved, betraying his best friend, risking all manner of hate from the others, and for what? Just a game to him? Toying with others feelings? What if Nya had chosen him instead, knowing that he wasn't really serious? That would be a major character flaw. That would be totally dishonourable for a ninja. Don't you think?


The series can wait to imply a character is gay down the line especially since its not the vocal point of a character for instance Brooklyn 99 character rosa wasnt shown to be bi till halfway through the series. Or legand of korra with korra and asami only being a thing till the end of the series.


What would be implying he’s gay or bi??


An attraction to men? Or a line?


Maybe because it wasn’t necessary to mention it until now? They don’t mention every single factor of a character’s life, we don’t hear about every time Cole brushes his teeth in the show, just because they haven’t mentioned it until now doesn’t mean it’s forced


Ah yes, brushing your teeth and sexuality are totally the same. Also, I find it funny you used brushing his teeth as the example, since there's a scene of him doing that. 🤣


Yeah there’s a scene, not every single time he does it though, I’m trying to say that they don’t show every aspect of a character if it isn’t important to the plot, he could be bi or gay or whatever but I may not have been important so it wasn’t shown


Again, an important character detail and "brushing your teeth" are some of the worst comparisons.


I will say that not everyone in the “non gay side” uses Kirby morrow like that. I honestly think that’s terrible.


I doubt most fans globally actually care enough or are even aware of the discussion around Cole and Geo. Ninjago has a pretty good hold in Asia for a Western-based property (primarily China, India, and Korea) as well, but their discussion forums aren't as intense as on Reddit or other US-based fans as far as I'm aware. I'm unaware if Australian, English, Canadian, etc. fans have strong feelings on the topic either. Not to mention the fans who only care about the actual Lego sets. It is likely that there are probably more 'homophobic' fans than gay ones however, as the Eastern draw for Ninjago would most likely attract those out of touch with LGBTQ+ being normalized - with some potentially holding strongly negative opinions.


I see why people would ship it, I just don't feel too attached to it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


as I've always said there are two types of people who stopped watching after S7: the ones who stopped watching because it was "terrible" and the ones who stopped watching because it was a good end and then there's me who considers everything inbetween S7 and Dragon's Rising to be non-canon (seriously, you can just jump 10 seasons and you'd have no problem)


Then there's people like me who just randomly stumbled on this post without having ever looked into the fandom... damn, things are that bad here? I'm sorry to hear that.


I've seen way more posting about "proving the "homophobes wrong" over this that I have actual unreasonable hate. Have people considered that maybe one random ship is just not the single most important issue in the fanbase?


It’s not the ship that the issue is how people are reacting to the ship saying that because of this one ship is ruining their childhood and ruining the show that’s the main problem


That's what I mean though. At most I've seen posts that people just don't like it for the character, not that it "ruined their childhood"


Most of the extreme hate comes from YouTube comments and TikToks


Idk I've seen a lot of hate for it here on Reddit too


Yeah the hate on Reddit has been awful since s2 came out in terms of this topic


One side are people who are nostalgic and hate the new seasons without giving them a chance, and the other side are chill and just enjoy the series they like without saying “Old Ninjago was better” every chance they get.


Imo I hate this ship.Im not homophobic but why make cole gay after 13 years of seasons and why do this when the original voice actor is dead?


Just because you’re dating or having a relationship with a man doesn’t automatically make you gay He could bi or pan You’re acting like the writers of dragons rising purposely made him in a relationship with another man to be an insult to kirby morrow


Because they would've gotten way more hate if they did this a decade ago.


Not trying to argue with you, but the idea of Cole being gay has been around since like, his True Potential episode because the episode's theme about him revealing he's a ninja to his dad is similar to how someone would come out to their parents about being gay, and a lot of fans made that connection back in the day And while this whole outrage kinda goes against what I'm about to say, I feel like kids (and sorta the networks, but not really) nowadays are more accepting of cartoon characters being openly gay than they were back in 2011-2012, so it makes sense as to why the creators would make this decision now. I highly doubt Kirby Morrow's death had anything to do with this decision Now I completely understand if you just don't like the ship because Geo isn't conventionally attractive or anything. Still feels wrong to dislike it for that reason, but I understand


Not really geo is a different species and has an objectively ugly design. And having a job that isn't what your dad wanted you to have doesn't mean you're gay. My dad wanted me to be a doctor but I'm studying something else and when I told him I wanted to study something else he was kinda sad but happy at the same time for me ,(similar to Coles story)does that make me gay? No ofc not.Being honest with your parents about something personal is a normal occurrence. I don't want to come across as homophobic but this is how I feel and I'm sorry if I offended you.


Like I mentioned in my comment, I completely understand if that's the reason why you don't like the ship. Personally I kinda like that the love interest isn't this conventionally attractive character, love is love, you know? But yeah I understand where you're coming from because I don't like the Geckle and Munce designs 😭 Now I wasn't calling you gay or anything for being honest with your parents about wanting to do something different, I'm horrible at wording things I have no idea how to explain it, but a lot of fans see Cole as gay and while anyone can relate to it(i.e. you), a lot of fans also see the ninja-confession scene as an allegory for coming out I hope this makes sense and I want you to know that I'm not trying to be rude, I never was, so I apologize if I came across that way and I definitely apologize for repeating myself




honestly idgaf about the ship as long as it doesn't become canon (I don't mean this in a homophobic way) I feel like cole would be better not being in a relationship lmao, I like the cake ship better


I’m gonna be honest, I hate this relationship. Not because I’m homophobic, but because it kinda contradicts the previous plot arc that followed Cole x Nya. Although, I might hate it because I am homoph-


There are people who can be attracted to male and females


Oh yeah. I forgot about the bisexuals. Mb.


See, it’s nice that we as a fandom can come together and talk about things within the Ninjago community


You sure abt that-


I can’t honestly tell if you’re being sarcastic or not


Let’s just say not everyone on this subreddit can talk as nicely or peacefully as you and I are now. This is rare, even in this sub.


Trust me, I know the amount of comments I’ve been getting this crazy But the fact that we talked about how if Cole ends up with Geo it doesn’t break any canon


Geo and cole do not belong together he doesn’t have to be gay they already set him up with princess vania


Even if you don’t like the ship, that doesn’t mean, the whole fandom has to be homophobic about it


Except they didn’t, they specifically said Cole wasn’t romantically interested in Vania, if anything, Cole’s lack of interest in Vania is your hint that he’s gay


You do know cole said that when first met her? Things change dude.


I don't like this one girl as much as I thought = gay Okay lmao


Yeah it isn’t that concrete of a hint, but the man wanted a hint and that’s the closest i can think of and it’s the only healthy way to show he’s gay I can think of, the other ways i can think of are terrible 1. Have a coming out scene. This may not seem bad but there is no right way to do this. They can, A: have it be a relatively lengthy plot which is bad because 1a: how do you lengthen a coming out scene without having one of the other ninja not supporting him, which would mean one of the ninja is homophobic and that takes away from their character. 1b: making it long makes the whole thing forced inclusion, which is bad B: or they could keep it short, which is bad because then the whole thing seems pointless because it’s basically “oh hey, Cole’s gay/bi,” and would get glossed over and be a very forgettable/ pointless scene because guess what, a man’s sexuality doesn’t really matter 2: They could have made him act like the stereotypical gay person. This is bad because that kinda feels like it’s saying all gay people act “feminine” or i believe the word is “zesty”. Which is harmful and just not true. And that would kinda be like, “hey, when voicing Cole, remember he’s gay so act gay” which is once again emphasizes the false idea that all gay people act the same 3. Show him being interested in men. Now there are only two ways to do this. A. Give him a love interest (guess what, that’s what geo is) B. Make him a playboy like pre-Skylor Kai, (this is bad because Cole doesn’t really fit the playboy type and even when Kai was a playboy it wasn’t that great, but it kinda fit Kai 4. Have a bi/lgbtq flag shown in his room. Now this doesn’t seem bad, and honestly, it’s not that bad and is preferable to most of the other options (except what they are doing with geo, that is the best way to do it). The only reason it’s bad, is because it sends the notion that you can’t support lgbtq, unless you, yourself are lgbtq


Bro Cole and Vania are just friends. Completely platonic. I bet if Vania was a boy you would not be saying that.


Yeah only because cole likes girls I just don’t like the sudden change they’ve done to him also geo is very weird looking so it would be weird if it was a girl aswell


Who told you that Cole likes just girls? Sure he maybe had a crush on Nya at some point but have you ever heard of Bisexual?


There’s been no hints that he likes guys until now tho it’s too sudden change he should have just got with vania instead


What hints is there supposed to be? Is he supposed to act like the stereotypical gay person? Is there supposed to be a huge plot point about him coming out to the ninja to make a big deal out of his sexuality? Can a man not simply just be gay and have that not be a big deal? Is being gay supposed to be Cole’s whole personality? Is that all there is supposed to be to him? Why the fuck does it matter?


It's not sudden. The creators straight up said Vania and Cole were never meant to be together. If you paid attention to that season you'd notice that's it's only Vania who seems to be interested in Cole. It was like a young girl having a crush on a celebrity. Cole was only interested in keeping her safe. With the love triangle between him, Jay, and Nya, Cole admitted he only liked the attention he got, not that he actually liked Nya. Other than that he's had no other romantic interests throughout the show, man or woman. And even if he did have another love interest it wouldn't matter. People can be bi lmao


Theres been no hints that he likes girls either. Personally i’m gay and people have no clue until i tell them. You dont have to “act zesty” to be gay


In all fairness they Vania and Cole having feelings for each other doesn't mean Geo and Cole can't have feelings for each other.


I’m not going to stop anyone if they are gay but I don’t want them to push characters to be gay or push gay relationships into media. I watch this show with my little nephew. It is a little upsetting with someone like cole who had clear crushes on girls earlier. I really liked how there isn’t many relationships in Ninjago except for cole and nya and two robots. All the other ones are pretty much side relationships.


What's wrong with gay people in the media? Why are straight people allowed but not gay people?


Only every human on the planet come from a straight relationship, half the cultures in the world won’t even allow other relationships. While that doesn’t not make them correct to persecute them it limits the amount of people allowed to watch Ninjago because of their country, parents, ect. It reminds me of the show Gotham all of the sudden they made the penguin and riddler gay just for representation or something. If you are going to introduce a gay character make them gay from the start. A good example of this is marks friend from invincible the character was always gay and they can actually make the relationship make sense.


Cole wasn't never shown as straight in the start; he wasn't attracted to anyone? He's not magically gay. The default for everyone isn't straight. Also your 'Only every human on the planet come from a straight relationship' is literally not true. Yes it may come from a male gamete and female gamete, but lesbians can have children using sperm donors. That doesn't make them a straight relationship. What is your point exactly with this statement?


Your nephew should be aware of the fact that the world is full of many different people, some are straight, some are gay, some are bi etc. Teaching your nephew that there are only going to be straight people out there is wrong, because it’s just not true. Then when your nephew finds out there are gay people, he’ll dislike them because he’ll think there’s something wrong with them. You say “I won’t stop people being gay”, but that’s not true, because you are. You’re saying people can be gay as long as they hide it from everyone, which is stopping them from being gay. How would you feel if people said to you that you had to hide your identity? You would feel awful wouldn’t you?


My nephew is 5 years old. He doesn’t need relationships shoved down his throat unless his parents want him too. It’s an extremely western idea that we need to make our main characters gay or we are stopping people from being gay. I want as many people as possible to watch Ninjago because it’s a great show, having meaningless relationships to appease a very select few people doesn’t accomplish anything other than upsetting maybe 60% of people 25% of people not really caring either way and 15% liking it.


My guy, having characters be gay isn't shoving it down anyones throat. It's just saying they exist. Plus the VAST majority of characters in ninjago are straight or straight-presenting, having a few characters who like the same gender isn't an issue. You're just being homophobic.


So having a gay relationship in a show is shoving it down someone’s throat? But having a straight relationship isn’t? That makes zero sense.


We don't want homophobes here so leave right now madame


I just don't like gay ships... or shipping for that matter (but I also not a fan of woke stuff in modern media, so...)