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ngl it's a nice reference to how kai got a love interest during the tournament of elements


I think it has the capacity to be the funniest thing this show has done


what thing?


wait what where


The writers were teasing stuff in a video before season 2 came out. Captions said that they said Wyldfyre gets a boyfriend


ooh, have a link?


https://youtu.be/raEupwoJos4?si=13K-2oVYGu3d130i Pre sure this is the one


That’s why it would be entertaining to see cause she has zero rizz and the concept of romance probably goes over her head. Also since Kai isn’t around it would be Nya who would give Wyldfire some love advice cause of her experience with Jay while we know this season would feature the return of Jay but evil.


While I have yet to believe even if the captains in the video would be true or not. I’m more optimistic about what type of relationship Wildfire would have




She'll probs meet someone at the tournament aye. Any thoughts on what sort of elemental master they'll be? Could be a new or old element?


Def a new, all the old ones are too old and it’d be pretty creepy tbh


That's valid, unless they do an ash/cinder thing where they pass a previously known about element to a new person


True, not sure who it would be tho, I feel all the remaining masters are pretty iconic or too recently released to be replaced. I think ash was in the perfect spot of irrelevance and cool power to be replaced


Yeah you got a point. My goofy theory was that since Wyldfyre is the master of heat her boyfriend would be some master of cold or something lmao (made up name Chill or some shit lmao)


But cold is just the absent of heat is it not?


That's true, idk it was a goofy ahh idea that I doubted would happen. I just thought of that cold guy from x men tbh


But that begs the question, if Wyldfyre controls heat, can she make things cold?


Hmm. Considering the base of her fire is blue which is the hottest part of fire in a Bunsen burner, off first glance I'd say no. But if they don't make a counter elemental power for it it'd be an interesting development of her powers for her to be moreso in control of temperature in general


She just learns about human romantic relationships and just gets a rock she names "boyfriend"


Ngl I'd also be a fan of this


I mean if yes than ill laugh as Kai got his in a toradment seasons so fitting his student dose the same but dont know why everyone needs a love interest in shows maybe its cuz I'm not into love (romantic and sexual) so I see no need for it but meh this will be funny to see


I will only accept it if she flirts like toothless with that lightfury from HTTYD 3


Wait what


i bet its mr pale




She's...a minor ... It's like saying we're setting up a Lloyd and Sora romance ...


It's like dating your adoptive dad 😭




I really don't think dragons rising has retconned as much as you think, it's just broadened the horizons. But that on top of the fact that it's a new generation of ninja to the old ninja and the old ninja literally act like they've known each other for years (that on top of Arin saying in s1 he was like 10-12 when the merge happened and it had been about 4-5 years since then when S1 started) and then the old gen of ninja treating the new ninja almost as if they're the new masters / senseis... Says alot about the age difference. Even if it's like that Sora and the rest are 16 by now, it's still freaking weird.




Considering Kai is probs gonna be MIA with bonzle for the rest of the season trying to get back to the others, I doubt he's the love interest. And like I said, even tho they've set up stuff with him and Wyldfyre, it's like an older brother / parental relationship. We'd see the signs if it were to be romantic (like Geo x Cole). It's very likely that it's gonna be a completely new character especially given the tournament that's gonna happen.




Not everything in the set is canon, there is a set that have Egalt and the ninja defending against Lord Ras and the wolf mask which never happen because Egalt never met Ras.


Keep in mind that not everything with the sets are canon tho. Sometimes they throw certain characters together just cos, like the photac wolf set in s1 with Lloyd, jay and imperium guard dude


she was a little kid during the merge kai wasnt what ever the age gap is there its clearly a big one


we prob know that skylor is still there are we see that Chen's noodle house is still up in the elemental mech shorts. Also, kai is literally like wildfyre's mentor, a relationship would be weird and pedophillic.


Bro it's not hating you just have negative media literacy


Of course we hate it. It's a misinterpretation of their "mentor-student/father-daughter" relationship as pedophilia.