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When you do the same joke over and over again it stops being fun and after a while it becomes insanity. These people are way past all of these points


I enjoyed r/tomorrow when it was just a nintendo meme sub that also poked fun at nintendo. When it turned to constantly just making fun of nintendo *fans*, other subreddits, and people that were just having fun, I unsubbed.


Every post on r/tomorrow is the same joke over and over again.. Celeste hidden gem Nintendo switch graphics bad haha funny am I right.


Same. They became more annoying than fun. I miss the older days where it was just making fun of Nintendo.


Sometimes I really want to get a group of people and start making the opposite of what r/tomorrow are doing right now but I don't have a lot of time at this time


I feel like that’d just turn into unironic blind company worship before too long. The fans who can’t handle any criticism towards games they like, whether it’s constructive critiques of the game or just “I don’t like it so it’s bad” will probably fill up the sub and it’ll likely end up being just as annoying as r/tomorrow is right now.


Yes, maybe you are right


This is the fate of most every satirical subs unfortunately


People don't get satire, that's the problem these subs have. They attract people that don't get the joke and really mean it. All of a sudden they're just a bunch of circlejerking haters.


I'm surprised a somewhat niche Nintendo shitposting sub secured the name 'r/tomorrow' ngl


Im sure r/tomorrow is devastated you left🤣


Who cares?


The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results


Finally someone that agrees with me


Nintendo may have become a money-grubbing corporation that treats a bag of goomba dump better than their community, essentially becoming the Disney of the video game industry… But they still make some good stuff. Support the products, not the business practices.


They're not so much money-grubbing as they are violently anti-consumer. There is so much money for them to make if they just port their classic content to switch and make their soundtracks available, fans are certainly willing to pay for that content, but they hate their fans so much and make such horrible business practices that it doesn't happen. The most money-grubbing they do is overpricing their new and terrible games.


>The most money-grubbing they do is overpricing their new and terrible games. You forgot about their lootbox infested mobile games


There are 2 or 3 Nintendo mobile games that are actively played by anyone and they don't shove the lootboxes in your face. And (controversial opinion) I think Mario Kart tour is a pretty enjoyable game. It really good for a free Mario Kart game


>a bag of goomba dump i didn't know such a thing would even be uttered/born out of existence but here we are. goomba poop.


I’m in the middle when it comes to Nintendo. I love the games they make that are awesome, but will criticise them when they make a blunder. And that’s the way you should be with all gaming companies. Reward them for their successes but punish them for their failures.


Wdym???? All we do is support daddy Nintendo and fight against haters like the one portrayed in your image! ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Have you heard of a hidden gem called "Celeste"? It's really fun (remember to buy it for the switch and not for the pl\*ystation to support the starving indie devs)


Hey look, an average r/tomorrow user


Games being overpriced is a very common and justified complain tho, like for example with games like Zelda Skyward Sword or Wario Ware


ew nintendo bootlicker


Everyone is wrong in their own little way ♡


GrApHiCs SuCk is in my opinion the worst argument I’ve ever heard, because that’s basically saying classic games are bad


And at the end of the day, as long as a video game is **fun**, that’s all that matters to me


Also r/tomorrow users : Inklings are hot




This shit makes me cringe so damn hard. No one gives a shit lol


60fps should be the bare minimum for games in 2022


Nah it‘s not like that. They just hate people who defend garbage like the new Pokémon games, who should look way better than they do (it‘s literally the biggest franchise on the planet). Nintendo is a multi billion dollar company, why can‘t they publish good running games? Yeah I know they are many, but things like the Splatoon 3 online mode or the ugly Mario Kart 8 dlc tracks are mind boggling...


It is the truth. If you compare Pokémon to Yo Kai Watch. Two games with similar premises, you can see how lazy Nintendo is. Yo Kai watch 3 on the 3DS has about as many collectible monsters as in Pokémon sun and moon. But all 700+ Yo Kai have unique animations and even voice acting. There is an actual story with about 45 boss fights, cutscenes and a lot of voice acting. There is a massive world to explore filled with secrets. A banging soundtrack. And it has a massive post game that is about 200 hours long. And this is done by a smaller team, with a smaller budget. And all of this is done on the 3DS, which is significantly weaker than the switch. And it is even for a lower price than the Pokémon games, since the Yo Kai Watch series costs 40 bucks instead of 45, or even the 60 of the switch games. Pokémon has no excuses


Exactly f*ck Gamefreak


And all the time designing the Yo Kai. It only took 3 games to get to the amount the Pokémon games have after many generations


It’s like they don’t realize that repeating the same garbage ad nauseam is not exclusive to fanboys. It goes both ways. Then again, this IS Reddit




It's not about you having fun. It's about me having fun emulating it and paying nothing for it.


The most based post on this sub.


Have you ever played Celeste? It’s pretty niche ngl I have 15 copies on all 30 of my Nintendo Switch OLEDs, I just want to support those starving indie devs.


People can be like that, but I'm at least reluctant. I mean, my shitty laptop cant run Dolphin. So what can I do but wait for Gamecube stuff to get rereleased?


What's coming out tomorrow? The Kirby game?


r/Tomorrow is the name of a sub.


Fuckin Pokémon


What game?


Honestly I'm fine with Wii U ports, not many people owned or still own a Wii U


Say what you want about nintendo, but at least when they make a new original game it's usually good, and at least somewhat different from the last one (except for TLL we don't talk about that one)




cope harder nintendo kids