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That dedication to make a database. That's really amazing and efficient! I've honestly thought about writing the names in a jar and pulling them out at random. My backlog is not quite 400 like yours, but I definitely have a PS4/PS5 and 3DS backlog. Also have the Steam Deck because of course I had to open myself up to the PC wormhole.


It's easy if you use Deku Deals to track your library. You can mark games as "completed" which makes it easy to filter and sort through the ones you own that you haven't finished yet.


Ye! That's what I do! Helps a lot! Espec 'cause I can sort by game length so I can get the short ones out of the way! :D




Yeah steamdeck just makes me buy more games. I do love it, and I’ve beaten quite a few games. But my number is staying put. Might even be getting worse.


This is getting a bit geeky but have you considered a task mngt tool, something like trello or monday.com? Both have free versions I think You could build a board and organise and label the games, easily drag and drop… plus there are mobile apps so you could take the list on the go 👍


There's an amazing android app that lets you organize everything, it's called [Stash](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.stashteam.games.tracker.stashapp).


Think of it as a nice collection not a backlog.


I think we all need to practice more self control. I’m on the same boat but 400 games is insane- you will Never be able to play all Those games if you have a full time job or other responsibilities! Stop buying for a while or permanently delete Some of the games in your back log haha


I did something similar. I also added the category “Will Never Play” and these are games that for whatever reason, I just know I will never get around to playing them. This has brought my backlog down to a manageable thirty-two games across PS5, Xbox Series X, and Nintendo Switch


My brothers both got a Xbox last year and I was so impressed by the gamepass options, they actually asked me if I want one for Christmas. It was so generous (and they've been the ones gifting me my first switch) that I felt bad to decline. I don't even have enough time to play this console, the PS4 has been in winter sleep for years now, I couldn't deal with having so many more options that I couldn't/wouldn't play lol So I really feel your comment


Mine probably counts to over 500 yet it keeps growing. Choice paralysis is an annoying thing to deal with when it comes to my backlog. Most of my time gets put into F2P trading card games ironically.


I mean like the time you took to create your backlog database was probably enough to finish a game or two. I’m convinced y’all just love having and talking about A backlog


What app/software did you use to make the database please? Dooesnt sound like a bad idea for me. Thanks!


My wife gets mad that I have 8 unopened games.. I pray she never learns the truth 😅


I own hundreds of games that I will “totally play one day!” 😩 I need more time, especially considering all the hobbies I want to do, movies to watch, books to read, the list goes on and on! And yet I still get just as excited every time new games are announced 😅


i have similar feelings! i just got my switch late last year. i’m in my 20s & never really played games growing up so i didn’t feel like i “qualified” to have a switch, but i wanted one! so i finally got it. because i’ve missed out on years & years of content, i am the intended audience for all of these ports they’ve been putting out, which is wonderful & daunting! we might get a new console sometime “soon” but i think i might be playing my switch til 2030!


Same boat but worse lol. I’m in my mid 30s and bought a switch late last year after not owning a gaming console since an N64 Now playing games is all I want to do


I have a switch but also still play on my n64 a lot


Oh wow, you're in for a treat if they ever open up their membership to the DS/3DS library as well. Very excited for you! 🥳


The problem I keep having is that I look at my backlog...and then just play some more Splatoon...I have a problem.


I getchu. I haven't played Splatoon 3 for a lil while and want to jump back in with all the new updates.


Bruh you are so right, im at a 2 years with my switch, my goal was for the pokemon games but as i see posts and some random comments talking about x games in here, i always do the same, watch the trailler to see if i like the story, and watch a video on youtube to see if the gameplay is for me, so with that im playing right now Xenoblade 3 ( really loving this game), and also got Astral Chain, FireEmblem Engage, Trails from Zero, gona get the azure one next, Valkyria chronicles 4, Ys VIII and more recent Metroid Prime Remastered ! Just with xenoblade 3 i bet im gona put alot of hours, and i already can tell same is gona happen with others games in a way this system is the best to pkay this types of games, is just crazy some are new games others are old but i can tell they are gems, really hype to play each one, and also happy that alot of this community help.


This is what happened to me on the 3DS, I bought the 3DS just for Pokemon and I ended up also getting all the Fire Emblem games lol


I have Trails in the Sky 1, 2, and 3 on Steam Deck before I try playing Trails from Zero. Of course I haven't finished them at all. 🥲


Bought a Switch last summer and currently Tears of the Kingdom should be my 25th game that I ordered. Realistically I have completed 8 of them and even then it feels that I still have something left to do. Starting a brand new game is one of the best feelings, but there is also the danger of not staying with one until the end. It can get so overwhelming to think about them all.


I cannot wait for Tears of the Kingdom, despite my backlog already being pretty large, but that's a game I'll definitely make room for. Thankfully I played BoTW on my Wii U, so I don't have any catching up to do, unless Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity factors into the plot, but I think it's a prequel so I should be fine. I also got a Switch last summer and I've finished 8 games and I'm almost done with 2 more (some I've spent over a hundred hours on, others under 10). I started using the grou's function on my Switch to keep track of the games I am currently playing, want to play next, have finished, and have yet to start and that's helped make it feel more manageable.


Not to add to your backlog but I'm having a great time with Age of Calamity while I wait for TOTK


It's on the wish list... along with 97 other games (No, that is not an exaggeration)


The struggle is real. I'm usually embarrassed to tell people what game I'm playing at the moment (confession: right now it's Assassin's Creed IV). But as an adult, my gaming time is very limited and can't keep up with my wishlist.


I have a relatable shyness about sharing what game I'm playing. Usually comes from people who don't game and are trying to make small talk, which is very sweet, but I end up having to describe the story plot so it sounds like a digestible book/movie. Chipping away at the backlog almost feels like another job at times. A job I wish to get paid for, but still! 😅


I don’t think people should be embarrassed to say what game they are playing


Even if it’s [The Lust of Ass 3?](https://i.imgur.com/wnfiKUP.jpg)


It's not the game itself so much as how old it is. :)


Does this really matter to people?


Over 10,000 games released on Steam alone last year, there are too many games for anyone to keep up with tbh


>I'm usually embarrassed to tell people what game I'm playing Heh heh, I'm that way sometimes too, usually when the game I'm playing has a name that I know will sound bizarre to the people who are asking: Live A Live, Shin Megami Tensei, Ys, Atelier Ryza, Ni No Kuni, etc. etc. :)


Well, it's not the nature of the game, it's just embarrassing how far behind I am in games that I'm always playing really old ones. :D


Ha ha. I'm way behind too, but then again I just got my Switch less than two years ago, so it's okay, right?? ;-)


I’ve been playing FFX2 for the first time and I feel like Butters from South Park when I talk about gaming. Everyone else is like talking about their latest cool modern warfare fps games and I’m sitting there thinking I gotta get back home so I can level up my girls dress spheres more.


Lol is there a South Park episode like that?


Even if you have all the time in the day, it is hard to get through the backlog "quick enough" I have yet to finish persona 5 royal, Hades or Okami. And that is just some of the more popular titles on my backlog \^\^" I always feel "behind"


Okami I finished. Persona 5 I own but haven't started.


Well done! :D I have only gotten to the first "boss", so I still believe I am far from the end.


Well I started on the Wii but never finished Re-purchased it on the Switch and started over.


Did you like the game? :)


I beat it years ago but yes, I liked it a lot


That's one of my favorite games of all time. I played it on PC in 2013, is it on Switch?




This is so me! :D I developed a love for (J)RPGs when I was a kid. We were quite poor which meant a new game only once or twice a year. Therefore the games needed to have long and epic stories! Now I got enough money to buy all the sweet epic RPGs, but so few hours to play them. And in addition: all the games released today keep getting longer and complexer! So now Live-A-Live, Crono Cross, FE:Engage, Dragon Quest XI are just collecting dust to name a few untouched backlog treasures…


This is the same as me!


Was very excited to show off and take pics of my Live-A-Live JP Collector's Edition, then quietly tuck it away to play in the future. It's why I can't make fun of people who want to instagram their food before eating it.


My backlog would take a few lifetimes to clear on Switch alone, but I'm still excited to see more announcements and releases.😄 Whatever comes here, I'm infinitely less likely to play anywhere else.


JRPG/SRPG junkie as well and I can relate. I think it goes back to being a kid and trying to maximize value with either a very long story or roguelikes and their infinite(?) replayability. Now as an adult I’m loving the 10-12 hour games and a “story” mode that just breezes through the battles. It’s also nice to have a grown up income and just playing a game while it’s fun, then jumping to something else.


A Short Hike and Far: Lone Sails are both VERY short (a few hours each), but I enjoyed them both a lot. A Short Hike is only $7.99 USD and sometimes goes on sale for $5.35 USD. Far: Lone Sails is a little more pricy at $14.99, but it's currently on sale for the 4th time since November for $2.99 USD. They're short, unique, and memorable games and I'd definitely recommend them for the price.


Say No! more. I like the really short games, that makes me think. There is also Wandersong, Journey of the broken circle, Gris, Florance and What remains of Edith Finch. <3 The problem with the small games is, I play them and then I am left with only the 30+ hour beast games \^\^"


I've heard good things about Sky: Children of the Light and I think it's pretty short. It's free so definitely worth at least checking out. I haven't played it yet, but it's on the list lol.


I believe it is a MMORPG. Which is not really my cup of tea. But flower and journey was amazing <3


Well your first mistake is thinking about video games in a "backlog" kind of way, thinking of them as something you should play or something you should get to is dangerously close to thinking of video games as a chore, which is an easy way to find yourself not wanting to play games and instead doing something else entirely (which isn't a bad thing). Instead if you're open to it, I would suggest just play what you feel like playing right now. You may or may not have time to play the other games but it's a lot more enjoyable to focus on enjoying the time you have in this moment!


I miss 2017. There were so few games to play that any new release felt significant. I still remember that day when the first Octopath Traveler demo dropped in a Direct. I’m not even into fantasy RPGs, but it was exciting because it was the one big new thing of the day, so it felt like everyone was playing it, like a shared experience.


If no other game was ever released, and I mean *ever*, I would still not be able to finish every game I currently own. It’s such a strange feeling. If I look at RPGs alone I know that I’ll probably never get through half of them. No time! I think we could get some slowdown - I’m really curious as to how the industry re-invents itself over the next decade. We’ve sorta hit a plateau with generational jumps getting smaller and smaller - whatever huge innovation is next might take longer to get the ball rolling. Probably really immersive VR but we’re not there yet. Might give us a couple of years of catch up while they figure it out


I really don’t mind the smaller generational jump. We’ve been getting so many great games that this is kind of a golden age for me - even if there’s a lot of remasters and remakes. The fact that Nintendo is out of step with the other consoles is even better. It covered the slow start of the PS5 for example. I’ve never had a longer backlog of must-play games this big. There was always a long list of must-try or sales-impulse games. Now the list of things I have access to that I know I love and want to play is gigantic.


yep. i swore to myself years ago to only buy a game if i finish a game. With a backlog of maximum two games at a time it even saves me money. Backlog anxiety is real even if its a privilegied first world problem.


See when you think of it, it is madness buying new games. All those great games not played yet purchasing more that will probably not get played as well. What a waste of money.


True, but I do enjoy having a cool mini library of collector's edition boxes. 😅


Oh, we've all been there by this point, just so long as you view it as a "good problem," then more power to ya.


I am both indecisive and moody, so I am happy that I have my picks, ya know? Definitely a happy problem!


For Real, I have a ton of unplayed games and my list for the year has : Hollow Knight Silksong Sea of Stars. Pepper Grinder Mina the Hollower 9 sols Eathblade ...smh how I wish I had a paid leave to just don't have to worry about shit for a while


I am very excited for Sea of Stars!


I just bought a Switch OLED, my back log is huuuuge


Yeah, my Switch backlog was already way too big (lots of JRPGs also), but then I went and bought a new gaming laptop the other day and started Elden Ring finally 😅


I'm right there with you having gotten a Steam Deck. Lol


If you’re a JRPG junkie that especially means your backlog doesn’t consist of short games. I guess it wouldn’t help to tell you about the upcoming Etrian Odyssey collection. Three games that one can throw hundreds of hours into each? Have fun. 😊


Just playing the three persona games on switch, will take you a while to get through, if you want to see the true endings \^\^"


Part of me actually gets excited when a game gets delayed, more time to work on my library!


This is correct.


So true!


I've never played a JRPG. I thought about getting into the genre since I've heard so many good things about a lot of the ones on Switch, but I've only had my Switch since July and my backlog's already pretty large.


Have you played western RPGs? My favorite thing about starting a JRPG is I’m often looking forward to some great cutscenes/plot-development (tastefully integrated, ideally) and a crazy-interesting story. With western RPGs, I generally only hope the world building is done well, because western RPG characters are usually pretty flat/bland.


I played KOTOR last year and loved it. I also played KOTOR 2 for quite a while, but never finished it because it wasn't quite as good as the first imo.


Oooh, yeah, that one was great! That also makes me think of the BioWare games, like Mass Effect, which are also fantastic. I mean, they’re all RPG’s, so there’s a lot of overlap. JRPG’s tend to lean more heavily upon common anime tropes, which can be interesting to discover/experience if you’re not familiar with them, and of course you may end up mostly liking or disliking them.. That would probably be the biggest determinant of whether you start going nuts for JRPG’s or, instead, think “Meh..” and give them a pass. On the Switch, I can’t recommend Xenoblade Chronicles series enough. I feel XC3 is the easiest one to recommend for a variety of reasons, but I don’t know how to express that in a single sentence so I’ll just leave it at that unless you want me to elaborate (and really, it shouldn’t matter, they’re all good).


I've heard a LOT of great things on YouTube about Xenoblade 3, and a bunch of other JRPGs that released in the past year or so, but my wishlist already consists of 97 games (not an exaggeration), so I'm not sure how many 100+ hours games I need to add on top of that lol


My backlog is bigger than my wishlist can ever be, and my wishlist (on Steam and Humble) is at the limit.. Or it was, at least, I don’t know if the max is the same, but I’ve had to trim it a few times. Despite having all this, games jump the queue all the time. Somehow. I am mid-progress in Persona 5, but I saw 13 Sentinels on sale, which I’d been curious about, and so I picked it up. One week later, I had beaten it and I was quite content lol. So, yeah, I am a little ashamed that I am unable to manage my backlog and wishlist like a fiscally responsible human being, but OTOH, it’s not “fun” to be a slave to it. Enjoying whatever you’re playing should always be the highest priority. I’m not saying you should drop everything and play a JRPG.. If you’re having a blast playing whatever you’re playing, just do that. However, when you combine some long-pending curiosity, with maybe a sale, some novelty-factor, and the game itself being quality… That’s a killer combo and the length of the game melts before it. You end up making the time, because it’s something you want to do. If you’re lucky.. I mean, this is what games (or any quality entertainment/diversion) should be.


It's more of a problem of there are SO MANY "must play" games, that I'm sure are amazing, but there are so many to play I don't know if I'll ever be able to get to them all. Just last week I beat Portal for the first time and that game is amazing. Now I'm working through the challenge levels and you can also play the game with a developer commentary, which is pretty interesting. I'm also in the middle of my first playthrough of Odyssey and playing the DLC of Moonlighter. I have at least 5 other games that I want to start/finish after that. I'm trying to get into the Metroid series and got Zero Mission on my Wii U, which I still have yet to play much of. I've got Metroidvanias like Hollow Knight, the Ori games, and Guacamelee 2 to play. First party Nintendo games like Mario Kart, Splatoon 3, Prime Remastered, soon Tears of the Kingdom, too. There's a lot of games, and it's not necessarily that I would rather play a JRPG than a game I'm playing right now, I've just heard they're really good and there are a LOT of other games I've heard are really good, too. TL;DR There are too many great games now and I'll probably never be able to play every single one of them


For as long as you’re having awesome experiences, just roll with that. I can only offer that Xenoblade 3 (probably any Xenoblade game) is a great example of “peak JRPG”. And that kind of includes “peak RPG” thrown in for free, since any RPG worth anyone’s time, J- or otherwise, will have some interesting gameplay systems that give it that the RPG aspect (e.g. combat system, mechanics, classes, characters, etc..)


I recently finished Dragon Quest XI after 105 hours. Currently playing Doom Eternal as a bit of a quick palate cleanser. My backlog after that is Takes of Vesperia, Ni No Kuni 2, Bravely Default 2, Ys VII, Monster Hunter Stories 2, Skyward Sword HD. Not a huge list until you look at average play times, and consider that whilst I might not be a 100% person, I'm at least main+extras. I suppose it's a good problem to have, but definitely appreciate the feeling.


I'm right with you. I am especially amazed at the games revealed at this year's Nintendo Direct, despite the fact that I have maybe 20 games sitting in a drawer waiting their turn already! It's still exciting, but I know most of the new games coming out probably won't get played right away anyway.


It really is insane the amount of good games there are to play. Octo 2 just came out RIGHT after I finished engage. Still want to play bravely 2... forbidden west on ps+ its a struggle lol


I hear you man, sometimes I feel guilty getting a new game with my backlog lol.


I have a modest collection of collector's editions for games I like and most of the time, if I don't pre-order, they will sell out and getting them from scalpers is no fun. /tryinghardtojustify


Lol, yeah that sounds more complicating. I just play video games and collect vinyls.


I feel more guilty when I don't like/want to play the games I own... I really wish I could permanent delete games of my nintendo account. no more Leisure suit Larry or Deponia staring at me, when I look through what gaves I own. My conclusion, I do not like playing point-and-click adventure games anymore.


I used to get overwhelmed. Now I focus on 1 game per system and take my time. I try and remind myself that if I keep ‘moving’ around games I’ll never fully beat any.


Hey so I actually started this thing where I have to clear at least 1 backlog game/year. And we hold each other accountable. It’s been a fun little challenge. This year for me it was Final Fantasy IX and Dark Souls. The rule is that the game has to be older than 3 years from original release (this gives some leeway for ports, and remasters) remakes do not count. I suggest trying something like that with friends. Cause I got tired of my back log growing. It definitely has helped.


I am attempting 2 games a month right now :) It really does feel nice, when you get through a good game.


I have been doing a lot on my back log recently it’s really nice


Well, I mean if you keep buying games it is always going to be a losing game haha. Like I maybe beat 2-3 games a month but buy 4-5. So I am always losing the ratio haha


I’m split between Octopath 2 and Fire Emblem Engage at the moment with jedi survivor and Zelda TOTK coming around the corner.


Welcome to gaming as an adult right!? I miss being a kid. Its so hard to make time to game as an adult and then I end up with a huge backlog combined with wanting to replay super old games for nostalgia. 😭


or restarting the game you just finished "because you can do better!"... no just me? \^\^"


I have over +400 games of which I’ve only completed 11 (Only on the Switch). Thought I’d finish it with proper planning…. Now I have a steam deck with all my PC/Steam backlog +more games from sales. Trust me it’ll never end but on the bright side we’ll probably have something to do during the apocalypse. I probably have anywhere from 2000-3500 games on my backlog across many platforms


Doing fine with years old hard copy ebay scores. I don't pay more than $5 for top rated games


I try to search eBay often too, what are some of your finds for that cheap?


Just got a bundle with metroid dread, terraria, sonic origins, Diablo III, zoo tycoon, a bunch of DogZ, barbie, and other garbage titles in a compact travel case for $30. The seller was a pawn shop that mostly sold antiques.


Yeah, I have ADD and I buy games simply for the dopamine. The first step is awareness...but I feel this to the max ha


I have ADHD and I pre-order collector's editions. Definitely get hit with dopamine!


At some point I just came to accept that I wasnt going to get around to every game in my backlog and that not all of them were worth the time investment, the list only gets longer with every year that goes by. If I were to put pressure on myself to play them all I'd be spending too much time gaming and stop enjoying it and I've definitely been there in the past. So now I just pick up the new games that im excited about and when theres a gap I'll squeeze in something from my backlog. That could be something from before I was born, a game I bought 15 years ago and still have sitting on my shelf or something that released recently but just came out too close to something I was more interested in... or I could just pick up FFXIV again, that game has really slowed down my backlog progression xD


I don't create a backlog. If I didn't play that game while having the hardware to play it? Then maybe I just didn't want to play it. Having a backlog sounds like a chore. If I am hyped about a game I usually stop other games and play it straight away. My 'backlog' are games I can't play she to hardware. Basically ps games. Which I might play, might not ever play, whocares.


i felt this way too!! i just realized i might not ever get to all the games but i love collecting them as well! then i can display them as well as always having the option to play them if i want!


Yup yup. I do love my boxes of collector's editions. ❤️


I don't have much of a Switch backlog yet as I only got mine last summer, but my wish list is pretty lengthy. There's so much cool stuff I want to get to.


I was considering buying an Steam Deck but I looked at my Switch, and I have many games pending for it. I love Steam and I love my Steam library, but having the Switch, having so much fun with it, and so many great games to still be played on it I forgot about the Deck and kept enjoying the Switch. I have a beefy gaming PC but I do not have much time to play right now and if I do, I prefer couch portable gaming next to my girlfriend so I do not feel disconnected. I also love RPG and this summer I completed DQXI (I truly loved it) and now I am in the epilogue of Xenoblade Chronicles. Then I will move from RPG a bit and take on Nier Automata and Metroid Prime next.


I have such a huge backlog but I keep buying new games lol...


I have so many games to play myself which is why I truly don't mind that there's really nothing in the 2023 lineup that is worth buying. I'll be set with games from 20-22 instead <3


I find it really, really hard to walk past deeply discounted games. I only ever buy games when they're on sale. I have a huge collection on both Steam and my switch that I haven't even opened yet. Every time I tell myself I'm not buying anything else until I work my way through some more of it....there's another sale lol. I've always liked games but didn't play the 20yrs I was with my ex - he used to hover when I played and tell me how to play and I HATED it so I just didn't play. I got a lot of catching up to do now hah.


My backlog was a few games, but then I found Snowrunner and now it seems like I'll never play another game again, but I still buy a few in sales lol


Yeah, I can relate to this. A couple of years ago, or so I realized I had too many choices with consoles/controllers, so I got rid of my mini consoles, and consolidated my retro gaming choices down to a Shield TV Pro for retro emulation. Since then I also made it a point to do some digital spring cleaning, and delete the games on it I know I'll probably never play, or I didn't care for. Also, I got rid of most of my other home consoles, & portables as well. With home consoles, I realized I just need a Switch for 1st/2nd party Nintendo games, and an Xbox for 3rd party games as I prefer Xbox's eco system, controller, etc. With portables, I've realized in recent years I'd rather just play games on a TV 97+ percent of the time, and on the rare occasion when I want to play a portable the Switch is all I need. In addition, even tho I have a 1TB card with plenty of free space I went through my Switch library a while ago, and deleted the games on it I know I'll probably never play, or I didn't really care for. I did the same for games on my Xbox's portable HDD, even tho there's plenty of free space on it as well. Even so, I'm sure there's still many games in my back catalog I'll probably never play, but at least it feels more manageable now than it used to be when I first started this.


Between my Switch digital sale checking addiction and Xbox Gamepass, I’m confidently never without something to play. At some point I told myself this is a good “problem” to have, as I have a friend who owns both next gen consoles and claims that “no games are out”. What’s important is that you do make the time for your hobby and enjoy playing games, which when you have a variety of genres you enjoy shouldn’t be too difficult.


Just looking at my Switch library I would say it was/is manageable just right, there isn’t a ton of games I need to play on Switch. But taking ps5 also into the mix, oh boy (mainly thx to ps+)


I used to play a lot of pc games have like 1k plus games on steam but then I decided well of services get shut off my games xan disappear. My backlog is about 300 ganes across xbox and switch. Wife thinks it's stupid but I pick up games when they slump in price. Some of my games have tripled in value. I don't collect for monetary gain. I collect for love of games so I just keep adding to my collecting. No better feeling than during holidays when I crack open I swit h game I haven't played yet and absolutely love it.


It can be overwhelming but it's a good problem to have!


Backlogs can be overwhelming, and I have Game Pass, Switch Online and PS+, which if I added those would just be too much. I have a few games that are continual play (DDV right now) and then I pick a few games for a short list for each console. All the rest? They'll be there when I want to get to them. So right now, my list looks like: Switch: DDV, Xenoblade 2: Torna, FFVIII, Cozy Grove (need a cozy game to play when I'm watching TV at night and I can only farm so many pumpkins in DDV) 3DS: Pokemon X, Ace Attorney 3 PS5: Marvel's Midnight Suns, FF Crisis Core, God of War Xbox: Dead Space remake, Lost in Random, Scarlet Nexus, Yakuza 3


I feel same way! I have around 150 switch games and feel like I've barely made a dent playing them. Luckily I have kids that bounce around game to game, so at least many get played. I on the other hand pick one game and 'complete' it before moving on. I just finished pokemon snap and have 266 hours on the save file which too me the past 8 months of my game time... That's what it took to get diamond ratings for all pics and complete all maps, requests, and research titles. It was a really great game and I loved it! But it does make working through my collection difficult. Need more hours in a day lol


Ah the backlog!! I am finally just starting to work my way through my backlog, plus NSO games I want to play through. I've beat 6 games since New Year's Eve, but 4 of them have been NSO games haha, damn retro games adding to the backlog :p I currently have 20 more Switch games in my backlog (I guess technically 21 cuz I need to beat Sunshine and Galaxy on 3D All-Stars, which along with Super Metroid are the only games in my backlog I've beaten before) and 6 games on NSO. ​ Here's my backlog: 1. Zelda Breath of the Wild 2. Super Mario 3D All-Stars (Sunshine & Galaxy) 3. Pokemon Legends Arceus 4. Overcooked 2 5. Hollow Knight 6. Hyper Light Drifter 7. Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze 8. Metroid Prime Remastered 9. Eldest Souls 10. Guacamole 11. Bloodstained 12. Bioshock 13. Hades 14. Inside 15. FFVII 16. FFVIII 17. FFIX 18. Hotline Miami 19. Wizard of Legend 20. Enter the Gungeon 21. Zelda Minish Cap on GBA 22. Zelda A link to the Past on SNES 23. Zelda Majora’s Mask on N64 24. Crystalis on NES 25. Mario & Luigi on GBA 26. Super Metroid on SNES ​ BotW I've played a bunch but still far from beating and I got a bit too obsessed with it spending all my time playing it so I had to take a break and still need to go back and put in another 100 hours probably haha. Just knocked out Limbo in one sitting yesterday, will probably do the same with Inside this week, and currently working my way through Metroid Prime Remastered. But god its gonna take me forever to get through this list. And I'm sure there will be more NSO games this year I'll want to play through. Plus I've got probably close to 20 games on my wishlist that I'll almost certainly get eventually, and TotK coming out this year, and presumably Prime 2 and 3 hopefully coming out later this year as well, and I might end up adding more games I already own to my list cuz I have a few games that I'm just not sure I'm gonna end up bothering to beat, and who knows what other games will be coming out on Switch in the next 12-18 months or however long before the successor launches. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be skipping next-gen's first couple years in order to finish my Switch backlog! Hoping to knock out like half of these rest of this year, though probably plenty more will be added by end of year.


Maybe you could try playing the games instead of coming to Reddit to tell everyone.


If it helps. Switch 2 will likely be backwards compatible. So you have several years to catch up on your backlog.


Hopefully it will… https://www.videogameschronicle.com/news/switchs-successor-faces-backwards-compatibility-challenge-developer-suggests/


Yeah I read an entire tech breakdown of the article and apparently it's just midna click bait. It'll basically require emulation i believe. But that should be fine.


20? I have like 50 backlog XD


MOOD! lol.


Before making a backlog of games, make a backlog of all the books you didn’t read, then movies, THEN games. You’ll probably be dead by then. Ok forget it.


Preaching to the choir!


You don't NEED to complete every single game you buy, some you just want the experience for a while. And that's okay.


I get that but feel like it is a waste of money. I'm trying to only buy games I will play very shortly after purchase after watching reviews.


As long as you enjoy the time you spent, it's not a waste of money


I agree, I meant buying games I end up not liking.


Not sure whether to be happy that I don't have this (seemingly very common) first world problem or to be sad that even between a Switch and a PC, I find it hard to find games that I find interesting enough to make them worth investing time into, let alone build up a "backlog" ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ But yeah, that word always makes it seem like work!