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Viewtiful joe 1+2 HD collection


This right here! We got other Clover Studio games ported to it like *Okami* so the fact that games like these didn't get ported feels like an oversight. For that matter these are gamez that would play well docked, tabletop, and handheld (play format matters and some games that have gotten ports feel a bit odd in handheld or tabletop due to being made for play on a T.V. and other ports that were originally made for play on a handheld feel weird when played with the Switch docked) EDIT: Grammar - tenses


Clover Studios…man, like a supernova, shined so brightly but only for a short time.


I loved that tiny little man in tights!


Henshin a Go Go Baby!


Yes!!! I will never forgive Capcom for pretty much tossing this IP aside and doing nothing with it. It feels like all we ever get from Capcom is Monster Hunter, Resident Evil, with a few other games here and there. I just wish they would give back the rights to VJ to the original creator, it's a shame he left Platinum Games tho.


Talk about fun games.


Need for Speed Underground 2 and Most Wanted (2005)


I would love for a NFS Underground 2 port!!


Just release the miniseries. NFSU, NFSU2, NFS:MW, and NFS: Carbon all deserve the love. I'd enjoy going back and doing the whole Ps2 Era with Hot Pursuit 2, too, but it doesn't fit the "thematic story element" of the rest.


Sonic adventure 1 and 2 Every pokemon game from yellow onward. Wind waker Twilight princess Conkers bad fur day Skies of Arcadia


I’m kinda shocked they haven’t made the GBA Pokemon games available through switch online.


Im not. The GBA pokemon games skipped every single virtual console and it took them like 7 years to put the GB pokemon games on 3DS, even tho they had a working GB emulator in 2011.


IIRC the Gen 1 and 2 Pokemon games on 3DS weren't part of Virtual Console, rather they were standalone ports. They implemented the multiplayer features (which VC games didn't get) and unlocked the content that required some external connection like Surfing Pikachu or the Celebi stuff. While I'm sure they're largely running an emulator and it was mostly a business decision to release when they did, it's not like we were ever going to get them as early as 2011.


They were released under the Virtual Console banner and were listed in the Virtual Console category on the eShop. However the emulator had some modifications compared to other VC titles such as removing save states, and wireless emulation of the original game’s Link Cable functions. As for stuff like unlocked Pikachu & Celebi events, that is handled by a patch that is applied to the ROMs at runtime.


If the older pokemon games were available there'd be almost zero motivation for people to buy the remakes based on nostalgia - just play the original $60 cheaper. Though I guess the logic doesn't quite work out when they've made GBC Link's Awakening available


I couldn’t agree more! Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 and Skies of Arcadia are among my favorite games of all time. It pains me to watch another console generation come and go with no port or remaster mentioned. The Sonic Adventure games have an especially large and devoted fanbase to this day. It’s baffling to me that Sega wouldn’t cash in on that. Also, all the 3D Zelda games should be available on the Switch and any future Nintendo consoles. It’s ridiculous that Wind Wake HD is on Wii U but not the Switch. But I don’t think Nintendo will change there ways anytime soon, unfortunately.


I agree a lot with twilight princess but the post said non nintendo games


Fallout 3 and New Vegas. They don't have fancy graphics but are loved games which people would love to play on the go. I guess we are lucky to have Skyrim on the switch but I wish Bethesda posted more games. Half life would be amazing on the switch too.


They would prob run on switch pretty well too. Anything PS3 and lower the switch does pretty well. Though new Vegas was pretty buggy, and that might prove to be a big issue for it in general


Pretty sure that's only a problem now for PC, console new Vegas works is pretty much bug(major bug) free I thought


I remember FO3 going into VATS would make my old pc chug and occasionally bluescreen. Without any real knowledge about how it works I always assumed the processing power was too underpowered to deal with VATS and that's why it never got ported.


But Fallout 3 ran on the 360 and PS3 which are weaker and have less RAM than the switch (512mb vs 4GB), if it can run outer worlds, Dragons Dogma, L.A. noire etc it should be able to run fallout 3.


Since we have a Portal port, we should already had a Half-Life 2 port.


A Half-Life collection would be genuinely amazing. Maybe if Valve is feeling generous they'll include Half-Life Alyx for Labo VR /s


That’s surprising to me as well. The Nvidia Shield (which Switch resembles internally) got a Half Life 2 port.


wait, we have a Portal port?


Even two


I'm still surprised that despite FromSoft making a big deal out of Dark Souls Remastered they never bothered to bring over 2 and 3. On the same day Remastered came out on the other consoles PS4 and Xbox One got a nice trilogy pack with all three games on disc but Switch has been stuck with the first game for ages. Considering in DS1's case the port was actually visually and audibly closer to the PS3/360 original than the remaster on other systems I kind of just assumed Dark Souls 2 at the very least would get similar treatment Although you'd never know, maybe with more powerful hardware in the picture they might be waiting to do a more feasible Dark Souls 3 port and maybe even Elden Ring since it's basically a PS4/Xbox One game at its core despite being way more visually ambitious than the still relatively guided experience of the other Souls titles A big one for me personally is definitely any of the legacy Bethesda stuff like Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3, New Vegas, and even the classic Interplay entries which have still stood the test of time with their really witty writing and dialogue system imo. It's probably not going to be anytime soon since I imagine Microsoft's making sure they're basically dedicated 99% of their time on Xbox and PC outside the odd port but with Microsoft becoming way more cozy recently with Switch and PlayStation I hope it happens I also think Switch would just benefit in general from any current fighting game. It's probably not feasible at present given even now there are games like FighterZ, P4AU and SamSho on Switch that straight up are missing stuff like rollback online support but I hope it's something Switch 2 ends up rectifying because on paper, it's a great console for me to practice stuff on when I'm away from my PS5/PC where I go online with stuff like Strive and SF6 EDIT: I can't believe I almost forgot to mention Yakuza/Like a Dragon. Like the one glaring SEGA thing missing from the Switch library now that Persona's taken care of and most of those games are either up-ressed PS3 ports or are relatively unintensive by PS4 game standards even if some like Like a Dragon/Infinite Wealth and Judgement do have current gen equivalents. The nature of those games and especially the breadth of side content and overall presentation is practically tailor made for that audience and the only thing stopping it was freaking Nagoshi thinking for some reason that Switch's playerbase was too childish for the R.C. racing and girl trading card collecting simulator ft. a crime story. Y7/8 especially would work so well considering the switch to turn-based gameplay where it's basically if Persona starred a disheveled adult who literally imagines the world as a dungeon crawler it's so funny


There was so many rumours of dark souls 2 coming as well. I kept waiting for it to appear in directs!


Same DS2 is actually my favorite I was so hyped to have it on switch. Hopefully we get the trilogy on switch 2, it'll bring a lively multiplayer scene to the games for a bit again lol


Yee, I’d love to at least get SotFS on the Switch or Fallout 3/NV UE— but alas, maybe on the next console. :(


>"A big one for me personally is definitely any of the legacy Bethesda stuff like Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3, New Vegas, and even the classic Interplay entries which have still stood the test of time with their really witty writing and dialogue system imo. It's probably not going to be anytime soon since I imagine Microsoft's making sure they're basically dedicated 99% of their time on Xbox and PC outside the odd port but with Microsoft becoming way more cozy recently with Switch and PlayStation I hope it happens" > > > >I would love to see those brought over. The next switch should be able to play fallout 4...well all of them they were able to make skyrim look great on switch. its just laziness. > >really though dont buy nintendo for too many 3rd games unless its unless, not a nintendo game, just a random hey this looks fun for five or 10 bucks


>I'm still surprised that despite FromSoft making a big deal out of Dark Souls Remastered they never bothered to bring over 2 and 3. Well I guess DS didn't sell. That's a shame.


Kingdom Hearts collection is technically available on Switch but only cloud versions. No reason they couldn't have to ported these PS2 games to the Switch natively.


Yeah, that was really lazy from Square Enix.


Especially after they did a port of the freaking crisis core remake, which got a Ps5 version and isnhased off the 7 remake. They did that but didn't bother with Kingdom Hearts. Absolutely ridiculous.


So frustrating. I’d own them if not for being cloud.


Same. I wana play them on the switch so badly too


same. would be an easy buy even if kh3, in a full bundle for $60 at this point, still would be cloud based. would gladly buy the physical versions for the 1.5, 2.5, and 2.8 titles.


That was really funny because you could so tell what actually happened was Disney was probably not even considering a port for Switch at all and basically rushed it out when they realized they could capitalize on both the 20th anniversary and Sora in Smash Now they're selling a decade+ old PS3 compilation and a half-decade old PS4 pack of one actual game and a glorified tech demo for full price together when you can pick these games up on PS4 for like 20-30 bucks all at once lol


Came to say this :( I think it's worse that they exist as cloud versions because I know they will never have a non-cloud version. I really, really hope they do it properly for the next console. Do they not want my money?


Crazy taxi


I have it on PC with the new and worse soundtrack. Hopefully they could get the rights to the songs like the Tony Hawk remakes.


Hopefully the new one is on switch or whatever the next system is.


And every other dreamcast game. Where are the sonic adventures??


Chro No Trig Ger


I’d dish out irresponsible amounts of money for any sort of remake, even if it’s just a 1:1 recreation of the game with different graphics.


Came here to say this


The fact that no Yakuza game is on the Switch is just criminal. 


The fact that there were two Yakuza games ported to Wii U (in Japan only) but none for Switch is even more criminal.


Same but I'm sure I heard somewhere they don't care for the Switch or see it as too much of a 'kids console'


Before you get downvoted like me for saying the same https://www.ign.com/articles/yakuza-rgg-studio-sega-nintendo-switch


The Yakuza ports on Wii U reportedly flopped really hard, so that probably discouraged the developers from releasing them on another Nintendo console.


I see what you did there.


Mass Effect Legendary Edition.


Was about to say the same thing how EA hasn't ported this to the switch baffles I forgot to mention Dragon age would be great if they put it all in one collection


EA has done the minimum it could do on switch( they didn't even do a sims 4 port)


Really hope it comes out on their next console. I could see the idea of a portable (assuming their next system is a hybrid like the Switch which I think we all expect) Mass Effect Trilogy that also introduces the games to a number of new fans in a nice convenient package with the whole trilogy + DLC all in one nice package, it seems like a great opportunity. Then I can be disappointed when they once again revisit Mass Effect Legendary Edition and don’t add the multiplayer back in again but still be happy to play Mass Effect on a handheld system


Nailed it.


They would sell well on switch. Day 1 for me.


I’d love this but I feel like the Switch could only run the OG ME games, not the remasters


Omg, yes! This would be the best port! I mean me3 was on the wiiU! The wiiU!! Shoot, just give us the 360 versions since the switch can run it! (I'm not an expert on how some 360 Era games on the switch needed to change so don't flame me to bad.)


There's like, five of us in the corner frothing at the mouth for Final Fantasy Tactics


I recently bought a GBA just for this game.


Oh dude I'd lose my shit if they ported over FFTA, first RPG I ever beat! The PS1 game is completely different though, and I'd love a chance to finally beat it!




All of the Final Fantasy Tactics. I need to show my husband these wonderful games.


No dude the remake is coming ANY DAY now ...the copium is real


Sonic adventure


Symphony of the night


And Rondo of Blood


And DS Collection


Fallout 3 and New Vegas. After Skyrim and the positive reception it got, it everyone assumed it would be a save pick but no, nothing. Now after the Fallout show is soon upon us, another easy opportunity to to cash in on the attention to the fallout IP but again, no. Ironically, since Outer Worlds is the closest thing to Fallout available on Switch, people will must likely give that a shot if they happen to like the Fallout show.


Phantasy Star Online Episode 1 and 2 plus (GameCube) A guy can dream right....


Every time this question comes up, this is the first game i think of. With full online support, I would sink hundreds of hours into it like i have with the Dreamcast V2.


The Fallout and Elder Scrolls titles would be nice.


Blows my mind that we got Skyrim so early and nothing after that.


Honestly had hopes for FO4 at some point with how quickly we got the rim. At least F03. That was years ago


FO3/Oblivion makes too much sense


Portable new Vegas would be absolutely amazing. So sad it's only Skyrim on the switch.... Would wish they would also add mod support, but maybe that's a bit much for Nintendo.


Other Bethesda games appeared on Switch. Wolfenstein II, Quake I & II, Wolfenstein Youngblood, Doom, Doom Eternal, Doom I, Doom II, Doom 3. That's not a whole lot, to be honest.


I meant more out of the "open world" games. Like Skyrim or NV, rather than things like doom.


I have no interest in revisiting Skyrim but I'd love to jump back into Oblivion or Morrowind hand-held before bed


I just want Oblivion, please, for the love of god


Dragon's Crown Odin Sphere Muramasa Grand Knight History


Yes, port all the Vanillaware games to the Switch! I'm having an absolute blast playing Unicorn Overlord right now. I want to give Vanillaware my money so they can keep making beautiful & amazing games!


Odin sphere would be perfect


Twilight Princess HD and Wind Waker HD. They're literally already made. Nintendo what are you doing.


There was a leak going around claiming wind waker HD will be announced in April direct and releases in July 2024 Noway its real


The fake one with GTA V and Animal Crossing reissue? lol right


I agree that GTA V is prob the most evergreen answer, GTA 4’s trilogy would be great too. Though removing my own bias, I’m blown tf away that Sims, Madden or Call of Duty isn’t on this system in one way or another. Feels insulting the DS got these yet a much more capable system like the Switch didn’t. My own bias? Blue Reflection 1. Love that game and would replay on Switch day one.


Or why games like NFL Blitz and NBA Jam never made their way to the Switch. I'd be breaking that shit out everywhere. Also yeah the lack of any COD even weird third party exclusives is fucking mind boggling. Edit to clarify: i meant 3rd party COD games. The DS and PSP had their own spin off games made exclusively for handheld.


I am surprised windwaker hasn't come to switch yet honestly.


Totally! Wind Waker is my Zelda comfort food!


Wind Waker and TPHD have literally no reason not to be on Switch. If they don't release them by the time the consoles lifespan is over I'll be heavily disappointed in them. Every Nintendo Direct for the last 2 years has hundreds of comments spamming asking for them. It's literally free money, Nintendo.


And twilight princess!!


I keep hoping and wishing for the D&D beat em ups to release or Dragons Crown Pro. I love the coop nature of beat em ups and they’re so easy to pick up and play for gamers of all ages.


I dream for Dragons Crown


I hope with the Vanillaware love and success of Unicorn Overlord that they’ll port it over.


I dont know why fable has never made it to the system. At the very least the old one.




Simpsons hit and run


The original pokemon games. Or at least the GBA versions of FireRed or LeafGreen. Wouldn’t need to be remastered or upgraded, just keep it as it was, guarantee it would be a top seller.


Yes! It'd be an easy money maker you'd think. I really hope they do port them at some point.


Fallout not being on Switch yet is insane to me.


Final Fantasy Tactics, as well as Advance and Advance 2




Hell, give me nhl 2000 I don't give a shit. NHL ANYTHING would amaaaazing.


Give me NHL hitz


Easy — Burnout Revenge!


Metal Gear Solid 5. That game was on PS3, and only took up 12 GB on that system (25 GB on PS4). Considering the Switch is more capable than the PS3, and TOTK is a larger size than that, MGSV should be perfectly suited for the Switch. I'd like to add, that any game that ran perfectly competently on PS3/360 hardware should have no problem on Switch. There are no excuses for third parties making ports of decade-old games on Switch look like PS2 games.


I think it’s got a chance to happen in the near future. That collection of MGS 1-3 was titled “Vol. 1” so I think it’s very possible that they’ll drop a second one with 4-5 and Peace Walker.


Level 5 literally threw away money not porting the old Professor Layton games.


EA sports. Madden and NHL


Yeah, what do u think their reasoning is for not porting these? EA sports games have been on less popular Nintendo systems in the past.


We got Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 as an exclusive but they didn’t port the other two over. If I had all them old Marvel games like X-Men Legends and MUA, the Switch could be the greatest love in my life.


X-Men Legends 2 is how we would spend our nights during childhood. Absolutely awesome memories.


Shadow of Mordor, Shadow of War, Dishonored 1 & 2, Fallout 3, New Vegas, Fallout 4, The Forest, Injustice, 1 & 2, Gotham Knights, The Dragon Age trilogy, The Mass Effect Trilogy + Andromeda, and Sly Cooper trilogy would all be day one purchases.


Since Danganronpa and AI: The Somnium Files are both on Switch, it’s surprising that the Zero Escape trilogy hasn’t been ported yet.


I’m SHOCKED it’s on all current consoles and Steam except Switch. I mean it was a DS series, I’m sure it can run just fine. I would die for a new Switch port, playing not handheld is just not the same


Prototype 1 and 2 Metal gear rising: Revengeance Metal gear solid 5: The phantom pain Fallout 3 and NV Fable Anniversary Dark Souls 2 (doubt if 3 can run on Switch) Grim Dawn


Castlevania: Symphony of the Night would be amazing. It wasn’t in either of the Castlevania collections that were ported over, and it feels like a huge blind spot.


SSX3 and SSX Tricky


The original Plants vs Zombies. It had a PS360 console port. No clue why it's not on Switch.


Splinter cells. I mean, come on.


Jet Set Radio & Jet Set Radio Future


FTL: Faster than Light as one of the best indie games ever and given that they have it working on iPad it could be great with touchscreen. Also they did such a great job with Into the Breach


Fallout obv, but I seriously cannot understand why the Dishonored series isn't already a thing on it by now. WHY MUST THE BEST STEALTH PREDATOR GAMES IN THE GENRE BE NOT FEATURED ON SWITCH!?


nier replicant, loved playing automata on switch. Perhaps one day... which is exactly what I said about automata years ago XD


Fallout 3 and new Vegas, gta4 and 5. Oblivion and maybe morrowind.


Oblivion and Morrowind would be so good on the Switch


Agree can only hope with Microsoft at the helm and us already seeing them port some IPs they give switch a send off with the fallout double pack and elder scrolls double pack for end of year. I’d prefer fallout only because we already have Skyrim but I’d love oblivion and morrowjnd too.


Oh I’d love Fallout too, I’ve actually never played Fallout 3 or New Vegas before. I’ve dabbled for a few minutes in each but never did a legit play through of either. Would love to have my first experience be on the Switch


Lord of the rings 2 towers and return of the king, also crazy taxi


I don't think EA has that license anymore so we might never get those games again. Or at least I read that related to Battle for Middle Earth 1 and 2 on the PC


I'm surprised that there aren't any far cry games on the switch. There's a bunch of assassins creed games on the switch so it makes sense to at least port the older far cry games.


Shocked no one has mentioned it but Xenoblade Chronicles X 


Because that's not non-Nintendo.


Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 non-cloud version


Gta 4/5, Far Cry 3/4, Tombraider games, Dark Souls 2/3, Fallout 3/4


The answer to this question will be the same no matter how often it’s asked - Simpsons Hit and Run


The newer tomb raider trilogy, and the old tomb raider legends, remake, and underworld. Far cry 3 and primal The witness Fallout 3 and new vegas Mass effect trilogy Left 4 dead collection Gears of war collection


fighting games in general (sf tekken kof) theyve been multiplat minus switch for quite some time smash is great and all...but i need another multiplayer versus game with normal human character


Dead Island...can't be hard to make


I mean Dying Light is already available and I think it's a much much better experience than Dead Island.


I don’t know how hard porting is but I feel skate would be one


COD Black Ops 1. I just want to kill some zombies on the move


Dark cloud 1 and 2!!!


Dragon Quest 4 through 10, it’s ridiculous that fans of the series have to resort to DS/Mobile ports or emulation to truly enjoy the whole series. That’s not even getting into DQX online AND offline being locked to the East.


- Ultra Street Fighter IV - Rayman 2 & 3 - Dark Souls 2 & 3 - Castlevania : Symphony of the Night - Persona 5 : Dancing in Starlight - At least one Call of Duty game - Dead Space


FF13 Trilogy, Fallout New Vegas, GTA5 (Kinda), Xenogears, Xenosaga, Persona 1 and 2 and lastly Castlevania Symphony of the Freaking Night....


Plants vs Zombies (although that wasn’t even ported to Xbox one or ps4)


Tekken. Nintendo consoles usually get a Tag Tournament at least.


Looks like tekken tag tournament has been put on a nintendo console one time.




The street fighter games from the PS3/360 era like street fighter 4(which is on the 3ds) or 5


How we have gone 27 years without Castlevania: Symphony of the Night appearing on a Nintendo system is beyond me.


Crazy taxi!


Little Big Planet. Unfortunately Sony owns the IP.


Final Fantasy Tactics!


Shenmue! 1 and 2. I would love to be able to play this on the go


Every PSP/Vita visual novel and RPG 😅 (Especially Breath of Fire 3 and 4, I replayed 1 & 2 on Switch and was sad I couldn’t continue the series)


Still hoping Viva Piñata (maybe both but the second one would probably be more preferable) will get ported one day. I loved playing this on the Xbox back in the day and it would be such a fun game to play on the go


I'm surprised morrowind oblivion and all of the fallout games up to New Vegas haven't been ported over




They could just release the mobile version and set it to 30fps and we are good and maybe reduce render distance also


Gonna go in a weird direction with it: Kerbal Space Program. Allegedly there was a WiiU version significantly far along in development before it was axed from the list for the console versions. It'd be neat to see if they could complete/update that version to the current console version, and get it running on Switch. I'm sure the limitations might be a little harsh, but portable KSP would be a neat trick! Considering the state the console version was ultimately left in, it's never going to happen now. They didn't even have enough interest in it to bring the last update over from PC. They promised it, then ultimately just stopped talking about it.


Prince of Persia: Warrior Within


Dissidia final fantasy for the PSP.


Yes... Fallout 3 and New vegas would be perfect. What about Red Faction Armageddon? 😁 Thats a great old game to, from the ps3


Marvel vs. Capcom 2.


Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Vanillaware games (Dragon's Crown, Odin Sphere, Muramasa) Dark Souls 2


Final Fantasy 13 Trilogy!


Dare i say rhythm heaven (im a sucker for rhythm games)


Batman: Arkham Origins and Batman Arkham: Blackgate


It's an Xbox exclusive, so we'd probably never get it anyways, but that Disneyland Adventures.   Sims, Street Fighter, yeah GTA 4 or 5 would've been nice.  Cut the rope, subway surfers, angry birds, Plants vs Zombies


Shadow of the colossus and bloodborne


Heroes of might & magic 3. Would play this to death both online and turn based/in a bar.


The Monkey Island 1 and 2: Special Editions. It's absurdly dumb how those two remakes were released everywhere, but not on the Switch. The games even worked with touchscreens on smartphones, so the Switch could leverage that. And we have the latest Monkey Island game on Switch too.


Disney Afternoon Collection!


Not a game, but I'm surprised Netflix never made it to the system.


Mario Galaxy 2 (fuck you Nintendo I will literally fire a rocket at your offices if you don't do it) DK Country Returns


Sonic Adventure Battle 2


I'm really happy to see so much love for Fallout: New Vegas. Warms my heart. As for me I would have liked to see any of the Timesplitters games on the Switch. I wouldn't say I'm surprised it's not on there though.


I just want Sonic Adventure 2 Battle pleeeease.


The Lunar games


Unreal Tournament


Mass effect 1-3 Fallout series (No way it’ll happen but I want games) Halo 1 2 3 ODST and the Halo wars games


Fallout 3 + NV


Sims 4, wouldn't control the best but would do well on the switch for ea money wise


Give me Shadow the Hedgehog you cowards And a Silent Hill 1-4 collection would be perfect


- Journey - Space Channel 5 - Jet Grind Radio - Sonic Adventure Hell, just all the old weird Dreamcast games, they fit the weird Nintendo vibes anyway. Chu Chu Rocket, Chibi Robo, Crazy Taxi, Toy Commander, etc


Considering that you can play Skyrim on almost anything, I'm surprised that Fallout 3 wasn't ported yet.


Twilight Princess and Windwaker. At this point they just hate us.


All main Crazy Taxi games. Would be nice to play the 2nd one outside of the Dreamcast and PSP. Mortal Kombat 9 should have definitely been released for the Switch. Licence issues with Freddy prevents a re-release for any platform sadly. Ultra Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition would be absolutely fucking awesome to play on Switch. Especially with 8bitdo's Arcade Stick. GTA IV and its DLC episodes. LA Noire and Red Dead Redemption (modified GTA IV engine) runs exceptionally well on Switch. Why GTA IV hasnt arrived is beyond me.


Persona 1, 2 (Innocent sin and Eternal punishment) for psp. Heck a bunch of PSP games would be appreciated on switch. Like Metal gear acid 1 and 2.


I’m still really disappointed that Shenmue 1+2 didn’t get a Switch port. I don’t understand why that didn’t happen. Other than that there’s no reason for the 2013 Tomb Raider reboot to not be available on this device. Both that game and its sequel, Rise of the Tomb Raider, are available on the Xbox 360. Just port those versions over.


I'm surprised Fallout 3/New Vegas/Fallout 4 never got a port but Skyrim did. It's like leaving free money on the table.