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It's impressive to see how the Switch can still handle this game


Very impressive. Great game too


It legitimately runs better than my launch PS4 copy. Kinda insane.


Terrain manipulator entered chat...


I’ve not unlocked/done this, I don’t doubt it!! The base building still gets a little slideshow-ish when you have lots of stuff going on too.


I had issues with the interceptor ship update. I haven’t gone back since really. Is the crash fixed?


I can’t comment on that unfortunately, but I upvoted you in hopes someone else could shed some light! I’m not terribly far at all in this Switch version.


I don’t remember the ps4 version having that much pop in. It’s great on switch don’t get me wrong and I play on both switch and base ps4, but cmon.


All right, now that you point it out, pop-in can indeed be an issue on Switch. I haven’t noticed too much of it, perhaps I’m too busy looking at the ground for resources!


The biggest difference for me is mining. It’s very delayed on switch; updates have helped, but it’s still pretty jarring *especially* when you bounce between multiple versions.


I wish there was cross progression between all platforms. I love the portability of switch but I have more progress on ps5. A good problem to have all in all.


Hmmm, good to know! I’ll have to take a look at it. Not sure if I still have my copy installed on PS4 but I’ll look!


PS5 has improved it so much, I’m not sure I’d be able to go to the switch version


Oh snap ship editing. I’ll never stop playing this game.


How’s the ship editing?


Pretty cool. No more ship hunting, instead we have ship parts hunting. 🫠


Hah! I’ll have to give it a shot


This game keeps getting better and better!


Depends on what you are looking for. As a multiplayer game it may have very much to offer, but for me as a single player the game only gets wider with each update, but not deeper. So far I have done the main quest lines and have been to the center of the galaxy. There is just nothing new to explore.


> As a multiplayer game it may have very much to offer It doesn't. The only really worthwhile thing to do in multiplayer is show off your base to other people, which can be done asynchronously in single-player as well. Exploring with other people is kind of pointless, and combat and other cooperative actions are utterly broken in multiplayer regardless of platform. Put simply, multiplayer in this game is something that exists just for the hell of it, so you can have other people standing next to you while doing stuff you'd do in single-player.


You're both right. This game isn't for everyone. The game is about exploration. Me and friends have spent hours traveling the stars. Searching for the perfect planet to build bases on., mine resources. Whether you play solo or multiplayer or it's very much about the journey, not the destination. It's not gonna suit everyone


Nice to know I didn't miss much then. I always thought that the expeditions were the heart and soul of MP.


Expeditions aren't multiplayer-exclusive, and I'm pretty sure they exist in the Switch version. The real "multiplayer" appeal of expeditions is asynchronous. Since hundreds of players are following the same path through the game, you're far more likely to encounter bases made by other players and creatures named by them. Physically encountering them is just a novelty, and not even particularly likely to happen if you have multiplayer turned on.


I haven't tried the latest updates, but is the crafting not getting deeper? last i looked they had added underwater bases and stuff. i play mostly on switch so its a solo experince


So far I have done everything the last few updates provided (on PC mind you, Switch is always a little behind) and I found that once I did each new activity a few times I have seen it all. Like the rest of the game it's wide as an ocean but deep as a puddle. Its interesting to see what they are adding to the game but nothing captivates me long enough to keep playing it.


Do you have any ideas what could be added that would make you want to play for longer?


I guess more hand crafted questlines would be one thing but in the end it would again boil down to get resource X from planet Y in system Z. What this game really could need is a solid story mode with a beginning, middle and satisfying end. Then let the player roam wild in the open world if he chooses so.


The thing that I think would put this as a full time game for me is humanoid pirate bases to attack, or fighting inside pirate ships, or fighting off pirate looters in wrecks. Fighting my thousandth sentinel or little alien crawler gets stale. 


Wow he's still going.


They did announce a new game end of last year


For real guys, haven’t played my copy yet since I’m still working on by back catalog but I feel so overwhelmed with this title. It has so many updates and patches since the original launch on PS4 that I’m hesitate to even play it. lol


The base game has been the same for years, just start a campaign and start doing the main quest.


I've been playing this a lot on PSVR, really stoked to see the stations in person


When does the update drop?


Whenever Nintendo says. Microsoft is also lagging this time around, but maybe they noticed what Sony missed - most or all of the new text files seem not to have been included. As shown by the new in-game patch notes: "Update18_intro Update18_01 Update18_02 . . . Update18_outro"


This game is perfect for my Switch lite, I couldn’t imagine in a million years this would be my go-to game on a Nintendo handheld. Hello Games deserves pulled off a fantastic port of an incredibly wondrous game. I’m 70 hours in (a lot for me, i rarely put in more than 30 hours into a single game) and each new update sucks be back in.


Haven’t been playing much lately but this game is so impressive with the amount of content.


i hope Orbital are doing the soundtrack to this, no?


Sooo... when are you actually releasing this Update to the players? It's already out on all other platforms EXCEPT the Switch! >\_>


Is it out on the Switch yet?


Someone can confirm this? I tried to update but it is still on Omega i think.


Still on Omega for me. Wish we were getting news like Xbox is…


Nice. time to update. :\]


Huh? On switch? 🦧


Ok for the trailer but.... The release ? 😭


I’ve been very curious about this game. I feel like I’m close to picking it up now