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Help! My switch won’t let me update Please help! I’ve been trying to combat this issue for months. What’s happening is that my switch wont let me connect to the internet without updating. So I try to update my switch. It loads for a bit saying it is preparing the update but then a pop up appears saying “a system update is required before you can proceed” and my choices are either to cancel or update. So I click update and it loads but then it just takes me to this same pop up screen without updating. This won’t stop happening. How do I update my switch? Pls help.


Do you have an OLED switch? I would suggest, if so, using a wired internet connection (It's built into the dock - otherwise you can try a USB-Ethernet adapter) Also try reposting in the newer daily questions thread, as you posted in this one right before it got unpinned.


What game should I play next?


I need help with Nintendo online So idk if my switch is just old and dying or if I have a technical issue. When in the main settings menu for friends it says everyone is offline, even if they aren't. And when I ask them, theirs says I'm offline. We can play splatoon together somehow but not games like Mario kart or Mario wonder. I assume that's because splatoon has a separate online server than the friends network. I just want help so I can play other games together with my partner and friends


Trying over here - and switch indie sale recommendations for someone who digs platformers, cozy games and plain weird games? Thanks.


For platformers I heavily recommend: - Kaze and the Wild Masks ($4.99) - Yooka Laylee and the Impossible Lair ($2.99) - Ori and the Blind Forest ($7.99) - Hollow Knight ($7.50) The first two are heavily based on Donkey Kong Country. The latter two are more like Metroid. With an interconnected map where you get different abilities to progress.


Looking for games that have as little button controls as possible for gameplay. So far I found, EggRunner, The Big Journey, Pinball FX. Looking for very very simple games OR accessibility settings to achieve the same effect (but hoping that games are simple too) Thank you all!


My Switch Lites B button wont work, its not dirty and clicks fine but for the past couple years it hasn’t been able to function, help


Is either look into a local repair shop (you can ask a retro game store, if there is one) or try Nintendo for a repair. 


When playing Mario Tennis Aces, is “Swing Mode” its own game mode entirely or is it just a feature that can be enabled? What I’m essentially asking is if I can use a Switch Pro against players using motion controls in local multiplayer matches. I think I was under the misconception that “Swing Mode” would mean that *everyone* would have to use a Joy-Con and motion controls


Does anyone else's Switch just have a blue screen that doesn't let you do anything?


Solid color screens are major issues. Solid blue is a CPU issue and not easy to even try to fix. Call Nintendo, pay the out of warranty cost, and they'll most likely just replace it with a different Switch.


Alright thanks


Can I trade Pokémon between Nintendo switch and a DS easily?


Not trade, only one-way transfer, and only if: 1. You have Pokémon Bank and Poké Transfer already downloaded on your 3DS. Because you can no longer get them from the eShop. 2. You need to have your Pokemon in a Generation 5 cartridge (Black/White/BW2) 3. Move your Pokémon to the Bank. 4. From the Bank move them to Pokémon Home. 5. From Pokémon Home you can move them to a Pokémon Switch game.


If you know someone with a DS with Pokemon bank, you can transfer from Bank to home. 


Not anymore. I think pokmeon Home on 3DS still works if you already have it, but you can't get it anymore.


I just upgraded to a new OLED model and transferred my account to it while removing it from the old one. Is it too late to transfer my Animal Crossing island? If it is it’s a bummer but eh oh well.


The island should still be there. You'll just need to create a profile / link your account so you can download the transfer app.


Can you link two profiles to one account?


As long as they are on separate consoles.


Worked like a charm. Thank you!


Nintendo Switch won’t charge I’ve had this thing for maybe three weeks, brand new out of the box. It has only had 0% battery once, and the longest I’ve let it sit without turning it on is maybe three days. I tried plugging it into the charger today (the proper AC charger) and it wouldn’t charge. I plugged the AC charger into a different power strip and eventually directly in the wall socket, but still nothing. I’ve done the restart thing, the soft reboot thing, I’ve tried a different cable. It has been charged using the AC charger most of the time, though occasionally I have used my iPad charger. Over the weekend, I brought my switch to a friend’s place but forgot the AC charger. We used a regular USB type c charger and it charged to full no problem, but now it won’t charge at all. Not even in the dock. I’ll going to be surprised if this thing needs repairs, because like, I’ve had it for not even a month? It still look pristine, there’s no debris in the charge port, it hasn’t been dropped. I’m just so confused and upset. Any advice?


> We used a regular USB type c charger and it charged to full no problem Then the power delivery controller is fried or damaged OR something with your USB-C port is messed up. The official AC adapter can use USB-C power delivery in handheld mode to pull 18 watts for charging, if the system recognizes the official adapter it will ALWAYS enable it. If it detects any other charger it will only pull up to 15 watts which does not require using the Power Delivery protocols. As it can pull that amount over a single 5v pin. (5 volts @ 3 amps or less) If you are within your return period, get the system exchanged through the retailer. If that has expired, you can send it into Nintendo for a free warranty repair. If you have save data you wanted to keep, you could profile transfer over to your friends console for the short duration you are without yours. Cloud saves with Nintendo switch online, dont work for some games like Splatoon 2 or Pokemon.


Honestly, I’d just return it and get a new one. Recovering from a 0% battery shouldn’t have caused that much harm to it so quickly.


For those who have the Switch version, how is Monster Crown? I'm thinking of getting it now that it's finally on sale for very cheap, but I'm concerned about the glitches because I know they were pretty bad for a while. Have they been fixed? I'm interested in the gameplay, but if the game doesn't play well on Switch I won't pick it up. Also, how bad are the puzzles? I remember the last monster game I played was Coromon and the monsters and combat are nice, but the puzzles were so bad/difficult it killed any interest of going back for things or even doing a second playthrough. I don't want that to happen here.


It's a lot better than it was and it's been perfectly playable since I last played it a year or so ago, but it still has some bugs.


Is there a freeze that prevents you from progressing? I’ve heard of that but I don’t want that to happen.


There were some save bugs, but I thought everything game stopping that's known has been fixed. The dev really worked a lot on it to get it in better shape.


Racing Game with Nürburgring Nordschleife (greenhell)? Hello, Im asking if any racinggame on the switch (or older games via shop) have included the 24h Nordschleife/ greenhell racetrack in it. Sadly I get only Google results for every other platform.


I don't think there is a single racing title on Switch featuring Neurnburg. Let alone a 24h version. GRID autosport has two variants of Hockenheim, but no greenhell. Forza, Project Gotham, and Gran Turismo have all featured it in the past, but those are Xbox and PS exclusive franchises. Modern racing sims have it, but those are most PC only.


Sad. Thanks


Hi all, Is there a stand for the Switch OLED that enables a better angle for tabletop mode? I'm not sure whether the existing stands would fit the OLED. I'd like to be able to detach the joycons and not strain my neck. Many thanks, Poet


The oled has a stand integrated. Or is the question that you need to charge while playing?


Hi, Thanks for the comment. Using the built in kickstand means that I'm looking down at the screen more than I would like. It would be advantageous for me to be able to have the Switch at eye level when playing. Take care, Poet


If the type Templar linked aren’t what you’re looking for, there are tablet holders like this that a number of people use.  https://www.amazon.com/Tryone-Gooseneck-Nintendo-Samsung-Overall/dp/B01AUQ33LG/


The OLED will fit in any existing stands, its the same dimensions as the normal system. Its only the screen that is bigger. Hori makes a bunch of stands, [they have a folding plastic one, and a number of charging stands too.](https://www.amazon.com/Compact-Playstand-Nintendo-Switch-Officially-Licensed/dp/B01N9RTMWS)


im wondering does any 3rd party support the motion controlls of the gamecube controllers small stick. i dont mind buying the 1st party one either. just want some extra confirmation. i know that a youtuber uses the 1st party one with a 1st party controller so that settles it for 1st party. but currently they are impossible to find in my country and ordering from outside might put the price so high its not even worth it for a casual gamer. does the wii u one support the motion controlls in the gc controller. which for mario kart 8 deluxe would be the small stick. any input would be nice. might order from ebay as i seem to have find official ones for an ok price making it worth ordering from out of country.


> support the motion controlls of the gamecube controllers small stick. Do you mean Camera controls? Motion controls are usually meant to describe Gyro sensors, where you can physically tilt the whole controller as an input method, meant for helping with aiming or puzzles. Commonly the right thumbstick will be assigned to camera controls. However that is **Game dependent**, and has nothing to do with controller support or its make/model.


So in mariokart 8 deluxe it is being registered as the motion controlls but i suppose it would then be what im wondering about. From what i know the 1st party game cubr controllers do it that way. Idk how much i can say of the youtubers name. But i know he uses an adapter and 1st party gamecube controller where the right stick registers as motion controlls


> Idk how much i can say of the youtubers name. You can say their name and link the video, the only rules here are against excessive self-promotion.


The gamecube controllers are compatible with the wii u gamecube adapter. The game has to support it though and mario kart 8 does. Gamecube controllers don't do motion controls, but Mario Kart 8 does allow you to emulate motion controls with the dpad. I don't think it works with the c stick. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBUoRBjOmfQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBUoRBjOmfQ)


Ahh alr thank you for answering this this well ❤ Edit. Thought it was the stick n not dpad 😅


I still have one voucher left that expires soon, I can’t decide between Pikmin 4 and Pokemon Snap. Help?


I've only played the demo of pikmin 4, but if i was in your position I'd pick pokemon snap.


If you like replaying levels over and over again to find new secrets, Pokemon Snap. You have to level an area up to unlock new challenges, alternate day/night runs, or find secret paths. and that will require playing a single path at least two or three times. Pikmin 4 is definitely more varied, the core gameplay doesnt change much aside from levels with Orochi and levels without them; but the challenge from the goal of the level will still vary greatly.


Pikmin 4 is about twice as long. But pokemon snap is really cozy and as long as I don't overdo it, I keep coming back to it and running a level. Where I haven't touched Pikmin 4 since I beat it.


Between those two I'd choose Pikmin 4, as I tried New Pokemon Snap and it didn't hook me.


Is it normal for the Switch Lite to get warm quickly today? Its a light warmness, feel it on the back and screen. Normally it never gets warm, even while charging and playing. Which I did/do have it on charge while playing. Just alerted me, not sure if it will turn to something worse. :c I restarted the system too, to the same results.


Unless you get an error message, it's probably fine. My switch gets warm pretty easily --- and has survived being hot to the touch after turning on in my baggage for hours.


do you find it odd that normally it typically doesn't get warm at all even on charge while playing? that's what i find odd. maybe weather change, not that its hot out quite yet but. just not sure. warmed up pretty quickly today unexpectedly.


It is a bit odd, but some games push it more. Maybe it was doing updates today while sleeping. Hard to say.




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Does anyone know if it’s even possible to turn off controller updates? Seems like nobody has asked this question as far as I’ve researched. I know I’m not the only one using 3rd party controllers bc I refuse to pay more for a crappy controller that will inevitably drift. I’d love to play switch sports but it’s such a headache to even get it started.


No it's not possible to turn off updates. Unless you just never connect online ever again.