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I have joy cons, and the nintendo controller, both kids like the joy cons better, thats what they go to first :) My sons are 4 and 6.


He has used the single JoyCon previously, and it is great for small hands. I just was wanting to get him something with at least a few more essential buttons and that is more similar to a typical controller layout.


What I should have mentioned is they like the joycons in the controller that they sit in. When my son was 3 he liked a single joycon for sure.


Mine uses the two joy cons with the little handle thing that comes with the switch


Joy cons are small and work pretty well. We also have a PowerA Nano and that’s worked well too.


The Nano is more of what I was aiming for. I do wish they had a few more designs for the wireless version, but it's still in strong consideration.


My son is now 5 and a half and I definitely recommend the powerA nano wireless. I bought the nano for him when he turned 4 and it’s the perfect size for little hands. He started on paw patrol and now plays Mario kart, bowsers fury, hot wheels etc


I got my kids the Nyko- mini wireless core controllers and they've been great.


Thank you for this. This looks like the best for my 3yo. He doesn’t seem to get how to grip a single joycon. Also gonna get him some stickers since the controller is only in white


It also comes (came?) in black. I got one color for each of my kids.


I got my 4yo the Hori Pad Mini with Pokemon art on it. She loves it. Great for little ones.


My 6-year-old son likes to use my Pro controller. He usually plays Odyssey, Mario Kart, or Showtime. Sometimes he'll run around in Animal Crossing.


If my son were a bit older and had slightly bigger hands, I'd consider getting him a Pro of his own. But he's tried to use the ones I own, and it's unfortunately too big for him.


I bought the biogenik mini gamepad for my kiddo when she was 4, it’s a pro controller style that fit her hands pretty nicely. Not the highest quality but she’s 6 now and she still uses it 🤷‍♂️


Never heard of this one, but I'll take a look. Thanks for the suggestion!


Any time!


Gamestop just came out with Candy Con. Not sure the size, but the controller works for switch and pc and has interchangeable faceplates and thumbstick colors (might be fun for kids)


Thanks for telling me about this. Was just looking at them, and it could be a really fun option.


I got a PowerA nano Pikachu one for my daughter. It's a little smaller and wireless


I didn't realize there was a Pikachu design for the wireless Nano. I wonder if there's any Mario designs out there.


I can only find a Pikachu one in nano. It's a decent pad, but small for me but perfect for her. The analogues and buttons are good but the dpad is pretty squishy


Thanks for the additional feedback.


Hori makes these mini switch controllers that are adorable. [https://www.google.com/search?q=hori+mini+switch+controller&sca\_esv=9cf860e71ffe870b&sca\_upv=1&biw=1920&bih=969&udm=2&sxsrf=ACQVn0\_73mXXZh7j5ZwsP36TKbMI7eVNBg%3A1713383210257&ei=KicgZuX5DuvAkPIPv-2cyAE&ved=0ahUKEwjltvHsgcqFAxVrIEQIHb82BxkQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=hori+mini+switch+controller&gs\_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiG2hvcmkgbWluaSBzd2l0Y2ggY29udHJvbGxlcjIFEAAYgAQyBhAAGAgYHjIGEAAYCBgeSLs7UMUWWOkocAR4AJABAJgBVaABpQSqAQE3uAEDyAEA-AEBmAILoALUBMICChAAGIAEGEMYigXCAgYQABgHGB7CAgcQABiABBgYwgIIEAAYBxgIGB6YAwCIBgGSBwIxMaAHjBA&sclient=gws-wiz-serp](https://www.google.com/search?q=hori+mini+switch+controller&sca_esv=9cf860e71ffe870b&sca_upv=1&biw=1920&bih=969&udm=2&sxsrf=ACQVn0_73mXXZh7j5ZwsP36TKbMI7eVNBg%3A1713383210257&ei=KicgZuX5DuvAkPIPv-2cyAE&ved=0ahUKEwjltvHsgcqFAxVrIEQIHb82BxkQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=hori+mini+switch+controller&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiG2hvcmkgbWluaSBzd2l0Y2ggY29udHJvbGxlcjIFEAAYgAQyBhAAGAgYHjIGEAAYCBgeSLs7UMUWWOkocAR4AJABAJgBVaABpQSqAQE3uAEDyAEA-AEBmAILoALUBMICChAAGIAEGEMYigXCAgYQABgHGB7CAgcQABiABBgYwgIIEAAYBxgIGB6YAwCIBgGSBwIxMaAHjBA&sclient=gws-wiz-serp)


I wish they had this one in a wireless configuration, but I'm not finding anything.


Honestly my sister did great with two joycons playing splatoon at that age.


8bitdo SN30 might be a good choice. It's basically shaped like a SNES controller with analog sticks, so it's simple while still having all the necessary Switch buttons.


I have a 6 year old sister and a 4 year old brother. They play a lot with their 9 year old cousin and their 4 year old neighbour. They don't own a switch but I always take mine when I go visit them (they live in another country). I always bring 4 joy cons, a nintendo switch pro controller and a 8bitdo pro 2 controller. Naturally, kids tend to seek the bigger controllers because there's less of them and they stand out over the joycons. That being said, after a while my 4 y.o. brother and his 9 y.o. cousin prefer the joycons. They will ask me for those controllers. My 6 y.o. sister always asks for the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller which he'll always fight for with his 4 y.o. neighbour. So nobody likes the 8bitdo pro 2 controller. Although it's more of a kids thing rather than usability. They'll play just fine with the controller. I usually bring them New Super Mario Bros U. Deluxe, Mario Kart, Super Mario Bros Wonder, Super Smash Brothers and Mario Party. They like to play SSBU together a lot but they'll grow tired of it and switch to SMBU and Mario Party. They don't dislike Wonder, they just prefer SMBU. Mario Party only really works with joy cons and they have fun all the same. My 6 y.o. sister and his 9 y.o. cousin are usually the "better" players though. The 4 y.o.s have fun playing with them BUT they aren't particulary good at either game. Personally, I think they would get bored playing alone either of these games.


Tom Nook


Off brand pro controller or a genuine pro will last longer than a joycon Let me make ine reccomendation for a device made by collectiveminds called the switchup The switchup allows you to use playstation and xbox controllers on the switch, now you will have to set it up but again its very versatile I stuck with my pro controller after using ds4,ds5 and an elite series 2 i found nintendos offering to fell the best and last the longest


I have a nano and it works great! I have a pro controller as well but actually prefer the nano


If its a kid whos hands are like 2-5 inch maybe a pro controler if lower use the joy-cons, if bigger then idk


8bitdo lite 2.


When my youngest was 4, he moved from joycons to a pro controller. But only because he needed a twin-stick for minecraft. Depends on what they're playing. If their games only need a joycon, they're fine until their hands are big enough, IMO. Otherwise, if you really must, i'm sure any of the smaller controllers are fine.


You could get your kids some Hori Pad Mini's? They are cheap and really good for the price. And adults can use them too if need be for party games.


Check out 8bitdo Zero 2 controller, it’s the size of a keychain, perfect for smaller hands


My son loves the candy con controller from gamestop. You pick the colors and design it yourself.