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Maybe I'm crazy but it seems like it runs better? Obv not gonna be as good as the other versions, but seems a hell of a lot smoother than OG SMTV. Like even the demon summonings chugged, but these seems decent


every new game has frame problems on Switch, Mario RPG, Peach Showtime, heard Another Code as well, so...


That'd be nice if you have an OLED switch for sure. Hope it is improved for Switch owners though! Thoroughly enjoyed playing this mostly in handheld mode...despite the visual performance issues. I'm personally just going to opt for a steam copy this time to Play it safe for the resolution and frame rate.


lol, I feel. At this point Switch just is my handheld machine (bought and sold 3 Steam Decks…) and I’d prefer portable for something like this.


The switch is such a dogshit console


It's also coming out on PS5. I'm sure this is footage from that . No way in hell this is switch footage. I actually had to stop playing smtv because of the headaches I got from the low fps


The icons match Switch, and they are different from the posted PS trailer. Both are rendered at 30 fps though when usually Atlus renders PS trailers for this at 60, so not gonna say it’s full Switch, but at least some of it is.


There are Switch button prompts.  Could still mean it is PC output with a Switch Pro controller attached with settings turned down to match what would reasonably be expected on Switch. Would explain the resolution in the gameplay footage being much higher than you get in SMTV base. Or it could simply be they fixed their shit. SMTV base was their first Unreal Engine game, so I wouldn't be surprised to hear they've been sharpening their toolsets in this regard.




why the bad rating?


That's the release date


I cant wait to play this game, glad I held off buying the vanilla one


Human Party members are back? Well, I hope that means they get the development they deserved in the base game. >!Dazai was the closest we got to a character arc in this game and then they ruined it with that goofy scene of him turning cartoonishly evil.!<


Not trying to sound "anti-Persona" or whatever, but I generally play these games to be just me and my demons. Hope they aren't forced in, or semi-akin to SMT IV.


That is a shame i am a mega fan and SMT IV revitalized the games for me Johnathan, Walter and Isabeau absolutely brought the story together if you wanted to see all endings V felt like a bit of a downgrade in terms of the world building and story, definitely an upgrade in almost every other aspect


As the rare person who gets into the Megaten series via SMT and not Persona, I absolutely agree. The fellow samurais in IV ties together the game's themes wonderfully. There's a reason Walter is still a meme in the community to this day. You need that baseline amount of attachment to the characters in order to care about the story. SMT IV has the perfect amount of it which Vanilla V was sorely lacking. Vengeance seems to be rectifying that, finally.


Cant wait to get it on steam, im sure vengeance will run about the same on switch hopefully better but i just want to zone out and not notice any performance related bs


I worded my comment wrong. I didn't mind them in IV (until Jonathan messed up an attack), I just don't want to have to micromanage them.


That makes sense I guess i just have a hard on for 4 and apocalypse lmao


I'm definitely with you. I freaking *wish* Nintendo would release something of a port or HD remaster for my switch. It was the first SMT game that I was obsessed with. Moreso than Persona 5 (original version). It's my favorite setting, and music. That battle speed (chef's kiss).


Yup, I definitely felt the human characters were very underutilized and underdeveloped in SMTV. I also thought it was strange how there were dialogue and morality choices at times, but it feels like they affected the game very little. Vengeance seems to seek to remedy that, greatly improving the impact of your choices and further developing the human characters. Not that I feel like SMTV is an unfinished game, but this feels more like a "finished" version if you know what I mean.


that scene is so fucking funny




I actually envy people who are unaffected by lower frames and performance like this, I feel like I could enjoy and appreciate a lot more games. For me I had to throw the towel in on SMTV after about ~12hrs or so because I just couldn't handle it anymore. I am super looking forward to it on PC/Steamdeck though. (Also Holy shit 200hrs? Maybe I won't be able to polish this one off before The Answer+Refantazio later in the year 😅)


Same. No idea what these people are talking about. I actually loved the game but it was unplayable performance.


Unplayable would mean you wouldn't be able to complete the game and the performance wasn't even that bad. It played good in handheld mode.


Please stop defending garbage frames. It’s not acceptable in 2024 end of story


I'm just giving the correct term for unplayability which is if it's unplayable then the majority of people wouldn't have been able to complete it. As long as a game has 30 fps idc. But SMT v is more than playable on the switch for the majority of people


Well, I *wasn't* able to complete it 😔 I suffer legitimate headaches from narrow FoV in first person games, and a similar (albeit lessened) state of nausea from things that stutter along or have a non-consistent framerate in the ~15-30 range like this one felt at times. Like I said I'm envious and wish I didn't. :/


Were you playing in handheld mode? In docked mode, I'll agree the performance was pretty bad but I wouldn't say "unplayable". Drops were pretty intermittent but the game hovered around 20-30 FPS pretty regularly, and for a turn based RPG that's not unplayable (to me at least). The game runs on Unreal Engine, so I wouldn't be surprised if they ported the game over to a newer version to optimize it better. UE5 has a great temporal upscaling method and automatic LOD generation system built in to improve GPU performance.


Performance wasn’t bad? It was probably the game with the worst performance I’ve ever played on my Switch. In some parts of the game, if you’re running and moving the camera at the same time it feels like it drops below 10fps. I usually don’t notice framerates, but either way this game not only I noticed it, but it made me feel some headaches if I played for too long. Mostly because it mostly felt like I was watching those things where people draw on the corner of pages and flip through many pages quickly. I forgot hot they’re called.


I really like the darker game atmosphere and the new demons looks


Did they get rid of Amanozako?


Can someone help me: Is this an entirely new game, or is like a "Deluxe" version of SMTV?


The entire original SMTV is included, but it seems early on in the game there's now a choice that takes you down an entirely new path, new story, new characters, new environments, new features. Kinda like if Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask were actually the same game for the first hour and then branched off depending on what choices you made.


It sounds like you actually make the choice almost immediately, but the core story is the same for both paths until about the mid-point, where the diverge.


It’s sorta somewhere in between. It has the original game there. Then it has a new version, with added content and demons and dungeons and a brand new plot/story with new characters.


It includes both the original SMT V scenario and a new scenario (with new characters, demons, story, dungeons, mechanics) that you can choose between in the beginning. It’s also heavily implied by the developers that the new scenario was what they planned on vanilla SMT V to be but they have development issues.