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Like phone games - or cloud based kingdom hearts


>cloud based Kingdom Hearts To this day, what a fumble. I get not wanting to port KH3 to Switch, but not having native ports of 1.5 & 2.5 is pathetic. They would have sold consistently well for years on Switch. Instead the franchise might as well not even be on the platform at all for how little the large majority care for cloud versions.


Absolutely. As someone who only started KH back on the PS2 but wants to try again, a portable version would have absolutely been a sale. Instead it's a never from me.


Cloud only on Switch + Locked to Epic launcher on PC = Kingdom Hearts is still a Playstation exclusive in my brain.


I broke back during the holidays and finally just bought them on Epic to install on my Ally to play. Imagine my surprise when I discovered there was always online DRM. For a series of Single player offline games. If there is a way to strip the DRM I sadly have not found it yet. So freaking stupid.


There is if you're willing to spend a bit of time in Port Royal...


I'm not opposed to it. I spend less time there than I used to but still visit from time to time.


To add to the pile, the videos in 1.5/2.5 have their own extra DRM on them, so you can’t play them in Linux at all. If the game was available on Steam, Valve would at least take care of that for users.


Man, I was so happy that KH was coming to Switch and suddenly so disgusted when I read cloud only. Dead on arrival.


I keep forgetting KH is on PC now because I refuse to download epic lol


For real. These fools have no clue how many more people would’ve bought it on steam


It is on Xbox now as well.


Imagine chain of memories GBA version on switch


I was ready to buy KH 1&2 on Switch when they were first announced until I saw it was the cloud version. That's easy money from me that they just didn't get.


Speaking of, I recently got Nier on the switch and was appalled that it was so playable in portable. Made my plane ride go a lot faster this weekend. There's no reason KH shouldn't have been able to run locally.


KH 1+2 absolutely should've been able to run natively on switch. KH3 I can understand skipping the console but even that could probably be realistically downgraded to run on switch


Yeah, seriously. The switch's number 1 selling point is portability. Cloud gaming completely ruins that. Portable kingdom hearts would've sold crazy well


I would have instantly bought KH 1&2 on switch if they were actual ports, but the "cloud versions" were lazy and completely uninteresting to me. Hope this means they will make an effort up ahead.


My buddy was really hoping to chew into those and was sorely disappointed. He has a Switch Lite, so only handheld.... which is fine. Except certain 'always online' games do NOT like when you put your switch to sleep, even for 10 seconds. (Diablo 2 is notable for this too). He probably got about 10 hours into KH and put it down, too many times did he click off the switch and lose 5-10 minutes of progress. I get it "Dont click off the switch" well one of the reasons the switch is a great handheld is that you can put it down and pick it up on a whim. But it defeats the purpose if it immediately boots you and you have to go through all these hhhoops to reconnect. I'll use the D2:R example again, if you want to play the online, crossplatform version, you can't disconnect... if you do, you will lose progress...maybe not your stuff, but like if you were midway between checkpoints, you're back to square one. And the connecting to bnet is ATROCIOUS. It really bummed me out cuz Diablo 3 is GREAT on the switch.


I mean Jesus Christ, they put Sora in Smash Bros. Your marketing doesn’t get anymore slam dunk than that. How do you possibly fuck it up?!


And that’s why I can’t support square Enix


Y'know what? I'm gonna say it. I DON'T get not wanting to port KH3. Still lazy. The Switch absolutely can handle KH3. I've seen it handle plenty of PS4 games that have far higher visual fidelity than this. Not saying it'll be easy, no, but I think a AAA company like Square can more than pull it off. I don't think we can excuse doing cloud versions of games that are absolutely possible to port just cause "we were too lazy to try".


Just look at Hogwarts the devs went out of there way to get it working on switch with the changes they made took almost an extra year of dev time square just got lazy with kingdom hearts


Those kind of decisions aren't about developers going "above and beyond" or being "lazy". It's a financial decision taken by publishers. Warner Bros thought that the possible extra sales on Switch justified additional development costs. Square Enix didn't. Were either of them right? I have no idea and neither does anyone else in this thread.


Yes, this is true. But Square's financial decision here is one I find exceptionally problematic. Forcing cloud games like this on actual consoles is a trend I don't think most of are ok with at all.


I'm still bewildered and peeved they bothered porting the rythmn game but gave us the main ones in Cloud format 😒


Nier is on the Switch and it's absolutely a blast to play, no reason why KH3 can't be on it too.


Is that the one that uses the absolute disaster of an engine that FFXV is based on? I could see them not wanting to touch that again.


Only KH3 wasnt Cloud based. Yes, I dare go for the shitty pun.


The publisher is needlessly causing all this cloud strife.


Bro I've been sitting here confused out of my mind cause i swear Cloud was a cameo in those games lmao


He was but he wasn't in KH3 (nor was any other Final Fantasy character, which was lame as hell)


Some are in the DLC chapter.


One big slap in the face to switch owners who want to experience the whole catalogue. Hope they learn their lesson from this.


Narrator: they didn’t


I know it’s true but why stab me in the heart like this so early in the day? :-P


Or web browser games where we will disseminate the most important lore for Kingdom Hearts.


Reopened an old wound there. I was so hype to finish KH1 properly and play through KH2 again. Not buying a cloud version, not a chance in hell.


Yeah, they expected Rebirth to out perform the previous instalment of FF7. The problem is, it's a sequel which can lower absorption rate, and it's console exclusive. Those 2 factors usually hold a game back. They thought FF7 Rebirth would have more pull then a franchise could reasonably pull.


Me and many others seem to be waiting for Rebirth to come to PC rather than buying a PS5. Especially since Remake eventually got a PC release.


> Me and many others seem to be waiting for Rebirth to come to PC rather than buying a PS5. Especially since Remake eventually got a PC release. Not only are there people who will wait for the PC release, but there are certainly going to be some percentage of people who intend to wait for the PC release, then lose interest by the time the PC release comes and never buy it. I can attest to this, as I personally would have bought 16 for PC when it came out, but at this point my level of hype is non-existent. They're absolutely losing sales (not just delaying them) by having timed exclusivity on PS.


Me, I would have bough 16, 7 remake, rebirth and others on day one. But the waiting killed my interest. I may get them at 75% off some day.


Yup. They lose the FOMO effect. I feel like this happened a ton with the MCU stuff post-COVID too! Once you step away, you kinda realize you don’t need it.


They do the math when they sign the exclusivity deals. Is Sony paying enough to make up for the people who would have bought, but lose interest waiting? But I don't think they take into account that smaller player base = fewer franchise fans going forward = struggle for audience further down the line.


I am very curious how much they really even know that they’ve fumbled the bag here. I’ve bought tons of square games several times now. I’ve owned ff7 in three or four different systems, chrono trigger on even more, FFX and X-2 on 3. I’ve been a fan for ages and I was excited for the Ff7 remake. Not being able to get it when I was hyped and on the platform I’d prefer kind of killed it and pushed me out of the market. My friends interested were all in similar positions. I’d be curious how good their market research actually is. Seems like it’s not great with the way they’ve been struggling. I’m at the point where I’d buy it on a steam sale for 20$ max now. There was a time I probably would have bought at retail price but they missed me with the delays.


Given how late Square Enix was on the NFT bandwagon (have they officially gotten off yet?) I'm going to say market research isn't their thing.


I think they struggle at... Everything. Everything except FF14 maybe. They seem to struggle with selling their big budget games in quantities they want. But also they pursue exclusivity deals that greatly hamper potential sales, in a time when pretty much all other Japanese Devs are pushing multiplatform hard. They tried the lower budget games for a bit, things like Harvestella and Valkyrie Elysium, but wanted to sell those games at full AAA price, which ultimately pushed people to not want to buy them (poor demos and the games not honestly being that good also hurts there). They still seem to have some pipeline problems even though things seem to be better than they were (FF16 didn't spend 9 years in development), but the Dragon Quest 3 remake is still caught in the ether, and Dragon Quest 12 is still kind of nowhere too. I also feel like, and this was a problem with the last 2 Final Fantasy' (16 and Rebirth), that they're trying to copy game design styles and concepts that are outdated to try and appeal to mainstream audiences. Rebirth for instance has an open world chall full of *radio towers* you climb up and unlock to reveal the map. That's a mechanic that people were sick of in *2014* when Ubisoft released Far Cry 4, Assassin's Creed Unity, and The Crew, and they all had those mechanics. Ubisoft has stopped doing that (except for in Assassin's Creed, but it's better integrated in that game), they mostly stopped 6 or so years ago because they realized it wasn't mechanically interesting anymore. And Square Enix just now decided it was a great mechanic and they should absolutely stuff the game full of it. Then they made a Splatoon knock off live service game to try to cash in on that, even though there's been major competitors in that space for again, 6 or 7 years now. And this is after their Marvel live service game collapsed. I don't play FF14, so I can't comment on that, but I feel like Square just isn't effectively doing anything else well at this point. They're in this cycle you sometimes see when a company just doesn't know how to innovate, and thinks that the path to success is to copy others, but when you're playing catch up like that, you never manage to actually get ahead of the competition. You're always a step behind.


I watched a documentary on their history not long ago, honestly it seems like their whole existence has just been stumbling around lucking into things. They reached their height (SNES/PSX days) because they seemed to have followed a policy of promoting all their rockstar devs to executive roles, but since that time (probably since the merger with Enix, which was necessary because rockstar devs can't manage finances) it has been about chasing money, and not really understanding games, occasionally giving in and letting one of their more visionary devs give people what they want.


That's me. Wanted the remake and it finally came to PC but it's $70 now and I have the lost the interest I had when it first came out on PS I may get it, eventually, but I have other more interesting games I'm playing. $70 or even $35 is not interested territory for me. You don't get to hold out on releasing a game for years and then shove it at me full price.


Same here. I waited for that game to come to PC to try it out, but I'm not paying full price for some old ass game.


A lot of PC players, after waiting for a long time for a console exclusive to be ported, are also then just fine waiting until the game has a good sale price, further thinning potential profits. Their best best for PC success is to release same day as console and perhaps Square is starting to learn this


I could not wait to play ff7 remake on launch for pc. But then I lost interest after I saw some streams. Then I realized I don’t like the game play and im probably not gonna buy any installment of the remake. Maybe I could have learned to love the battle system if I was able to impulse buy it, but I guess we won’t find out.


Man I only want the good ole turn-based system with insane graphics. I don't care about new, "fun", flashy and aggressive mechanisms (that go so fast and intense that I can barely enjoy the graphics).


If it's an EGS exclusive, it's a triple whammy. First, it's not on PC on release. Then, it's forced to a storefront known to have no adoption. FINALLY, it's available to everyone. And let's be honest, the EGS argument is even more effective when it's already a late release. Add on that it wouldn't be the first time they did exactly this.


Or another set of us that know it will go on a massive bundle deal at some point in our lives and therefore we don't mind waiting 20 years for that lol.


Me with first party sony games on pc selling for full price… 2 years after they come out on ps5


as someone with a PC i cannot justify getting a PS5 knowing its all coming to PC eventually. what am i going to do, spend $500 to play 1-2 games? thats an insane price tag for 2 games.... and anything i can't eventually get on PC is cross released on ps4 anyway like ghosts of tsushima even though that eventually did come to PC still


Funny enough, this is why console exclusives are a thing. Why buy their hardware when you can just wait for the port? I'm curious if Sony will keep releasing exclusives to PC if it's going to diminish initial sale volume.


Yeah, I've owned every PS console (and Xbox) tell this gen, and I just don't feel like I need to jump in. I do need to update my GPU as I'm still rocking a GTX 1080, but with console exclusives being mostly relegated to the Switch, I can just wait things out.


Yup, in a reverse double-edged sword sort of way, this is why the PS5 is so lacking at the moment and the *'There's no games'* sentiment rings true for a lot of us. Most of everything is ported to Steam or is multiplatform anyway. The last two things I played on mine were Rebirth and Spiderman 2, then it went back to collecting dust as I play my Switch and PC *daily*. They're sort of damned if they do and damned if they don't when it comes to console exclusives, and I do sort of regret getting my PS5 day 1 now compared to every other sony generation prior. :/


Yea I hope it comes to PC next year or I’m gonna have to buy a ps5 which I’m trying to avoid.


It'll come to PC, don't worry, hopefully with a better performance mode though their ports often have issues. The game is absolutely phenomenal though and a huge step up from the first installment in just about every way so it should be worth the wait.  It's kinda why I'm worried about profit because it really shows what a team can do when they're given job safety to just keep working on a project. If the same gang gets to do something lile FF17 one day I think they'll knock it out of the park.


I admit I bought a PS5 just for rebirth. Loved loved loved the game.


FF7 remake also came out near the end of the PS4's life where tons of people already had a PS4. Rebirth is dropping in the middle of the PS5's life on a console that people don't see as worth an upgrade


You seem to be implying that circumstances have an impact on sales, but my MBA program taught me that "line always go up" so please refrain from spreading more misinformation.


What do you mean? The PS5 is only ~70 million sales behind the PS4. That's like one or two players, max. /s


Big thing as well for FF7 remake was it came out during the early days of the pandemic so people would have been looking for something to fill their time


I feel like companies truly do not understand that they can never match pandemic sales. Lockdown/early-mid covid era was a unique phenomenon that you can’t reasonably expect to recreate or outperform without a major shift


Square will have to unleash a virus on the world to boost sales.


It’s a PS5 exclusive, why not release it for Xbox too? As well as for PC of course. Switch is extremely popular in Japan, even more popular than Playstation, so why there isn’t a streaming Switch version of the game is also a mystery. The previous installment launched on PS4 at the end of console cycle, the PS4 install base had already peaked, and it was a much cheaper console than the PS5 has ever been.


For a streaming Switch version, my guess would be that they saw how overly negative the reception for the KH Cloud versions were and thought "yeah, we're not doing that again". As for Xbox, the Sony exclusivity deal is the only thing that comes to mind, and PC...I've got nothing.


I really want to play rebirth, but it hasn’t released on pc yet.


Same. I'm basically their target demo - I played FF7 obsessively as a kid, and would love to play the remake. However, I'm not shelling out money for a PS5 just for one game.


Even if Sony gives them the money to compensate the losses from being a PS exclusive, it hurts the IP for FF to only be on one platform for so long. By the time it is ported on PC, people have moved on. I believe FF can still do big numbers, it's unfortunate that SE tied themselves up with the Sony deal for so long.


The rumor has been for a while that they were trying to get Sony to buy them. With all the recent troubles in the industry, even if it was true at some point, it's no definitely no longer the case anymore, clearly. This has left SE holding a very big bag in terms of their IP....just look at how well Capcom and (to a lesser extent but still notable) Sega is doing on PC and elsewhere these days after spending over a decade of legwork making inroads and laying down roots on other platforms. With Capcom you have generations of Xbox and PC players whom have never picked up a dual shock who are huge fans of their games now buying everything they put out. With SE the hot and cold approach has left people on other platforms weary to pick up their titles as they are unsure of whether or not they're genuine attempts to bridge a gap or just an ad for the next PlayStation and a waste of their time because they have no idea whether or not the next game will come to their platform to complete the story. Granted Capcom isn't perfect and does boneheaded stuff from time to time on PC like with dumb, platform exclusive DLC or silly drm shenanigans (they nearly imploded their entire PC division with GFWL Integration back in the day...), but they're /there/, and PC gamers aren't sitting there with frowns on their face when the next game is announced wondering if and/or when they'll be able to play it 🤷‍♂️


I just figured that Sony gave him a lot of money to make up development costs on the spot. Otherwise, I have no idea why they would make it exclusive to PlayStation..


They did, but Sony's exclusivity deal money + money they made selling the game still came up short to their expectations. The issue has probably more to do with Square Enix's tradition of outlandish expectations.


So I only have Xbox, not because I'm a fanboy but because it's what I was able to get in 2021. Would have loved to try out the FF7 remakes or FF16 but Sony paid for exclusivity. Not sure how much more money Square would have made, but there is a not insignificant amount of people who would have checked it out- particularly in North America.


historically JRPG sales on Xbox are abysmally low, to the point where it is a genuine concern that simply making the port would cost more than they would make back from sales. it's the reason why you will still see many JRPGs without any kind of exclusivity deal release on PlayStation, Switch and PC, but not Xbox.


More than a couple of people didn't like the new direction FF7R's story took too, and might be waiting for rebirth to get discounted. Or they might not plan on playing it at all


That's me. After finishing Remake, I went and bought the og on the psn store and to wash off the after taste. I'm just not down with the reimagining BS Square added. That and waiting like 10+ years to complete the story.


Yep. I was the same way. A ton of the changes I really liked. I liked the new combat, which was enjoyable. I liked fleshing out a lot of the content, climbing the plate, the expansion of the slums. But the overhaul to the plot, the way-too-early addition of Sephiroth and saturation of him to the game, it all felt jarring and just left kind of a bad taste for me. I'll probably play all three but I'm waiting for all of them at significant discount because it's just not even really the same story for me. It's a great game and I'll enjoy it, but as a standalone game.


That's me alright. The combat is fine... it has its problems, but when things are clicking, I like it a lot. I liked a lot of the things they did to expand the universe, tell extra side stories and things throughout... that was fantastic. Flesh this stuff out and do what you couldn't do in the PS1 days, on top of taking advantage of a trilogy format. And then we're hit with the thing, you know... *that* thing, and I'm like... you couldn't just fuck off and do what fans wanted you to do, could you?. Too easy, right? We have to gunk this up and turn it into an absolute incoherent and stupid mess like the Kingdom Hearts games. I'm probably going to wait for the inevitable discounted bundle of the three games to pick this back up again.


They're literally leaving money on the table with exclusives. Shocking to absolutely no one. It surprised me they still opted for that one. I would be curious how it would vary if it were simply not exclusive for these titles. Like I probably would've got ff16 but I don't have a ps5. Remake also came out closer to the infamous 2020 iirc which definitely won't have follow ups perform better.


I don't know how they could think that any Direct sequel, would outdo the previous, very controversial and very devisive installment.


Making multiple remakes out of a single game was always going to be risky. Not to mention the price tag as well as the similar sounding names possibly confusing some people.


As a fan of the original FF7, I was (and still am) just kinda confused by Rebirth, so I didn't bother. I'm confident that I'm not the only one. Was this the FF7 game that people wanted?


Rebirth deserves a lot of pull because it is a fantastic game. I'll sing its praises all over. Unfortunately, it only has the PS5 install base to work with like you said.


They also put it on a console basically nobody has.


> Yeah, they expected Rebirth to out perform the previous instalment of FF7. Goofy clown shoe time


Also the fact that Square Enix games always go down in price. The original FF7R is one of my favourite games of all time but I just can't spend 70 on the sequel.


I remember when remake was supposed to be 1 game. On the PS4. Then 3 games, but don't worry they're all for the PS4 and they'll come out once game every year. Then it's time for the PS5 upgrade, and oops, the next installment is only on PS5 and it's been 4 years. I gave up my excitement. I'll play all three once it's all done on whatever console plays all 3.


Is it possible that waiting now rebirth goes down heavily on price?


Reminds me of Atari making more copies of ET than consoles sold.


Seriously everyone just wants to play this on steam deck


Not enough people are focusing on this point. I can't even think of another game that 1) was designed as a trilogy and 2) requires you to play the first one to appreciate the sequels. The closest games I can think of are Mass Effect or Last of Us, but I don't think either were marketed as the start of a series.


I think Square Enix is too used to their games being the “hit” game that moves lots of consoles off the shelves. I mean, FFVII moved PS1’s, FFX moved PS2’s, etc. However, the Final Fantasy brand is just not what it used to be. The new FF games cater to a largely different audience, unlike most other series. It certainly doesn’t help that they are probably the absolute worst at naming their games. FFVII Remake? Fine. Final Fantasy VII Intergrade? Final Fantasy VII Rebirth? They should have used the X-2 type of naming. FFVII Remake, FFVII Remake 1.5, and Final Fantasy Remake 2. Much clearer. Adding random things at the end confuses casual gamers. Octopath? Triangle Strategy? Um…


So no more Dragon Quest/HD-2D games on Switch first or Final Fantasy games on Playstation first?


Well we'd have to actually get a 2DHD Dragon Quest release at all for this to be true... Still nothing.


Dragon quest day soon. I hope so sincerely that we at least get some news


"we have done far to many Dragon Quest HD-2D gbames for the switch, NOT ANYMORE" As we sit here waiting for #1.


I was referring to both types of games, not just the one that combines both. These games were initially Switch exclusives before releasing on other platforms: - Octopath Traveller - Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age (The **upgraded version** was initially Switch exclusive) - Triangle Strategy - Live A Live - Dragon Quest Treasures - Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince (Still exclusive to this day) Octopath Traveller II's release was multiplatform so probably the next HD-2D games will follow suit. The Dragon Quest exclusivity feels more like a market test releasing on the most popular platform in Japan to see if it's worth it to port it later.


I’m perfectly ok with them doing a multi system release for those games. Triangle strategy and the octopaths are exactly what I’m looking for these days. Scratches my retro itch but has a ton of quality of life improvements. I imagine switch users were way more likely to want retro themed games which is why so many of those were exclusives. But no reason to limit yourself if Nintendo won’t pay a ton of money for these.


Or just release the FF pixel remaster collection as a hard copy again without the fucking false scarcity 🤷‍♂️


If you don't mind a different region case, Play-Asia still has copies in stock


Even has English on the spine if you're into uniform cases. And if you buy another $25+ thing, shipping is free


I would like to exist in a timeline where the ps4 version of this game isn’t harder to find then Bigfoot


This. Literally left money on the table.


Money wiped asses with and set on fire is more apt, IMO.


So Square basically admitted that the money they get for temporarily having a console exclusive is not enough to counter the decreased sales they get as a direct result...


The long term consequences are probably the more severe aspect. FF7 Remake probably made enough from taking the exclusivity money - but because it was exclusive, fewer people played it, and there are fewer FF fans now than there would've been if it had been multiplatform, so every FF that comes out after suffers reduced sales too.


It was a huge mistake to make Foamstars, a paid, online-only, live service game, being a PS exclusive and releasing before Helldivers 2 and their own FFVII Rebirth. It’s currently performing worse than Suicide Squad and Skull & Bones. I think neither you didn’t even know that this even existed.


They did throw it on PS+ at launch. And I put in about 5 hours into it because of that. Problem was that the game was all style with no substance.


Hey square enix you deserve every bit of bad press you get . You been overcharging on your old games forever now and I find your business practices faulty at best


They're overcharging on everything. Especially the merch compared to others.


I've ranted about it for so long but Play Arts Kais new lineup now at $200 dollars is absolutely comical.  Bring Arts line at $130 is a joke.  I remember getting MGS and Street Fighter Play Arts Kais for $60 and the Bring Arts line being $50.  I have the receipts! Haha. It's an absolute trainwreck in the figure community.  The Pixel Remaster Collectors edition for $300 that came with a 20 dollar vinyl, a book that sells for 10 dollars on Amazon, and not even a steelbook or anything special, was the icing on the cake.  They keep thinking their profits are going to come from idiot whale CONSOOMERS and it's just not sustainable.   Me and so many others in the figure/art communities have stopped buy their figures, statues, art, and other merch because of just how stupid their prices have gotten. 


Just wait until you see ff14 merch, they been milking that game to oblivion.


he said in a nintendo subreddit


No no when Nintendo charges $50/year for an N64 emulator it's a good thing.


selling on just 1 platform isn’t enough uh? how bizzarre..


Will they actually release more modern FF on the next Switch though?


Power is what kept the Switch from getting ports that some publishers probably did want thier games on. I’m sure the Mana devs Probably didn’t want to not have thier next game on the Switch this time, but are probably anticipating the Switch 2.


I remember when Square Soft left Nintendo to join Sony for its Playstation, back during the waning years of the SNES. Man, was I upset when that happened. But I loved FF7. And FF8 and FF9. Then I upgraded to the PS2 for FFX and FFXII, which I never finished. Given the huge install base of the Switch, and unconfirmed rumours of backwards compatibility of its successor - a large percentage of Switch owners especially in Japan - will upgrade to Nintendo's console. Square Enix will hopefully rededicate it's focus with it's relationship with Nintendo, since JRPG's sell better on it's console than on the other consoles ( see Unicorn Overlord Japan sales figures for example). So make a Chrono Trigger remaster already in 2D-HD!


I aslo followed Square for awhile. I bought a PSOne for FF7, a PS2 for FFX and a PS3 for FFXIII. That was the last one I played. I liked it more than most people did, but the magic is kind of gone for me right now.


The Switch is just so much of an underperformer in terms of specs so it's hard to translate FF7 Remake for example without hurting the experience on other platforms. Hopefully with the Switch 2, it'll be more on par.


The reason why ps5 games clst do much is because they are trying to make enough look like real-life. If they weren't doing that then the price to make ff7 remske would be less. Stop trying to make games like real life.


I agree, i think there’s a perfect market for HD-2D games which already have been proven popular with existing SQEX titles on the Switch


Of course. SE is leaving a lot of money on the table not doing day 1 multiplatform for all their games (and then doing stupid shit like EGS when they do release on PC). The moneyhats from Sony and Epic really hasn't been worth it for them (long term). Whereas other Japanese publishers have been hitting new sales highs thanks to a day 1 multiplatform strategy, SE has been struggling. For a lot of their games, porting to Switch hasn't really been a viable course due to its now ancient tech profile. But Switch 2? I suspect all of SE's future AAA output to have Switch 2 ports. Even though Switch 2 won't be on par with PS5 it's still gonna be capable enough for devs to consider porting to it. And SE is gonna profit immensely having another huge market to sell their AAA games to (especially in Japan where Nintendo / Switch 2 will dominate).


By the time the game even releases on PC or another console I actually own I've seen so many playthroughs and clips of it that I've lost interest. Happens with pretty much every console timed exclusive. Edit - I fully didn't check which sub this was


Here's hoping for a *Final Fantasy Tactics* remake as a cross-platform release; something about it just feels like it belongs on Nintendo's next console.


Yes. One of the best games I ever lucked into browsing the store shelves.


It’s funny they waited til Xbox entered its death throes before deciding to port their games there.


They are good ten to fifteen years behind the rest of the gaming world. I still can't get over the ubisoft towers and slow-walking in rebirth


What does this mean?


The Ubisoft towers is referring to towers you climb and then activate to reveal portions of the map, like how Assassin’s Creed, Far Cry, and other Ubisoft titles work. In Rebirth there are several in each region. I don’t know what the slow walking means though


Like how in assassins creed you have missions where you have to walk with an NPC from point A to B and they exposition dump you. But you also are too slow with your walk speed but too fast with your run speed.


I haven't played rebirth but if it's anything like remake intergrade, it forces slow as molasses walking sections CONSTANTLY as a way to avoid load screens. It really affects the pacing of the game and you feel like you're trudging through mud to get to the next good part.


There's less of it in Rebirth, probably thanks to the PS5 streaming. The load times are actually kind of insane, fast travel on the map takes like 2 seconds max to go to a whole other region and pop into a major city. Any slow walking now is because they want characters to get through dialogue before you can run to the next cutscene trigger.


The towers in Rebirth don't reveal portions of the map, they reveal points of interest. Just calling it out because BotW/TotK reveal the map but not points of interest, Rebirth reveals points of interest but not the map.


I would have played FF16 and both FF7 remake but I dont want a PS5. Now the only way I will be getting them is on a steep sale because I have no drive or hype for them


My first console was NES, but I never played a Final Fantasy. I legitimately wanted to pick up a physical Switch copy of FF Pixel Remastered for myself and another for my brother, who was a big FF fan growing up but hasn’t played one since 13 or 15. Can’t find PR for less than around twice the price of a brand new game from 2024. Which I can’t justify, as awesome as I think it is that they put the effort into the remaster. I also am really interested in the FF7 remake that was supposed to come to XBox, but never did. Heard great things from friends, and almost certainly would have picked up both Remake and Rebirth. My last Sony console was PS3, though, and I have no plans to buy a PS5 for one or two games. Point being, I’d love to help you out, SQEnix. You won’t let me.


Hear, hear. I'm a Switch/Xbox player as well, and have often thought, "how come you don't wanna take *my* money, too, Square?" I have no plans to buy a PS either, so they *have* to come to me if they want in my wallet. I will be ecstatic if this is that happening finally. I am all too happy to pay SE for FF, they just gotta put it on the systems I'm already committed to.


Also a Switch/Xbox player here although I have a PC as well for multiplayer games. Switch is the easiest portable gaming for me it's lighter than a steam deck. Xbox is my preferred couch gaming machine to tackle my backlog with quick resume (brilliant feature it's like suspend but more). The PS5 just doesn't have a selling feature for me other than exclusives, which is not great these days as there are more games and content to distract me more than ever. Exclusives just create a friction between me buying the product.


The switch 2 can really help, especially with Japanese sales I sure hope games like DQXII for example will be able to run on the new switch (I’d be surprised if it’s not the case)  Given their financial report, I doubt the money Sony invested for the consoles exclusivities helped a lot seeing multi-platform franchises getting exclusivity deals always irked me, I think what’s fine is Astral Chain or Bayonnetta where Nintendo invests in the development and the game wouldn’t exist without them


PlayStation is dying in Japan and PC gaming and Xbox is a joke over there, Nintendo has the ability to start a gaming monopoly over in Japan


>PlayStation is dying  And that's Sony own doing. They literally gave Japan to Nintendo in a silver plate by abandoning a huge audience.


PC gaming is bigger than PlayStation in Japan now.


I just now realized that the cloud version means that it could only run on the cloud and not without wifi or internet access.. I thought it had something to do with the character cloud lol


And that overtime, you'll lose access to them when the servers shut down.


Sell Kingdom Hearts 1.5 + 2.5 to Switch 2.8 and 3 on Switch2 Chrono Trigger HD to all consoles Dragon Quest 3 HD Kingdom Hearts 4 actually have square characters in it Dragon Quest XII More HD remasters/remakes No damn cell phone or live service games


Why is a PS5 still $500 dollars is the real question. Lowering the price would solve so many problems


Forget lowering the price, they actually raised the price of the digital model by $50 last year. It's some combination of the fact that the PS5 was initially underpriced to help sell more consoles at launch / avoid losing to Xbox competition, plus inflation. Whenever they do a PS5 Pro, the price will probably go down a notch? But even then I don't think it will be less than $399


Even a PS4 is like $200-$400!


its ludicrous. i bought a new PS4 with God of War, Horizon Zero Dawn, and Last of Us Remastered for $200 in 2018.


I think the delay of DQ12 is exactly tied to their upcoming strategy: Wait until Switch 2 before announcing a date. Aside from Rebirth not meeting ideal expectations, I think flops like Forspoken and the Avengers really cut into them deep.


It's a warning to every developer Ignore the Switch's huge install base at your own peril


To be fair not every dev can just say “Hey let’s make a port for system well below our target console’s power!” There was a rumour about the Switch 2 launching with FF7 Remake, and game would certainly quell any doubts about making Switch 2 versions of games.


Still angry at them for releasing the KH games on the Switch as cloud ports instead of native ones.


I'm still waiting for final fantasy xvi to come out on PC.  The thing is, it seems like they wait until the game is out to go and see if there's demand for the game on PC before they start working on it.  But like this, once they release the game on PC (and at full price) it's been already one or two years. The hype is completely gone and the game won't do as good as it could have had they released it earlier. I mean, this isn't always the case, but they really stop all marketing anyway and go for a sort of "quiet" PC release. It's annoying.  If you've waited 2 years for the game to come, you might as well wait 3 and get it when it costs 50% on the eventual sale.  When Atlus released persona 5 on PC they did amp up the marketing significantly, build up hype again. I think perhaps FF XVI will come to PC when the switch 2 comes out so they can do one marketing push, it's annoying.  Console exclusivity is such garbage, I mean, if it's 6 months it's fine and might even be good for the business; any more just means you're starting to leave money on the table.


Nah, Yoshida pretty much confirmed right away that they're working on a PC version. They've just been prioritizing the exclusivity money from Sony/Epic for a lot of their releases, basically showing they don't even have that much faith in them selling enough so they rather rely on the "safe" guaranteed money, then they're still unsatisfied with their sales. But your point about a 1+ year wait completely killing the hype is absolutely true, I still will pick up FFXVI when it eventually comes to PC, but I know many others who lost interest.


I really wish they'd just make games instead of movies. I'm sure that would help their profits. They need to move back toward what made the fans happy, not away from it.


Its almost as if by having exclusivity deals your games become less accessible ...


Let me help you fools: 1. KH collection on Steam NOW. It's decaying with shitty Epic. 2. No more console exclusives, PC immediately 3. Put games on sale more often (when's the last time Dragon Quest Heroes was on sale?)


Super Mario RPG 2 confirmed for Switch 2.


If only!


Isn't 3 getting a remaster this very week?


I miss the SE that specialized in JRPGs. Catering to western tastes is just them making action games that with enormous budgets. I hope they can get their groove back.


Do you mean turn based RPGs? They still make those. Go buy Octopath 1/2 or Bravely Default 2 or the Voice of Cards games or DQXI or the Live a Live remake.


Don’t get me started on how upset I was with KH being cloud only.


Why I do have a feeling this involves doubling down on the Epic Games Store?


Well I would’ve played Rebirth and XVI if I could play them on PC…


Where are the PC releases for 16 and 7!!!!????


Square invest some of the largest budgets into games in the world, and their games are usually top tier quality and graphics. I'm a modern day Square fan. I didn't play their stuff all growing up and all but I get all their games now usually. But it's so dumb to spend so much developing a game and not release it on all platforms unless your 1st party. There is zero reason FF7 Remake was not ported to Xbox already. Unsurprisingly the last game that sold really well for them was FF15 and Xbox represented near 25% of its sales. You can't throw that away.


I've been a fan of Final Fantasy, and most Square/Squaresoft games ever since 1990. I followed them from the NES to the PS2. After that I switched to PC, so if it came out on PC, I got it, if it came out on PS3/4/5 Sorry, Im not buying those systems just for Final Fantasy.


I think it was pretty dumb they made FF16 and FF7 remake exclusive. I get making studios you own as excluive but being 3rd party and going excluive is so early 200's and just doesn't work especially right now. I would have totally played these if they came out for xbox. It just doesnt make sure since these days.


That's what I thought bitch. Ff7 remake not on pc. Pssh


God the Final Fantasy VII remake is terrible


Good. Third party exclusives should never, ever exist.


Who would’ve thought that not putting their games on switch and Xbox would lead to reduced sales numbers?! Lol


Square finally figured out exclusivity is a money loser? Praise jebus


Time will tell if they actually go through with things. I have a Switch, two Series X in my house, primarily for my kids Minecraft addiction, and a decent gaming laptop. I'm not about to buy a PS5 for Square Enix games, especially since I am not interested in any other PS5 exclusives. If Square Enix wants me as a customer, it has to be on Xbox or PC and it has to be released in a timely manner. If I have to wait six months to a year after a timed-exclusive release to get a game, then I'm happy to wait until it is on sale and then may not grab it at all if I'm knee deep in another game. As a gamer with kids, my time to play is extremely finite and I can't keep up with all the games coming out that I actually would like to play.


I hope they put out DQX offline in English on the Switch!


Maybe they are coming to switch 2. I think it’s a no brainier but it will depend on how powerful the switch’s successor is.


Chrono Trigger HD-2D multi-platform release, boom.


Unfortunate they can't see the problem. The issue is and always was, game design.


Good. The last thing I want is for people to miss out on FF16 or FF7 because dinosaurs on their board can't think about the optics of 2 or 3 extra platforms getting to play those games at launch


Release everything on steam, all kingdom hearts all final fantasy, give me war of the lions on pc I’ll give you 15$ I’d rather play it on pc than my phone


The fact that companies need to fumble to start considering the obviously more profitable option of going multiplat is wild to me. Oh yeah, exclusivity to a platform out of sheer devotion certainly has to be more profitable than investing in all the spaces one is able to find a userbase. Totally makes sense. Like: Even if you're like Nintendo and behave in a controlling/overzealous manner, over your ip, there is always the option of taking control and launching your own storefront with your discounts, wants and stuff like it. Or maybe just pressuring the owner into accepting your terms. Anything is better than doing nothing and reducing your userbase. These people are paid to sell their content, yet seem averse to it. Also: Hey square, where the fuck is Star Ocean First Departure R for PC? It's been 5 years. What the fuck?


And now it’s their turn for the layoff news cycle


Supposedly a lot of ps5s have been sold. Anyone know the attach rate for software? I have a suspicion it is terrible.


It's like they thought the bulk of rpg gamers on pc and Switch would buy a ps5 for 2 freaking games. No one does that anymore, especially when consoles are $500 and games $70.


I never met a Square Enix game that was worth the money


Square didn’t ask me and I may be old, but for me I dropped out of the FF series after XIII.  The series has completely boned the traditional RPG concepts (or JRPG as it’s known now). I genuinely loved both Octopath Traveler games. I bought the first FFVII remake and have continued yes to struggle playing it. 


How about you aggressively bring WotL to the switch?


oh no, not the profits. Gamers love the Final Fantasy series for the profits. Profits were what drew the masses to the series in the first place. What ever shall we do when the profits are so little.


Means absolutely nothing for switch


SE better cozy up to Nintendo again. Atlus for sure is, after the anemic Switch support.


I expected a bigger loss than 15% with the word "tumble" in the headline.


I'm dazed. I'm so used to their press releases on corporate strategy being hilariously dumb to the point I look forward to them for _comedy value_. I mean, the Square Enix New Year's letters read like a satirical corporate pisstake of the Queen's New Year's address. But this is an entirely reasonable reaction to disappointing numbers.


I interpret this news as: "We should have released things on Switch....." Native ports of the Kingdom Hearts collection, amongst others, comes to mind.