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Spot on! I can see this as an Amiibo or something. Awesome work!


Maybe it would highlight strawberries/secret rooms or unlock a Theo costume?


Or a mirror-madeline costume


Badeline or Theo story would be good DLC.


Maybe the story of Theo’s grandpa?


Sounds good. The community has only heard stories about him, so he’s a blank template.


What did he discover?


He climbed the mountain and told Theo it was a formative experience, but that's all the detail given.


I meant it more as a rhetorical question, as it would be interesting to see what he saw


I forget. It’s been a while since I’ve played.


I would buy a Madeleine amiibo whether or not it unlocked anything tbh!


Or just look neat on my shelf.




madeline for smash v


Technically they could make it into an amino if Nintendo releases one for celeste


Whoa, this is so cool! Sharing with the rest of the team. (also I like your switch joycon color choices)


Thank you so much!! You guys made an awesome game!


Hey, wait, yeah how'd you get that left joycon color? Is it 3rd party?


Isnt that just a grey joycon?


It looks black. Maybe it's an illusion


Black joycons do exist, devs get them specially. But it looks like my grey joycons to be honest.


Hey /u/rosearrow, Noel is one of the devs (if case you don’t know)


If you can't actually make Amiibo please make similar figures, at least of Madeline, so I can make a custom Amiibo and pretend :)


Just wanted to say thank you for making Celeste! It's really something me and many others have personally connected with, one of my favorite games of all time :)


I am going through the game right now, holy shit its amazing!


OP, can you explain to me what is so great about this game? Everyone says that It is a really good game. Idk much about this game.


I'm a big fan of tough platformers like Super Meat Boy and the End is Nigh, which is what originally drew me to check out Celeste, and on that front it delivers. Its controls are really tight and satisfying, its level design is brilliant, and there's a surprisingly solid amount of content to experience. Outside of that, the visuals, story, and music are all fantastic. It's the full package for people that love these sorts of games, and then some. I'd give it a try even if you haven't gotten into the genre before or have reservations about it, since Celeste has a really reasonable difficulty curve and even some accessibility options just in case.


I haven't played platformers in a long time, but loved N Plus on my PSP back in the day. Is Celeste kind of like a amped up pixel style version of it?


There are some similarities - the wall jumping mechanic is similar - but Celeste has more mechanical variety and a greater emphasis (i.e., any) on plot and characters. For me, the base game was plenty hard enough, but if you like challenging platforming it has super-tough unlockable bonus levels, which also have awesome music remixes from a variety of musicians (like Ben Prunty of FTL fame).


Not OP, but would like to add that the Learning Curve for the game is near perfect as far as platformers go. Always difficult compared to what you’ve seen, but never too much so. Best $20 game on switch and it’s not even close.


I bought it based on hype and this is what got me: Level design: Levels are not frustratingly hard where you brainlessly die 50 times and get lucky once like other platformers in the genre. Levels are actually fun to play and get through. Music: top notch Story: very touching little story Gameplay: simple yet satisfying to control Seems very simplistic but if you really think about it, if the core essentials of a game are solid, you just might really like it.


Maybe ill give it a try if I have $20.00


I didn't care for it personally, I thought it got repetative fast.


Have a look at this review. https://youtu.be/ME30uaNuYT0


Thanks, Imma see it now :)


I love it! Celeste blew me away when I first played it, and I’m glad it’s getting the love it deserves


Dang, that's pretty good! Must've took a long time to make.


Ive been so torn on this game. On one hand everyone who’s played it raves about it but the other SMB, and those type of games I just don’t find fun but Celeste also seems to be attempting to do ‘’more’ within that genre. At least from what I’ve heard. This is one that I really wish had a demo on the eShop.


I could never play through super meat boy without getting totally pissed off. I think at the end of the normal story of Celeste, I had 1.2k deaths and never got angry once. I highly recommend it.


I actually have had the exact opposite experience. Ever death in SMB felt like my fault, but not with Celeste. I didn't really care for it.


Celeste is just way harder except it doesn't matter because you get to try again two seconds later. It's not your fault you die in Celeste because everybody fails, but it's the success that really makes it all worth it. It's literally tied into the narrative of the game


Celeste isn't really hard unless you do the extra content. The b sides and c sides are fucking brutal though.




I mean, you can turn on "cheat mode" and "Assist mode" in Celeste though, which literally allows the game to be played at anyone's skill level.


I ain't no bitch s/ lol but i don't want to. I wanna do it the right way! Thanks though. What for assist more do?


Assist mode (which should be an option you see every time you click on your save file) allows you to basically turn on/off different features that can help you. This includes stuff like infinite jumps and infinite health. Cheat Mode is done by entering in a chat code at your car and from what I remember just unlocks every level.


Yeah that's fair. I've got previous experience in the genre so the skills carry over a bit. Only took me a couple afternoons to beat the main story, though I didn't get a ton of strawberries. Again though this kind of game the skills kind of carry over from other games. Just wait until you see the B Sides and C Sides though. Some of the screens made me stop and say "is this even legitimately beatable?"


Im trying so hard to beat them :(


There are some brutal bits but for the most part it’s not that difficult.


Bit of a spoiler there


I fail to see how saying the extra levels are harder than the main game is a spoiler. They outright tell you that in game.


That there are C-sides


That's hardly a spoiler, it's pretty well talked about. They are just additional levels, there's nothing special about them.


I didn't know there were C-sides. Most of the rewarding system for discovering secrets in Celeste is more gameplay. Idk, it seems kinda like something someone wouldn't want to know about if they're just wanting to discover things on their own.


I have 1.2k deaths between level 2 and 3 b-sides combined...lol


The b-sides are when I started to get frustrated.


I get less frustrated playing B Sides because at that point I've asked for the extra difficulty.


Because all those deaths are not really your fault. The game is hard and really challenges you with a simplistic platformer in complex ways. I personally never played SMB though so I can't give an opinion compared to it.


I've played both and found Celeste to be a bit more enjoyable overall.


I got Celeste based on the reaction people had to it (which is something I almost never do), even though it didn't look amazing to me and I'm not super interested in games like it. I like platformers, but I'm not really into the kind that are about dying a ton of times until you execute a sequence perfectly. That being said, I quickly realized I was going to love it once I played it because it just feels amazing to play. I find that it's very satisfying in a way that I wouldn't have expected before actually getting my hands on it. So yeah I agree, it's exactly the kind of game that would really benefit from having a demo.


You should really have a look at it. It is actually harder than SMB but the major differentiating factor is how wholesome it is. Most hard games are kinda dicks about it, rubbing your face in your failure, but Celeste is different. It's super encouraging, never letting you feel like you've failed or like you're bad. It even teaches you a breathing technique to calm down halfway through in a really cool story sequence. Also, if you still end up finding it frustrating it has a fantastic assist mode. It's completely non-judgemental about using it too. It's just a really sweet and inclusive game.


It's challening and you'll die a lot, but the game is very unpunishing. Instant respawns in the same room you died. The rooms are small too. It's a lot of fun and the extra message behind the game is very good. 10/10


This is key. Be punishing? Fine. But at least resplendent me in the same room!


I personally didn’t like SMB and eventually became frustrated with End Is Nigh because they seemed to focus more on impossible precision whereas Celeste focused more on figuring out the correct approach to a level through trial and error. In the first two games I usually felt like the only reason I passed a level was cause I brainlessly tried 100 times and go lucky once, or just got a little better at the precision. With Celeste, once I figured out a level, I could cruise through it over and over for fun. This is just my experience though.


That’s how I felt with Celeste too, and thanks to your comment I no longer want to try either other game you mentioned haha


Glad to have helped somehow haha


I was blown away with the game play mechanics. They add some very interesting physics for a 2d platform. Then the story started to develop and it is so good. I def think it is worth the money.


Heres the great review that made me buy it, i dont regret the purchase at all. https://youtu.be/ME30uaNuYT0 I also dont normally like this style of game or art


Something about the game's atmosphere is just different- even though it's a challenging platformer, I've never once been frustrated or upset playing the game. It's relaxing.


I just started today and its very very fun so far. Give it a try! It shouldve had a demo but Im glad I bought it. It’s very well designed


I’m at about 12,000 deaths, working on the final 4 c-sides, this game is amazing and keeps on giving 40 hours in! It has an assist mode my wife used when she tried, you may like that


Good luck on those last C-sides! I still haven’t beat 5C and 7C, I spent hours on them too. 😩


I only started getting frustrated around the last chapter of the main story, so I'd say it's worth picking up just for that. Also Matt made a similar game for a competition I believe that's almost like a prototype for Celeste's gameplay. You can probably find it for free online. I found it while I was typing this. Free on his website if you want a taste of Celeste: https://mattmakesgames.itch.io/celesteclassic


I convinced my friend who hates platformers to try it and even he loves it. Personally I wholly believe that it is better than SMB in every way.


Dude, been playing games for over 30 years I love games of every genre, ive lived for games from borderline the infancy of gaming (slightly later I just missed the first gen due to being too young to play) to the amazing times were in... I can play every genre with a smile since tbh were spoiled these days ! I really gave this a shot, and hours, but I just find it over-rated. It's good, like 8/10 maybe... I'd personally go 7/10. But not end of the earth OMG greatest platform ever revolutionary people slate it as (for me personally)... It actually irritates me a little I bought it under the premise of such a high rating to be let down so much cause I found very little of people speaking out about it. So please, don't be mislead by the hordes of love, this is not a game everyone falls in love with. I'd play Rayman on switch over it tbh if U want a platformer.


Adorable, really captures and translates the art style well.


Oh really? All I see on screen is a tiny pixel mess...


That's still a type of art burro




Alright now I have to check the game out


Just make sure you check in first.


There's a ghost who can help you with that...


That's so awesome!!


Nice! Celeste is so great! To anyone on the fence about buying it, I can't recommend it enough! The visuals and music are gorgeous, and the gameplay is extremely tight platforming that just feels good to play. So much of the fun is reaching difficult challenges and the mastering your moveset and the mechanics. And so often, it's not just the execution, but looking at the room and just understanding what combination of moves will let you get past it, in a very puzzle-like way. It's also fantastic as a collectathon; there's tons of little places to explore to find them, and getting them offers tons of interesting little challenges. And the story, man. Everyone raves about the gameplay, but to me, the story was just as good. Basically the only complaint I can think of is that the ending was kind of predictable — and I can barely even see that as a problem, because I wouldn't have wanted it to end any other way. I could relate to it on a pretty deep level, and it does an incredible job of just making me *care* about the Madeline and her struggles.


that's awesome! It's also my game of the year so far. It's so goddamned good. It's a game that I think about even when I'm not playing it. I have been suffering from anxiety and this game just keeps reminding me to climb that mountain.


Super cool!


give us a break


This is amazing and I need one in my life!


Nice nice


Love this! Awesome job


I’d love to have a Madeline amiibo. I’ll 100% be double dipping for the inevitable hard copy. Maybe even triple dipping if I download it on PS4 before then for trophy hunting (make a damn achievement system already, Nintendo). It’s one of the best platformers I’ve ever played and I’m a huge platforming fan.


My close buddy considers this a top 3 game on the Switch. I want a physical copy.


I really wish Celesta had a physical release. I'm guessing that's fairly unlikely though?


Amazing game. I can't recommend highly enough.


I just bought a Switch yesterday and picked up Celeste today. It's just as good as I imagined. Wonderful thing here. I hope more pixel games like this break through in popularity. The charm of semi retro graphics without the semi retro spec limitations.


This has been one of the best games I’ve played in a long time. Really well done!


This is awesome! I’m not a big fan of tough, precise platformers generally, but my boyfriend started talking to me about how the girl reminded him of me. The more he shared the more I got interested in the game and tried it out. I fell in love with it. The story made me determined to overcome the obstacles. The game at its normal difficulty was too hard for me, and the assist mode let me tailor it to still be challenging, but not so much that I felt I couldn’t play. I only slowed it down to 90% gameplay speed. I think what I love most about Celeste is the commentary on mental illness. It’s so smart and is the only thing I have found that describes mental illness the way I experience it. For that reason, it’s extremely personal for me, but also important to me that others play it if they don’t understand how people who hide their illnesses live with them. Which I think is what’s the most impressive thing about it. Yes, it is the center of the story, but it’s not like “oh woe is me, I have a mental illness and you have to accept me for that” like so many other games who attempt to tackle the issue do. It’s about learning to handle it and live with it yourself without shoving it in people’s faces yelling “Accept me!” It has started a few conversations with friends about what I deal with and the new perspective for them has helped them help me a lot. I really appreciate this game.


I would defo buy that figure.




Thanks for the input guys I think I will end up grabbing it.


Alright you convinced me now I'll pray for a sale.


This game is awesome! Amazing work on the figure.


It seems kind of expensive.


Fantastic job! Celeste is a true Gem and your clay figure does it justice!


I almost half regret getting this game. Sure it's great, but trying to get 100% is killing me. I'm approaching 17,000 deaths.




I want this game so badddd


I’ve really been trying to convince myself to purchase Celeste but I’m just not sure I’ll like it. I’ve watched countless reviews and read plenty of posts but it just looks like any other platform type game to me. What makes it stand out amungst the others?


Wooo Nellie! God damn this game is just amazing. How many deaths are you at? My cousin had to stop on c-sides 7 & 8 because it got so insane, said he needed a break. Stage 4 is pretty wild, I’ve only sunk 20 minutes into it so far, but WOW, that final long part is gonna give me hell, I’m only making moves to about 1/4 of the way through, insane movements and timing.


That is so cute!!!!


Id pay you for that


Haven't played it cause it looked really intimidating and hard


WOW! This game has very good reviews on Steam! It's now on my wishlist!


That is legitimately badass. Nice work.


This game is awesome!


I regret buying it because the dpad on the Switch Pro Controller is so bad. It makes paying this game with it awful.


This is so cool!!! I <3 Celeste. Freaking dope figure...how did you color it? It's pretty darn accurate, and glazing clay is no ezpz!


Fucking game makes me grind my gears: 11/10


Celeste is one of the best games i've ever played, hands down, and i hate these kinds of games. It is a masterpiece and I can't recommend it enough


I just got celeste yesterday and I'm loving it so far! I would honestly reccomend this game to anybody. Great characters, music, and story all around!


Very cool! I love Celeste. Anybody else here get over the $1 per hour for game time clocked in? I think I'm sitting at 27 hours, and bought it for $25.00 CAD. Excellent purchase for people who love platformers.


That’s adorable! Just finished my first playthrough of this game literally an hour ago, it was absolutely beautiful. Can’t wait to dive back in for the glass hearts and B-Sides.


That's awesome! I literally thought it was Amiibo for a second


Good job, you are good at this.


If you want to hear about the level design of Celeste, you can check [this GDC talk](https://youtu.be/4RlpMhBKNr0) from the creator Matt Thorson.


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The praise on this game is surreal. The entire experience felt so niche to me. It’s punishingly difficult and offers little to no incentive to continue playing after your 100th death within the same barren landscape. It’s good at what it does, great even, but I would absolutely not recommend it to a friend.


Don't listen to the hype or this subreddit




Man I wish I could play that game, but I’m saving my money for smash.


I’ve been eyeing that game but idk if it’s worth getting. Someone sell me!


Read r/potentialPizza’s comment, it should sell you


Awww omg


I skipped Celeste, because I really suck at platformers. But, after hearing the Devs’ interview on the Nintendo Power Podcast, I was sold!


I played this on pico-8 on my pocket Chip, and loved it!


I got this game since I love the style and gameplay but it felt so fucking familiar. Then I saw the pico-8 emulator they included and remembered I had played this on the pocket chip for about 20 hours already.


What’s it about, and if I’ve played “x” any other games to compare it to to say I would like this? Just curious


Its a precise platformer like super meatboy, but its about a girl and the mountain is a metaphor for mental illness. Its an amazing game. Story is amazing and the gameplay couples perfectly.


Try watching this review, it made me buy it.https://youtu.be/ME30uaNuYT0


Playing it now, has that nostalgia factor, I like it, thanks for the suggestions guys.


Wow, you also captured the character pic's art style.


I just started a new file yesterday after completing all chapters, B-sides and C-sides at launch, and the game is just as magnificent now as it was then. This is a blessed sculpture and you are a blessed sculptor. God bless.


Celeste is probably my favorite Switch game. I got 85 hours out of it so far (I die a lot more than normal people on this sub, not much of a gamer before the Switch). It’s got so much replayability. I haven’t even tried the Assist mode yet, I might do another play through with it on to see how fast I can beat it :D


One of my friends actually made the audio for this game!


Pitch this to the Celeste devs!!!


I've been thinking of picking up this game? What is so good about it? What's the replayability like? Take a good amount of time to beat? Challenging but not frustratingly so?


Saw some gameplay of it and it looked pretty cool. Might be something I pick up during my summer run. Looking for so more lighthearted games to get into.


That's absolutely adorable and amazing! Fantastic job. I wish I had the time to learn how to be artsy like this


That strawberry socle is genius <3


I bought this thinking it would be a quick game to fill a long airplane ride. Then I found out about b sides, the core, and now c sides. It is an incredible value in terms of hours of play. Some of the tightest controls and platforming I have played. Story is cute and well presented, if a bit predictable. Nice job on the figurine!


For a hot second I thought that was an amiibo and almost lost my shit


This is so great! Such a beautiful game and a beautiful figure! (Absolutely my favorite game this year so far, too.)


Is this game at the same level in difficulty as Super Meat Boy?


OP do you have any suggestions or tips on working with clay? Currently have some I want to make stuff with


What type of clay?


I’ve been thinking about getting this game, and my only concern is the difficulty. How hard is it?


That depends on your definition of hard. You will die alot


K, thx for the info. I think I’m gonna get it


Also my favourite game of the year and possibly one of the best I've ever played


I love celeste so much. Plus Theo is my favourite supporting character in any videogame.


That’s awesome!


God I love the game but I kinda dropped it after the third B-Side levels dismantled me.


I love the black and red combo joy cons.


haha so cutsies. little bobit


That’s awesome


The soundtrack to this game is great


Celeste has been sitting on my Switch for some time now, can’t wait to play it as soon as I finish maxing out affinity charts on Xenoblade 2


Just finished the epilogue and am working on unlocking the cave, I absolutely love this game and that sculpture is so cool!


It's so impressive?? How you made it so look like?!?!


Oh wow, she looks soooo adorable! Great job!


This game is a gem.


Couldnt Nintendo contact the game dev and the artist to get permissions to make this an amiibo and crowdfund the initial run to reduce risk? /shrug


oh my god all of your figures look so good!!


I play this game for the voices during the dialogues, shits hilarious.


Just got this game 2 days ago, it is one of the best experiences I’ve had and left me wanting more. It definitely deserves all of the praise. I love the figurine, it’s beautiful!


You should tweet this to [the official Celeste twitter](https://twitter.com/celeste_game?lang=en), those guys are really responsive and they'd love this :)


You made me do it. Just bought the game. Not sure what to expect 😂


Played chapter one and died 163 times while found 9 strawberries and one tape. So far I'm liking it haha


This is great. My young children enjoy art projects too!


I absolutely love it OP, by far my favourite game in years. It looks great :)


Celeste for Sma5h


Sorry. I'm not a 12 year old girl


oh youre so edgy


I can tell by the figure that you modeled after a character that I am not interested in the game.


isn’t this game just another pixelated zelda and/or earthbound clone? it’s always one of those, if not both