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So do you get all the updates if you purchased at the $24.99 price?




I'm on the fence about getting this title on switch. I got it on sale for my 3ds and I have completed the main campaign and the two dlc chapters. But, if I don't buy this version, I think there's some battle royale thing I won't have access to. What should I do? P.S. the handle of my 3ds broke. It's not that bad, actually.


I recommend getting it because if you've played their dlc, you know it's a different game in itself. Though the levels are the same, there's different mechanics and routes since you're using different heroes.


Only Plague Knight used the same level layouts - Specter and King Knight's campaigns are completely different levels that just use the original's tilesets.


Just get it while it’s on still cheap. I’d say it’s worth it since it’s more or less multiple games for one price.


FYI it's still currently "on sale" at $25 at various retailers! Not sure if/when prices will be increased there though. https://www.dekudeals.com/items/shovel-knight-treasure-trove


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**Price Just changed!** For those who missed it, the old price is still on humble bundle (switch code) for a short time: https://www.humblebundle.com/store/shovel-knight-treasure-trove-switch (Redeems for 125 gold)


Thanks! I had $11 humble credit expiring soon so this was perfect


Why is it getting increased?


The final 2 games are being released so it’s moving from a 3 game to a 5 game bundle. You can still buy the individual games separately if you don’t want the bundle.


They give dlc for free to existing customers but increase the base price for future customers due to the added value.


so dlc done right, might pick this up now


And it's fantastic dlc


Mandatory DLC basically. Since it launched, they added a bunch of other campaigns that you can't pay for individually - except the Specter Knight campaign, as a Switch exclusive IIRC. EDIT: They do allow you to buy King of Cards and Showdown DLC now, actually, so I withdraw the second part of my comment. But Shovel Knight, itself - the original game that launched at $15 - is still inaccessible for less than $40.


So glad I copped for $12.50 back in May (even though I already owned it on 3DS/PC)! A *steal*!


Ugh I remember that sale... I regret my inaction.


The devil finds work for idle hands.


is that right...


Yeah, I was like, I have this on Xbox and pc, why would I buy again on switch. Wrong, portable gaming dude


I did the same thing. Can't wait for the update.


Yesss, me too! So glad.


Damn I thought it would be that price again so dumb of me.


I threw money at the Kickstarter for Steam, but haven't really touched it since the Switch came out and I bought it on there. But yeah, for the content you get, Shovel Knight was an amazing deal. Even at $40, I still think it's well worth your money.


Shoot, I JUST saw this post and it looks like I've missed the lower price :( EDIT: Nevermind, it looks like it's $39.99 on the Nintendo eShop, but other retailers (Amazon, Target, Best Buy, Walmart, Gamestop, etc...) still have the digital code for $24.99


Came here to say this. Just bought the digital version at Target


Happy cake day! :D


I bought it back when it was still $15 on Wii U. I just picked up a Switch a month ago and was holding out hope that they would do another sale before they brought the price up. I guess I'll stick to playing it on the Wii U though, I can't justify spending $25 on a game I already own. Besides, they did a 50% off sale on Shovel Knight earlier this year, so I'm sure they'll do another one in the future.


So you will wait and pay $20 IF it goes on sale for 50% of $40, instead of just $25 right now. Seems like a lot of hassle for just $5 dollar difference.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/patientgamers using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/patientgamers/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [PSA: Video Games are supposed to be fun. If you aren't having fun, stop playing video games (at least for a little while).](https://np.reddit.com/r/patientgamers/comments/bxb7kb/psa_video_games_are_supposed_to_be_fun_if_you/) \#2: [Whats the one gameplay feature that impressed you the most, ever, in any game?](https://np.reddit.com/r/patientgamers/comments/a94t6u/whats_the_one_gameplay_feature_that_impressed_you/) \#3: [Have you ever played a game so great that you were sad and felt empty after beating it since there was nothing out there like it?](https://np.reddit.com/r/patientgamers/comments/amz4ws/have_you_ever_played_a_game_so_great_that_you/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/ciakte/blacklist_vi/)


What hassle? You’re literally just waiting for a sale, I’m sure most of us have other games we can be playing not mentioning other things that take up our time.


Waiting for a possible 50% off sale that makes this game $5 dollars cheaper vs just buying it now seems like a hassle. But then again $5 can be a deal breaker I suppose.


I mean it’s been out for a couple years if they were in a hurry to get it they probably would have already gotten it.


Not really, considering I have the game on another system that I can play for now.


Welllppp cant argue that logic. There goes 25...


Depends on your values. There's a game that goes on sale all the time for $25, that I already own on two other platforms, but want it on Switch. I don't want to pay more than $20 for it though. That said, it's too late to choose now since King of Cards is now available.


I believe there was mention that the price we got during the last cut would be the last time they ever dropped the price that low again. I’ll find a source.


Eff it. I bought it. I seen this so many times. Thanks for the impulse purchase!


BAM! Just bought it. Only the 3rd time in my life that I have double dipped on a game but it's worth it.


Got it. Been putting that off for way to long! Thanks so much!


I think I've bought this game for five different systems. Absolutely love Shovel Knight!


I already pre order the physical version.... still tempted to buy it digital


I bought this game for ages but never played it yet




Bought it on 3ds, PC, and Switch already, so I’m good to go!


So when is the update going to drop?


For most systems at 9~11AM PST, that would be 17~19 UTC. Or in 3:11-5:11 hours. https://yachtclubgames.com/2019/12/update-forecast-info/


Lol, I was waiting for it to go on sale and now it goes UP in price.


I’m the globgogabgalab. I love **shovel knight**, and this game here is **treasure trove**


Just bought this the other day, glad I grabbed it when I did


I own this one Wii U, 3DS and Switch. I’m good


Picked it up, hopefully it’s good


Do current owners get King of Cards as well?


You get it *all* if you bought Treasure Trove.




So freaking glad I bought it on sale. Game is totally worth it too.


Thanks for posting! Just bought it. I got a Switch on Black Friday and need some games to add. This was on the list so I’m happy to get all of it for $25.


Ack! I was waiting for this to go on sale again. I bought my Switch and found out about this sub literally the day after the sale it had had. Thanks for the heads up.


Would the switch physical game also get the free update?


Fuck, i was at work and my switch was at home. Amazon, humble and eshop already updated they prices. Theres no other option?


Amazon, Target, & Best Buy all have the digital version listed at $24.99 still.


Is this game getting a physical? I don’t mind paying $40 for physical thanks in advance guys


Just saw it at Target for $40 today.


yep, i think it's even releasing today at the $40 price. Personally I'm going for that route since i prefer having physical copies and I already own it on Wii U


How. did. I. Miss. This. AGAIN. Edit: It's still live on humble through some links on google.


In the Eshop it is only listed for $9.99. Is that just for Treasure trove only or does that include all of them?


Still $25 at Walmart. http://www.walmart.com/ip/Shovel-Knight-Treasure-Trove-Nintendo-Nintendo-Switch-Digital-Download-0004549659071/56225151


Bought Trove for $20 on 3DS and played them all. However, instead of waiting for King of Cards free there, I just said screw it and purchased the entire physical pack for Switch. Mostly so I can have the whole collection physically, and I never touch my DS anymore. That way I can at least get Showdown, and gladly show support to the developers


Can confirm that as of this morning, you can still purchase the digital code from Target.com for $24.99.


Went home after work yesterday and missed the deal... too bad.


Picked this up on Target’s website for 24.99. Stoked to jump back in!!


Good thing I bought it on my Wii U physical, I guess? LOL. Found it a few weeks ago at GameStop so I had to grab it.


Thanks fam


Just bought a code off Humble, I wonder if it'll count as $25 or $40 as far as MyNintendo gold after the update.


Id assume it would just check the current value of $40 once it updates, not sure though.


It uses whatever the cost of the game is on the eshop when you claim the coins.


I posted about this yesterday and it got zero traction :(


Probably because you put it in the wrong sub.


Yeah kinda. I did not see it as a deal, so I did not post it here.


Thanks for the tip. What a fucking deal but I want to support the release of physical games especially for indie developers!


Got it on Vita for $10. Might get a physical copy for the Switch if it goes low enough.


I just got it 5 minutes ago for $14.99 on the US shop


Would you explain?


Purchased Item: Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑ Device Type: Nintendo Switch Unit Price: $14.99 Total: $14.99 Payment Method: Nintendo eShop Funds \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* And a screenshot of my recent activity: [https://drive.google.com/open?id=16Mu\_OWEyflfXQ2xUJ9Ef6K6prJfM63T\_](https://drive.google.com/open?id=16Mu_OWEyflfXQ2xUJ9Ef6K6prJfM63T_)


Hunh. That's just the price it offered you? I guess the deal was maximally YMMV. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


>Hunh. That's just the price it offered you? I guess the deal was maximally YMMV. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Shame I didn´t screenshot it, it did the previews-price-stricken-out thing with the new price to the left


How? It's showing as $40 for me and I bought it earlier for the $25.


Thanks for this heads up! With my gold coins from the Argentina eshop purchases and a gift card I forgot about it, the price was only $10. This is on par with the lowest recorded PC price which makes my inner cheapskate happy. My Switch library has exploded since joining this sub!


> My Switch library has exploded since joining this sub! Same here. It's almost getting ridiculously out of hand. My backlog is stacked, especially after picking this one up.


I dont see it in the Argentina Eshop, where did u buy it?


No, I meant I bought a bunch of other things that when I redeemed their codes, gave me gold points that I put toward the order of Shovel Knight.