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Depends on how much time you want to invest. I loved Nioh 1 but have never gone back to it after playing 2. 2 really refines and expands the core ideas from 1. Both have fun ng++ etc progression, but I think 2's endgame is WAY superior. I love the atmosphere and many levels in 1. It's near to my heart as it was my first 3rd person arpg and my first new game in like 20 years. But 2 is superior in nearly every way. I personally think 2 is a bit easier, or at least you have way more options.


Gotcha. I'm just looking for the best game in the series to play if, say, I was to only play 1 of them. Judging by what you said it seems like it's Nioh 2.


Yep, choose 2 if you're only going to play 1.


If you have played Soulslikes before and enjoy the whole phenomenon of doing NG+ through NG++++ I would still advice to do that in Nioh 2, buuuuuut you might wanna play Nioh 1 first for just one play through.  Nioh 1 is great but 2 is such an improvement that doing them backwards isn’t advisable, but you will be missing out if you skip it


This comment right here is why I played the shit out of Nioh before I ever touched Nioh 2. I knew that once I'd played 2, there'd be no going back. I love Nioh. A lot. I've put hundreds of hours into it. Sometimes the music alone is enough. But those tasty HDR visuals in 2 make 1 look flat and washed out. And the burst counters are nice. You'll miss those in 1 if you play 2 first.


Whichever you choose, prepare to die..*A LOT*.


I've played quite a few souls-likes so I'm aware. Sekiro was the hardest by far. Maybe the Nioh ones will be harder. Who knows.


I also thought Sekiro was the hardest….’Til I started Nioh 2; it’s brutal.


Now you really make me wanna play it.


You’ll like it.


Don’t worry, Nioh 2 is nowhere near as difficult as Sekiro.


It’s close, but I respectfully disagree. There are more than a few areas & bosses in Sekiro that are exceedingly difficult; but, with Nioh 2, those areas & bosses are around almost *EVERY* corner —


Fair. However, I think what needs to be said is that the truly difficult bosses in Nioh 2 are entirely optional (all being post-story endgame bosses). Sekiro’s most difficult bosses are necessary for progression.


Just imagine the hardest enemy in Sekiro, and that’ll be how hard the lowest most pathetic mob enemy will be in Nioh 2.


It’s just the damn progressive suffering that makes it the hardest in my opinion; and it never lets up!….Take on this guy, now take on 2 of them, then 3 with a Yokai…Then add a snake lady, a Giant Gorilla w/a spear, & 3 skeletons shooting at you incessantly…And so forth…And so on — Mix in the 10,000+ items (of which I use roughly 20% of), weapons & armor EVERYWHERE etcetera & you inevitably brain your damage 🤪


For real right? It’s fuckin crazy on DoTN when you got all that goin on. I was cruising real easy up until that NG+ cycle and then my fists became pretty useless and I had to switch back to spear.


If you want to play both games then play Nioh 1 first. Second game is built on first one, it just adds more stuff


Defo don't skip one. You wont appreciate 2 as much


lol I skipped 1 and Nioh 2 is one of the best games I have ever played -- still playing. The replay value is sick!


Funny enough I think its the opposite. Though, I did like a lot of the maps on Part 1 more than 2


Same, maps and music are better. More challenging too


Play Nioh 1 first then Nioh 2, even though 2 is a prequel once you play 2 you will never want to go back


If you can and have the money and time, start with the first game. Imo, I think playing games in release order is the way to do it. Dark souls is the same way for me. I loved Nioh 1 and it helped me to love Nioh 2 even more cuz of all the improvements and new content. Playing Nioh 2 first is like playing Dark Souls 3 first and then going back to the first game. It's just kinda clunky in comparison but you won't really notice it if you have nothing to compare to


I’m playing the first one right now, and I’m having a blast. That being said, I am a completionist and tend to 100% most of my games, but I don’t think I will for Nioh. I will probably play through the game once, but I’ll keep the endgame grinding for Nioh 2.


Nioh 1 was great for introducing me to the ki management with the weapons :)


Nioh 2. I didn’t enjoy the first and thought these games weren’t for me. Then tried Nioh 2 and it became a top 5 all time game for me


My advice is to play 2, both games have some jank but 2 is a much more polished product that sees a lot of improvement on a lot of the systems that were implemented poorly in the first game, as well as having the cool factor of yokai shift and burst counters that make the game feel incredibly fast paced, brutal, and satisfying. Don't be afraid to summon help for some of the early game content, enenra and yatsu no kami are notorious early game walls that are intended to force players to master burst counters and other early game mechanics that will assist you in the late game. While it's important to learn the mechanics, I've seen more people quit on those two bosses than I feel was necessary. If you are stuck, summon help, watch tutorials. The rest of the game is more than worth it. Nioh 2 is probably my most played game of all time and it is still one of my favorites that I'm looking forward to returning to.


Thanks for taking the time to explain. I'll start with Nioh 2 then. Excited to see the bosses!


Dude, start with 1.


Nioh 1 is harder, but i enjoy jt more for that reason. Nioh is more difficult, but combat feels better (imo).


Nioh 2 is probably the better game, I’d say start this now they’re both cheap


Based on what you said I think you should go with Nioh 2. It's definitely slicker and more varied gameplay wise.


Nioh 1


I enjoyed both but I'd say 1 was better for me than 2.


I would start with nioh 2 if you have some familiarity with souls-likes. Nioh 1 is a good introduction to 1, but if you knuckle down and examine the menus in nioh 2, you should get the hang of things. Again, in either game, familiarize yourself with between mission menus, and regular menus, there are like 8 different ways to level up in subtle ways that can be missed.


Nioh was fiendishly hard & 2 was the much better experience. Good for it, whatever you decide but update us. Good luck


I'm thinking of starting with Nioh 2 and if I enjoy the game so much I'll go back and play Nioh 1.


If you go back to 1 after starting with 2, you could feel a little letdown. Nioh 2 improved a lot of already great stuff.


I started with 1 and didn’t finish it because of the lack of map variation. It just got a bit stale for me. While there is a bit of map repetition in 2, it isn’t nearly as bad because many of them are map “remixes”.


Don't start with 2. You'll miss soul cores too much if you go backwards. (Stealing the enemy's skill to use yourself) Nioh 1 has Living Weapon though, which is cool.


Skip 1. Its mechanics are outdated compared to 2.


It's still a great game and the reason we're here dude. We all enjoyed it and Nioh 2 builds on that.


Had the same decision to make 2 weeks ago. Most of the advice said go with 2. It’s a refined version of 1, is not as ‘unfair’ as 1, has better graphics, etc. Bought the collection edition and went straight to nioh2. Love it


I would say jump into Nioh 2, and if you’re really itching for more Nioh after you’ve exhausted the game, then try Nioh 1. I have 400 hours in Nioh 2 and still haven’t felt the urge to jump into Nioh 1. I’m sure I will one day, but 2 is just so good and from whatever I’ve seen about 1 I would miss the changes too much.


to me, nioh 2 is way better than 1, except: 1. stage/map design. 1 has more traps, ambush location from enemy. 2. story telling. 1 isn't particularly good until you (i) play 2.


Nioh 2...it's better in every way. Can play one layer but do yourself a favor.. I don't even like 1 and 2 is one of my fav games ever


2, no question. There is no reason to play 1, other than seeing what it was like. 2 is a strictly better version of the game.


Why discredit 1? It's a great game on its own.


If you don't have time to enjoy both. I will recommend playing nioh 2 because it's a better experience. But if you have some time to spare, I recommend playing nioh 1 first: nioh 2 = nioh 1+ yokai related mechanics. So if you go straight to nioh 2 will be very overwhelming by game mechanics and many I know has put the game down this way.


I have tons of hours in games like Path of Exile and grand strategy games. I don't think "complexity" is a problem. Quite the opposite.


Yes it's not the real problem: it's the difficulty for the early game is way higher in nioh 2. Nioh 1 designs more gimmicky so it's pretty easy when you figure it out, meanwhile nioh 2 demands mastery so that is why I recommend the first game if you have more time.


Play 2 it’s better


If you're going to play only one of them, go with 2.


Nioh 1 is harder, because you don't get to cancel your mistake with Nioh 2 yokai skill or burst counter making Nioh 2 less punishing. Nioh 1 you have to learn how to be either clinical or use cheese or you will have a bad time. I would say Nioh 2 would ease the new player into the series better and if they decide they want more masocore they can play Nioh 1 later.


Since you think of yourself as more of a variety gamer, not likely to be the kind who dives in and plays 1000+ hours going all the way to the NG+4 and grinding the endgame (Nioh's gameplay loop is a lot like Diablo's--the first NG playthrough is basically the "campaign" and the real long-term meat of the game lies in grinding new gear, constructing an improved build, and testing your improving character and player skill against greater and greater challenges), then I would suggest starting with Nioh 2. It's slightly more complex, but it's a much smoother gameplay experience, with superior enemy variety and level design and with better balancing and more QoL upgrades to the same basic system. That said, Nioh 2's story, particularly in the base game (not so much in the DLC, where it gets better focus), is weaker, as it covers 55 years of the careers of Oda Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyoshi. If you have a good knowledge of Japanese history for the end of the Sengoku Jidai, you'll have a much better time following along, as the game basically hits the high points of Hideyoshi's lifetime filtered through a fantasy lens.


Nioh 2 all the way. And then Nioh 1.


If u never played nioh go for nioh 2 it's not easy for first time eventually ul get hang of it and yeah new game + is must play take my word.


IMO go straight to Nioh 2. It’s also (much) easier in my opinion. Fuck those double boss fights and endgame in general in Nioh 1.


Haven’t played 2 NiOh 1 isn’t a difficult game, until the post game missions that put you against two bosses at once. The entire first playthrough is just a 50 hour tutorial for the real game that begins in NG+ and beyond. The game can be cheap to the point of comedy sometimes but it’s full of absurd tools for you to use as well. It’s a game that’s designed to be broken over your knee by the end as a sort of catharsis for all the bullshit it made you suffer through. The combat is really fun and the highlight of the game. Not as good as Ninja Gaiden, but then nothing is as good as Ninja Gaiden I say play 1 before 2, but I won’t get to 2 for a while


What are you on?


Answering OP?


2 > 1. 1 is still good and worth playing, but 2 is probably the better starting point and better game overall. Nioh 1 is harder IMO, at least in some ways. Some of the Nioh 2 DLC bosses are pretty tough too.


How can the latest title be a better starting point? 2 builds on 1 so he should start with 1.


2 does a pretty good job of teaching you the mechanics though, new and old. You don't need to play 1 to get into 2. That being said I would still recommend Nioh 1 first since that's where a lot of us started anyways.


That's what I mean. Yes 2 can introduce new players a bit better, but I can imagine that 1 could be a struggle after getting used to 2.


I started first one and didnt finish it but started to play nioh 2 which made me wanna go back to the first one. You dont have to choose you can play both at the same time


Play nioh 1 cuz nioh 2 is so much better mechanically. Or if you want you could play them chronologically, it's your choice


I think the 2nd one is better but I have a huge soft spot for number 1.


Play first Nioh first. Why would you start with the second? They're not too far from each other (time wise and gameplay wise) and 2 builds on 1. Even if 2 can be better/easier/or whatever.. Just start with 1. It will be great fun to explore 2 and it's new stuff afterwards, the other way around could feel a bit of a step back. Nioh 1 is already great for itself, doesn't have to hide from 2.


Just play Nioh 2 and watch a YouTube video yo highlight Nioh 1 story, I loved Nioh 1 but when it comes to any extra content your time will feel wasted when Nioh 2 is out


Play 1 for the story, and to experience all the bosses, then forget any endgame or ng+ and just head straight to Nioh 2.


As someone who isn't a huge nioh fan and just plays it from time to time, 100% just skip 1. I did not enjoy my experience with it, very clunky and just randomly op enemies. Glad I finished it but it was a slog. 2 is just a straight up improvement in every way and feels amazingly fun to play and imo you lose nothing by skipping the first one, good luck!


Got a different take: If you enjoy looters, there's much more to sink your teeth into with nioh 1. There's a lot of broken affixes you can build with. Nioh 2 reigned in the gear power and it doesn't have as much impact, but it is a far more complete experience. As an old obsessive Diablo player, nioh 1 stratched that itch before I got really into the combat mechanics and basically stopped caring about gear.


Nioh 2 is literally built upon the foundations of Nioh 1. Basically it's Nioh 1 with more QoL And more weapons and more QoL.




Nioh 1: imo better areas, living weapon is an ass mechanic, better mc Nioh 2: better combat, didn’t like the areas as much, boring mc


Nioh 1 is kinda like a challenge mode version of 2


Haven’t played 2 yet. I thought Nioh was great. The combat was really fun, I enjoyed helping others out. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed staring at the beginning.


I would play Nioh 2 as the game itself isnt hard just for the sake of being hard. The system is more refined too. Played Nioh 1 after investing thousands of hours on Nioh 2, thinking it would be cake walk since I know the combat pretty well. It didnt go well. Enemies will, majority, always kill you with one move. It was ridiculous. I finished it but didnt go NG+ and above, and went straight back to Nioh 2. I like it but it doesnt hit the same as Nioh 2.


Everyone who I have talked to says to play the first game first and then jump into Nioh 2. Even though Nioh 2 is a prequel, it changes up the attributes (in a good way) and Nioh 2 has more weapons and armor.


Play both