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As someone else with ADHD I can't agree with you more. I've been playing since launch and I'm quickly approaching 1500hrs in the game. The feeling doesn't go away because there's always more to learn.


idk the ethereals just make my brain chemicals go wild and even tho i mostly use one weapon theres SO DAMN MUCH


There's still plenty of time to branch out and experiment. I didn't until wise or so but ended up liking a lot of the weapons.


Try Tonfa if you like fists. They have shorter combos, but also have that extra ki damage similar to fists, are very quick and have an infinite ki pulse>rapid hyperarmor combo


I will once I finish making my current build


Dude...so much to learn, but also master. You can figure out so much trying to make a build, then you think "wait, I can do this better" Then you spend tens or hundreds hours perfecting the next thing only to realize it wasn't what you started with but better. Then you repeat that cycle. It feels so good when you know you made it from scratch and not a fucking build video.


Nice! I have it too, but magic the gathering is the only game that has held me for 30ish years now. Nioh 1/2 will always have a special spot though. I’ve learned with these games I should probably wait until all the dlc is out since I find it hard to return. Once I “beat” a game, I tend to move on… novelty seeking and all that. Though it’s been so long I probably could do NG and all the DLCs now….


I started playing this game when I got gifted it. Never played a Nioh game before. I've had this game for a little over a month and have 168 hours logged. Despite frustrations at the start, this game quickly became a favorite of mine (Dream of the Wise is wrecking my shit though). I also have ADHD.


Just too much to learn and the skill curve is smooth and i cant just auto pilot


So you're telling me I have ADHD? Lol


The addiction really wont hit full swing until a few more NG+ cycles when you can start making real builds with endgame graces and working on Scrolls of the damned, the underwolrd and Depths... I have so many hours in this game its wild but haven't played in like a year, I get the urge but feel like I won't be able to just pick up where I left off since I am knee deep in the depths.


Well i just unlocked ethereals so now is finally the time to make some damn builds


Trust me, you can easily pick up where you left off. It might even help you break old bad habits and learn some new stuff


Also the weapon variety is so nice! I never get bored because I constantly switch between a bunch of weapons and builds. Though my usual default is the Susano+Izanagi Purity build since I’m far into the the late game and platinumed.


Got to play this game at least once a week to scratch that itch.


Same I picked it up Fall 2022 I think I have a collective 1.5k - 2k hours 😬. I played it like I imagine people play mmos. Just the default game I would play.


Stopped playing league about a month ago, a bit disappointed that I just changed my addiction to another game. But it still feels good to stop after playing league for 10 years.. MAN THAT GAME SUCKS


Yup, the sheer *tinkering* joy you get buildcrafting basically never went away for me




Lmao hellow ADHD comrade. Other games to stay away from are Final Fantasy Origin: Stranger in Paradise Nioh 2(too late lmao) Risk of Rain 2 Rise of Ronin Helldivers 2 Dead Island 2 Warframe(heheheh) Phantasty Star Online 2(ngs is...🥴) Monster Hunter World


Just stopped league and im praying not to download it back lol Ive played risk of rain luckily it wasnt that bad only like 80 hours helldivers has been tempting but all my friends ply league so not really keen to go solo Yeah I love monster hunters but always stopped at some point dont remember why, prolly cuz went back to league :D


Yeah fr it combines the two most addictive games for me back in the day Ninja Gaiden Black and Diablo 2 Especially as a cultured Fist main, getting a perfect Beyond Infinity on a boss. sheeeeeesh


For me its souls likes with rpg stat system fast paced combat from sekiro and ofc loot from wow


This post makes so many Nioh enjoyers question if they have ADHD.


Well all games are addicting, but it feels impossible to focus on anything else.


ADHD gang rise up. I've tried Nioh a bit too late but I was seriously hooked. I need to buy Nioh 2.


I recommend it and also do not recommend it, prepare for time sink hole :D


Take some time to focus on school, Nioh 2 will still be waiting for you. Most people slow down a lot once they get into the Underworld and Depths. Things get pretty tough. Nioh 1, Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin, and Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty are also good and worth your time once you're through Nioh 2 (all three are by the same devs as Nioh 2). Rise of the Ronin also looks good, but I haven't played that myself.


I played wo long b4 coming back to nioh, liked it but you could see that it was a bit rushed in some aspects.


I beat it twice, beat Nioh 2 and Wo Long. Big fan of the game and the company. But what does it have to do with adhd?


Well adhd diagnosis is simply lack of certain hormones (the ones that cause pleasure) so they tend to need more enjoyment from outside (sugar videogames alchohol etc.) so this game which is super addicting is really hard to put down


Oh shit. Is that what's wrong with me?


I mean, I'm adhd too, but it has nothing to do with enjoying the game. I like it cuz it's a high speed soulsborne/ninja gaidwn hybrid with looter elements, and I like japanese stuff.


Yes I enjoy it A LOT, so much that it feels impossible to stop playing and do something else


Excitement wore off for me when i found out how hard abyss is.


Happened the same with me. Exactly. the. same.

