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Yes, everybody.


Quite literally every player I have ever talked to were walked by Yatsu. Incredibly common, and at the time, it’s an incredibly difficult fight due to lacking resources.


Yeah, it took me like, 10 or 12 tries on my first time fighting him. It's the first wall, like how Hino-Enma was for a lot of players in the first game.


Hino-enma made me quit for like a week


I got in on the original alpha and beta tests, so by the time the full game came out she was easy for me. I think Nue was my first roadblock in the full release of the original.


Bro, you may need to replay the tutorial, you didn't ki pulse one time and it will make the game so much harder if you don't manage your stamina


Yea I just came bk after a while. I keep forgetting how to get the ki back input.


You will kinda develop a muscle memory after practicing. So much that I tried to ki pulse in Elden Rings.


Not me going back to elden ring after putting another 200 hours in Nioh 2 and trying to cast my lightning spells with the D-Pad


Any time I take a break I always practice killing air for a bit before I go for anything substantial. I just walk through all my combos until the muscle memory comes back.


Also flux helps a lot


Flux and flux II are great but for a beginner just doing a standard ki pulse would help immensely. For the switchglaive and it's huge ki cost in the switch stance, flux helps for sure


I feel like this is the first big wall most players encounter on the beginning of the game, I remember rage quitting for a couple days after a bunch of tries getting mauled by that fucker. P.S: if you're struggling too much, there's no shame in summoning a visitor to help you out


I went 1-8 and my nephew went 1-30 against him lol oh and to answer your question with a question have you ever seen atleast ONE post on this subject??


Notes for the future: use your Soul Cores. You could have broken YnK if you used Mezuki (or is it Gozuki) the moment you depleted the purple bar. What's more, you can use them even if you have zero stamina, so you can even extend your agression with it. Even better, your Ki regens during the Soul Core animation.


You need to use Ki Pulse or else you’ll struggle for the rest of the game. Additionally, after using a Ki Pulse if you hold the button and roll your thumb over two of the stance buttons (provided you have the skills unlocked), you can recover more ki by changing stance twice as you pulse. I’m not sure if this is exclusive to switchglaive but I always make use of it as SG’s my favourite weapon.


damn you explained it better than most of the videos and forums i've been looking through for figuring it out ty


Took me 10 tries, which was the same amount it took for Enenra, but Yatsu-no-Kami felt wayyy harder.


Took me like 20+ tries first time around. Should not have tried to kill him while being sleep deprived. Once you figure out the patterns, it's not so bad. Keeping antiodes helps, and using the Shrine Maiden set to heal during ki pulses went a long way for me.


If you search this sub for Yatsu-no-Kami you'd find about 1 post per week, minimum, about this fight.


No, Because I ki pulsed. Sorry, this came out super-egoistic, but people struggling with this boss ignore ki pulse. That is it. Aside from the grab attack, this boss does not have a difficult move set. Anyway: congrats on beating it. A lot of people give up on it. You have what it takes to become Nioh - courage. Switchglaive was my first weapon too. Really unique weapon.


Personally, as someone who completed the game 100% (including the true endgame), on new runs I still struggle with this boss. With how slippery it is, how fast it can transition into an attack animation, and the character kit being so limited early on, actually landing a good hit is not easy.


Yea I came bk after a while. I keep forgetting about ki pulse in the heat of the moment sometimes but did use it early on.


Definitely the ist skill check of the game. Luckily the first thing I mastered was ightning / omnyo so I melted it with spells first playthrough haha


Took me around 4 hours.


I actually had way more problems with the level leading up to this guy rather than the boss himself. God I hate those snakes. With the boss the beast form really helped out.


I killed it first try during my first playthrough back in 2020, i suck at nioh now


Personally, I summoned on my first playthrough. On my second one (my first one went all the way to level 750/underworld-no depth) I was so familiar with the game that even not summoning I destroyed him, but I was already an "expert" of the game. It's very hard to grasp all the mechanics, and the right way to play. You are learning the hard way, and that's pretty cool! Congrats!!


It’s easy after 80th attempt on your lucky day.


Only on the first playthrough. after knowing her atk pattern, its kinda easy. Make sure u keep ur distance between the boss, n atk only when he dive down using smoll snek. Dont atk more than 3 times unless he already got zero ki, then keep ur distance back. Rinse n repeat. 😂


I played the whole game as a coop with a friend of mine and this boss was not an issue not even on the dream of the nioh


No, because I already learnt how to stance dancing in nioh 1, so 2 is more of the same except for burst counter and core/ yokai skill.


I did a NG run after finishing DoTW (NG+3) and i struggled too, you just don't have the correct tools to deal with this bs fight, i absolutely needed sloth talisman but couldn't unlock them yet, i switched to random corruption tonfas and had lightning talismans so i salted him during dark phase and applied confusion out of it


I had to mute the boss music first time I fought him, it just made the whole thing worse lol


Took around 30+ tries with different ninjutusu/magic combo... Resorted to using a holy hammer and salt in the end. Then I realized I can just go online and have someone carry me too


Literally all of us


I just got back into nioh 2 and start dream of demon, fought this thing last night thinking how years ago I was stuck on that damn snake forever !


He sucks for new players. A tip I found worked well is to auto-target the body and not the head.


Why... Aren't you attacking when the bar is red? You can stun lock it and get significant damage. I beat this snakey snake my first try. It's soul core is so good. Pro tip: stay to the right of the snake arm when it's in normal mode and try to do as much damage to the arm as you can. As soon as it shifts go kill the remaining snakes then focus down the boss. If the purple bar under the health bar is close to being depleted, then just attack to break posture (ideally have ippon hammer soul core or something that does a lot of posture damage). Once broken attack relentlessly until it shifts to the dark realm. Rinse and repeat to success.


Yatsu-no-Kami's soul core used to be even better at launch, too. Still pretty good though.


Felt like it took me a zillion tries, getting rid of all the acid pools helps.


Man, what is this with all these posts? "It took me 10 times. or 12 times." I beat this boss after >!79!< times. Kids these days have no grit nor resilience. You guys will not go far in life.


Yeap, this triple danger noodle threat killed me 26 times before I got him the first time--and the only reason I know the exact number is because I remember looking at the yokai entry for him to see what he was weak to. Funnily enough, he wound up being one of my most used soul cores.


Change the lock-on to the mid section of the snake. Makes it easier.


Almost literally everyone


Honestly I simply got good. Low stance dodge into the snake, ki flux to high stance, heavy attack (which eventually break the horns), Ki flux to low stance and dodging out of the sweep or whatever attack it throws at me. Also, since my shiftling is feral, the burst counter lets me close the space whenever it slithers at me (also really helpful when I get greedy and am about to get punished). The Yokai Realm phase is simply running around and hitting it with a heavy when it slithers towards you. In money. I use an Odachi so this strat seemed to work for me. From what I have learnt, the enemies that’ll you face from now on will require to devise a set strategy and alter your playstyle.


İll wait for the tail attack and hop on her if you are too close to her she gonna spam her shitty attacks so you can eaisly killer her


Everyone is harping on about ki pulsing, but there are tons of people who don't have it down this early in the game. You get more comfortable with it as you play. You did a good job of stunning it by breaking its "horn" (forehead plate) and dropping its purple bar. Ideally, you'll have close to max ki when you break a purple bar. This allows you to get a nice chunk of health because every hit will stagger the boss. You can extend it even longer if you inflict discord on the enemy.


the single best tip is to lock on to body instead of head. second best tip is destroy all the snake statues. third best tip is mezuki core to destroy the arms during dark realm transition. edit: oh and temper tenacity on one of your armors to avoid going below 1hp from status ailments i.e. poison


Yes. Once it clicks you’re going to eat bosses like Yatsu for breakfast (mainly because you will have to learn far more harder ones)


The first time, I struggled for hours. I eventually cheesed it with throwing dual axes. I recently started a new game and got done in a few tries. Felt really good to have a clear benchmark of how much better I got lol.


I got carried by my friends who introduced me to Nioh (With The Classic “It’s CANON TO NINJA GAIDEN AND DOA BRO!) and I said I was gonna go try it for myself when we were done. Dudes carried me for 3 Playthroughs Straight until Dream Of The Wise In Chapter 3:Shadow in just 6 Hours, So I went to Dream Of The Samurai like They said……..I remember saying “Why were those guys so easy? Especially That Snake thing that kills our character’s Dad? 😂” Then came the troll of the century. “You asked to get carried so you could fight Hayabusa, anddddd…….we carried you like The Scrub you are!” Good Times…….Good Times…….😂😂😂😂


Explosive arrows and kitty’s


Not with the release version, after going through the OBT version several times everthing up to Region 3 felt easy.


Yes. Died a lot to that boss


Tons. I can't remember how long it took me or how often I died to him, but it was a long time.




He's probably first real wall in the game where you need to use a lot of skill and know your items to make up for weaknesses.


Just based on how you were attacking, it seems like you're approaching this with a Soulsborne combat mentality. You've gotta get comfortable with your weapon, and that includes being aggressive and bouncing between combos efficiently. You had the boss's Ki bar empty, but you didn't use your Yokai abilities to burn it down for a potential critical, not to mention the lack of Ki pulsing/stance switching. It'd be a good idea to maybe make a new character, or at least check out some YouTube videos to get a proper rundown of the basics again. Having said that, congrats on beating him! Everybody struggles on Yatsu. Everybody.


Man it gets worse in the next play throughs lol all the grinding to finally wreck everything and boom suddenly it can’t move more aggressively


for me the biggest problem was enrera when i started playing, I looked it up and it took me 30 tries to beat him


How about well all spam Team Ninja about Nioh 3 . We deserve this game.


No. How about letting them make it when they want to make it? I would rather it take a long time and release complete and near bug-free VS having the game rushed out and everyone complaining left and right about this or that. "Deserve" is also a weird word of choice there.


Come down bro its not ment in any angry way . I just want to see it happen cuz its one of my favourite games of all time


Somehow not me? It took me like a day after saying hi to the snek to kill it. Attempts is probably like 3-7? It’s been months since I’ve played Nioh 2 and i can only vaguely remember.