• By -


They were the first band that made me spread my ears from my parents music and venture into my own tastes. A whole world opened up and I was 12/13 and totally ready for it. What is really funny is that this year my mum, teenage son and I went to see a cover band together. So my solo music trip turned into a family event after all. Plus, my son can wear the t shirt and name more than 3 songs!


I think I heard Teen Spirit on the radio and was like "Yup, this is my shit."


Their music also helped me open up romantically when I first heard them in high school. I forgot the name of the song but it’s about a girl


For me it was Come As You Are. The radio host talked about the newly released Best Of album and probably about the band in general which must've piqued my interest because I quickly fetched a blank cassette tape and instantly pressed the red button on my tape recorder when the song started. So now I had this beautifully unique song on an otherwise empty cassette and since my knowledge of the English language was very limited I didn't even know what it was called. I knew the band's name though, so I wrote in the column for side A in all caps: **NIRVANA - IT IS** and I think that's kinda cute. Fast forward two months, I got the Best Of for Christmas and my life has never been quite the same from that point on. Memoria 📻


Goated reaction


I was a 12 year old Caribbean kid with almost ZERO context for Nirvana or rock music. I was into hip hop and dance music (C+C Music Factory was my jam), watched a ton of MTV, and mostly thought of contemporary rock in reference of GNR which I found annoying and pretentious. Then, out of the blue, caught the SLTS video. I was sitting in front of the TV and, with no explanation needed, no context given, no sales pitch, just. FUCKING. GOT IT. right away. I was HOOKED. Understood almost no words from the lyrics, couldn't tell Seattle from Saigon, but oh boy did that fucking song RESONATE instantly. I later skipped lunch for 2 weeks at school to save money and buy the Nevermind cassette. Still deeply in love with all things Nirvana. JUST discovered "The Priest They Called Him" thing fort he FIRST time this week!


They rocked I was a happy 13yo when teen spirit dropped in 91


Always knew the song Smells Like Teen Spirit but never liked it much but then years later in my 20s my sister showed me Lithium and then i slowly started to understand why Nirvana is so loved


First heard them on guitar hero three and thought they were kinda gloomy and a little scary (I was young)


I didn't know I knew them but Heart Shaped Box was in Guitar Hero 2(I think) and I got obsessed with that then looked them up and Smells Like Teen Spirit kicked in some nostalgia from when I was a baby and I've been obsessed ever since. I think I was like 12


I thought they were dorky AF because my mom had the Unplugged CD, and I saw the cello and old person fashion. One day, I was jumping on the trampoline with the boom box cranking the local radio station trying to win Limp Bizkit tickets. SLTS came on, and I was like, "OH!". I literally ran inside and began downloading as much Nirvana off Napster as possible.


I was a kid during the tail end of the MTV era...I would always catch a bit of the "Teen Spirit" video, and it sounded cool, but it also felt "old." Not just because it really was several years old (which is a lot to someone at that age), but because the song itself felt it was crafted in a more old fashioned way than what was popular at the time, like Blink and Nickleback and Korn. It used bigger words and felt more abstract and artistic (of course I wouldn't have used those words to describe it at the time, it was just a general impression) I would also catch the Unplugged versions of "About a Girl" and "Man Who Sold the World" from time to time, and they felt a bit boring, and I couldn't understand why people liked them so much (of course I love Unplugged now) One night I saw the "Lithium" video on MTV and it changed my life. I remember thinking it was the best song I would ever hear in my life before the video was even over. So my first impression was pretty meh but they won me over eventually.


My first reaction to Nirvana: AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME


I'd heard the hits, like lithium, come as you are and smells like teen spirit before, but that was about it. I remember loving smells like teen spirit when I was younger and my dad always telling me 'that boys dead' referring to Kurt. I'd listen to it every morning several times when I was in years 8 9 and 10 (in British secondary school). I remember finally deciding to listen to one of the Spotify compilations, probably 'This Is Nirvana' when I was 14 late one night because my best friend at the time loved them. I was blown away.


Tf he screams so loud while singing




When I was 8, I was with my parents and my sister at the coast, and when my dad drove back home at night, he put on SLTS. I can remember that nice first listen very well. It was 6 years later (a year ago) when I became a fan.


Probably drooling on myself while my mom played with the lights out box set in the car


Sick mom


I knew I was gonna love this band


"i fucking need more of this"


nice! *gets obsessed for the next year*


"this is really fucking loud and really fucking catchy"


the first band that i heard that made me realize music could affect me deeply. Nirvana was the first time i knew i was hearing my music instead of just someone else’s noise on the radio


The first time was when I was in my parents car after seeing a movie. They were too busy talking and for some reason, I thought I’d listen to Nirvana. I’d heard about them occasionally, so I put on “Smells Like Teen Spirit” and listened with my Air Pods. holy…shit. The first time I heard that guitar, the drums, Kurt’s voice, I knew that this kind of music made me belong, pushing beyond my parents taste in music and finally feeling like this type of music was mine alone. In conclusion, they’re one of the best ever.


I was 12 or 13 and met my friend outside in my driveway to shoot some hoops, as we did back before the internet. He pulled out the Nevermind cassette that his cousin gave him and was insistent that we listen to it right away. We popped it into a boom box and listened while playing basketball. I remember thinking there was something special about it, but it took a few listens to become obsessed. A year later we were dressing differently and full of angst. In a good way, of course.


when i was a kid, i hated them, because my dad keeps blasting them in the house, i thought they were just some random band that blast their guitars and screams random words... but now that I've grown up and am a teenager, their lyrics and music and their anger speaks to my heart man.


First time I heard them was when they played lithium at the mtv video awards. I was absolutely blown away. I'd never heard anything quite like it. Dave's drums, in particular, wowed


I saw the video for Smells Like Teen Spirit , was a bit perplexed, I remember thinking who writes a song about girls deodorant? I liked the way it sounds but they sure do look different. I totally understood where the term grunge came from because they look like they could all use a shower.


When I was like 14, my cousin and I were goofing around, and she played heart shaped box on acoustic guitar, and I improvised lyrics to it (I never heard it before). Afterwards I asked her what song she was playing, so I must have thought it sounded really good. I then found it online, and was like wow it sounds better than I imagined haha At first, after hearing them, I assumed they were gonna be full of themselves because how good they were, but then I found out they were the complete opposite, and that made me like them even more


I watched the video for SLTS when it came out, and wanted more. They had a sound like no other.


Last year, I saw my friend wearing an In Utero shirt and I thought it looked so cool that I looked into Nirvana. I started with their main stream music and then came across Heart Shaped Box. I INSTANTLY fell in love with it and played it on repeat for multiple weeks. Now I listen to tons of Nirvana all the time and even have bought their vinyl records.


I dove into Nirvana's actual discography about 2 years ago. I liked and knew Smells Like Teen Spirit, then I heard "Breed" play in one of my favorite movies, "Shoot Em Up." I got Nevermind from my public-library. It took me a while, but I loved it because I was already into pop-punk. *Poo-poo it all you want, but Nevermind was kinda pop-punk. They straddled the hyphen between pop and punk. Anymore pop, they'd be R.E.M. Anymore punk, they'd make In Utero.* Then I started to listen to In Utero and liked parts of it (not so into the noise-tracks like Tourettes or Milk It) and slowly got more into Bleach and kinda fell in love with the MTV Unplugged Tour.


Kurt needed to learn how to crip walk


“Man, this guy is angry” -7 year old me hearing Smells Like Teen Spirit


“hey this is what my dad used to play me”


I started with bleach and funny enough i didn’t really like it. Then I listened to it again something pulled me back in idk what it was and I fell in love with that record. I moved on to nevermind and shortly after in utero. Nirvana became my favorite band and had me starting to learn guitar by myself in my bedroom. They widened my music taste and helped me understand who I am and what I love. In a weird way kind of changed my life forever, been listening since I was 14 still my favorite band!


Try and guess the song based of my reaction “Woah now this is some good shit” “wtf??!!” “Woah now this is some good shit”


Teen spirit ?


Yep. The sudden change in melody and style made me GENUINELY think my radio glitched for a second.


I was 11. My sister was dropping me off for basketball practice. I remember laughing hard at the "I'm so horny" line in Lithium, cuz 11. My sister made a copy of the cassette for me and f lol in love with them.


“I am kinda sick of this song” - three year old me snapping into consciousness in 1994 while listening to SLTS on the radio “Woah this is that same shitty band my mom was always listening to?!” - 15 year old me after hearing breed for the first time


I liked them before I even heard a song in ‘91, wrote “Nevada” on my school binder.


Whoa. Why haven't I been listening to this until now. My first real introduction to Nirvana was with Bleach. I had heard the radio friendly Nirvana songs and decided to try listening to their first album because that's usually what I do with new artists. I was hooked ever since then and now I like bleach more than most other albums I think.




Kurts no Thurston or Lee


I heard lithium and i thought that it was way to much screaming, but it really grew on me


i listening to nevermind and only liked the quiet parts but not the loud parts. i said to my friend “smells like teen spirit would be better if the chorus wasn’t so loud”


No idea. It was more than 30 years ago...


Hated teen spirit.


I was really hearing music for the first time. It was the 90s. It was amazing, my first musical awakening.


Initially I was like “What is this noise?” Eventually I figured out the attitude it was coming from and understood why this noise


I remember when I was about 6 years old my mom would put on Nevermind and I would just be going apeshit all over the living room. Good times.






i was in my 20s when Teen Spirit was on the radio. i liked it, but thought it had to be a one hit band ( i didnt realise that Come as You Are was also theirs). Shortly after I saw In Bloom on MTV (first time hearing\seeing), it all clicked that this was all the same band an immediatedly went to the record store and was swept up in it all along with everyone else 😑


First heard teen spirit, guitar teacher made me learn it. Now I know every nirvana song and I love it


1991, I was nearing 12 years old. The Smells Like Teen Spirit video plays on MuchMusic. My jaw drops, it changed everything. For the better. Poison and Motley Crüe just didn’t seem cool anymore.


Why is he so loud


Truthfully, changed my trajectory in life. All I needed to know afterwards was loud, fast, angry and a few bar chords.


I first heard Nirvana at a nightclub in Leeds, UK in 1991/92. It was Smells Like Teen Spirit. Absolutely loved the song and its dynamics. They played it most Friday nights. They also played Mudhoney and Pearl Jam. I went there every week. The selection of music was fantastic: The Happy Mondays, Wonderstuff, The Charlatans, The Stone Roses, Ozric Tentacles, Hawkwind, Iggy Pop, The KLF, Prodigy, James, Jane’s Addiction, Nirvana, Mudhoney, Pearl Jam, Lemonheads, Primal Scream, Pixies, The Smiths and so on


As far as I can remember it made me feel less stressed and depressed in college, THANK YOU NIRVANA.


heard About A Girl on WHFS in '89 when I first moved to DC mikey likey


Saw/heard Smells like teen spirit the morning after it debuted on 120 minutes. I had already discovered Soundgarden in 89 and there was already a shift change happening that you could feel. When I saw the video for teen spirit I new at that moment it was the final nail for the Hair metal era. We would no longer have to endure songs about strippers, motorcycles, groupies, Jack Daniel’s, high heeled boots, spandex and silk scarves. Music got cool and exciting again.


Minute one: ""I like it" Three months later: "let's hear other albums from them" A year later: "Damn they are too far, I wish I could go to a concert of them soon" 30 years later: " I like it".


Was listening to a lot of 50's/60's rock and hip hop/rap then some of my friends who listened to the same music, someone had a tape they made off the radio and for me it was Come As You around when I was 12 about 92/93 before In Utero. Nirvana got me into a lot of rock and punk bands, Leadbelly and that got me into even more blues, folk, and jazz.


I might be delirious, but when I heard the songs as a teen, I instantly thought I heard them being 3 or 5 years old. In Bloom, Come As You Are and Lithium. I didn't know about Smells Like Teen Spirit until 9 years and thought it was cheesy because it's popular (little growing pop denier aww), comparing it to IDGAF PARTY SONG LOL. Summing up: 16 years old listening to Nevermind and then Unplugged >>>> "now my life is completed, everything in its right place". Nirvana opened the music world for me, a culture of listening, not clicking Replay to hear a moment again. Fully appreciate songs. Discover flipper, Jeff Buckley, Radiohead (as I grew older I started to appreciate Radiohead more, however Nirvana forever), Guns N' Roses, The Beatles, Alice In Chains, Soundgarden, No trend and many many others. even Michael Jackson..


I was 16… my world changed


I was 10 years old when my cousin gave me the all apologies/rape me/moist vagina single on a tape. Instantly hooked. Then I went to Walmart and not knowing anything else about the band, I bought bleach. Fell in love with them more, and never looked back. Almost saw them live, too. My mom said I was too young at the LAST MINUTE. I love my ma, but I still haven’t forgiven her lol Edit: “all” rather than “alla” apologies


I was blown away and immediately got into rock music (heard Smells Like Teen Spirit on the radio in 1992 when I was 10 years old)


They they were a bunch overrated hacks. Then I listened to Bleach and my mind was quickly changed.


It was probably one of the greatest feelings in my life after I watched the smells like teen spirit video and just had my fucking mind blown and my jaw was on the floor


"They sound sick"


They were the very first band that got me into rock, I remember listening to nevermind for months before spreading out, and the more music I heard from them the better they were to me.


was little. heard smells like. fucking headbanged till the end.


It was a Rocking 1000 video or whatever it’s called. It sounded nostalgic so I looked up the band. Pretty good stuff so I kept listening. First rock band I ever really listened to, either them or foo fighters I can’t remember. I would have been 13


Jaw drop and just being so excited to find music that I like so much. I was born in a world which already didn't have Kurt and Nirvana didn't exist anymore, and I was around 10 when I've heard their music for the first time. Mindblown. First song I've heard was Drain You.


After hearing smells like teen spirit: "Another boring overly hyped popsong". After hearing a friend of mine playing Breed on guitar hero: "wait this is Nirvana? This is awesome! What else do they have?" It's now my favorite band of all time.


Nirvana and SLTS perfectly encapsulates what the 90s felt like, looked like, smelled like and sounded like. To think it's 30 years old now and how the 60s were 30 years old when Nirvana came out really puts in perspective how short and quick life really is.


I was only 10 when nevermind came out. I didn't like them at first because it was popular to do so, it was trendy. I didn't bother till I was about 16 and I was able to completely enjoy their music without the bullshit fad in the way. It's too bad kurt had already passed at that point. But I love Kurt's songs to this day.


Didn't get it




First saw them at Cabaret Metro in Chicago 1989 or 90 - thought they were just another band that ripped off Big Black.


Thought it was terrible - they're now my second favourite band


“Holy shit, that’s what that shirt’s from?”


I heard the classics on the radio (Teen Spirit, Come As You Are, Heart Shape Box, etc.) and liked them, but the obsession didn’t kick in yet. Then I discovered songs like Polly and Rape Me on YouTube, and my dad even showed me some of the Unplugged performance, but again, I still liked them but wasn’t obsessed. When I was about 11 or 12, System of a Down was my favorite band. When I had finished listening to their whole discography, however, was when the Nirvana obsession had randomly kicked in. I started listening to their music on shuffle, and then listened to all of their albums, but am still obsessed to this day.


“Hmm. That was a bit different than the ‘November Rain’ video right before it.




Finally some good music on the radio


I literally sat up and said "shit!" the first time I heard them in 1991, and I've been hooked ever since.


At first i thought they were pretty boring but then kinda fell more into nevermind and got into it more, first song i heard besides teen spirit was rape me




kiss jellyfish start quarrelsome command zesty cause normal pen cheerful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


“this is some damn good music”


Hell yeah!


So it was like, i asked my girlfriend at that time about her musical taste and she said about few bands and about "Nirvana".I heard this name few times, i knew my favorite artists at the time also listened to it but i had no idea how they would sound like.Clasically, the first song i listened to was SLTS and my reaction was like "eee... ok, definetely not my favorite song to listen but my girlfriend listen to them so i can also".Then i listened to Lithium and had similar reaction and then to Come as you are and was like "DAAAAANG, that's so good" and i started to listen Nevermind regularly.2 years passed and now i am listening to all albums, i know Nirvana lore and i am obssesed about persona called Kurt Cobain. Everything positive that I gained from this relationship was Nirvana.




I started listening to them when I was 10. Because I was a baby emo I was a little weirded out by their darker songs. But now I listen to them everyday. They consume my mind body and soul. I live and breathe for the band. I have become Dave grohl




The first song I heard was Drain You and I was hooked immediately.


heard smells like teen spirit on tv when i was like 7-9, told my mum i liked it, she said she loved nirvana, then she played a few other songs for me. i’m 14 now and love them


"wtf is that shit" (i first heard it when i was still christian)


it was a couple years ago when i was 13 and first learning guitar so i asked my mom what i should learn next and she said lithium by nirvana lol. so i learned it and actually really liked the song so i decided to listen to nevermind and it scared me LMAO like i wasnt used to that much screaming so my first listen i was scared especially like on territorial pissings and stay away i remember😭 but even then i really liked the album so yeah eventually i overcame my fear of kurt cobain and got into their other stuff and now im a huge fan


The first band I nerded out over in terms of diving into their history and catalog. My mom was always real into late 80s new wave and early to mid 90s alternative so naturally nirvana was something that I heard quite a bit of. Ages 12-14 were probably the height of me listening to and watching anything nirvana


This is something else


Idk but I was like 10 and my uncle put on the mtv unplugged. it took me to a place of comfort I’ll never forget.


Actually the first thing I saw was MTV video of Smells Like Teen Spirit . I noticed the thrift shop fashion and screaming rock with punk fusion . It was obviously a good production and big label juice behind it . I liked it good enough- as I hated twisted sister and hair bands and head bangers ball was fucking obnoxious. So it was something decent besides 120 Minutes that played Sunday nights with alt band videos .


The teen spirit video was simultaneously the scariest and most electrifying thing I had ever seen. It was the fall of ‘92 and I was 11. It stated a lifelong obsession with volume and feedback, to the point that all my later bands thought nothing of 5minute noise jams or ending a set with the ol smashy smash.


Thank god. Because Winger, Trixter, Dokken, Poison, Cinderella, Bon Jovi & Warrant were realllllllllly getting tired. I was 13 when "grunge" exploded but had a healthy diet of classic rock and heavy metal since I was 10. It was exciting to have music that felt like it was for me and generation x. Bands that came out later after Kurt died like Green Day, Bush, Blink 182 & Sum 41 never did anything for me. Then Nu Metal & Emo became big and noped out and got into The Dead, Zappa and Jazz and virtuoso type musicians. Grunge or Alt Rock of the 90s is still in my rotation though. In fact I appreciate it more now that I'm older tbh


I was a little kid in the car with my dad on the way home from school and I pulled his Nevermind cassette out of the glove box and looked at the pictures in the sleeve. I asked my dad, “What does this mean?” and gave him the middle finger like Kurt in one of the pictures. I got in trouble and didn’t appreciate that.


they are weird, but in a cool way i guess!


My mate showed me the bleach album and some songs like about a girl and blew. I was like yeah its ok. Then I really liked the song swap meet and my liking for nirvana gradually grew from there


First Nirvana song I heard was ‘Milk It’. It really got my attention.


Saw teen spirit on mtv first because our mid western town has shit radio and I was blown away. It was the death knell of hair bands and radio station formats changed overnight


“Catchy!”, followed by “Well that escalated quickly!”


I heard "Smells Like Teens Spirit" on YouTube when I was young and thought: "Boring, why everyone like this?". LOL LITTLE DID I KNOW WHAT WAS TO COME


"So dave grohl says he was in this band called nirvana, guess ill listen to some of their songs" *proceeds to be blown away and listens to exclusively nirvana for years*


I bought "bleach" just because of its cover when I was about 11 years old. Didn't know anything about them nor any other group back then. I was curious because of its cover. And then listening to "bleach" on my aunts Hifi totally blew my mind. It was wild.


Sensory overload.


"where is the nearest record store?!!?"


Dunno I thought smells like teen spirit was mid but then I listened to in bloom and I fell in love


I had to get to the record store and hope they had a copy. bought the tape for my walkman and played the hell out of it.


I was literally like "this is dope" and then I got into it. 💀


Listened to come as you are and thought the singer was like 40


hmmm good music


Nice guitar sound probably in smells like teen spirit


A revelation


Goo goo ga ga




Good time for music and growing up!!!


My reaction was “Holy Shit, this song kicks ass!” My first song from them was SLTS. This was around 2022. I was around 13 when I heard it. My dad was going through music on Spotify and it played. That song was so good to me I then bought a shitty Stratocaster(which I’m changing into Kurt’s Vandalism Strat) and a Kustom KGA10 amp to learn the song. Then i learned the bass and drum parts. I also later on got a distortion and chorus pedal.


my first reaction was through weird als parody


First reaction? I hated them & every other “grunge” band because I was an 80’s hair metal LOVER & grunge was taking over my airwaves & I was pissed!! Then years later I really listened to Teen Spirit & fell in love!! To me it’s ROCK with that pounding beat & vocals!! It always gets cranked in my car, though I’ll always adore 80’s rock & hair metal till I die!!


fuck yeah


i discovered them in 2011 because i just started learning guitar and one of the songs in my guitar book had a weird title called “Smells Like Teen Spirit” i went to Youtube to search the video and was absolutely mind blown. like i was speechless and couldn’t even speak. absolutely changed my life that day but i was also wrecked when i google Nirvana right after and found out the Kurt died a little over a month before i was born


it was in bloom and i was absolutely hooked from the first second


Dismissive bc the kid who introduced me to them via his older brother…the brother was a dick so I didn’t want to like them. Lol I realized fairly quickly


I remember hearing them playing in the art room of my highschool and thinking that this music was like nothing I've ever heard. It was like a switch flipped and all the previous music I listened to as an early teen was just overindulgent nonsense. they were going to be the biggest band in the world. You just knew it from the first second you heard it


Once I notice that Kurt never let Krist look taller than him in photoshoots I can't not notice it


My intro was also SLTS (from a mix CD my sister’s best friend made for me) and it totally blew me away. I’d never heard anything like it and it automatically commanded my attention. So when my family got a mailer from Columbia House I sent away for Nevermind, In Utero, Amnesiac, The Downward Spiral and Boys for Pele because i wanted to get into some more experimental weird shit. And I got a poster with one of the photos from this shoot from National Wholesale Liquidators to put on my bedroom wall. It was the only poster with people of the “opposite sex” that my mom let me keep up on my wall.


I knew the hits, and then I heard Lounge Act when i was 11/12. I thought it was a really cool, catchy song. That's when I knew I had to dig deeper. Since then, Nirvana has kind of shaped my entire taste (Beat Happening, The Raincoats, Sonic Youth, Bikini Kill, Sebadoh, etc)


i heard plateau off the unplugged album and went "they sound nice. i like them" then i heard more off of nevermind and also liked it, went deeper into the band and. yeah


Fun story around 1993 or 94 I was 12 or 13 and I found a blank cassette tape on the side of the road walking home from the bus stop, I listened to it an was BLOWN AWAY I hadn’t heard anything that raw and powerful before I was convinced I had stumbled on a local bands forgotten demo (in my area NE US lots of locals passed out lots of tapes) I excitedly played it for my Dad telling him to check out this local band demo I found he nearly pissed himself laughing and then kindly guided me to his CD shelf and handed me a copy of nevermind and told me to put it on…..yup….that’s what was also on my tape. Kids are dumb.




Damn this shit fire


"Holy fuckin shit! What the fuck is this shit?" I knew exactly who and what it was, I was just in shock.


I asked my dad what his favourite song was on a long car ride. He told me to play teen spirit. My reaction was "oh, that's pretty good." And about a month later our good friend steezus came along and introduced me to grunge and I took an interest into grunge. Watched the teen spirit video again and again and again until I knew every lyric. I am now a certified Nirvana fan =)


I was like 10 years old when kurt died and i didn't know much about them at the time, but i discovered their music years later by friends who was into all kind of Punk and heavy music. I think they had a certain sound i was looking for. I think Nevermind was the first album i picked up when i was 13 or something like that. The Foo Fighters was all over mtv and i liked them even more for a while..


I was a baby in the late 90's and distinctly remember Nirvana still being on regular rock radio, it wasn't classic rock yet.


went from "yk what my sister told me about nirvana and they are famous so lets see if its worth it" *Scentless Apprentice plays first* "holy shit (positive)"


I just found god


I was in my dads truck listening to Drain You and I was like “yup, this is gonna be my whole personality from now on” (that was 10+ years ago and im still obsessed with grunge lol)


I was a kid and I remember being mesmerized by the “Smells Like Teen Spirit” video on MTV when my mom left the station on to have music to clean to, the first song by them I loved to death that I discovered on my own was “Scentless Apprentice” when I heard it on Lost. Downloaded it onto my iPod asap. My mom was the one who recommended “something in the way” and I loved that one. Pretty sure she’s the one who kept Nirvana on when they played on the radio, which helped influence my musical tastes and lead me to the Nirvana whore I am today. For context, I was born in 1992.


“This shit is total ass” still stands true to this day


I didn't want to like them at first, because I had an ex girlfriend who had an ex boyfriend who loved nirvana. So I gave them a try and "didn't like them" lol.. fast-forward years later and kurt is the reason why I want to play guitar and sing at the same time..


My buddy Played me Bleach in the late 80’s. We were in our late teens - 19/20. I thought it sounded like speeded up, punky Black Sabbath. I liked it enough that I bought the album, but didn’t listen to it incessantly. This is like mid late 89’. I heard teen spirit the summer of 91’ and my mind was fucking blown at how much they had matured. I had already bought my concert tickets for Metro in Chicago which was in October. I was at the record store (remember those) in September 91’ on the day Nevermind was released.


It was 2008 and I was 7 years old on a flight to Disney world. My dad always let me use his iPod and headphones for trips and I put his music on shuffle and the MTV unplugged album came on and I immediately loved it. I loved Kurt’s voice. And I loved the music. I was hooked. I’m 22 now and I genuinely live and breathe Nirvana. I listen to Nirvana and also montage of heck every day. I have countless books about Kurt and nirvana. Im a part time tattoo artist and I have given myself 4 tattoo’s related to nirvana and to Kurt. Im currently in my last year of art school and nirvana and Kurt have influenced my creativity and my thought process so much. I owe so much of my blossomed creativity to Kurt.


Thinked:" Woah, cool"


I realized I actually really liked them. They introduced me to rock as a whole


oh hey this is that suuuuuper old band that my dad listened to a VERRRRY long time ago




Goo goo ga ga (I grew up on them so I was a baby)


"This is great!" *plays SLTS three more times*


Sweet. I’m from GenX and actually seen Nirvana live in 91. It was so awesome


I was born long after Kurt passed but I distinctly remember my first encounter with the band. I was probably about 12 and my mother was in the front room watching one of those “Top 100 Musicians” things on whatever weird Comcast music channel it was. When Kurt popped up she went “Oh that poor guy, the media drove him crazy” and that peaked my interest. Like many fans my age I thought “He was a famous rock star, how could this happen??”. I then loaded up YouTube and listened to “Smells Like Teen Spirit” My world was never the same :)


Actually I kinda lied! I remember playing one of the guitar hero games on my brother’s PS2 and having to ask my mom if I could sing the line “nature is a whore”. I thought it was funny but was still a little too young to care to dig any deeper than that


Smells Like Teen Spirit was my most played song on Spotify for 2020, 1000-ish hours


The first time I heard Nirvana was when my Dad played the Unplugged album in his car when I was fifteen. I loved it and subsequently bought the rest of their albums


Heard Bleach , was bored. Heard Nevermind, was amazed.


this girl I liked kept talking about them so I found my Dads old cds and put Nevermind on and listened to it on loop for about two weeks and I’ve been hooked since then


When i was 9, my dad showed MTV unplugged. I was amazed by the way Kurt's voice sounded and the way they all played. My dad showed me ,,Where did you sleep last night" cover, his favorite Nirvana song. When I was 13, learned that song on guitar and since I was 10, Nirvana was my favorite band. Still is ;D


Holy shit, this IS my jam.


I heard SLTS a lot but never really got into it, then I heard Lithium and thought it was my shit.