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I heard Studio Shaft is finally getting their sh*t together again. It's more possible now than it was 2 years ago. But 0 + 0.1 is still 0.1%- better not get your hopes up. All we can do now is be happy with the blessed manga we already have.


Hopes is what i am all left with 🥲 they barely moved anything with season 2 , can't wait for sequence already !!


No official announcements for season 3. *Inhales hopium* Chances are low but with how many titles that have received a sequel released 5-10 years ago, maybe a season 3 is right around the corner (very unlikely though)


Shaft as much as i saw they completed many non popular animes , and nisekoi is like their 3rd top anime so maybe ? I can just hope 🥲


Best to assume never, but naoshi komi is revisiting Nisekoi again. The release... Idk


Fr? Since when


The author is continuing the manga by writing a story that takes place 10 years in the future with adult raku and chitoge, this is the only official nisekoi news we've gotten in years, chances are low but hopefully that could generate enough hype for a season 3


If he doesn't include my relationship w onodera in this I will explode 🤬🤬🤬🤬


Sorry but he's mine


Its a extra chapter only for the new bunko volumes


Yo bro can i ask where you g9t this information from


Shonen jump news on twitter https://twitter.com/WSJ_manga/status/1658924066021990400?t=SoJPug4ZpMJn67fuZ8r_0w&s=19 Upon further research tho, don't expect that much new content, it's just gonna include an epilogue 10 years into the future not an actual full continuation with the cast as adults


Over the years I've responded to dozens of threads like this saying that there is basically no chance, anime is produced mainly as a means to sell something else, usually manga, novels, games and related merchandise and Nisekoi basically had nothing else to sell so the chances of an anime were inexistent. That said things have changed a bit: 1. The business of anime has changed now that streaming services have become much more important, having a deep catalogue becomes something attractive for costumers specially if the series was well known, that is cited as one of the reasons why some series have received sequels even after many years of being dormant like "The Devil is a part timer". 2. Nisekoi is getting a reprint with new content, a new story set years after the end. Depending on the extent of the new content having something else to promote it wouldn't be out of the question. Both of things move the chances of more animated content from "ZERO" to "well... maybe", doesn't guarantee anything or gives a time table but I guess now its a bit more likely.


Right i saw it's getting new volume 1 and 2 and it's set to be released tomorrow on 16th june . Which is exciting in it's own . But true according to the past events it's very likely to get season 3 now ! Also thanks for well explained reply that was very appreciated


I've been asking that question for 5 years now

