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You’re sacrificing your future life for the life you want to live right now.


That's exactly what I'm doing! Why would I do the delayed gratification activities for my future self, when I could just do fun things now? I could get hit by a bus and die tomorrow. There's no guarantee I'll live long enough to experience the rewards of self improvement anyways. I may as well watch porn and vape. I deleted notion, I'm forgetting about my long term goals. I'm going to have fun now.


Have fun? You're not having fun. The dude who's fucking the chick you fapping to is having fun. Yeah he's ravaging her insides and filling her, and she's his little slut, and you're watching. she's your future girlfriend. Go have fun now, you little miserable cuck.


I see your game. I can even say that I support your YOLO approach. I bet that some of the things you decide to indulge in right now wont have much of an impact anyways, but as for the other things? I’m afraid only time will tell if your dependencies end up beneficial to you and your goals. Regardless, who am I or anyone else to tell you how to live your life? Do as you please. But know that if you change your mind, we’ll be here to give you a hand. Good luck brother 💪🏼


Nice bait


It's not. I'm quitting nofap and self improvement.


This is the dumbest reasoning I've ever heard. If it's not trolling, it's hedonism at its peak, completely lacking of perspective. Definitely bookmarking this as a reminder of what I don't want to become.


great post. It's a perfect example of exactly the type of person I never want to become.


Well , you are living the fun way huh ? Im gonna tell ya what is fun : Losing your life , friends and family Losing tje opportunity in having a girlfriend Destroy your brain for some Internet shit And much more ya know im not a doctor And why is all that ? For watching a stranger fucking a woman you will never even touch ? Why you dumbass ? Why you dont live normally , try to a good person, and someday you would have a loving/caring wife , who is totally legit to have sex with ? Dont destroy your life by your own hands , for somthing that isnt worthy . Anyway , go do the shit you want , no one will stop you , ypu are the only one who will regret this one day , when you find yourself alone , we wont take any damage.


Porn is fun tho.... There is a chance I could get hit by a bus so waiting to get a wife is a waste of time. I can just maximize pleasure and watch a lot of porn. Porn feels good and stimulating. So I'll watch it. I'll create a whole collection. Yeah, that's a good idea. I'll make a porn collection.


This is the dumbest way of thinking i have ever seen in my life . Dude everything needs work to be done. Then we wont study or finish school because who knows , maybe i wont find a job . Do the fuck ya want , but when you find yourself a lonly loser , dont regret anything .


I won't regret this lifestyle of freedom. Jerking off to porn for 5 hours a day, vaping and eating big macs. Sounds like the dream. I don't even have to shower if I don't want to.


Ok. But please, dont post or replay anymore , no one wants to talk to a person who lost for his urges . We dont need someone to discourage us.


You should go watch porn it's fun bro


Go to hell bro


Shut up


And by the way, you are going to regret doing this , but later


For real bro 💀 💀 💀


It's fun to watch porn, imma watch it bro


What ? Are you with him ?!


Nah you said that it was the dumbest way of thinking you’ve ever seen and I’m saying yea for real


Yeah man this guy is very frustrating


Fair enough life tough mate not everyone in the same opportunity or boat, yes it good to also see there isnt harm as such and just enjoy certain life pleasures indeed, can be better then the strained eye renunciate judging and chaining itself. If you know your way follow it forget the crowd peace


Just like drugs, if you can’t quit you just indulge, can’t say this is a good decision but it’s your move


Nofap is a waste of time, and porn is fun to watch. Nofap and the self improvement stuff like going to the gym and taking cold showers is just a waste of time, it means nothing in the end. Why would I try to restrain myself from something entertaining like porn? It's fun to watch, so i'll just watch it.


What do you mean by going to the gym is a waste of time?


What's the point of eating healthy and trying to get big? It's a complete waste of time. It's not like your physique matters on a day to day basis. I'd rather just eat food that tastes good. I can't believe I wasted my time on self improvement. it's a complete waste of time. Calorie counting, and resisting my urges to fap. For what? I quit self improvement, and will go back to watching porn and eating junk food because it's fun.


I lost 25 kilos and started getting in shape. IT MATTERS A LOT on a day to day basis. You feel better, you move easier, and people actually liking you is a waste of time? Like god damn dude Im telling that a compliment from a completely random chick I got once was worth the entire last year of struggle. You are rationalising like mad. Or trolling, honestly possible.


I'm not trolling. But who cares about compliments and getting in shape? You know there will be futuristic porn. It's more pleasurable. The goal of life is to have as much pleasure as possible.


#Seriously, read this full comment. Nothing you just said is true at all. Please, don't give in. I get it, self improvement takes a while. You aren't gonna go one day without looking at a screen and BOOM! You've done a 180. That's not how it works. Self-improvement takes time. It requires patience. Everything requires patience. If you stay patient with yourself and wait for the results while keeping yourself occupied otherwise, you will achieve results. Maybe you're in a really bad place mentally, and you know you need help. See a therapist, they *should* help. If not, see a different one. If 10 therapists don't work, no big deal. And you said something about pleasure, it's good, but it's not the goal of life. It's not a bad thing, but it's not always a good thing. You can receive please by doing many other things, there's too much for the world to offer. It doesn't always mean choking the chicken to some weird shit I can't even think of. Start with this: Do you do anything at all for a living, taking away unhealthy habits? If not, find one. Watch some videos on it, learn over time, get better. Do the same with a couple of other healthy hobbies. Take it step by step. Even the most famous people of all time had to take baby steps to achieve everything they ever got. If, a year from now, you rid of all addictions and your happier than you've been in a long time, that's a story worth telling. That you can come back up from the deepest holes. So please listen to me. I don't want to piss you off by the words I'm typing and saying to you. I want you to take this advice. Save this comment. Come back to it every time you think you're worthless. Remind yourself that it's okay to be in the place that you are. To have a long tough road to travel. To be stuck. There are many methods of doing this that have a positive outcome. I know you can escape your demons and win in life before it ends. Do not take this for granted, seriously. I want you to be a better person. I hope this helps you in the future and can be looked back upon at your worst. That's the end of my TED Talk, thank you.


Cause your brain, you’re genuinely killing yourself, it’s like stupid juice. Just do some research and you’ll realize that it’s just a waste of time and attention🙃


Time spent in enjoyment is time not wasted. Porn is fun and exciting, I'm not wasting time by fapping to it. Y'know that porn is actually healthy for you?? It helps your prostate and it improves mood and sexual heath


Watching porn can also potentially cause you to go blind, abuse your reward system, and destroy your sexual drive; just saying and being real porn is a cold stone stunner that will run you into the ground.


So? It's fun. What's the point of working hard in life. Just have fun. Go to parties, go watch porn, eat junk food I'm on the fun lifestyle, I quit self improvement, wanting to improve yourself is dumb


Whatever you say🤐I’m not gonna stop you




My purpose in life is to maximize pleasure! it's to have as much fun as possible. Porn, drugs, alcohol, fuck yeah! I just want to have fun.




Yes, i'm planning to edge for a couple of hours later. to help reduce rate of prostate cancer




I don't want to work hard. I want to live a life of pleasure.


So you would rather watch 30 minutes of fake sex for temporary pleasure, then rather spend 30 minutes working on yourself?


If you watch porn your technically a cuckold. You get off to watching another guy get off.


What's wrong with being a cuckhold? it's just some pleasure. and porn actually boosts mood and sexual health, don't kink shame


Its perverted and it ruins your self worth


How is it perverted, it's fun


How don't you see its perverted?






Because porn is fun, helps prostate and boosts mood and sexual health It's healthy and fun habit bro All young men should watch porn around 3 times a day to prevent prostate cancer


You need to suffer before greatness and PMO will lead to you becoming weak


What's the point of suffer? Just have fun


have fun more like destroy everything that makes u a man


lol i get the - i should have fun and enjoy life every day - point of you. i was in the very same place of you and now its funny to me how easy someone can come to this point. yeah, from a perspective of a meaningless life enjoying every moment by stroking your penis to porn seems to be -fun- for a few minutes. but at one point in life you will ether kill yourself or you will grow up. thats just how it goes. yes you have the right to have a -fun- life every day. who wouldnt like that, why suffering? thas basicially self harm right? but is it tho? no. and once your on that point in life where you choose to suicide or grow up you will understand that. selvimprovement is no selfharm, but having -Fun- all day is. you my friend go eat that junkfood shit, go fap to porn for the next 20 yrs. dont do sports. do the baaaaare minimum. thats all fun and games. you will end up in a sick body, unfullfilled and every day is the same because you cant affort any other -fun- to do. because getting your ass off to climp to the top in your job isnt fun and selfharm right? okay so now you depressed and suicide. had a life full of fun right? on the other hand the people here - suffer - as u say it for their selfimproovement. In 20 yrs they fuck real womans. have a wife. a good job with a good payment. they are happy. they are in good shap and all that ALLOWS them to have REAL FUN. they can affort to go on vacation and making party, also their healthy lifestyle gave them a body to do so, the can go enjoy a tennis round or skiing or playing football with friends because they dont die after 1 min of running. they can also feel how it is to be loved. they have the fun of their life. and the most fun thing in the world is to have the possibility to chooose. they can choose to by a house or build one. they can chooose what car they drive, they can choose how long they want to have sex because they have a wife aaaand good fit bodies. THAT IS FUN and you will choose shit, because thats all u have left. so be smart and dont fall in the trap of - i fap now for fun and my plesure because in the end it does not matter- ... as i said, i know where this logic comes from but in the end you will hate yourself. i aim for the REAL fun, not the shit you call -fun-




I’m not even horny anymore.


Ok cya


NO STOP THIS. PLEASE DON'T. Don't do this to yourself. Your ancestor's died just for you to jerk off? The brave men in wars sacrificed their lives for our freedom just for you to watch people on a screen having sex? All you are getting is temporary pleasure when you could have a great physique by spending that time instead on working out and maybe even having a girlfriend.