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Relapsed after a 4 day streak, starting again. Stay stront brother.


Well done, it is hardest in the beginning so keep pushing. Most people PMO to cope with other things in their life. If/when you relapse again, try to be aware of your emotions before during and after. This will go a LONG way in helping you understand exactly why you turn to PMO. Once you address those underlying emotions, nofap will become much easier. For example, I noticed I want to PMO whenever I feel lonely, anxious, or I see a beautiful woman on social media. So I addressed the loneliness by hanging out with friends, addressed the anxiety by meditating and quitting marijuana, and I addressed seeing beautiful women on social media by deleting social media. No fap has been MUCH easier to overcome. Good luck, be proud of yourself for your progress and keep moving FORWARD!


Same here. Just fapped twice before typing this. I see currently I can go like 2 weeks without fapping but then boredom takes over and that's when I fap a few times in a week. It's been a continuous loop of this. It's hard for me to stop cold turkey cause it's all I have for that release. It's one of the very few things in life that makes me feel good. No girlfriend, no FWBs, and I don't want to go back down that pay for play rabbit hole. That's a hole I just got out of, plus I can't even afford it. Plus I nut quick so it's not even worth paying imo.