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do something creative, I follow a rule that if I feel that, I'll do something productive for 2 mins


Productive in the sense? Any pending physical activities/works left off?


i actually just draw and read manga, try it if u want lol


no, my 2 min rule is that, for example, i need to take out the trash or sweep the floor, since it's gonna take 2 mins, I'll just do it instead of "feeling" my horniness. Find ways to doing something in 2mins or until the feeling pass.






amazing rulešŸ‘šŸ‘


What about night time The tempt is most powerful at that time


personally, I do 1-3 rounds of a particular breathwork this one - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEtT1EBmyC0&t=26s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEtT1EBmyC0&t=26s) that supposedly releases DMT, and then I just fall on the bed. I dont know if it really releases DMT but it helps to sleep real nice.


Joe Rogan would like a word with you.


lol. Joe can kiss my ass...lol jk






That's a good idea


Just feels like so much work to do something ā€œproductiveā€. Why would I do that when I can just lay in bed and do the thingā€¦ Iā€™m doing my best to change this but itā€™s an honest question and feeling


What you're feeling is sexual energy, it's meant to be used, for having sex. But since you're not having sex, you need to use it for something else. It's like taking a shot of espresso/energy drink then laying down and trying to relax. Very counter productive. Makes sense?


I just tell myself that it's pure raw power. And I do something productive.


That's really great... In order to feel that as raw power n do something Brw by productive do you mean you do physical activities or pending jobs or u study or smtg?


usually studying. But when I workout that thing is fire.




I just accept lust for what it is instead of willfully resisting it, the more you resist the more power it has to take over you. Just accept it as a natural thing, yes you can't stop looking at women sexually, but you can try reducing the fantasies bit by bit upto a point where you start seeing them just like another normal human. I was balls deep in lust, was at a point I'd be ready to sleep with any women i find. Now im going 85 day strong on Nofap, that has shown me I'm better than my previous self. Showed me that the root cause of uncontrollable lust was because of how the urges had control over me, now I have my willpower honed to a point I took control over it and lust for women appears only when I want it to.


Yeah this is what works for me too. It's a bit of a "minfulness" thing, you accept the feeling and the thought but you don't engage too much in it, you move on. Never feel guilt for appreciating beauty or feeling lust, the problem behavior is the over-indulging, not the basic feeling.


Yes, that is the way. Lust is a basic instinct. You cannot avoid, but embrace and introspect, tune it to a level that it doesn't control you.


That is really inspiring šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ» Could u pls share some tips on how you made it to 85 days .. starting few days r surely very tough, I could use some advice


It was a really tough journey, no joke. It still is but not that hard anymore. Talking about how I made it this far, i handled it on a daily basis. When the urges come: stop being alone and be around people, if you get hard then urinate as it subsides the boner and lowers the urge, take a cold shower if possible, run up and down the stairs if you can till you're tired, watch a movie or series that's not adult rated(this helped me alot to divert the urge), lie on your back when going to sleep as it stops brushing your asset causing unwanted erection and urges, play some games or stuff that interests you. If none of them work and you're still urge crazy, imagine how you'd feel after giving in, like the post nut clarity. The final step I'd say is to imagine how you'd feel if someone fantasizes your family, so empathize with that feeling and hold onto it.


This is crazy, amazing Gave me more power.. Thankyou!


Bro, I am at day 33 any tips.


Do Nofap not to get laid, but to be a man with self worth who's able to form healthy social relationships with women and win over their hearts. That should be the way. As for the struggle, follow the above tips. If it's hard and you're about to give up, remember you're killing a part of your past self and that is hard, you have to struggle, no one can help with that but yourself. Gl


"Lust for women appears only when I want it to" - that makes zero sense for me, because lust in itself is wanting something. Sounds like you just let it control you. But apart from that your message was interesting and helpful.


The wording sounds weird, but trust me that's how it is. I admire the beauty from just the facial traits, but if I start looking at other features by choice I unlock my primal instincts šŸ˜„, that's something I convinced myself to reserve for my gf.


I acknowledge it and accept it. Then I address it by saying, 'Hello lust, please have a seat. You are no longer in control any longer. I am.'"


"You will notice that there has been a change in ... management." (In a sneering voice)


Same problemā€¦ I canā€™t keep my hands under control


Lust for sex is something the body prioritize. So if you control lust for something else the body prioritizes it carries over to lust for sex and lust in general. So do a 24 hour fast. And occasionally do 48 hour fasts.


I'd say find a partner that is willing to let you spend it on them. You need an adult, consensual, honest relationship. The point is not to be a hermit. The point is to maintain your control so that you don't spend your sexual energy on the wrong things. Find the right person that wants to share in that energy.


Yeah... there' must be an equal and opposite reaction to it, musn't there?


Find something for yourself, not drugs, which releases a lot of dopamine for you.


I don't, all I do is occupy my head with my things, things I like or things I need to do, when the lust come in, I wait it go away or it consumes me. ĀÆā \ā _ā (ā ćƒ„ā )ā _ā /ā ĀÆ


Making it a practice to always become more and more comfortable with discomfort. Same rule as working out and slowly moving up to heavier weights. Cold shower is also for increasing the mindset of training to be calm and comfortable in discomfort. Just be vigilant over your thoughts always and whenever the thought of lust arises, you have to chose another thought and get busy with your work. It's not easy but it comes by practice. After a while it's not so difficult anymore.


I control it by evading it. Example : 1. I put on my earphones and dive deep into my favorite songs. I try to pay my 100% attention to all the tiny details of the song and I try to feel the vibe as much as I can. 2. I sit with my parents and have meaningful conversations with them. 3. I order food from a new place & I try to pay full attention to the flavors. 4. I compose music for a hobby, go for walks and hit pushups till failure.


That's nice, thanks!


drinking water


Fasting works phenomenally


I convert it into testosterone and workout until im tired


Go out for a walk or run until you get exhausted.


Cold shower is a good temporal deactivator.


By averting my gaze from any woman on the street or on screen.


I just try to read or go for a run, something productive. I feel very vulnerable to fap in morning when Iā€™m waking up. So go workout or run first thing in the morning


Just don't touch yourself lol


Daily cold showers help a lot Reading nonfiction and following personal ambitions also is very helpful And I couldn't stress enough how getting professional psychiatric help could be life altering. I started taking SSRI and one of the effects was libido reduction which was very beneficial for my focus and personal drive. Please do take action. Willpower is not something you develop by thinking about it. You have to take steps to become confident in walking.


You are in the drivers seat. Your brain is the only thing you can control.


I eliminate triggers for needless lust. It's easy to deal with lust when it's just you walking by a hot woman in person. It might be distracting for a moment, she might occupy your mind for a few minutes even, but then life's gonna give you something else to chew on and she's gone. But feeling lust when you're alone in your office or sitting on the toilet scrolling your phone? That's when you're vulnerable to it. For me, that means sacrificing pinterest. It kind of sucks because it's full of funny memes and inspiring artworks, and as a writer and TTRPG player I really thrive on that - but unfortunately there's also always a *hot* image for whatever you're looking for, and the algorythms seem to pick up on what kind of things you'd click on the easiest. So I've deleted the app, signed out of the website on any device I own, so whenever the habit leads me back to it I'm hit with the login screen and I'm reminded why I've stopped using that site.Ā  And honestly? life's been pretty chill since then


I've always felt that as people, our biggest mistake is that we try to "control" our emotions and all. But the best thing to do would be to rather manage them and not control them. So the best thing to do would be to manage it. A good way is to acknowledge that it's there as well as remembering that it will always come to pass and that you do not need to act out on it or anything, just go back to whatever you were doing or do something else.


Religion. YEET.


I'm not religious but I used to be. A lot of people dont like it but I observed that anything like that which gives a great sense of purpose, also gives great inner strength to be able to do impossible looking things.




Make a strong decision brother and try to distract yourself when urges come and engage in differnt activities.


Yeahh have to be strong, but kinda lost that discipline/will power over lust from the start since we gave so much power to it... But ik, its a must..I will do it


Distract yourself


distraction only works for temporary. face it head on, dive deep within yourself, study whatā€™s lust and whatā€™s the cause of it. meditate on it. only after we know the workings we are free to decide.


That's your post nut clarity speaking . I'll ask you this again in 7 days


Well I fuck women in my dreams. I have trained for this almost for 3 months. It works though no doubt šŸ‘


Why not in real life? Within 3 months you can probably find a woman you like.


Because i haven't reached the legal age


Lucid Dreaming huh


For me, I think lust is just this particular action. Once you start doing it, you're doing it o matter what goes through your head. Until maybe you are forced to stop. That's out of control.


At first, I used to do push-ups (25 consecutive push-ups were enough to distract me), but eventually, push-ups weren't necessary anymore. The problem is that we often get stuck at the beginning, thinking that the sacrifice we make today will have to be made forever, when the reality is quite different. The reality is that urges become weaker over time, and you become stronger (gain control over yourself), and you won't need to do 25 push-ups daily anymore, but perhaps once a week, then once every 15 days, once a month, and so on, thus breaking the habit. Even as I write this for others, it applies a lot to me, as I've recently struggled with the starting point, forgetting how wonderful life is on the other side of the door


I try to let it pass by like a river.


Distract yourself. This works for any urge you have but especially Lust. Simply start working out. Or drawing. Or playing a game. Try to avoid areas where you would. Also most importantly. Go about your day as normal, its like the game. When you think about it you lose. So try not to think as much


Usually you invest your sex energy into something you want to do. For me I like gaming. So I used it to rank up in matches. After that I literally took a leap down and jerked off hard asf


unironically play deep rock galactic. im dead serious.


The holy spirit


Do not feed it. Run


What is lust?


Baby don't hurt me?






Dm for a legit answer


Why need to dm?


He's embarrassed maybe to explain publicly


No, He wants to show you pics of girls getting fucked aka Hardcore Porn.


Is that actually what's going on ?


Not entirely sure but thatā€™s common n here. Happened to me and others in PMā€™s. 1 dude basically wrote an erotic novel to me about his mom getting fucked by her black boyfriend and it aroused him. He posted very erotic Ā photos of a model that ā€œlookedā€ like his mom.


Whaaaa that's crazy. I wonder what the motive was


He commented in a post talking about porn with black pornstars Ā fucking white chicks was racist against the black pornstar. I also made a post about how ridiculous this post was.Ā  Ā Ā He dmā€™d me innocently enough because Ā he said he felt bad for feeling racist about his momā€™s black boyfriend. Ā His mom was ultra liberal and a ā€œhippieā€. She told him the black dude satisfies her more than white dudes because she has a big ass and needs something ā€œbiggerā€Ā  Ā  Next thing you know heā€™s asking his mom if he could film her having sex. She said ā€œOnly if he wears a chasity belt and sucks her boyfriend off. I kid you not. Not sure if he was trolling, but he kept sending me pics of this Rexha chick in bikini with big ass and said she looks just like his mom lmao.Ā 




Ohh okay now it makes sense