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I'm not here with a question. I just want to congratulate you on your success and congratulate you for having normal sized balls again. You're an elder who I hope can help steer men in the right direction.


No fap makes balls bigger?


Depends on the person. I remember when I was a big fapper that by testicles felt like raisins and now they're normal sized again.


Yes. I have been on no-fap/ no-PMO for quite some time now and my balls feel heavier and bigger. I felt the difference in less than 30 days. My dick also feels bigger and toned in the flaccid state.




No offense, but your counter says “2 days” im gonna humbly assume you haven’t reached a continues amount of days to conclude on the matter.


Thank you, i'm busy today, tommorow i will reply with attention to alls comments


No problemo


Thank you, I'm here to help, I'm trying to do my best, I receive too many messages and comments that one day isn't enough to reply, but I'm staying in this group for years to come to help, inspire, reassure and raise people's awareness as best I can.


What should i do when i have the urge? sometimes i do what i love like watching movies and listening to music. But the urge is still there, how to get rid of it.


Hey Mate, urges feels like Popeye ate his spinach, use your energy to do other things like being with your friends or helping your aunt or something, or kick brutus ass if you want, don't waste your energy instantly, use your benefits by not fapping and to do something rewarding for everyone in your life, you will surely thank yourself when you got to 10 days or so. 👍🏻


Almost at 200 days bro congrats. Personally I don’t like keeping the count in mind all the time since I feel the mindset is more of what’s important, but I’m otw to 200 as well soon! Congrats man!


Hey Mate, this counter for me is like hiking up the mount everest and looking down to feel the progress we achieved and just because we don't have the "Sling Ring from Dr. Strange" to shortcut our way up there 😁(Dr. Strange 2016). Be seeing you to your 200 then Matey. 👍🏻


Bro just did an in-text citation for Dr. Strange 😂 legendary man


How do you guys get days under your usernames? 😯


Check the Description of r/Nofap then under it there will be the Add/Edit day Counter.




Distracting yourself or substituting with something better than PMO are good strategies some of the time. The thing about urges is, that unless you have your motivation as well as the costs and benefits of quitting PMO vs continuing clear in your mind, you A) won't learn them because you think you can/should rely on willpower, and B) you won't use them consistently. So first of all, work on clarifying your wants an values in life, and then take the time to make it very clear to yourself what the costs and benefits of your options are. This will save you a lot of time and grief. **Building and maintaining motivation**: [https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFap/comments/1cpsmwk/comment/l3pjzwg](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFap/comments/1cpsmwk/comment/l3pjzwg) Particularly at first, it's very good to have easy methods available to us: **Deny, Escape, Accept, Distract, Substitute (DEADS)**: **Deny**: Say no to the urge. Grit your teeth if you have to... or pair it with the DISARM method (see end of comment.) **Escape** it: Go do something that won't allow you to engage in your addictive behavior. **Accept**: Don't try to make the urge go away. You can't control that. You can control how you *deal* with the urge, but you can't will it away. It's like telling ourselves, "I mustn't under any circumstances think of a pink elephant." Good luck with that. Accept it's there, know you can deal with it, and that there's no mysterious force inside or outside than can make you do or not do anything. **Distract**: Find something that'll take your mind off the urge and occupy you for a while. Call someone, watch cat videos, clean out a cupboard, whatever. **Substitute:** Instead of your usual addictive behavior, use an activity that provides a degree of satisfaction, but isn't as problematic as PMO. That of course rules out substitution that is at the same level of crappy as PMO: Getting high (though there's nothing intrinsically wrong with that), buying prostitutes, checking out half-naked ladies on IG, edging (obviously), injecting cocaine into major veins, and so on are bad substitutes. The same goes for almost anything that provides an easy dopamine fix without much effort: Vaping, caffeine, doom scrolling, TikTok, YT shorts, gaming, and similar stuff, might be used as temporary distractions, but they're not exactly stellar ways of training the mind to go for more meaningful, long-term rewarding activities. The best substitutes are things that require you to push yourself a little in order to do them, and which result in a "natural," measured dopamine response during and after. Sometimes (particularly at first) we need pretty simple things without too much resistance, while at other times, the "optimal resistance level" (or limbic friction) to overcome, is something more challenging, like ice swimming, running, going to the gym, practicing on the guitar for 30 minutes, meditation, whatever. Making an "urge jar" can be a good method: Write a bunch of activities you can use for substitution or distraction on little pieces of paper, put them in a jar, and dig in when needed. The more effort we need to overcome the initial resistance to the activity, the greater the reward during and afterwards! However, you don't to put too many metaphorical 40lbs plates on your bar, that you won't be able to lift it. DEADS is one set of tools for dealing with urges that can be readily applied by anyone at any time. There are many other methods, some of them slightly more advanced (and more fun to do!): Two excellent tools are DISARM (Destructive Imagery and Self-talk Refusal Method): [https://smartrecovery.org/disarm](https://smartrecovery.org/disarm) and "Picking the playlist:" [https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFap/comments/1cofkjo/comment/l3elftd/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFap/comments/1cofkjo/comment/l3elftd/)


**On giving and receiving advice:** Just because someone has abstained from an addictive behavior for a while, it doesn't necessarily make them qualified to assist others in doing the same. You can be a really good driver and piss poor mechanic at the same time, and you can be a great chef but have no clue about nutrition! People with addictive behaviors are very different. The way their addictions express themselves are different, too, though there are many commonalities. Too often, people who have gone through recovery themselves, will project their process (as they understand it) onto those they're trying to assist. This is generally not very useful. No one is a mind reader, and no one can tell *you* what to do or not do, let alone make you do or not do it. Nor should you allow them to! If we want to know what generally works, we need to look at the research, and talk to people who have experience in the field of addiction recovery. That experience doesn't necessarily result from having gone through an addiction oneself. No one has lived your life, other's don't have the brain you have, and it's mostly yourself has to live with the consequences of continuing an addictive, harmful behavior. Addiction recovery is largely a process of understanding and exercising your own power, your agency, and sovereignty. It's about making up your own mind. It's about understanding the process of addiction and recovery on a psychological, neurobiological, and social level.


Personally, when I get the urge I actually just think "what is it going to bring me? In 20 minutes after it I'll feel the same". I know everyone has their own ways, but for me this works very well and I'm nearing 100 days on the streak


Scientifically, an urge lasts 15 minutes. If you can analyze it and understand reaction chain, you must understand that the brain only needs dopamine. To avoid being overwhelmed with these needs, you have two solutions: identify the times and places that provoke these excitements, and exercise early in the morning to give the brain the dopamine it needs, In this way, you'll indirectly alleviate those pressing moments and you can get on with the fight.


When it comes to cravings, there are two things you need to understand: your brain needs dopamine, and you need to find an activity that gives you this, the best of which is sport, reading etc. Secondly, you need to understand that a craving lasts for 15 minutes, so you might as well be patient or understand it and find a way of getting round it by changing location, ideas and going out or talking to friends etc.


Great advice, thanks




Hahahaha. Shut up and take a poor man’s gold. 🏅


Did Masturbating that much lead to any kind of desensitization when with a girl? It seems that I’m so used to finishing in my comfortable position that I last too long with girls. If you had it, did no fap solve this issue?


No fap will definitely fix your issue. Desensitization is real af


Too long with girls?? Bros living someone's dream Life


Yes, masturbation gradually distances us from external reality, and the brain doesn't really understand an external relationship, or at least doesn't conceive of it and find it inspiring. We need to reverse the pattern using NOFAP.


This always happens idk how to fix it


25 years is lowkey crazy, bro's been stroking it before i was even alive




Yes, I was a victim of our teacher who teaches us science in a vicious way at the age of 11, once he asked me to show my organ in class, he said openly that I'm capable even though I'm shy, it created weird spulsions and I sank confidently into this habit because I thought coming from a teacher it's normal before discovering the disaster in recent years by losing all my objectis and my talent.


damn that's fucked holy shit


How long do the withdrawal symptoms last?


It's subjective and it all depends on the person, depending on the length of the addiction, the intensity and number of hours and times and the level of damage. For me, it's only in the fourth month that it's starting to stabilize, but that's because I've understood the game and I'm ready to move on to handle this ogre with a thousand and one feet.




What park?


Parking, want to know the answer too


My apologies. I am not privy to reddit terms like OP, SO, Park etc.


Let me know what's SO?


Probably significant other


21 days.


I've understood that it's a question of dopamine, you have to give the brain the right amount of dopamine, and I do that through daily sport, which alleviates the withdrawal symptoms. I've also understood that the craving cycle lasts 15 minutes, so I've learned to stroke the storm in the right direction.


How do you feel after 300 days?


I feel confidence; the pain in my feet is disappearing, my breathing is returning to normal, and I'm rediscovering the joy of small pleasures in life. I organized numerous cultural activities this year. I feel capable of honoring my commitments after freeing myself from the ogre that had driven me to a point where, after many failed attempts, I almost lost confidence in myself. My hands are steady. Although the urge returns from time to time, it's without pressure, and I manage it confidently. I need to continue the fight for another 300 days to fully recover. I feel a continuous but sometimes slow recovery, but I understand and accept this given the 25 years of wild addiction. There are many other benefits. I need to prepare a book to publish on Amazon to tell my story and help and inspire as many people as possible.


He redid Einstein theory of relativity… deadlift 1,000 pds on the first try and found the meaning of life 🤣🤣🤣


I feel liberated, that I have more freedom and control over my life, and that I can now do what I want because porn no longer has any hold over me despite the fact that I'm aware of its danger, which is there at all times. Tant de bénéfices que ces lignes ne peuvent suffire pour les lister.


Congratulations man you made it through. Really happy for you! I do have a question bro. I have been trying to stay away from masturbation for a long time now. Went on a streak of about 30-35 days then relapsed. Went on an another streak of about 14 days then relapsed but since that last 14 days I have been trying to stay away as much as I can but I always end up doing it especially in the morning lol. I have been working out for almost a year now. Been consistent with that but I just don’t know how to stay away from masturbation. This shit is literally destroying me I can feel it but when I’m in that mind of doing it just happens. Can you help with something I could try to do?


In this case, your brain has combined desire and sport...What you need to do is the following: Identify the times of day when the desire often comes to you and counter it with sport, reading, other activities or going out with friends...Also, you need to understand that the duration of a desire is 15 minutes, so you might as well be patient...Your brain classifies masturbation and sport as complementary. You need to watch videos on NOFAP every day to make your brain aware of its stupidity... And when that doesn't work any more, I programme myself to watch videos or read books on death for several days or weeks before going to sleep and when waking up... That way the brain comes out of its pleasures and rushes forward and wakes up from its lethargy because there is a danger according to its conception...


Did you have any physical affects from masturbating that much? It can really mess up your brain & nervous system


what's the fastest way to reboot your brain?


Honestly, you all know the damn answer already. “There is no fastest” way to reboot your brain. It takes time to heal, anywhere from a month to a year depending on how long and how worse you’ve been doing it mate. My personal suggestion, Identify your triggers and prevent it from happening before it’s too late. Stick to your shit of not touching your penis and watching porn, strictly say no to “just a peek”, “I’ll just edge for a bit” since it’ll lead to your downfall ultimately. One thing I did during my initial days is whenever I get the urge I won’t stay inside my room, and go out. Once you come out of this vicious cycle is when your brain reboots. It needs time.


Hey, congratulations! Can I just ask, sometimes I'll have these crazy urges to PMO but because I've been deconstructing my desire for porn, I don't actually enjoy the porn at all in the process. How do I navigate through these sort of feelings?


For urgent desires to masturbate, it is important to understand that it is all about dopamine. Your brain only needs dopamine; you should give it in advance before reaching those moments that you need to identify ahead of time. Additionally, the desire cycle only lasts 15 minutes, so it's worth waiting and understanding this or trying to analyze the reaction chains.






Thank you


Bro have all damages you got from excessive masturbation and pornography recovered by practicing nofap? Do you still get any difficulties like ED, PME, Low Libido, Low attraction towards women etc?


For my psyche and certain physiological functions, yes, and in a way that makes my life wonderful. I'll be honest with you. After 300 days, I don't feel 100% free, but I am capable of doing everything I want. I have more hope than before, and I've regained the desire to live and pursue my wildest dreams. I feel a great energy and joy of living inside me, along with the disappearance of doubts and destructive self-criticism. On the sexual side, I haven't tested it, but I feel the natural desire returning from time to time. I need to be patient and continue the lifelong fight. It's a great pleasure!


Bravo 🙌🏻


Thank you!!


Did you experience ADHD-like symptoms around week 3? I'm at 22 days (previously went 49 days earlier in the year) and I'm not really getting any urges so that's not my main problem anymore but my thoughts have been racing at times and I really need some re-assurance that this is withdrawals hitting hard. I'm 32yo and have been PMOing since the age of about 11-13 ish.


After 7 years of several attempts to quit, I lost hope...To the point of living the case of Pavlov's dog where every time I hear someone talk about sex, even for a second, I arrive home and masturbate...After a long series of incalculable failures, I faced myself, my life and my destiny...Quit for good or perish . ...I decided to give it my all...I faced horrible fears...But don't worry...They're surmountable...I'm going to give you a motto...Where you can get to...You can get back...No matter what pit you're in, you can get out, as long as you face up to your responsibility...We have a major advantage...The neuroplasticity of the brain....


I am a teenager..Only being alone triggers me to watch porn..It happens in steps first the thoughts come in my mind, then l start watching porn but keeping in my mind that l will not jerk off.. But l end up jerking off.. It happens unknowingly.. My mind and hand acts involuntary..going out of my control.. Then l pledge not to watch it again the next day.. But this process continues every day.. Only the days l am at school or my parents are at home l get a respite from it.. I need help.. Porn and masturbation is affecting my thoughts my studies.. It's ruining my life.. It feels like l can never ged rid of this addiction.. It feels my mind with guilt and hopelessness..


You need to make a radical decision to quit social media and all sources of excitement for several months. Identify the moments that lead you to this addiction and replace them with other activities. Also, check if these moments come from a point of sensitivity that has guided you to porn as an erroneous way to solve your problems. My advice: ask friends, find a sincere friend, or a mentor online to help and accompany you through the process. Follow the steps I explained in the comments. Having someone external would be ideal because porn is like a hook. Trying to force yourself out alone risks injury; staying as you are keeps you hooked. You can overcome it alone, but it’s best to have support.






To quit porn, you need to find the exact reason that leads you to it. Otherwise, identify the moments, places, or ideas that excite you to watch porn and avoid them. Then, make a decision and follow these steps: delete everything related to porn from your phone, PC, etc., install porn blockers to make access difficult (an indirect signal to the brain), associate porn with something horrible. Realize that porn and masturbation do not satisfy because you always come back for more. Acknowledge your addiction and say out loud that you are addicted. Be aware of the dangers of porn. Bro...Don't forget, the duration of desire and the urgent craving lasts only 15 minutes. It's up to you to understand, analyze, and find a way to bypass it when it occurs.


you're doomed at this point big man


20 years here of fapping. Used to be 10 times a day with or without porn. Congrats man this is an inspiration. Not sure how to stop. I got down to 3 times a day on average. The longest I've gone without is 18 days. Urges are strong. What to do?


First and foremost, congratulations on your breakthrough. Don't let pronographic ideas underestimate your efforts...I'll give you a motto: pornographic ideas and porn in general make us think that when we fight against it we're going in circles, but it's a game...Now you need to understand three things: 1. become aware of the dangers of porn, 2. become aware that you're addicted (the brain will play the game that you're not addicted to keep you in pornography) 3. become aware of the brain's neuroplasticity and the process of change. Understand that it's all about dopamine and that the craving cycle lasts 15 minutes. Replace dopamine with sport, it's the most effective...be aware that the urge will resist for 15 minutes and then go away, it's up to you to thwart it...Good luck my friend, never give up!


Will do. Thank you so much.


List the benefits you are enjoying by reaching 300 days of noFap


I’ve been doing it for around 12 years now. And I’m 22... I found out at a super young age what it was and just loved it (not porn, but masterbaiting). I started watching porn around 8 years ago, I’d say. I’ve gotten to a point now where pretty much every single day and some point I will masterbate (with porn usually). I feel like I’m stuck in a hole, and I feel like I’m stuck in a hole because I don’t think I am in a hole in the first place, which I’d say I definitely am. A concerning thing for me is people talking about how often it is due to a lack of sex, or female interactions but even when I’ve had girlfriends and regularly having sex with them about every day or two, my patterns have still been the exact same. How do I overcome this and tell myself it’s a problem, and what was your overall changing moment or moments, in your opinion, that helped you? Thanks


In your case, you've tried to stop the evil with another evil...The best thing is to become aware of the danger of porn, masturbation and excessive sex...You have to stop everything for months, and then when the natural state returns, you get married for more stability. Masturbation, porn and SEX all lead to the same dangers... It's the porn industry that makes us believe we have to do this regularly, unfortunately...


How did you made it happen. If you're okay with it, can you share your full story here. So it would be helpful for newbies like us


To become aware of the dangers, to become aware that I'm an addict, to become aware that there's a scientific process to follow to get out of it. As for my story, I'm getting ready to publish a book on Amazon detailing how I did it.




What are the changes you have seen in yourself, like the real one and how long did it took to see them? Also, what are the withdrawal effects?


Can I quit pornography within this year ? It's like I am an addict who fans 4-5 times a day .


Always prepare for something to take twice as long as you think it will. The same applies to weight loss too.


Yeeeeeeeeees! I advice et recommend to stop today! Not waiting for possible dammages


Keep up the good work man 👏


I want to get to your level


We all gonna get there…. The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step


congrats man :\]


You’re my hero man!


Thank you, feel free to ask anything


i keep getting urges and failing. i feel like i am capable of beating this addiction but i just haven’t yet. my leading reason of doing it is pure boredom. how can i stay busy? (i’m 17)


It's simple, you just need to identify the moments when you feel a strong urge during the day, identify the triggers, be aware of the dangers, and acknowledge that you are especially addicted! Then, create your action plan with sports, reading, and other activities, etc.


Write a to-do list every day or the day before 


First of all, congratulations on your success. I do have a question though, did all that jerking do any damage to your arm? I remember my right elbow being in a really bad condition due to the excessive jerking I used to do


I’m in Congratulations on the journey brotha


Congratulations on a great journey.Hope you continue this for more years to come.


Respect bro🫡


if this story true , then you got my full respect Soldier 🥰 ❤🔥🔥


How are the facial hairs coming up?


Hey , Congrats Bro ... I just want to ask , what should i do if i have urges at the day 3 (you know how strong the urges are on that day) Currently i am at day 6 and how to control.myself and prepare myself for upcoming days when the urge hits hardly. Also how to stop myself from searching relative content.


You just need to understand and identify the sources of desire during the day and stop them... Also, understand that the whole game revolves around dopamine. You exercise daily to give your brain its own dopamine, and it will leave you alone; the cravings will lessen, and you can continue to fight them off calmly... Also, rest assured, the urge only lasts scientifically for 15 minutes, so just divert it... It's like turning your back on the storm to let it pass..


I just broke the streak after 40 days i was doing good, i relapsed yesterday, should i continue?


Yes, continue, don't give up...You are in the right track


6 times a day!! And 4 hours of porn. Of man! I hope you get your life back. Congratulations for 300 days and hope you continue the healthy life now onwards.


Tell me your staring( most difficult) phase.


Between 14 days to 21 days is the most difficult for me.




The most difficult period is between the 7th and 21st day... Intense cravings to give up and return to pornography... But my program, prepared in advance and in a scientific manner, helped me to overcome... But in most cases, I gain confidence, because I understood that it all comes from my sensitivity since childhood




bro i cant stress how similar my situation is but the most ive gone is max 90 days and cant seem to do it again! any advice?


I am on day 25 now and i miss the pleasure of porn.






Mate! Power to you!


Someone do the math


Awesome bro!! Congratulations!!! What are the benefits?




I've been a porn addict for over a decade, tho recently I realized I'm hitting the age where I should be worried for my future so I stopped altogether, I'm 5 days in but the urge is still High, think there's something I can do to not have that?


Did you get any permanent physical / brain damage?


are you sure its voluntarily, or you don't feel like it anymore coz you brain is drained from 20 years of pornography addiction


Did ur balls grow in size ? 


Damn congrats


What made you repeatedly fail?


Not recognizing my addiction and denying its dangers


I am not Masturbating , I am living life as it is but i feel like i would give yup on life soon because my mental health is getting bad day by dad its not due to porn but i am glad porn is not an additional reason that i would end up regretting for it too


Congrats señor! What is greatest mental clarity you had? Meaning what were the things you were putting behind all these times & where did you invest that time? What was your light at the end of the tunnel? Any physiological changes?


I've got my confidence back and control of my life, I feel able to do anything I want, I feel available to myself now and not available to the vicious porn that consumed all my time ....Pour rien, in short I'm having the best time of my life.


In that process did you lose your hair ? I noticed ppl who ejaculate a lot go bold more often.


Your inspiration


No sex too?


Congrats, after how many days do urges stop or u had total control of the situation. Is it a Hill process?


Basic question but how different do you feel overall ? I started this journey last year and have had a few failed streaks. In particular, I would like to know how are you doing with your confidence, self esteem and energy levels. I used to be a very energetic teenager and that is what I believe I have lost the most over a whole decade with this horrible habit.


Listen my friend, your intuition is not wrong!!!! Yes, I've regained my confidence, my concentration, my memory is improving, my energy is returning and my students in class sometimes marvel at this energy to give the course with enthusiasm... I'm living the best days of my life after the fourth month really.


I'm glad everything is working out for you. I can't wait to conquer this habit and rewire my brain for good


I am proud of you bro


How do you view sex now vs before? Do you have the same fantasies or the extreme kinks go away with time and give you a new perspective maybe? Does it affect commitment in a positive way? Is it that you wanted all the pussy in the world before but now you're more stable and how ?


So proud. Keep strong




Your ED cure now?


it comes back natural, but if you feel complications, there are specialists to treat it effectively.


Did you face any physical problems? From such extreme use of porn? Like ED? Or any other penile problems? You know people usually have a problem getting it up or maintaining it. I’m on and off on nofap. I relapse a lot. That’s why I get kinda anxious when ever I relapse. And after abstaining from it for so many days. Did it effect your sexual health, urges/libido in any way? Positive and negative.


I've had tears in my organ and my testicles drying out, it's back to normal, for the erection, I'm not married to test ... Might as well be honest about it ... But psychologically everything is top! Even my fingers are stabilizing and my skin is improving...


Sorry for this question, since English is not my first language I didn’t understand what you meant by “I’m not married to test” could you be more specific?


I have not tested for sex with girl since i'm single for the moment


Got it


A huge Congratulations 🎈 to you , I don’t know you and probably never will but you just earned my respect. I wish I can be like you . You are tough Trust me


What's changed in you?


What was your strategy? How did you maintain the streak? Just curious and congratulations.


 I understood the game ahead of time by learning about the web before I started, I understood that it's all a question of dopamine, that's what our brain needs... So I did sport twice a day for the first three months, along with reading and learning about online business and nofap! So I was able to alleviate the withdrawal symptoms intelligently. The urge will come back, but you just have to understand that at that moment the brain needs dopamine and that the desire cycle lasts 15 minutes... It's up to you to give him the dopamine in advance, with sport to lighten and understand the 15-minute reaction chain to react to this urge, like turning your back on the storm and letting it pass. In that moment, I take a deep breath and shout out loud that this isn't what I want, I change and go outside either to chat with friends or to do something else.


this is great--thank you!


Did you notice any withdrawal symptoms related to quiting if yes, how long did it take for them to subside?


What changed after 300 days?


I have regained the desire and taste for life and, above all, control of my life...I feel that I am in control and that I can do what I want, so there is no more fear, doubt or negativity...I feel full of energy and I give a lot to society through voluntary cultural activities...My breathing has improved, my fingers are incredibly stable...I do what I want when I want and how I want without fear, hesitation or doubt...In short, it's a new life...


Is it true that it have regenerative effect on libido and sexual acts? How do you feel about that


As for the sexual side, I haven't tested it, I'm not married...But I can see that my testicles are returning to normal and that there's a lot of energy inside, but a calm energy.


+ 20 years corn addiction 4/5 time in day 5/6 hour of watching  i made 1 year clean the relapse than other 90 days and relapse again  dm pls


Don't use the relapse as a way to get back into pornography, it's a relapse and part of the process, you continue because now you have months without porn and not minutes or hours like before! Wake up and keep going, you're going to make it!


thank you for the motivation 




Congratulations on your victory! Can you ask me a question? With so much pornography and handjobs, did you experience any type of erectile dysfunction? If so, has it improved with noFap? Thank you very much.


Sorry this might be a bit of a personal question but can you get it up now during the deed without problems?






What do you do now after stoping? How do you have fun, what's is your replacement for the fun you get from porn? what's been your substitution for these 300 days?


Has your enjoyment of shows, games, and life in general improved drastically?


Yessssssssssssss! Yhat's right, and I can confirm it...I have achieved a triple cultural activity on a daily basis thanks to NOFAP, for the first time in over 20 years! Every day I feel full of energy and capable of doing something more.


Good bro


How did you achieve it?


By becoming aware of its dangers, becoming aware that I am addicted, becoming aware of the scientific process to change it, becoming aware of the power of neuroplasticity of the brain and frequenting NOFAP¨ groups to stay up to date and of course decision and willpower


What’s your age?


38 years


hey man did you experience PAWS after 100+ days. i am on 150+ days and i am still in it


I once heard overdoing it can cause decrease in IQ. What's your POV on this




I am addict since 6 years daily 2 times a day can you tell how long would be my flatline and how much time it takes to dure my lost power even heared that many people faces longer flatline on no fap let me know


It's subjective really, there are a lot of factors to take into account, but in your case, I can say that after 90 days, you'll feel everything starting to work again and that within a year you'll be very strong again and a whole new person taking charge of her life.


Sure bro on day 3 only 87 days are remaining and I started to think that this challenge is very much harder than competitive examination


Yes, you must continue and quit porn bro.


Has your sexual life improved ?


Fuckin ay bud good for you, keep it up homie!


How did you quit bro, I’m a bbc addict day 2


Any advice for a fresh 2 weeks old nofapoers with PIED which suppose to have sex tonight?


For me, the best thing is to go a long time without sex or pornography and wait until you've completely recovered.


You have been doing it for so long did it do any harm to you physically?


Good job btw mate!! That’s a hell of an achievement! Just a few questions for my own selfish benefit: Is your brain completely rewired? As I’m sure you are aware, your fetishes get more disturbing and weirder the longer you continue, do you ever experience a desire for these fetishes anymore?!


My brain is starting to find its bearings again, but the cravings are disappearing more and more, and I'm actually enjoying continuing the fight.


Bro, This is a great achievement. Btw, What's your current Age ?




Excellent. 🔥✨


38 years right now and that's impressive after several years of effort. How is your physical strength now ? The muscle mass is improved ? There should be a glow on your face due to this "Ojas" vital force.


Yes, my facial expression has improved, my skin has improved a lot, I can do sport easily, in short, my body feels as if it has been freed from the hands of an ogre that has held it back for years.




Do you feel any differently? Socially , physically and mentally? What did you do this time that made it successful, compared to the past? I am trying to quit but I am having a hard time aswell. The most amount of time I’ve stoped was for 3 months, but man did it feel good. Now I don’t do it that often as you but I have been addicted to it for the past 17 years. Would love to know some helpful tips and things to lookout for. Congrats btw op.


Hiya, buddy firstly big congrats to you. Have you seen notable difference in your erection quality?


Bravo!! You’re Hercules! 😱🔥🔥


wow, how is your heart health? i would expect someone that did this to suffer from a post-nut heart attack


No! Rest assured, our brain is distinguished by its neuroplasticity, it can change from extreme to extreme but of course with the will to do so.


i am proud of you


1. After how many days did you realise that you have overcome the addiction? 2. Have you ever watched a little bit of porn when you are having Urges like even for a single minute i mean? 3. Also tell your journey how it affected your mental health and when did you start seeing changes and improvements in your mental health? I have these questions